“Balm of Gilead” — a fragrant resin harvested to make a coveted perfume

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
I've shared below the link to the article where "Botanists have grown a long-lost tree species from a 1,000-year-old seed found in a cave in the Judean Desert in the 1980s." I did not write the article. It is interesting to me, and I wanted to share it. I put it under creative writing because of its material being an outside source.

What?! They have found "seed" from "an ancient tree species" "thought to be extinct today" which could have been the source of "a healing balm" mentioned in the Bible and ancient text. What stands out to me is how much this "seed" has to say. This "seed" says a lot(imo), if we just listen.

First to me it explains how I read things. Not only does it make me feel less insane for the way I read things, but it may help me explain to others who voice "you over spiritualize" making what is literal, spiritual. Obviously, I am not trying to say researchers have not found an ancient seed in a cave thought to be the biblical healing balm mentioned in the bible. I am not trying to remove the literal interest of the article. BUT I can't help but think of Jesus Christ and the "eye salve to apply to your eyes so that you may see. (Revelation 3:18).

I woke up and while having my coffee I come across this article in yahoo. Here is what I have gleaned from the finding.
They found this ancient seed.
seed tree.jpg
They think it may be the healing balm mentioned in the bible. (article link below).
Although "the scientists conducting the new research weren’t able to identify the type of tree from the seed alone."
So, a "Medical Center in Jerusalem, planted the seed to further investigate.".
This enigmatic specimen, was nicknamed “Sheba.”

To germinate the specimen, they soak the seed in water mixed with hormones and fertilizer before planting it in a pot of sterile soil. My 93-year-old mother taught me this as well. Along with a stick match and Epsom salt trick.

Researchers soon notice new growth had shot up, and
Not long after, the tree began to sprout leaves.
Consider when Jesus Christ came to the fig tree where he found only leaves, and no Fruit.

Now since the planting of the enigmatic specimen nicknamed “Sheba.”; the tree is more that 14 years old and almost 10 feet tall!


Yet the tree has neither "flowered nor borne fruit." Interesting is without the tree flowering or bearing fruit, without these easily identifiable features, it is not possible to identify with certainty the species ... the study added. This reminds me of "you will know them by their fruit". And how He teaches (imo) that the type of tree is identifiable by its fruit?

The article goes on to include more about the seed thought to be the healing balm mentioned in the bible and ancient text: "...the tree might be the source of what ancient texts from the region, including the Bible, describe as “Judean Balsam” or “Balm of Gilead” — a fragrant resin harvested to make a coveted perfume that was exported around the world at the time.
The "Balm of Gilead" is a fragrant resin harvested to make a coveted perfume. "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to one the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." 2 Corinthians 2 15-17

More interesting quotes from the article "Seeds with such an incredible lifespan are rare"
“What’s surprising in this story is it was just a single seed and to be able to have one chance for that to germinate is extremely lucky,” she said.
? "So then neither is he that plants any thing, neither he that waters; but God that gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:7)

My take aways from the article is that a tree is not easily identifiable except by its fruit. Without fruit it's impossible to know with complete certainty, the species of the tree.

The second take away is men are eager to find "proof" of things that connect to the biblical. An example being researchers believe they have found the healing balm mentioned in the bible. We get excited over the proof in seeing a picture of an ancient seed and its growth. Consider how long researchers waited for this tree to "flower" or "bear fruit" so they can tell with certainty, its species. That is a long time, fourteen years, to watch a tree reach ten feet high. Watching it for blooms or fruit.

Third take away for me is what the article is about. This part is profound to me. The article is about "the healing balm" where in the Revelation of Jesus "the healing balm" is eye salve so that you may see. To me this was a hopeful article containing "The Revelation of Jesus Christ". Maybe they didn't mean for it to speak of Christ. But regards, it does Reveal "the healing balm". How ironic they are researching to find "the seed" to grow an extinct healing balm tree... a balm to give sight. And planted in the article...."The Healing Balm" IS THERE. It is how it speaks of Christ. If we will listen and hear it speak of Him. While some see an ordinary seed, an ordinary tree, and nothing more, the overall message of the article is researchers quest to see fruit and blooms from the biblical tree that may be the healing balm spoke of in biblical text.

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Wick Stick

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2023
United States
The wife and I play at farming. A couple years ago I grew cabbages from seeds. I started with around 40. A quarter never sprouted. A bunch were taken by some kind of fungus. Half of what was left didn't survive being transplanted outdoors.

It reminded me of the parable of the sower. I figure if even God only gets 1/4 of his sprouts to grow to maturity, then I'm not doing too bad!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
The wife and I play at farming. A couple years ago I grew cabbages from seeds. I started with around 40. A quarter never sprouted. A bunch were taken by some kind of fungus. Half of what was left didn't survive being transplanted outdoors.

It reminded me of the parable of the sower. I figure if even God only gets 1/4 of his sprouts to grow to maturity, then I'm not doing too bad!
I planted sunflower seeds along the side of our house. The squirrels dug up all the seeds and what did sprout up as baby plants, the squirrels then ate the plants. After watching me try to keep the squirrels away, sometimes ten squirrels at a time in the flower bed having a big ol’field day…My husband bought me a bucket of mixed zinnia seeds to sow thinking maybe the squirrels wouldn’t eat the zinnias. There were thousands of seeds in the container. I’ve managed to grow one zinnia which bloomed. One ! :doldrums: I feel your pain. F4338457-0A30-4620-BBBD-F45EE602349F.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
It reminded me of the parable of the sower. I figure if even God only gets 1/4 of his sprouts to grow to maturity, then I'm not doing too bad!
Love ❤️ I agree. It also reminds me of hearing His Voice. I think of when He told them they had never heard the voice of the prophets or His Voice at any time or they would not of crucified Him. I stand by out of all I think I’ve heard from God….even if most of what I think I’ve heard is not from Him. I’ll be happy if I’ve heard His Voice at least once. Not some other voice. Point is …I think back over all I think I’ve heard and see I could be wrong. Maybe it wasn’t His Voice. But if just once it was truly Him, to me that is something.