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  1. Mosheli

    4 Horsemen of Revelation Part 4

    Having looked at the first 3 horsemen of Revelation 6 we now look at the last, 4th, "Pale" Horseman. Revelation 6: "And when he opened the seal (the) 4th I heard (the) voice of the 4th living creature saying Come And I looked and behold a horse chloros ("pale") and the (one) sitting on it (the)...
  2. Harvest 1874

    A Sealed Book, Part 4

    We continue once again with Isaiah 29:9-22, and with how the nominal church has sought to hide their various schemes and plans (all contrary to the divine plan) from God, deceiving both themselves as well as their fellow man, but all this scheming will not succeed; for the Lord says, VERSE 16...
  3. Harvest 1874

    A Sealed Book, Part 3

    We continue once again with Isaiah 29:9-22 VERSES 13 and 14 "Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: therefore, behold...
  4. Brakelite

    Controversial... Hence debate forum.

    You can basically find two types of Muslim in the world. One, the radical. He believes everything Islam, believers the only way to spread "the faith" is through politics and/or force. The other type of Muslim is the one who fervently believes in his faith, believes that prayer and devotion to...