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  1. T

    Immortal Soul Doctrine

    Do you believe in the Immortal Soul Doctrine?
  2. MatthewG

    Scripture Study of The Immortal Soul (Spirit of Man/Woman)

    Why do people not believe in the immortal soul? The soul (spirit of Man/Woman) is composed of (mind/will/emotion) of an individual that is housed inside of a body - that is formed in the womb of the woman, that is created by God (of course some factors of what a person does to their body while...
  3. Sunrise in the Garden

    Sunrise in the Garden

    "if you thought that you were makin' your way to where the 'postles and pagans lay put it together, it's a strange invitation..." Are you Waiting for Jesus to Take you to His Mansion in the Sky? Will you experience Death More Abundantly, that elusive literal future divined for you that you dang...