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  1. G

    Were the Apostles, words in the flesh - because the Word in Flesh dwelt in them? (full?)

    Hi there, So just to broaden the horizon of theology a little, let us consider the Apostles. Were the Apostles, words in the flesh - because the Word in the Flesh dwelt in them? This seems to echo the thoughts that "scripture has said 'ye are gods'" and "they will all be taught by God". In...
  2. G

    Nothing proves there is a God, only that certain things that are among things here are *for* God (peace?)

    Hi there, So basically the best you can prove, is that the overwhelming set of things that know God, are for God. God's proof is a converted life. We don't need to do more than that (believe in God). The Devil will object, that we don't know God like we should or that we are not enough "for"...
  3. G

    I'm sorry I hated you (Church), the cares of this life choked me (forgiving?)

    Hi there, So I will keep it brief, so as not to weary you: my family went through a very trying time, all sorts of things, financially also and I began to rebel against the faith. I didn't know how to keep myself clean and fed my soul with anti-Christian music. It reached the point where I...
  4. G

    Oppression comes, from distorting the Gospel (twisted?)

    Hi there, So it is a simple thought: the Gospel points to the Gospel, that's the Gospel (selah). But how does it play out? In reality there are many attempts at pointing to the Gospel, but only so many succeed. The rest become distortions of the Gospel, that twist and divert from the Gospel's...
  5. G

    The soul of the Holy Spirit lived in Jesus' flesh (Word?)

    Hi there, So I am not sure where to take this belief, but the Holy Spirit has come to reveal to me, that His soul dwelt in the flesh of Christ. When Jesus died on the Cross and was speared, blood and water coming out of His side, was a sign that the Holy Spirit's soul was leaving His body. This...
  6. G

    If I am "commanded" to love you (brother/sister), what is it you think my love is commanded to be? (dreaming?)

    Hi there, So I guess this falls under the category of "ask and you shall receive", and since I don't know what I am going to receive, it is also a matter of faith. The essential point is that I understand what it means to love someone, but when it comes to loving the brethren I have never asked...
  7. G

    The Two Witnesses (Rev) are told "Come up here"; if they reach Heaven, will they not also come back to Earth? (important?)

    Hi there, So the Two Witnesses are told "come up here" in Revelation 11:12 (that is, "come to Heaven"). But what are the implications of this? Jesus ascended to Heaven and promised to return. If Jesus ascends and promises to return, how is it that the Two Witnesses - called by a voice in Heaven...
  8. G

    Let the Gospel wash over you, be cleansed (clean?)

    Hi there, So I just wanted to speak a little about being free in the Spirit. The scope of the Spirit's freedom is in the scriptures. It is good to search the scriptures, for this reason. However, it is easy to fall in to the trap of thinking, that specific verses are there "just for you". How...
  9. G

    Argument from infinity (does God beg the question, by pointing to infinity?)

    Hi there, So I have thought long and hard, about why I believe (and what I believe) and I have made very little progress! But something that has encouraged me, is simply that what God created couldn't be as infinite as it is, unless God had willed it to be so. Matter on its own, does not beg...
  10. G

    Pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Don't let sin, evil or the Devil get between you!

    Hi there, So this is just a shout out to all the people who have developed the germ of faith, having been watered by the Lord and given the soil of His Church. You need to pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Say "Lord, thank you for the One that lead me to You, protect and keep them, in...
  11. G

    Theology is neither here nor there, but have you submitted to God? (poised?)

    Hi there, So it dawned on me recently that what you say is neither here nor there: but what saves! Jesus Himself said "chasing after Me to be the Christ, is nothing to Me" (paraphrase gospels, from memory) that is "when they say 'here is the Christ' or 'the Christ is there', do not go after...
  12. G

    Jesus is in our midst, on these forums!

    Hi there, Jesus said, "wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in the midst of them" (gospels, from memory). Well, if we are united around this website, Jesus is united with us! I don't know what else to say, this is just so great! Lord willing, Jesus will be in our midst...
  13. G

    A lot of God's Will is preventative - "if they build the tower of Babel, there is nothing they won't be able to do" (Gen 11:6)

    Hi there, So there are times when God's prevention is obvious: the people of Noah's day, Sodom and Gomorrah, Achan. But a lot of times God's prevention is a lot more subtle: if you had got on that plane you'd be dead, Joseph fed his family during famine, if you hadn't been schizophrenic you...
  14. G

    The world cycles through happy times and sad times, is this spitting in the wind? (Solomon?)

    Hi there, So, just like El Nino and La Nina, there is a pattern of behaviour throughout the world. This pattern, at its peak is greatly shared happiness and at its trough is privately withheld sadness. This is our humanity. The same is true of our relationship with the Lord: sometimes we are...
  15. G

    Lucifer is herding people to the Cross, without Jesus - will you fight with those around you? (mean?)

    Hi there, So in Revelation it is said that Satan will be let out of the pit, for a little while, to gather the nations to war. But the History of Lucifer is not mentioned. My belief is that Lucifer has already been locked up in the pit 300 AD and has from 1800 AD been released to push the...
  16. MatthewG

    Yahweh, and Yahwehs Word

    Just sharing something to consider, you do not have to accept anything said here as the truth. You should seek truth out for oneself and hold on to the truth that sets you free Yahavah, is the Father. The Word of God, was spoken by the Father. For whatever reason the Father (Yahavah/Yahweh)...
  17. oncemoreintothefrey

    Question. Not a joke.

    Please take this seriously as I am not simply posting for the fun of it, but I’m truly trying to gain understanding. The Bible says in Hebrews that Jesus was tempted in all the ways we face. My conundrum is how this is a valid statement. I am not discrediting the Wird, but certain things were...
  18. G

    The life in Jesus, is like a new leaf! (growing?)

    Hi there, So I just realised that the words Jesus spoke about new wineskins - that you don't put new wine into old wineskins - applied to Jesus facing the cross. Jesus didn't try to put the old Jesus on the Cross, but tried to put the new Jesus on the Cross. This is a marvelous thing to me...
  19. G

    We are given this body ("this tent") temporarily, let your light shine through it while you've got it! (bright?)

    Hi there, So I just had a revelation of the importance of the body, while on Earth. As Peter says it is a "tent" (2 Peter 1:14) that we must put off in due time. But why are we given it, for the short time that we are? The point is that we are able to shine a little light, before we enter into...
  20. MatthewG

    Dictionary Word Studies (College Edition, Webster's NewWorld Dictionary)

    Dictionary Word Studies Subject Adjective [to place under +jacere, to throw: see jet] 1. under the authority or control of, owing allegiance to, another [subject peoples] 2. having a disposition or tendency; liable [subject to fits of anger] 3. Liable to receive; exposed (to [subject to...