Can a Christian Be Possessed?

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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Our freewill choices have the potential of setting into motion all sorts of damaging results. One observation that can be made; when we play around in the Devil’s domain spiritual trouble comes with the territory. This is no less true for when we engage the antics of men and organizations. When we give them too much control over our lives we can succumb to the same powers that feed their own poor choices. So researching the subject can offer us some valuable relief from unwanted spiritual control. However let’s begin with what is an acceptable spiritual exchange beginning with our life in Christ.

Jesus (Yeshua) is eternal; He is infinite and constant within His Being; He has always existed and therefore remains the true Author of Spiritual life, Spiritual rule and Spiritual reward. Hence to put trust in Him and in His kingdom is to say we want to know the extent of His supernatural reach. So, in Christ;
  1. We gain redemption and forgiveness of sin.
  2. We gain eternity and participation in the divine nature.
  3. We gain fellowship and union with the Father.
  4. We live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  5. We rule and reign with God forever.
This is all made possible through an exercise in “faith”. You see, it is impossible to please God or access the benefits of His life and Kingdom without having faith.
  1. Thus we begin our journey by “believing” in His preeminent nature.
  2. We place “faith” in His attributes and eternal abilities.
  3. We then “receive” what only the Spirit of God can provide.
Every move within the Kingdom of God follows this same basic principle;

Belief + faith in God = Spiritual solutions to life and faith

However I must add that our fleshly conclusions and carnally minded attitudes do create counterfeit results. If man opts to live life on his own terms he will naturally begin to exalt and glorify something of his fallen nature. Such actions then ignite a power that supports what he does in body, in soul or in spirit. Ultimately misplaced belief and faith remains a short cut into the Devil’s domain.

• Belief and faith in body = a spiritual power to support physical attributes and expectations.

• Belief and faith in the soul = a spiritual power to support mind, will and emotions.

• Belief and faith in natural spirit = a spiritual power to support and counterfeit the work of God.

The same result is true when exalting any other aspect of human behavior. But the self-aware also broaden their search for greater meaning by turning to various aspects of creation. Spiritual powers can be found supporting all sorts of man made interests.

Belief and faith in Creation = a spiritual power supporting man’s worship of creation.

A very vivid example of this type of support was present in the gospel’s mention of Judas. Judas so lusted after money that he betrayed the Messiah for thirty pieces of silver. A prophetic statement in Psalms shows us how his actions were once supported.

Psalm 109:5 KJV And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.

The point of entry into the life of Judas was based on his own greed; Judas sought to save himself through greed and this trust or faith in his own accomplishments (His right hand) found spiritual support.

Was Judas then possessed? Yes, but let’s bring some definition to the term.
  1. In its simplest form possession can mean that Judas was in touch with a spirit which provided him opportunities to steal and covet more money. Such a simple form of spiritual control doesn’t require any greater degree of persuasion.
  2. But then we know that a seducing spirit seduces the senses. When Judas basked in his victories a spiritual presence was there to enhance the experience.
  3. However the four Gospels also speak of a greater level of possession. As Judas began to plot his betrayal of Jesus, Satan breached the veil of his flesh and entered into him (Luke 22:2).
Similar forms of exchange can affect us as well. The matter is simply one of placing faith in worldly things as a substitute for life in Christ. But some may ask;

“How is it that a Christian can be possessed?”
To clarify, many aspects of creation are not evil, however when things start to own us it can invite spiritual manipulation of our person. For the believer we are also then talking about various degrees of control. Certainly Jesus owns the heart and salvation has been secured for us in eternity, however we have yet to see all our actions conform to His likeness. Hence depending on our previous sinful choices, activities, and associations each one can invite its own unique “level” of spiritual bondage. The culmination of these exchanges is something we call a “spiritual signature”. They represent a lifetime record of where we have been in the world and where a spiritual world has gained the ability to manipulate and control us. Here are some biblical examples.

Continued at Can A Christian Be Possessed? | Spirit | Before It's News


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Our freewill choices have the potential of setting into motion all sorts of damaging results. One observation that can be made; when we play around in the Devil’s domain spiritual trouble comes with the territory. This is no less true for when we engage the antics of men and organizations. When we give them too much control over our lives we can succumb to the same powers that feed their own poor choices. So researching the subject can offer us some valuable relief from unwanted spiritual control. However let’s begin with what is an acceptable spiritual exchange beginning with our life in Christ.

