A collection of Inspirational verses

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New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Charted Course

Life is like a river,
our course is centre-stream,
and just below the waterline,
lie rocks...and snags unseen.

If we struggle, and we thrash about,
and try to take the lead,
we hit the hidden obstacles,
we hurt...we cut...we bleed.

We do not see the greater plan,
or know what's round the bend,
for only God can chart a course,
...through Jesus Christ, our friend.

So float above the current,
as it takes you on your way,
assured that God Is in control,
each hour...of every day.

don't mind the snags and craggy rocks,
...just look on every bend,
as a new...exciting venture,
with a faithful...loving friend.

He will guide you safely through the
rapids...and waterfalls,
with faith...your watertight canoe
...and Jesus...with the oars!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Our Body needs a three-course-meal...............................Love
...to keep it running clean, with
solid meat and vegetables, and.......................................Wisdom
last of all ... ice-cream.
to balance right...our intake...must..................................Joy
in proportion be...the right amount
of every one...is really necessary.....................................Know ledge
Our spirit...upward turns to God...
to find it's three-course-meal..........................................Peac e
though it doesn't feed on earthly
food...it's hunger's just as real.........................................Faith
Meat and vegies are exactly what...
our earthly body needs...FRUIT OF...................................Patience
THE SPIRIT is the food...on which
our spirit feeds............................................. ................Healing
With ice-cream smooth, our body then
...is full...and satisfied...our................................... .........Goodness
spirit's creamy ice-cream...
SPIRITUAL GIFTS...our God.............................................Mi racles
If our spirit only feeds on daily........................................Kindness
vegetable and meat...unproductive
then perhaps we'd be lacking..........................................P rophecy
confidence...and heat.
And if we feed our spirit, ice-cream................................Faithfulness
only...every day...we'd be noisy...
clanging cymbals...frighten................................ .............Discernment
everyone away!
If we carefully balance out the meal................................Gentleness
...each FRUIT...and precious GIFT...
in a symphony of glorious song........................................Tongue s
our spirit will heavenward lift.
so gracious Lord, I pray to You......................................Self-control
please make me strong and real, so
that every mouthful that I take......................................Interpretation
...becomes...a THREE-COURSE-MEAL!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

Sermon...On the Mount

Man has no way of knowing...to make each
moment count...'till Jesus stood...and handed
us...His Sermon...on The Mount!
So many times, we fail to see...the way that we
should go...but when we read the words He
spoke...we very clearly know.
Alone I cannot hope to be, the person I should
be...but with Holy Spirit guidance...I can be
...a better me!
When Life seems dark and gloomy, and I cannot
find a smile...I turn to YOU for strength,
dear Lord...to go...THAT EXTRA MILE.
when love one's anger cause pain, and solace
I would seek...help me smile...and
lovingly...just turn the other cheek.
when enemies surround me, I fear I will
fall...help me to withstand the onslaught...
and love them...through it all.
Let me give...not reach to get...just as YOU
would do...when asked for one, I want to say,
When a fellow-traveller hurts, dear Lord, and
needs a loving smile...let me show my hand
in friendship... help HIM go...THE EXTRA MILE!
may each day I live, be crammed so full...with
EXTRA MILES that count...because I learned my
lessons at...Your SERMON ON THE MOUNT!
...the extra mile.



New Member
Nov 24, 2009
I'm Grafted

God gave His Chosen people...A pure and perfect
Vine...the body of our precious Lord...His
Blood... the brand new wine.

Now even if a wayward branch grows wild...and
bears no fruit...THE VINE itself, can never
die...God-centered is IT'S root.

God gave THE VINE ...His only Son...to help me
get it right... and by his grace...He grafted
me...into His source of light!

So I can be a child of God... and faithful...
fruitful grow...an heir to His great kingdom
...because He loves me so.

Lord, fill me with Your Holy Word...the food for
which I yearn...let streams of Living Water
quench...this thirst within...that burns.

And when I falter, precious Lord...not yielding
any crop...be patient...closely prune me Lord,
...but please...DON'T CUT ME OFF!

Keep me firmly...tightly grafted...'till with
laden arms I bring...a crop to make you glad
...you grafted Me...my Lord...and King.


