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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I hear your frustration.
At this present time this country is legally without a President.
Biden was implanted not elected.

I was watching a couple videos today about this man named Jay-Gould. Something about in 99 he took control of the flag and Post Master General.
How our government is only an illusion and that we have been under martial law since that time.
I don't know what to think about that.
The whole thing is, we are a free and independent people.
We the people are the government. And the more we sit idly by and let the puppets control us, the more independence and freesoms we lose.
Something about Birth certificates and maritime laws..
I'm not educated in these things at all.
(that's an understatement)
I drop a video and if you get time, maybe check it out if you haven't seen it and tell me what you think.


Last Flag Standing
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Don't mention Qanon though.. we are conspiracy theory terrorists.
Our purpose to bring truth to light and research for ourselves what they hide in the dark.

But seeing how they choose to expose themselves unshamefully, I guess anons aren't needed anymore.
We been saying this for the last 4 years but hey, it's just a conspiracy "theory" ...
until it becomes fact.

For the record:
There is no Qanon.
There is Q. No one knows who Q is but they would ask questions and it was up to the "anons" to look for information in opensource places on the web.
Whether articles, history books, geographical locations, court documents, archived government documents...
That's where we drew our information from.
Some people I admit have big imaginations and made the Q movement look crazy and radical.
But never violent.
And this is the disclaimer on all 8Kun what used to be 8 chan or 4 chan websites:

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

There are people who post things there that are extremely racist and bigotry and nudity and all kinds of stuff.
It's open and free speech for any and all to post.
But the real anons.. they dig for information. Woven inbetween the memes there are stories of anons that have experienced life in ways many of us haven't. There are those who work in places that share insider views. There are people with skills on military, aircraft, weaponry, biological, scientific.. all kinds of people to your average soccer mom to Techs who work at academys and professors.. etc.

In retrospect, I believe it was and is a way for like minded people to stay in touch with eachother. The more the darkness grows, the farther they push people apart.
I guess you could call it an underground "church" of sorts. Not a cult, because not all believe the same things.
I have been following Q since Fall of 2017. And you hear a lot of frustration.. when? why? what now?
And everyone consoles everyone. We know that we are not alone. No matter how much they try to quarantine and divide us, we always have a place to go (so far) to find someone to listen.
There are a LOT of God fearing Jesus Loving Patriots there.
And it is hard for us too scrolling through the memes and the offensive pictures and language. And there is quite a bit of that.
But when you learn to scroll past the BS.. that's when you find the truth.
And the truth will set you free.
God is everywhere. Even in the darkest recesses of conspiracy theory tin hat wearing anons.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
I'm hoping you're wrong. Maybe God will give Roberts a conscience rather than a ravenous hunger for money by the time the case comes to the gavel.

