Biden - It's not Easter! It's Transgender Day!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Being on many high seas cruises, my wife and I have definitely seen the uptick in homosexual and lesbian couples, and now we see the transgender married couples come aboard. This is why we select or reserve a table for two, for dining. You do not know what you may encounter.
My wife and I have only had positive experiences with who shares our dinner table. We’ve only gone on a few but they’ve been normal couples + 5 sister ~ 60 years old.

Fun loving conversationalists- one and all. People are in festive moods, enjoying the day and cruise experience - not pushing wacko political agenda’s. Thank God.

We talked just Friday with my daughter and her hubby about going in January.
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Next year Easter will be on a different date.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I've noticed in the workplace that now RESPECT for diversity is being replaced with the REQUIREMENT to CELEBRATE diversity.
As if some flavors of diversity are not a controversial thing. I'm willing to accept anyone where they are in their own decision-making, but don't ask me to promote something I don't want to.

What's next? Celebrating pedophilia, bestiality and Satanism?
And don't you dare mention Jesus at work or Christmas! That's bigotry against diversity. Seriously?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
My wife and I have only had positive experiences with who shares our dinner table. We’ve only gone on a few but they’ve been normal couples + 5 sister ~ 60 years old.

Fun loving conversationalists- one and all. People are in festive moods, enjoying the day and cruise experience - not pushing wacko political agenda’s. Thank God.

We talked just Friday with my daughter and her hubby about going in January.
The cruise experience has been generally great for us as well. And a larger dinning table setting for 6 or more has also been a pleasant experience. Although in the recent past when seated with a member or two of the LGBT+ community or a rowdy bunch can be a little frustrating. And in general, you get slower service when seated with a larger group of a larger table. We do like to get in and out of the dining room, say by 75 minutes or even less if possible, and not two hours or more.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Australia organism having sex organs or other sexual characteristics that are not clearly male or female, either abnormally or (in the case of some organisms) as the natural condition.

Would we call this transgender?.....I think so. Human being are disturbed, mentally, spiritually and physically. On the physical side, some are born without limbs or co-joined or have two heads. The internet gives access to these 'disturbances'

Do we as Christians shun people with these disabilities or are they also under the umbrella of God's love?
I remember even back in the 1970's etc regarding hermaphrodites, that this has nothing to do with anything that the Gay crowd are on about at all !

No one would bag a Hermaphrodite, if you did you would be a total moron !

Then we have all or the boys who lost their parts from botched what ever and so doctors made them into whatever ? or as i know one friends child was born a Hermaphrodite back in the 1980's that was made into a Girl. Only someone who bagged such a person is a total moron.

Ukraine was the place to go to get such things done back in the 1950's and on, as Ukraine was the one place on earth that they could do any such things regarding the World Laws ?
Ukraine is the one place were all forms of experimental going on's was and is open and free to play about regardless.
I seen this with a Hermaphrodite that was born from back in the 1950's was on TV and all, talking about such, he was made into a boy ! but only found out he was born a Hermaphrodite when he was in 49 yo i think and he had to go to Ukraine every year, for what they do for him, for they are by far the leading in this field in fact, as they have had years of dealing with such from all over the world.
I could tell you all more about that dudes problems, but such is not content for this forum i would think.
But the TV show pointed out Ukraine was not restricted like the rest of the world to experiment with humans etc was free and open to do what they pleased with no regard to the rest of the world at all ! their are no bounds ! Maybe that why they have so many Nazis in Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States organism having sex organs or other sexual characteristics that are not clearly male or female, either abnormally or (in the case of some organisms) as the natural condition.

Would we call this transgender?.....I think so. Human being are disturbed, mentally, spiritually and physically. On the physical side, some are born without limbs or co-joined or have two heads. The internet gives access to these 'disturbances'

Do we as Christians shun people with these disabilities or are they also under the umbrella of God's love?
Look up Transgender.

Hermaphrodite is not that .
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
What do you understander transgender to be?
John Q Public says they are those who identify as people who believe they were born wrong. Example:
A baby with a penis grows up to wanting a vagina and breasts and short of surgery to make that happen ... as in Bruce Jenners case... will dress the part of the other sex and claim that is how they feel.... Yet they truly dont because they still need medications and hormones that make them feel the opposite from what they are born.