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

Bricks of Bitterness

A little girl climbed happily, upon her father's
knee...he was busy...so he pushed the child away
...at once she felt rejected, she never understand
.... and a BRICK OF BITTERNESS was formed that day.
It settled deep within her heart...forgotten...for
a time... more resentment in her heart were left to
lay...until brick by tiny brick...a wall began to
grow...a wall that would grow higher...every day.
Afraid of all the people, who might hurt her once
again... she hid her need for love so none could see
...she KNEW she was unloved...her daddy Told her
so... that busy day he pushed her...off his knee.
so many years she longed for love...she never let
it show...nobody got too close...she stood apart
...but God...in all His mercy...His goodness...and
His grace...reach down, and touched her walled-up
hardened heart.
Then Jesus said, "...My little one, come to my open
arms...they'e waiting...and in THEM you will find
peace...together we will break down...one by one
...each bitter brick...and replace them with love
that will not cease."
In deep remorse, she bowed her head, and cried,
...Forgive me Lord, please show me how to live...
and show me how to give...and show me how to love
...as you do!
And when I see another...who's too busy to be loved
... let me walk with him... and share his heavy load
...let me die to self I pray...and serve YOU Lord,
each day...on this long and weary...pride-filled
...earthly road.
And when my journey's through...I will hurry Lord
...to You...what a day of thanks and praise THAT
day will be...in Your eyes, great love I'll see
...as I sit, with spirit free...safe and fast...and
home at last...upon Your knee!"



New Member
Nov 24, 2009
and Jesus prayed

Jesus always did His Father's will,
He never...ever strayed,
He Obeyed almighty God,
...And Jesus Prayed
Whenever the apostles, needed
strength...or were afraid,
Jesus took them somewhere quite
...and they prayed.
When Mary's brother...lazarus died,
and in the tomb was laid,
Jesus wept...alongside Mary,
...and he prayed.
He prayed..."I thank You Father,
...for hearing me today..."
Lazarus walked out from the tomb
..."cause Jesus prayed.
When Jesus knew His time was near,
...with death...the only way,
He went into the garden
...and He prayed.
His dying words...on Calvary,
"Forgive them God... today,
Because they know not what they do.."
His heart broke...but He prayed!
That day He showed us how to love,
...and how to live...each day,
He taught us full surrender
...and...He taught us how to pray!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Our Father

Our Father...up in heaven,
hallow be Thy precious Name,
Your love...so unconditional,
and every day...the same.

May You rule my life completely,
...and may Your kingdom come,
may I learn complete surrender,
from your humble...holy Son.

May Your will be done by everyone
on earth...and may it be,
as it is done in heaven...where
...all spirit worship...free!

Give me today...my daily bread,
may I meditate...in wonder,
and feed upon your Word,
to satisfy...my hunger.

As I forgive the ones who sin
...against me...on my way,
forgive me Lord...for I have sinned,
against You...every day!

Lead me not temptation's way,
dear Lord...please take my hand,
for evil Lord...deliver me,
and strengthen me to stand.

For Thine...almighty Father,
is the kingdom...without end,
all the power...and the glory,
...for eternity...Amen !


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

JESUS.....be within my head
and settle...on my mind,
so each and ever thought
I have...will be...
the JESUS kind.

JESUS.....be upon my lips,
...and hold all speech within,
till You are author of each
word...so love flows out
...not sin.

JESUS.....Be within my heart,
fill each corner...with Your love,
Please make it shine...so
clean...so warm...so bright.

Cleanse me from all sinful
pride...and make all bondage go,
set my spirit flying free,
...let LIVING WATER flow.

then bowed...in full surrender,
my life...again I'll bring, and
LEAVE it all...beneath the feet
of Jesus Christ..my King!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Miss Hepburn ;D I am glad you are enjoying these verses....May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas .... and May God shower you all with his perfect love, peace, joy and his many blessings ....love Jane