Is it not obvious to you by now my brother? Chief Justice Roberts wants to conform to and be loved by the world, which includes all of the attendees at Georgetown cocktail parties. A servant cannot have two masters and Roberts has his master and it isn't Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
What prevails is the Word of God. The Word is God, understand?

~~~~~~~The two Candlesticks~~~~~~~

The two Candlesticks have a specific function:

- to bear witness of the Word of God in these last days, mainly in the FIRST HALF of the last week-Daniel 9: v.27 - which is close; or 42 months- 1,260 days- Revelation 11:v.1-4,

- more precisely to announce the righteous Judgments of God and severe punishments in the current time.

- they have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy (this has nothing to do with H2O): and have power OVER waters -peoples, and nations,and multitudes, and (all) tongues) to turn them to blood, and to SMITE THE EARTH with all plagues, as often as they will. This is a final operation to close the door and close Grace's dispensation.

JESUS warned: Luke 13:v.24-25
24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
25 When once the Master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, ...

Be careful and get ready.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
'Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.'
(Mat 7:20)

Hello there,

These words of the Lord Jesus Christ can be applied in regard to those who hold public office, it is by their fruits that we know their motivations and their objectives.

Thankfully the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has a citizenship which transcends this earthly sphere, and it is there that our minds should be centred. All these earthly things, and individuals, regardless of their office, all pass away, but our citizenship is an eternal one.

Praise God!

In Christ Jesus
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
I hear your frustration.
At this present time this country is legally without a President.
Biden was implanted not elected.

I was watching a couple videos today about this man named Jay-Gould. Something about in 99 he took control of the flag and Post Master General.
How our government is only an illusion and that we have been under martial law since that time.
I don't know what to think about that.
The whole thing is, we are a free and independent people.
We the people are the government. And the more we sit idly by and let the puppets control us, the more independence and freesoms we lose.
Something about Birth certificates and maritime laws..
I'm not educated in these things at all.
(that's an understatement)
I drop a video and if you get time, maybe check it out if you haven't seen it and tell me what you think.


Last Flag Standing
(sic)"...As abruptly as it took hold in the mid-19th century, martial law disappeared from American life after World War II. The federal government has not declared martial law since it restored civilian rule to Hawaii in 1944. At the state level, martial law was last declared in 1963, when Maryland Governor J. Millard Tawes imposed it on the city of Cambridge for more than a year in response to clashes between racial justice advocates and segregationists. footnote30_zi0pkr536 But even if the power to declare martial law has not been used in decades, it still exists in the case law and in the record books — and it remains poorly understood."



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Is it not obvious to you by now my brother? Chief Justice Roberts wants to conform to and be loved by the world, which includes all of the attendees at Georgetown cocktail parties. A servant cannot have two masters and Roberts has his master and it isn't Jesus.
Your sister, actually. ;) :)
God can do all things. Which is why I hold out as an optimist Traitor Roberts will be found by God and turned from the path of betrayal and evil he currently treads.

Before every Christian here found Christ, or were found by Christ, we were known by our fruits.
Look at us now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
And because they know there is nothing anyone can do to prosecute them for having stolen this election. When you'll steal peoples votes, you're stealing a peoples country and future. And you should be shot for it.
Shot with a ball of...oh, what the heck, shit! There, I said it, what are you going to do, shoot me? With what? lol But not pig poop, okay? That would be gross. Have you ever smelled that stuff? :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Shot with a ball of...oh, what the heck, shit! There, I said it, what are you going to do, shoot me? With what? lol But not pig poop, okay? That would be gross. Have you ever smelled that stuff? :)
I was raised in a rural community. What do you think? ;)
I was picturing a shot compiled of the human variety, since it was we they defecated upon when they turned Traitor. Have you ever smelled that stuff?
And gotten from the streets of California, and particularly Nancy P's district. Because what MSM doesn't report is the deplorable condition the state is in being overrun by homeless, drug addicts, and illegals, using the streets of LA as toilets, point galleries (drug dens for needle junkies), and all other manner of vile behaviors.

But once that's all cleaned up and expelled upon the Traitors, we can move to the animal variety. How about a group recycling effort. Pig, chicken, horse, and cow. Lets forget small arms, lets pack that into cannons. Open the doors of the chambers on the Hill and let 'er rip!
In Clorox they'll trust.
After they dig themselves out with their hands.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I was raised in a rural community. What do you think? ;)
I was picturing a shot compiled of the human variety, since it was we they defecated upon when they turned Traitor. Have you ever smelled that stuff?
And gotten from the streets of California, and particularly Nancy P's district. Because what MSM doesn't report is the deplorable condition the state is in being overrun by homeless, drug addicts, and illegals, using the streets of LA as toilets, point galleries (drug dens for needle junkies), and all other manner of vile behaviors.

But once that's all cleaned up and expelled upon the Traitors, we can move to the animal variety. How about a group recycling effort. Pig, chicken, horse, and cow. Lets forget small arms, lets pack that into cannons. Open the doors of the chambers on the Hill and let 'er rip!
In Clorox they'll trust.
After they dig themselves out with their hands.
I'm sorry, but your post stinks!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
'Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.'
(Mat 7:20)

Hello there,

These words of the Lord Jesus Christ can be applied in regard to those who hold public office, it is by their fruits that we know their motivations and their objectives.

