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  1. G

    I reached a point where I was ready to conquer my schizophrenia, and God restrained me (pity?)

    Hi there, So yes I was born with schizophrenia, which manifested in my late teens and became a struggle into my twenties, and then was in the background of my thinking into my forties. I finally reached a point at about 45 where I felt I could put schizophrenia behind me and God restrained me...
  2. G

    Please pray for the lovers of God

    Hi there, So I was going to request a different kind of prayer, but the Lord sort of lead me to be a little more selfless. Hence the prayer request for the lovers of God (of which there is at least one). I'm not praying that they all have passion at once, or the strength to hold out for a long...
  3. G

    Please ask for a dream, about someone who I (Gottservant) can share the Gospel with (the Holy Spirit?)

    Hi there, I have asked for this in the past and it wasn't really successful - I think because people didn't really understand how their dreams could help share the Gospel. What I am asking is: "Have a dream, that will be relevant to someone I meet"? I am happy to reciprocate the favor, just let...
  4. G

    I'm sorry I hated you (Church), the cares of this life choked me (forgiving?)

    Hi there, So I will keep it brief, so as not to weary you: my family went through a very trying time, all sorts of things, financially also and I began to rebel against the faith. I didn't know how to keep myself clean and fed my soul with anti-Christian music. It reached the point where I...
  5. Thesunnysapling

    Struggling and need all your prayers

    I'm going through a massive crisis right now in my life. I lost a close friendship, and I'm experiencing terrible mental health issues. The only reason I'm alive and here right now, hanging on, is because of God and my family. He's my only lifeboat in this extremely stormy, chaotic ocean that...
  6. G

    I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world (lost?)

    Hi there, So this is the problem: I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world. Now, I am aware of a couple of scriptures here: one, Jesus said to the man who had legion "go back to your home town and tell them what God has done for you and how...
  7. G

    Now you have two forms of knowledge: that you know and that Christ knows you (torn?)

    Hi there, So there is a dynamic in the life of Earth dwellers that wasn't there before: concerning knowledge. Originally, the knowledge of good and evil, was knowledge of the one - destroyed by sin, but always being knowledge of the one. Then Christ lay His Life down, destroyed by sin, but...
  8. G

    Pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Don't let sin, evil or the Devil get between you!

    Hi there, So this is just a shout out to all the people who have developed the germ of faith, having been watered by the Lord and given the soil of His Church. You need to pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Say "Lord, thank you for the One that lead me to You, protect and keep them, in...
  9. Sparrow77

    I know he is out there somwhere.

    I would really appreciate some prayer about meeting my husband. Abut 6 years ago I was having a crisis of finding affordable housing it took months of constant searching and stress then finally one day I just had enough and I went on different forums and groups and basically did a couple rants...
  10. G

    Hypocrisy! Sometimes I want the time to pass quickly, other times slowly, but I always want to be myself! Pray that I get my head straight! (love?)

    Hi there, So there is a bit of a problem with my faith: sometimes I want the time to pass quickly, sometimes I want the time to pass slowly, but I always want to be myself! If I am always myself, how can I have the time pass both slowly and quickly? I need prayer! I don't think I am alone in...
  11. tranquiltestament

    Are You a Day Lark Now?

    How many of you have heard the expression, “I am not a morning person!”? For many people, that expression is all too accurate. In fact, we have all sorts of expressions that point to how we get up in the morning. “Boy, he must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!”, or...
  12. tranquiltestament

    You Have Habit of Orison Routine Now?

    One of the most important characteristics of David was that he was a man of prayer. Day and night, David was aware of the presence of his God, and he gained strength from that awareness. A good example of this is found in Psalm 4. This Psalm may have been written at night just prior to David...
  13. G

    I'm praying that the Holy Spirit would come to my Church (joining?)

    Hi there, So I have to confess, that I actually saw the Holy Spirit come to my Church - but I didn't recognise Him until after He had left. Sorry. Now I am begging God that He come back, so that I can talk with Him (learn from Him). I figure the best thing I can do, is pray that He comes back...
  14. Behold

    Why God answers Prayers

    Reader, Let me show you why you might be struggling to "believe" that God will answer your prayers. Its perhaps because you dont feel like you deserve it. ???? You dont feel that you are worthy, or that you have done enough for God, to merit getting your prayer answered... or you might feel...
  15. G

    The Spirit renews the Spirit, how is this possible? (reading scripture?)

    Hi there, So there is a simple concept that you can bring in to play, in your walk with the Lord: the Spirit renews the Spirit, by reading scripture. This is renewal, not revival. Revival comes when we have imparted scripture to others in a sufficient way. The point is, we should be reading the...
  16. BlessedPeace

    National Gathering For Prayer & Repentance :pray: Breaking news just 8 hours ago. Did anyone here attend?
  17. G

    You've got to pray for my Nation, the Devil wants to destroy it and the watchmen sleep! (Lord returning?)

    Hi there, So I just wanted to put a word out there, for people to pray for Australia. The Devil wants to destroy this nation, but the Lord won't stand for it. We need to agree with Him, stand and pray, until we reach "touchdown" and God can claim the victory. We are a very young nation...
  18. G

    The Devil is trying to choke my faith; the Devil says "you're not allowed to believe, unless you have from the start" (its making me mad!)

    Hi there, So I have been through the whole back sliding thing and come to the conclusion that I both need a second wind and greater grace from God - and this is where the Devil hits me: the Devil says "no, you have become backsliding, there is no more hope for you" and "no God does not want to...
  19. G

    Please pray for people who are unequally yoked - your faith comes easy and lightly, but theirs is like a sea of doubt (testing?)

    Hi there, So I will be blunt, I have been unequally yoked. It was a fleeting thing, but I have had dysfunction ever since. It occurred to me that their might be other people like me, struggling with being unequally yoked. I think it would be a good thing, for the Church to pray - since the...
  20. G

    Jesus said "pray!" but people aren't praying! If they did, they would pray what He asked... let's pray! (heartfelt?)

    Hi there, So Jesus plainly said "pray that you be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man" (gospels, from memory). But are people praying that? I don't think so! Not continually anyway. This is serious! This is life-changing! Stand...