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  • I've seen your consistent preaching of righteousness. And now I see your perfect insight into the OSAS delusion. You the brother and the man to follow for me.
    Please let Jennie know that I inadvertently 'unfollowed' her when I intended to click her messages listed right below 'unfollow' and her profile doesn't allow reentry to fix it. That's how I read ya'll everyday by going into 'people you follow'. Thanks and blessings to you both.
    Okay, this is me and a fellow volunteer at The Genesis Center I work at 3 x weekly. I am on the right and that is my dear friend Rose. It was Dingus day...haha. It is big in Buffalo Ny. And...I do not have a drop of Polish blood in me :D
    Well, I tried to put up a newer pic of me but, not a whole lot has changed, lol. It will not accept the ones I tried as they just come out as a webpage thingy and not JPG file. I tried getting them off of my FB page. This pic I (Obv.) have very short hair. It has since grown out, I am back to the weight you see in this older pic...it is from about 2005 ish. I'll work on getting a newer one. :)
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    Reactions: Episkopos
    It's funny how we picture what a person looks like...and then the reality is so different. You look so young...and we are the same age I think. Like knowing God. We think we've come to an understanding and then we see how much we were missing.
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    Our minds are unbelievably imaginative, lol. I feel bad about putting up an old picture. I could put up an older pic of me but, either it comes as web-page or if not then, I would have somebody else in the pic with me...hmmm. Let me go back and see. ♥
    I have learned to go to a paint application (a real challenge for me) and crop out a picture from an existing photo. I never get my picture taken solo. Always in a group or with others. Try a paint program like paint.net maybe .... <><
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    Hi Epi, so good that you were not unfairly banned from here!!! Nice new Avatar. I tend to not put my face there...but, I am thinking a bit differently now as, I like to see the faces of those I am dialoging and fellow-shipping with. Hmm...maybe I will TRY to find a recent face pic of myself that does not look like I am having a coronary and put it up. Hmm.
    Glad you are back brother mine! ♥
    Thanks for your post on my "heaven" thread in the General Christian Forum which elevates readers, goes beyond debates, and it is of the Holy Spirit. Adding.."the kingdom of heaven is within." :)
    Thanks for your post on my "heaven" thread in the General Christian Forum which elevates readers, goes beyond debates, and it is of the Holy Spirit. Adding.."the kingdom of heaven is within." :)
    We are to give as we have received, forgive as we have been forgiven and love as we have been loved!
    Lord, make us an instrument of thy peace..yes! I love that prayer.
    Lord, make us an instrument of thy peace..yes! I love that prayer.
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