Jesus (Yeshua) is eternal; He is infinite and constant within His Being; He has always existed and therefore remains the true Author of Spiritual life, Spiritual rule and Spiritual reward. Hence to put trust in Him and in His kingdom is to say we want to know the extent of His supernatural reach. So, in Christ;
  1. We gain redemption and forgiveness of sin.
  2. We gain eternity and participation in the divine nature.
  3. We gain fellowship and union with the Father.
  4. We live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  5. We rule and reign with God forever.
This is all made possible through an exercise in “faith”. You see, it is impossible to please God or access the benefits of His life and Kingdom without having faith.
  1. Thus we begin our journey by “believing” in His preeminent nature.
  2. We place “faith” in His attributes and eternal abilities.
  3. We then “receive” what only the Spirit of God can provide.
Every move within the Kingdom of God follows this same basic principle;

Belief + faith in God = Spiritual solutions to life and faith

However I must add that our fleshly conclusions and carnally minded attitudes do create counterfeit results. If man opts to live life on his own terms he will naturally begin to exalt and glorify something of his fallen nature. Such actions then ignite a power that supports what he does in body, in soul or in spirit. Ultimately misplaced belief and faith remains a short cut into the Devil’s domain.

• Belief and faith in body = a spiritual power to support physical attributes and expectations.

• Belief and faith in the soul = a spiritual power to support mind, will and emotions.

• Belief and faith in natural spirit = a spiritual power to support and counterfeit the work of God.

The same result is true when exalting any other aspect of human behavior. But the self-aware also broaden their search for greater meaning by turning to various aspects of creation. Spiritual powers can be found supporting all sorts of man made interests.

Belief and faith in Creation = a spiritual power supporting man’s worship of creation.

A very vivid example of this type of support was present in the gospel’s mention of Judas. Judas so lusted after money that he betrayed the Messiah for thirty pieces of silver. A prophetic statement in Psalms shows us how his actions were once supported.

Psalm 109:5 KJV And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.

The point of entry into the life of Judas was based on his own greed; Judas sought to save himself through greed and this trust or faith in his own accomplishments (His right hand) found spiritual support.

Was Judas then possessed? Yes, but let’s bring some definition to the term.
  1. In its simplest form possession can mean that Judas was in touch with a spirit which provided him opportunities to steal and covet more money. Such a simple form of spiritual control doesn’t require any greater degree of persuasion.
  2. But then we know that a seducing spirit seduces the senses. When Judas basked in his victories a spiritual presence was there to enhance the experience.
  3. However the four Gospels also speak of a greater level of possession. As Judas began to plot his betrayal of Jesus, Satan breached the veil of his flesh and entered into him (Luke 22:2).
Similar forms of exchange can affect us as well. The matter is simply one of placing faith in worldly things as a substitute for life in Christ. But some may ask;

“How is it that a Christian can be possessed?”
To clarify, many aspects of creation are not evil, however when things start to own us it can invite spiritual manipulation of our person. For the believer we are also then talking about various degrees of control. Certainly Jesus owns the heart and salvation has been secured for us in eternity, however we have yet to see all our actions conform to His likeness. Hence depending on our previous sinful choices, activities, and associations each one can invite its own unique “level” of spiritual bondage. The culmination of these exchanges is something we call a “spiritual signature”. They represent a lifetime record of where we have been in the world and where a spiritual world has gained the ability to manipulate and control us. Here are some biblical examples.

Continued at Can A Christian Be Possessed? | Spirit | Before It's News
Can a Christian be possessed?


An indwelt Holy Spirit filled Christian is armored by God. And Satan cannot enter.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Let me provide an example:
Think about a religious sudo-christian sect: a cult if you will. Are they correct in their perceptions of God and His Son Jesus? Paul the Apostle says that
2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. Do genuine believers ever enter that realm of deception?
Now the most likely response is Oh they were never saved. Yet Paul is talking to believers here.
We all have a religious past determined by how we maneuvered through various denominations and religions. And because we are talking about false spiritual ministry we are also talking about levels of control over our person. Now I don't intend to leave you there; The books I offer for free highlight a journey out from various levels of religious possession.
Out from the Shadow of Other Gods

Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for a god, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where religion dies and genuine relationship begins. The first in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities religion. Ministering with honor to the pastor as well as to the prodigal and revealing a surprising bounty of Jesus in every page. Get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and renewed in your walk of faith.

