Another fun subject to bring up.

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New Member
Oct 30, 2011
I am sorry I can gave verse but I know it say if you get hit turn other check to them. What does that really mean. Does it mean if you get punch in the face turn your head to the other side to let them punch you again?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
The verse you are thinking of is Matthew 5:39. It is also in Luke 6:29.

Mat 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Luk 6:29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
They are part of a larger discourse, so you'd do well to read the entire sermon Jesus was giving. For now, I thought I'd just point out where they are.


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
Good point. Thanks. I just also wonder about those saying I heard and never check out.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dont fight back. Thats the basic idea Jesus was getting at. If someone wants to start an argument with you, dont fight back in a war of words. If someone hits you for some reason, dont hit back, dont seek revenge.


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
Which is easy said then done. Which I been able to get lucky with in my life.

I am wondering about the armor of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
You can find the armor in Eph 6. More specifically verses 10 through 18. Very powerful chapter! People tend to take it and apply it to fleshly battles, and on a minor level, that's ok. But this is talking about spiritual warfare.


Post Tenebras Lux
Aug 9, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
United States
I am sorry I can gave verse but I know it say if you get hit turn other check to them. What does that really mean. Does it mean if you get punch in the face turn your head to the other side to let them punch you again?

It certainly doesn't mean that you cannot defend yourself or others against someone who is attempting to seriously injure you or kill you. Jesus teaching is based on the "lex talionis" or the "law of retaliation" as found in the Mosaic Law. Jesus puts it in its proper perspective. I can't say it any better than the following commentary, so I'll just post it in its entirety. Read carefully. You'll find that the background information provided will help to make Jesus' teaching more understandable.

An eye for an eye ... - This command is found in Exo_21:24; Lev_24:20, and Deu_19:21. In these places it was given as a rule to regulate the decisions of judges. They were to take eye for eye, and tooth for tooth, and to inflict burning for burning. As a judicial rule it is not unjust. Christ finds no fault with the rule as applied to magistrates, and does not take upon himself to repeal it. But instead of confining it to magistrates, the Jews had extended it to private conduct, and made it the rule by which to take revenge. They considered themselves justified by this rule to inflict the same injury on others that they had received. Our Saviour remonstrates against this. He declares that the law had no reference to private revenge, that it was given only to regulate the magistrate, and that their private conduct was to be governed by different principles.

The general principle which he laid down was, that we are not to resist evil; that is, as it is in the Greek, nor to set ourselves against an evil person who is injuring us. But even this general direction is not to be pressed too strictly. Christ did not intend to teach that we are to see our families murdered, or be murdered ourselves; rather than to make resistance. The law of nature, and all laws, human and divine, justify self-defense when life is in danger. It cannot surely be the intention to teach that a father should sit by coolly and see his family butchered by savages, and not be allowed to defend them. Neither natural nor revealed religion ever did, or ever can, inculcate this doctrine. Our Saviour immediately explains what he means by it. Had he intended to refer it to a case where life is in danger, he would most surely have mentioned it. Such a case was far more worthy of statement than those which he did mention.

A doctrine so unusual, so unlike all that the world had believed. and that the best people had acted on, deserved to be formally stated. Instead of doing this, however, he confines himself to smaller matters, to things of comparatively trivial interest, and says that in these we had better take wrong than to enter into strife and lawsuits. The first case is where we are smitten on the cheek. Rather than contend and fight, we should take it patiently, and turn the other cheek. This does not, however, prevent our remonstrating firmly yet mildly on the injustice of the thing, and insisting that justice should be done us, as is evident from the example of the Saviour himself. See Joh_18:23. The second evil mentioned is where a man is litigious and determined to take all the advantage the law can give him, following us with vexatious and expensive lawsuits. Our Saviour directs us, rather than to imitate him rather than to contend with a revengeful spirit in courts of justice to take a trifling injury, and yield to him. This is merely a question about property, and not about conscience and life.

Coat - The Jews wore two principal garments, an interior and an exterior. The interior, here called the “coat,” or the tunic, was made commonly of linen, and encircled the whole body, extending down to the knees. Sometimes beneath this garment, as in the case of the priests, there was another garment corresponding to pantaloons. The coat, or tunic, was extended to the neck. and had long or short sleeves. Over this was commonly worn an upper garment, here called “cloak,” or mantle. It was made commonly nearly square, of different sizes, 5 or 6 cubits long and as many broad, and was wrapped around the body, and was thrown off when labor was performed. If, said Christ, an adversary wished to obtain, at law, one of these garments, rather than contend with him let him have the other also. A reference to various articles of apparel occurs frequently in the New Testament, and it is desirable to have a correct view of the ancient mode of dress. in order to a proper understanding of the Bible. The Asiatic modes of dress are nearly the same from age to age, and hence it is not difficult to illustrate the passages where such a reference occurs. The ordinary dress consisted of the inner garment, the outer garment, the girdle (belt), and the sandals. In regard to the sandals, see the notes at Mat_3:11.