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Promised Land

God sadly looked to earth and said...to His own
chosen race..."Ill set you free from Egypt,
...lead you to a better place.
God anointed them His chosen one...and taking
Moses' hand...He said,...YOU'LL lead my people,
to my waiting...PROMISED LAND!"
He led them through the wilderness...the wondered
...forty years...with bias...pre-conceived
beliefs...and hearts...awash with fears.
Because of their sin-hardened hearts...God had
to stay their hand...till the young ones...led
by Joshua...went into...THE PROMISED LAND!
the sweetest honey...biggest grapes...and all
around...His love.
But sin took man's weak eye...and soon God
saw one more...His people... in their blindness,
...the chains of bondage bore.
So once again...with tear-filled eyes...He said,
"I'll set you free!"...He sent His own begotten
Son...to die...on Calvary!
what more can God, our Father do?...it seems He's
done it all...with this sacrifice of Precious
Blood...to counteract...THE FALL.
But blindly man still stumbles on each shackled,
...sin-filled day... searching for the secret,
...that will save him...from decay!
He does stop to hear THE VOICE...or feel THE
GENTLE HAND ...that waits to lead His people to,
...His waiting...PROMISED LAND!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

Song Of Praise

I sing my Song of praise to You...Father God
above...and thank you for the grace...that
show to Me...Your perfect love.

I thank You...for Your mercy...when You saw man's
earthly run...You freely gave a Saviour,
...Jesus Christ...Your blessed Son.

Sweet and gentle Jesus...take my outstretched
hand today...Keep my face turned ALWAYS to
You...and guide me on my way.

Let me see Your sacred footprints...on the road
...to Calvary...let me place my feet upon them
...walking nearer Lord...to Thee.

Holy Spirit...breathe upon me...fill my body,
...soul...and mind...with Your streams of
Living Water...I require no other kind.

Father...Son...and Holy Spirit...mighty Blessed
Trinity...take my all...I hand it to You,
now...and for eternity.

I raise my voice to heaven...in song of thanks
and praise...for Your love...Your grace...Your
mercy...that fill all my earthly days!



New Member
Nov 24, 2009
The Still Small Voice

I heard the Voice of Jesus,
a voice so gentle...mild, it said,
...I'm in your heart today...don't
miss me...precious child.

I've spoke to you may times...but
you have never heard...you never heard
listened...for a word.

I'm calling to you...endlessly,
but inattentive ears..
are filled with worldly din and
noise...your heart is filled
...with fears.

but when you want to hear THE
VOICE of comfort...and will,
just turn around to where I wait,
...and hush, my child...be still.

be still...and let me calm the storm,
and soothe your furrowed brow...
just listen...hear THE STILL, SMALL
VOICE...calling to you Now!"


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

I Thirst

I THIRST.....my heart cried out to me,
as blindly...I walked on, for
many years...so lost...confused,
the road ahead...so long.

I THIRST..... I looked 'most everywhere
...for peace I ALWAYS sought,
but all I found was restlessness,
...my efforts...come to nought.

I THIRST.....I cried out ...desperately,
...somebody...hear my plea,
and show me where the answers
lie...reveal THE TRUTH TO ME!

I THIRST..... I heard another's voice,
...call to me...from a cross,
a voice...so filled with love
for me...I recognized my loss!

With sorrow then I cried, "dear
Lord...for You I've searched...and
searched...please come into my heart
and life...and quench this deep...

Forgive my blind stupidity...my
sins...they cause You pain...with
springs of Living Water...fill me
...I'll not THIRST...again!



New Member
Nov 24, 2009
The Source

A Seedling flower broke through the earth...and
looked toward the sun...for strength...for
hope...for nourishment...as from seed
...it sprung.
So happy...just to be alive...to sip upon the
dew...then stealthily...and swiftly...some
weeds around it grew.
So strong and quickly grew the weeds...and almost
hid from view...the seedling flower that
struggled...in it's cluttered world...so new.
All around it weeds were taking, everything to
fill their needs...the flower began to think
that it should be more like the weeds.
The flower saw gay activity...the weeds all
having fun...but what was REALLY happening
was...the flower's gaze...left the sun.
Temptation had so swiftly...taken all the joy
away...it sat...so sad and miserable...
throughout each lonely day.
Then all at once...the grace of God...was poured
upon the flower...it turned back to the
golden rays...the source of all it's power.
flower grow...we can't allow the world to
take...the hope...the joy we knew.
Our God...in all His goodness...The great, almighty
One...for strength...for hope...for nourishment,
So sweet and gentle Jesus...take my hand...and
with the run...with my face turned ALWAYS to
You...my Source of strength...God's Son.


New Member
Nov 24, 2009

From the time I was a little girl...my
God....so steadfastly...has kept me
safe through growing years...His love
protected me.