The Shadow of the Spiritual

Got Spirit?

That’s an interesting question, but after two thousand years of Christian history, maybe we should be asking “which spirit?” Though the Christian faith has been provided with a sure foundation in Christ, our propensity to get worldly or even religious has actually pushed us past safe boundaries. There is a quagmire of spiritual alternatives all vying for our attention, yet none of them has anything to do with a true faith in Jesus. “The Shadow of the Spiritual” is meaty, thought provoking, in-depth look into the rising tide of spiritual pollution within the Church. Its lingering effects remain oppressive and damaging to any believer who desires a pure expression of relationship with the Son of God. This self help book is a must read for any Christian wanting to understand how improper spiritual connections get formed, fed and how unhealthy spiritual bondage gets passed around. Yet, by embracing a simple biblical truth, we can separate ourselves from all sorts of added trouble. The second in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities many fallen exploits.

Lord I Want To Change!

Is It time for a change? The Christian life is not always an easy life. Though we are assured that all things have become new, “New life” may end up looking a lot like the old one. This is due to our inability to properly transition away from certain worldly influences. A growing number of our troubles include the weight of family dysfunction, years of social conditioning and any number of personal failures remaining a black mark on our record. All of these issues have a tendency to warp our sense of “self” and we walk through life emotionally crippled; yet Jesus has other plans for us. The Bible provides the Christian a “get out of jail free card”. Jesus offers us a simple and effective way of escape out from the trappings of a difficult past. If you have ever wondered whether there is more to the Christian life, then get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and set free in your walk of faith.

Free PDF Versions ———————- Send an E-mail message to [email protected] and in the “subject” heading abbreviate the title of the book you want. I’ll send it shortly.

  • Out from the shadow of Other Gods = ofs
  • The Shadow of the Spiritual = sos
  • Lord I want to Change = Lwc


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Let me provide an example:
Think about a religious sudo-christian sect: a cult if you will. Are they correct in their perceptions of God and His Son Jesus? Paul the Apostle says that
2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. Do genuine believers ever enter that realm of deception?
Now the most likely response is Oh they were never saved. Yet Paul is talking to believers here.
We all have a religious past determined by how we maneuvered through various denominations and religions. And because we are talking about false spiritual ministry we are also talking about levels of control over our person. Now I don't intend to leave you there; The books I offer for free highlight a journey out from various levels of religious possession.
Out from the Shadow of Other Gods

Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for a god, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where religion dies and genuine relationship begins. The first in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities religion. Ministering with honor to the pastor as well as to the prodigal and revealing a surprising bounty of Jesus in every page. Get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and renewed in your walk of faith.

The Shadow of the Spiritual

Got Spirit?

That’s an interesting question, but after two thousand years of Christian history, maybe we should be asking “which spirit?” Though the Christian faith has been provided with a sure foundation in Christ, our propensity to get worldly or even religious has actually pushed us past safe boundaries. There is a quagmire of spiritual alternatives all vying for our attention, yet none of them has anything to do with a true faith in Jesus. “The Shadow of the Spiritual” is meaty, thought provoking, in-depth look into the rising tide of spiritual pollution within the Church. Its lingering effects remain oppressive and damaging to any believer who desires a pure expression of relationship with the Son of God. This self help book is a must read for any Christian wanting to understand how improper spiritual connections get formed, fed and how unhealthy spiritual bondage gets passed around. Yet, by embracing a simple biblical truth, we can separate ourselves from all sorts of added trouble. The second in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities many fallen exploits.

Lord I Want To Change!

Is It time for a change? The Christian life is not always an easy life. Though we are assured that all things have become new, “New life” may end up looking a lot like the old one. This is due to our inability to properly transition away from certain worldly influences. A growing number of our troubles include the weight of family dysfunction, years of social conditioning and any number of personal failures remaining a black mark on our record. All of these issues have a tendency to warp our sense of “self” and we walk through life emotionally crippled; yet Jesus has other plans for us. The Bible provides the Christian a “get out of jail free card”. Jesus offers us a simple and effective way of escape out from the trappings of a difficult past. If you have ever wondered whether there is more to the Christian life, then get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and set free in your walk of faith.

