the holy spirit

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  1. G

    I am struggling with the notion of pre-destination - can flesh be predestined? (strong?)

    Hi there, So this is a doctrine of Jim Brown of Grace and Truth Ministries: that the believer is predestined to do good and go to Heaven. I haven't dug deeper than that, and already it is causing me problems (perhaps that I have not studied more deeply is part of the problem!). My problem is...
  2. G

    I reached a point where I was ready to conquer my schizophrenia, and God restrained me (pity?)

    Hi there, So yes I was born with schizophrenia, which manifested in my late teens and became a struggle into my twenties, and then was in the background of my thinking into my forties. I finally reached a point at about 45 where I felt I could put schizophrenia behind me and God restrained me...
  3. G

    Is it a 'sin', to use a one world currency? (would it cause you to stumble?)

    Hi there, So this is something that I have learned to appreciate, when it comes to the anti-christ. The book of Revelation says there are three things to watch out for: the mark of the anti-christ, the name of the anti-christ and the number of the anti-christ. Revelation does not say these...
  4. G

    Nothing is so important, as that you learn not to resist God's Will (stiff-necked?)

    Hi there, So I had a personal revelation, that I wanted to share. The idea is simple: God's Will is first. How ever you identify, whatever you think you are, you can remain as you were, if you submit to the Will of God. You were not in times past against God, you did not do evil, in principle...
  5. G

    The Cross has the power to crush (overburdened?)

    Hi there, So you may remember that Jesus said "I will give you power to trample over the enemy" (Gospels, from memory), but you may not have linked that "trampling" with The Cross. The Cross is able to crush, every spiritual power any where in the Earth. The faith required to do this, happens...
  6. G

    God will never complete you, before He converts you (selah?)

    Hi there, So I have this simple thought for your edification In essence, God will always put the will of His Son (Jesus Christ) before the will of the Holy Spirit. This is because to be completed means that you need a foundation, and the only way to develop a foundation, is to be converted by...
  7. G

    What are people at the end of time like? (you?)

    Hi there, So Jesus talks about "men's hearts failing them, for fear of the things to come" (Gospels, from memory). I hazard that this can be interpreted a step further: at the end of time, men will have lots of problems. By problems I mean mental instability, ill health, doubts...
  8. G

    You can't leave (Earth) until everything you have earned has been claimed - in essence: Jesus ensures that we give up the world (rich?)

    Hi there, So there is a simple proverb which comes to me every so often, which is this: What does this mean? It means everything we do from beginning to end, has to be weighed, set apart and valued. Everything we have done has been recorded in a book (see Revelation), so it is entirely possible...
  9. G

    Oppression comes, from distorting the Gospel (twisted?)

    Hi there, So it is a simple thought: the Gospel points to the Gospel, that's the Gospel (selah). But how does it play out? In reality there are many attempts at pointing to the Gospel, but only so many succeed. The rest become distortions of the Gospel, that twist and divert from the Gospel's...
  10. G

    How much does God suffer, knowing He created to suffer? (character?)

    Hi there, So I just want to dwell briefly on the fact that God does not create, such that we suffer on our own, but that God creates knowing He will suffer from His creation suffering. God suffering is why our relationship to Him is so important: without a relationship to God, there is no end...
  11. G

    It matters to God, whether He creates consciously or unconsciously (choosing?)

    Hi there, So I have had a little of an awakening, actually. Not only have I come to the conclusion that you can't save yourself, unless you have first obeyed; but I have come to the realisation, that the state you are in when you commit your obedience to God, matters to God. Let me explain what...
  12. G

    The soul of the Holy Spirit lived in Jesus' flesh (Word?)

    Hi there, So I am not sure where to take this belief, but the Holy Spirit has come to reveal to me, that His soul dwelt in the flesh of Christ. When Jesus died on the Cross and was speared, blood and water coming out of His side, was a sign that the Holy Spirit's soul was leaving His body. This...
  13. G

    John the Baptist will come to convict the world of Answer, Truth and Spirit (heard a message?)

    Hi there, So you know that Jesus perceptively announced that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment? That is fascinating, but there is a truth in that, which is that God has a conviction for all of us to share with the world. Not only that, but everyone who...
  14. G

    Fallen away from the faith, and miss it? Nothing is stopping you from praising God for the beginning of your faith once again (commitment?)

    Hi there, So you had it, you chose to believe and you threw everything in; it was easy, it was light and you loved it. Then trials and tribulations came along and you started to doubt. Doubt turned to complacency (a lesser evil) and complacency to a deadness in your spirit. Then you quit. It...
  15. G

    Newbies! You've got to learn to "back yourself" - there are decisions you would never make, if you had the right faith!

    Hi there, So in a few short words, I grew up in a wealthy family, in a wealthy area, going to a wealthy Church. Then the Devil snatched it all away and I made some very poor life choices. Then I came back to the faith and started to pick up the pieces. That's the short of it. But this is what I...
  16. G

    Now you have two forms of knowledge: that you know and that Christ knows you (torn?)

    Hi there, So there is a dynamic in the life of Earth dwellers that wasn't there before: concerning knowledge. Originally, the knowledge of good and evil, was knowledge of the one - destroyed by sin, but always being knowledge of the one. Then Christ lay His Life down, destroyed by sin, but...
  17. G

    It's OK to be stupid, as long as being stupid doesn't put you in the way of the Devil (unaided).

    Hi there, So yes, I have come to the conclusion that I have been tempted to be so smart it is "sin". I have approached being smart from all kinds of angles, been too verbose and have complicated what I mean. All this I have done, in order to be assiduous in my own estimation. The problem is I...
  18. G

    The Holy Spirit triumphs over the anti-christ - the secret of Revelation revealed (ready?)

    Hi there, So I have been following the unveiling of events as prophesied in Revelation as close as I have been able (it was the first book I read, once I had confessed my sins to God) and I finally have an interpretation that fits - specifically the world's response to guilt, in fear of the...
  19. G

    In Heaven we have law to differentiate, praise to unite and prophecy to choose between (excited?)

    Hi there, So there is a reason you have found eschatology so fascinating, in your walk with Christ - here on these forums! The reason is that prophecy plays a big part of the next phase of life: Heaven. In Heaven, we are not bound to believe in just one kind of prophecy, nor are there so many...
  20. G

    If you can laugh at your cure, you are not far from being well (selah)

    Hi there, So this is a simple proverb that has helped me immensely, so I thought I would share: Just think this over "I am not well, but I don't need to rush to curing myself", "I am prepared to laugh, but not at everything", or "as happy as I am at my cure, there is room for improvement" -...