Reaching down with loving arms...He held
me...firm and fast...and the often
troubled times...till all the danger

Isee the wonder of my God...I see His
hand each day...in all the things
that are my life... He guides me
...all the way

Everything He ever does...is done with
love...for me...He even gave His only
Son...to die...and set me free.

No-one else could ever love...as perfectly
...as pure...so we might live...He
gave His life...for mankind...me and

Dying on a cross of wood...He freed all
sin-filled men...and now...because
He saw my need...He gave Me
...prayerfilled friends.

Sharing in our God's love...in
prayerful friends I see...the love
of Jesus shining through...my
christian Family.

With Heart so full of thanks and
praise...I lift my hands above...and
thank God for His faithfulness...
forgiveness...and great love!


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
You are God

Help me to surrender Lord,
My hidden...deep...inside,
...the sinful disobedience,
the dark...rebellious pride.

It permeates each corner, of
my life...my heart...my mind,
disguised in many subtle forms,
...and difficult to find.

I daily hand it all to you,
and daily...take it back,
when pride says, "...Hey!
...you'll need me..."then
...humility I lack!

I cannot do it on my own, a weak
...rebellious child, I need
a heart like Jesus...humble
...loving...meek and mild.

So help me to surrender Lord,
this deep...and ugly pride,
and change me...on the inside,
where the sins of darkness hide.

Please mold and finely tune me,
with Your own refining rod,
till I'm humble...bowed and
broken...STILL and knowing


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Golden Thread

When God Look down to earth and saw,
the hurting hearts...He said,
Because man has a desperate need,
...I'll give to him...A THREAD.
A THREADThat's strong enough to heel
each cut...each hurt...each pain,
that fills the seeking hearts that
search... for wholeness once again!
A NEEDLE too, I will supply,
to probe the inner parts...that
hide the deepest...darkest sin,
...within the human heart."
This THREAD...of God's own purest
gold...is Jesus...glorified,
THE NEEDLE...is the cross of wood,
...on which our Saviour died!
when Eve and Adam disobeyed,
they brought about THE FALL,
...it separated God from man,
...the DEEPEST cut of all.
But THE NEEDLE...Calvary's wooden
cross...and Jesus...THREAD OF GOLD
...were worthy...to reverse the
cut...and fill the gaping hole.
So man...with God's great love and
grace...can walk with Him once
more...through JESUS CHRISTour


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Everlasting Arms

Dear Lord...You are my haven...and my refuge,
...from danger...and the lure of worldly
charms...within Your loving sacrifice of
suffering...Your extended...safe...and

I spent a lifetime...reaching out...to SOMEONE,
...not knowing when that SOMEONE...I would see,
until dear Lord the scales fell...and I saw
You...and Your EVERLASTING ARMS...outstretched
...to me!

I searched...and searched...for SOMEONE I
could cling to...ahead...in front...behind
...below...above...the SOMEONE that I
searched for...was a cross of wood that held
...Your EVERLASTING ARMS...outstretched
...in love.

These Blessed arms that comfort...soothe...and
hold me...as on this sea of sin and pain I
toss...were stretched...and nailed so cruelly
...at Golgotha...and fashioned...as a bridge
...for me to cross.

So confidently...I can walk to safety...from
danger...and the lure of worldly charms,
...because...dear Lord...You gave eternal
refuge...with Your love...Your life and


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
Holy Rock

When our sovereign God almighty...in His
wisdom...led His people out of Egypt...
long ago...He gave to them a Rock...a
mighty mystery...from which water
... inexhaustible...would flow.
The wilderness...for forty years embraced
them...they wandered...in an agonizing
search...and as they stumbled blindly
...in the desert...THE ROCK sustained
...and satisfied...their thirst.
The water...cool and sweet...and never
ending...washed away all tiredness...
and pain...refreshing all the helpless
souls that thirsted...for hope...and
strength...and courage...once again.
Then almighty God one more...in His great
wisdom...when He saw His lost...and blind
...and lonely flock...to set them free
from sinful pride and hated...and gave them
Jesus...humble spring...and HOLY ROCK!
AGES...the ONLY water that can satisfy
...man's burning inner thirst that yearns
for fullness...from the Living Water
...earth CANNOT supply.
so Holy Spirit...please...sustain and
fill me...until Iam over-flowing...
chock-a-block...with the sanctifying
Water...of my Saviour...Jesus Christ...
Eternal Living Spring...and ROCK!