In the girdle (belt) was the place of the pouch Mat_10:9, and to it the sword and dirk were commonly attached. Compare 2Sa_20:8. In modern times the pistols are also fastened to the belt. It is the usual place for the handkerchief, smoking materials, inkhorn, and, in general, the implements of one’s profession. The belt served to confine the loose-flowing robe or outer garment to the body. It held the garment when it was tucked up, as it was usually in walking or in labor. Hence, “to gird up the loins” became a significant figurative expression, denoting readiness for service, activity, labor, and watchfulness; and “to loosen the loins” denoted the giving way to repose and indolence, 2Ki_4:29; Job_38:3; Isa_5:27; Luk_12:35; Joh_21:7.

Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile - The word translated “shall compel” is of Persian origin. Post-offices were then unknown. In order that the royal commands might be delivered with safety and despatch in different parts of the empire, Cyrus stationed horsemen at proper intervals on all the great public highways. One of those delivered the message to another, and intelligence was thus rapidly and safely communicated. These heralds were permitted to compel any person, or to press any horse, boat, ship, or other vehicle that they might need for the quick transmission of the king’s commandments. It was to this custom that our Saviour refers. Rather, says he, than resist a public authority requiring your attendance and aid for a certain distance, go peaceably twice the distance. - Albert Barnes' Notes On The Bible


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
It was about not being so hasty to get into a fight.

You seen and heard of a guy slapping another guy on the cheek with his gloves. (no hand inside)

and then the two were off for a duel of some sort.

Well this is where that come from. It was about a fight and one slapping the other guy on the cheek to engage him in a fight.

It also has been done as a chip of wood on his shoulder. One guy would knock of the stick or chip and then the fight would be on.

And that is where the expression, "Boy does he have a chip on his shoulder"

And some people on every forum would do well to pay closer attention to this verse. :lol:


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Which is easy said then done. Which I been able to get lucky with in my life.

I am wondering about the armor of God.

Ephesians 6:14 Stand firm, therefore, with YOUR loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and with YOUR feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace. 16 Above all things, take up the large shield of faith, with which YOU will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles

1. truth - the belt or girdle holds the sword... so if you are girded with the 'truth' of God word, you will not be mislead by religious falsehoods.
2. righteousness - the breastplate protected a soldiers heart - righteousness protects your heart from corruption.
3. faith - The shield protected the soldier from projectiles - so does faith protect us from the trials put before us.
4. preach the word of God - If your feet busy taking the message of God to others, you will be more focused on God.

that is what you need in order to maintain the christian course of life and overcome Satans attempts to turn you away from God.


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
Vengence, pride, selfishness, and ego are what is being spoken of here.

Being slapped in the face was a huge insult back then. It insulted the person directly. It wasn't such as someone attacking you physically trying to hurt you. It's the equivilant of someone calling you a bad name.

Now, if you were being physically attacked, there's no sin for you to defend yourself. If someone comes up to you and starts insulting you,, walk away. The only thing that's at stake at this point is your pride, and pride comes from ego, and ego is selfish. This causes you to take vengence.

On the note of defending yourself in a physical attack.... You don't have the right (even legally) to use as much force as you want. You're only within the law (of the USA) to use what ever force was used against you. Basically, use enough reasonable force to allow yourself to get to safety and out of harms way.

We are to be peacefull, and loving, and kind, and forgiving. We are not here to be punching bags or victims.


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
What is "holy" land is? Who at war with them?

Sorry I had something else but totally forgot it.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
What is "holy" land is? Who at war with them?

Sorry I had something else but totally forgot it.

the holy land was originally Jerusalem where Gods rulership was represented by an earthly king. But there has been no earthly king in Jerusalem since the 6th century BCE when Babylon overthrew the Davidic kingdom. And we should not expect an earthly king to re-establish the davidic kingdom because that position has been given to Jesus Christ who is a spirit... and as a spirit, he will rule the throne of God from the heavens.

John 18:36 Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”

So really, we can say that the 'holy land' is now the heavens and not any place on earth. And those at war with the kingdom of God are all those who oppose Christs rulership....and all governing athorities who attempt to rule the people of earth because God has given 'all authority in heaven and on earth' to Christ
Ephesians 1:19-21'...It is according to the operation of the mightiness of his (Gods) strength, 20 with which he has operated in the case of the Christ when he raised him up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above every government and authority and power and lordship and every name named, not only in this system of things, but also in that to come. 22 He also subjected all things under his feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation

. So that is why God will remove all earthly rulerships...they are enemies of Christs authority.
Daniel 2:44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
I am sorry I can gave verse but I know it say if you get hit turn other check to them. What does that really mean. Does it mean if you get punch in the face turn your head to the other side to let them punch you again?

Its figurative and simply means to give the person who did you wrong the opportunity to do it to you again.....meaning, don't give up regardless of how much you are persecuted for doing what is right in God's sight.