Free PDF Versions ———————- Send an E-mail message to [email protected] and in the “subject” heading abbreviate the title of the book you want. I’ll send it shortly.

  • Out from the shadow of Other Gods = ofs
  • The Shadow of the Spiritual = sos
  • Lord I want to Change = Lwc
Paul also stated in Galatians 1, but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse!
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
there is the problem religion/ religious
Yes I agree. but what is the result spiritually? Mans freewill choices invite mastery over how he lives, moves and has his being by the dictates of another god (Demon).


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
Yes I agree. but what is the result spiritually? Mans freewill choices invite mastery over how he lives, moves and has his being by the dictates of another god (Demon).
the devil is our adversary he is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.. for him to totally posse a Christian . would be to denounce their faith . in which case i doubt they was ever saved
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
the devil is our adversary he is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.. for him to totally posse a Christian . would be to denounce their faith . in which case i doubt they was ever saved
When things start to own us it can invite spiritual manipulation of our person. For the believer we are also then talking about various degrees of control. But I use the most common example of religion to address what a Christian can experience. For example some statistics came to light a few years back regarding Mormonism. It was concluded that 80 % of congregants were actually born again true believers in Jesus, but had taken a wrong turn into that religion. Though the heart belonged to God it was the body that belonged to another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
Think about a religious sudo-christian sect: a cult if you will. Are they correct in their perceptions of God and His Son Jesus?
If they are correct then they will be indewlt by the Holy Spirit.
If they are incorrect they are not Christian and as such will be possessed by evil spirits.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes one who claims to be a Christian can be totally possessed !
I have seen this many a time and such is of Priest as well, for they are child molesters within, so for a person to molest a child that is proof of being possessed in fact !

But for the truly born again is Saved, being a worthy Christian ? like that Christ will say he knew you ! remember ? and them who came saying ? but Christ did not know them ! because they did not abide in him in fact. for they were doing of this world ?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Christians are possessed, by the Holy Spirit.

Because of him they cannot be possessed by evil spirits.
It would be great if all who say they are Christians were actually born again of the Spirit, but some denominations don't even mention the Holy Spirit, and some even call repentance a "work" so won't confess their sins in order to receive the Holy Spirit in the first place. I see that denomination as already in the devil's grip and even a cult, obeying doctrines of demons.

Jesus said we MUST be born again of the Spirit. And to experience that we MUST repent of our sin and want to be cleansed of all unrighteousness to be conformed into the image of Christ. To that level of repentance Jesus will respond by filling us with the Holy Spirit. Then the devil cannot touch us.

1 John 5:18
18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
It would be great if all who say they are Christians were actually born again of the Spirit, but some denominations don't even mention the Holy Spirit, and some even call repentance a "work" so won't confess their sins in order to receive the Holy Spirit in the first place. I see that denomination as already in the devil's grip and even a cult, obeying doctrines of demons.

Jesus said we MUST be born again of the Spirit. And to experience that we MUST repent of our sin and want to be cleansed of all unrighteousness to be conformed into the image of Christ. To that level of repentance Jesus will respond by filling us with the Holy Spirit. Then the devil cannot touch us.

1 John 5:18
18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
If you have listened to Paul the apostle talk about the human condition then you know he begins by telling us that we are body, soul and spirit. These attributes to our human makeup suggest that we utilize these qualities in much of what we do as humans. For instance we communicate with physical gesters, with our mind, will and emotions we express ourselves; and we look for spiritual connections with other people. So when Paul admonishes us to come out of sinful actions we have to give some validity to how we played around in the Devils spiritual domain. Meaning spiritual powers have had access to us when we remain worldly. So when Paul says that we can rid ourselves of worldly sinful behavior he is also saying we can rid ourselves of the spiritual baggage that comes along with those actions. Depending on how deeply entrenched in worldly fair we've been it will also determine how controlled we have been by those spiritual powers. But notice Paul is also offering us the solution found in the following verse. See the Purpose Driven Death The Purpose Driven Death
Colossians 3:5
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Tommy Cool

Active Member
Jul 17, 2022
United States
A born-again Christian can be possessed because possession is in the physical ….it does not affect the spirit of God … fact nothing can alter or change the spirit of God within.

You are not as likely to see Christians be possessed because they have...or had a knowledge of Truth.