Thankfully the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has a citizenship which transcends this earthly sphere, and it is there that our minds should be centred. All these earthly things, and individuals, regardless of their office, all pass away, but our citizenship is an eternal one.

Praise God!

In Christ Jesus

100% true.
What prevails is the Word of God. The Word is God.

God said: Jeremiah 17:v.5-10

5 Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.
6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

The two Candlesticks have a specific function:

- to bear witness of the Word of God in these last days, mainly in the FIRST HALF of the last week-Daniel 9: v.27 - which is close; or 42 months- 1,260 days- Revelation 11:v.1-4,

- more precisely to announce the righteous Judgments of God and severe punishments in the current time.

- they have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy (this has nothing to do with H2O): and have power OVER waters -peoples, and nations,and multitudes, and (all) tongues) to turn them to blood, and to SMITE THE EARTH with all plagues, as often as they will. This is a final operation to close the door and close Grace's dispensation.

JESUS warned: Luke 13:v.24

24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. - This is an event for to cry bitterly, this is really a crying event. O my Lord! O my Lord! -


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
The homeless, drug addicts, and illegals should be helped with the money that pays for Nancy's posh life style.
Clarification: The second part of your quote doesn't stink.
Regarding the first part, I no longer would volunteer for the firing squad for Nancy, pencil neck, and co., at least not with live ammo! lol lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Yes. Stinks to high heaven.
Oh, but you know about that IP evidence of the hack? That's all just fake news and not true, you know. Because there's no evidence the election was stolen. Nope, none whatsoever. And we know this because we're days into the occupation of our White House by a CCCP plant , as well as their also-bought Demoncrats in majority of both houses of our Congress. And now the supreme court jesters of the U.S.. are claiming they're NOW going to gavel an election fraud case being brought by President Trump against a certain named defendant in PA.
And that'll change eeeeeeverrrrrythinnnnng.

NOT. :( It makes me sick! Especially when Traitor JB in his state of mental deterioration openly stated this election was fixed and The Steal therefore was real, and regardless of just that, besides the fact his admitted felonious act in the Ukraine as VP which in his own words he admitted, and should have disqualified him from being able to even run for the office, is now Commander and Thief!
And there is no thing short of criminal anyone can do about it.

The conscious in America KNOW our vote was stolen if we were voters in swing key states. WE know this! And the criminals behind The Steal know we know this. Regardless of their zeal to push their lying propaganda with their co-conspirator MSM yellow journalist hacks that The Steal is a lie. Because they all know, there is no thing that can be done to reverse it. Just as there was no thing done to stop it. Or prosecute it before January 20th!

There aren't enough Damnit Dolls made to let me take out my frustrations on beating a wall with one of them just to exorcise/exercise my outrage!

And Dear God, you know I love you. And you know me. So don't be surprised when in this moment writing all this I say, if this is your plan, and all things are predestined by you, IT SUCKS! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

Very sincerely, she who hopes you don't SMS with a lightning bolt.
Thanks in advance.
Just remember, Super God installed Trump the genius. It ain't over 'til it's over, sister!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
The homeless, drug addicts, and illegals should be helped with the money that pays for Nancy's posh life style.
Amen! And all like districts should have the same policy amid those representatives that turn their back on their constituents just as Nancy does.
Clarification: The second part of your quote doesn't stink.
:p LOL When you maybe think about it the first part doesn't stink either. ;) It just provides for a verrrrry interesting imaginary visual that is deeply satisfying for now.
Regarding the first part, I no longer would volunteer for the firing squad for Nancy, pencil neck, and co., at least not with live ammo! lol lol
I have to say, if someone with the authority approached me to volunteer for either squad, the stinky or the real, and all the guilty parties in the Con-gresspack, Pence, Barr, HRC, BHO, everyone involved in The Steal and the effort to tank America, were in rows lined up, I'd volunteer on both parts. The aim, and the ammunition. Whichever kind it turned out to be. I have cats. And a bathroom. I'm always ready to serve my country.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Can you imagine the incessant never ending yada yada of the inhabitants of Jerusalem when the Babylonian army surrounded its walls in 597 BC and again when the Romans did the same in 70 AD?

So what was all the yada yada about? ...none other than disbelief that God would allow the favourite City to to be captured even destroyed. Their opinion of themselves dismissed the view that they were a recalcitrant people.....they assumed that God's chosen will never be subject to such humiliation and stress. They never imagined they would be eating their own children in a desperate attempt to survive.

I wonder if there is a parallel here with the modern day Church caught up in the smokescreens; the political and religious assumptions so readily imbibed and persuaded by the false prophets which seem to abound all the while dismissing the reality of their stoney hearts and self satisfied places of abode.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
After 3.5 years of Russia Conspiracy theories... crickets.
We're not done WINNING yet!

Sometimes you have to walk through the dark to get to the light.

where is that $2000 .. oops I mean $1400...
What about minimum wage? have to wait till Rona goes away.

Watch this miracle poof Rona gone.. or they never intended on raising anything anyways.

Thousand of good union jobs poof gone with a stroke of a pen on the 1st day..

They have surrounded themselves with a fenced "wall" (I thought walls were racist? )
and surrounded by the National guard.. (defund the police! )

What A JOKE.

C'mon man.. trust me, we got your best "interest" (in our pocket) er.. in our hearts.

Get yer popcorn!
Enjoy the show

I really feel bad for innocent people getting hurt over this BS.

Stay strong..
Stay together..
Keep the Faith..
In the end, God Wins!