When I was in grade school one day at the lunch counter in the drug store I saw a person sitting at the end of the counter and I asked my mother if that was a man or woman because they ... no I wont dignify with a pronoun... because it was in a man's brown suit, white shirt and mans necktie and had a brown fedora...but the face was that with very soft, feminine and pretty characteristics. Mom simply said that not common there are people who either believe they are the opposite of what they are born as or want to be.

Anyway this person was being ignored or shunned by people close by.

I never encountered anyone gay until I was in my 20s.... Uh oh.. I lie... LOL, my first "boyfriend" ... such a strange story for another day... I learned long after high school at a class reunion had turned out to be gay. LOL

Anyway my only experience with what I believe was a hermaphrodite came when a Jewish friend of ours gave birth to her only son and she was fine until the day of his bris ( circumcision) and she became unconsolable but would not tell us why.

We were out for lunch one day... the boy had to be in his early teens by then.. and we got on the subject of
homosuality and mom and I firmly said we were opposed because at that point in time we both believed it all was lifestyle choice... (and still do believe that most is) ... and that was the last we ever heard from her... until
maybe 5 or 6 years later when I answered the door and a person wanted to talk to "Aunt Lee"..

So I said I would get her who should I say wants her... and the reply came back Kerry______ .

Well this was the boy that made his mother panic at his bris, who Stopped out friendship cause of our stand on gays... standing there... wearing blue jeans, and I forget what shirt... maybe tee... but wearing large dangling plastic earring's, I think some lipstick, carrying a woman's shoulder purse, and wearing red pumps (Dorothy of Oz style)

Well... the first example above I call a transgender because they chose or believed they were opposite how they were born.

The second... hemaphrodite... is not a transgender. He chose to be female.

That is the difference to me


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Biden's proclamation

A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024​

  1. HOME
On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.
I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect. I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military. I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, the justice system, and more. I am proud to have signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love.
Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation. Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves. But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families — silencing teachers; banning books; and even threatening parents, doctors, and nurses with prison for helping parents get care for their children. These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child. It is no surprise that the bullying and discrimination that transgender Americans face is worsening our Nation’s mental health crisis, leading half of transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year. At the same time, an epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, especially women and girls of color, continues to take too many lives. Let me be clear: All of these attacks are un-American and must end. No one should have to be brave just to be themselves.
At the same time, my Administration is working to stop the bullying and harassment of transgender children and their families. The Department of Justice has taken action to push back against extreme and un-American State laws targeting transgender youth and their families and the Department of Justice is partnering with law enforcement and community groups to combat hate and violence. My Administration is also providing dedicated emergency mental health support through our nationwide suicide and crisis lifeline — any LGBTQI+ young person in need can call “988” and press “3” to speak with a counselor trained to support them. We are making public services more accessible for transgender Americans, including with more inclusive passports and easier access to Social Security benefits. There is much more to do. I continue to call on the Congress to pass the Equality Act, to codify civil rights protections for all LGBTQI+ Americans.
Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.
Religious christians (in name only) will gravitate to JB's message 100%, BECAUSE they are still OF THIS world.

However, Born Again Christians are literally NEW CREATURES [creation], created through the baptism BY the Holy Spirit of God, not just only baptism by water.

Except to preach the Gospel of OUR Lord Jesus Christ, WE need not entangle ourselves with the affairs of THIS world and their agendas.
2 Tim. 2
[4] No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier [of the Lord Jesus].
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
If I had noticed your thread I wouldn't have posted mine. Sorry.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
The cruise experience has been generally great for us as well. And a larger dinning table setting for 6 or more has also been a pleasant experience. Although in the recent past when seated with a member or two of the LGBT+ community or a rowdy bunch can be a little frustrating. And in general, you get slower service when seated with a larger group of a larger table. We do like to get in and out of the dining room, say by 75 minutes or even less if possible, and not two hours or more.
Can you imagine trying to eat and sitting next to transgenders while they are kissing?
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