Like framing in a home … a Christian has what I refer to as stop blocks ….similar to fire blocks in framing which slow down the rapid spread of fire and smoke (in the event). Stop blocks do the same when a believer may be going off the deep end…. One of those stop blocks would be the spirit of God screaming out …others might be scripture …in addition to moral, and ethical standards…etc. But if a Christian declines to the point…. and then open’s themselves up by various means …Yes they can be possessed.

A natural man does not have near as many stop blocks, and what they do have has been flexed and distorted by the world….and therefore getting to the point of opening themselves to possession becomes easier.

Sometimes the devil spirit will set up home in a person…. sometimes it’s a temporarily. Possession can be with several spirits or one …sometimes it occupies a specific part of the body or mind and sometimes several parts.

A person may seem perfectly normal until something triggers the allowance of devils spirits in… or... triggers the devil spirit within to display their characteristics.

That is why the manifestation of “discerning of spirits” is necessary in your everyday walk ….

When you get that feeling or you smell that smell (you’ll know it) you ask the Father how you should respond…. Never proceed with your thinking, always go with God. Sometimes it’s …cast em out…. sometimes not… and never lay your hands on… without God giving you the revelation to do so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I'm not sure this is a good way to go about this. Possession usually results in violent people that are sinners. That is usually how you can recognize them and the bible supports that. But I would caution anyone claiming someone is possessed as no one can truly know that except for the spiritual discernment that Jesus had. I'm really not sure what you're after with this thread. But calling someone possessed is obnoxious at best. Similar to claiming people don't have the spirit.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
I'm not sure this is a good way to go about this. Possession usually results in violent people that are sinners. That is usually how you can recognize them and the bible supports that. But I would caution anyone claiming someone is possessed as no one can truly know that except for the spiritual discernment that Jesus had. I'm really not sure what you're after with this thread. But calling someone possessed is obnoxious at best. Similar to claiming people don't have the spirit.
Do recall I've said that there exists different levels of control and that I have provided the solution on how to be free The Purpose Driven Death. The extreme is not being represented here, but rather the subtleties of what can happen if we as believers have been compromised in our life. Why address it? Because we are the Bride that makes herself ready for her husband. In essence its time to clean the inside of our cup.
But I have to tell you its a remarkable liberty when Jesus shows us where spiritual influences still own us and we take such ownership to the Cross..
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Do recall I've said that there exists different levels of control and that I have provided the solution on how to be free The Purpose Driven Death. The extreme is not being represented here, but rather the subtleties of what can happen if we as believers have been compromised in our life. Why address it? Because we are the Bride that makes herself ready for her husband. In essence its time to clean the inside of our cup.
But I have to tell you its a remarkable liberty when Jesus shows us where spiritual influences still own us and we take such ownership to the Cross..
OK, well good for you. I think I'll probably exit this thread as it appear to have already gone into slippery ground with some of the users.
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Jun 23, 2023
United States
I believe that when w
Our freewill choices have the potential of setting into motion all sorts of damaging results. One observation that can be made; when we play around in the Devil’s domain spiritual trouble comes with the territory. This is no less true for when we engage the antics of men and organizations. When we give them too much control over our lives we can succumb to the same powers that feed their own poor choices. So researching the subject can offer us some valuable relief from unwanted spiritual control. However let’s begin with what is an acceptable spiritual exchange beginning with our life in Christ.

Jesus (Yeshua) is eternal; He is infinite and constant within His Being; He has always existed and therefore remains the true Author of Spiritual life, Spiritual rule and Spiritual reward. Hence to put trust in Him and in His kingdom is to say we want to know the extent of His supernatural reach. So, in Christ;
  1. We gain redemption and forgiveness of sin.
  2. We gain eternity and participation in the divine nature.
  3. We gain fellowship and union with the Father.
  4. We live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  5. We rule and reign with God forever.
This is all made possible through an exercise in “faith”. You see, it is impossible to please God or access the benefits of His life and Kingdom without having faith.
  1. Thus we begin our journey by “believing” in His preeminent nature.
  2. We place “faith” in His attributes and eternal abilities.
  3. We then “receive” what only the Spirit of God can provide.
Every move within the Kingdom of God follows this same basic principle;

Belief + faith in God = Spiritual solutions to life and faith

However I must add that our fleshly conclusions and carnally minded attitudes do create counterfeit results. If man opts to live life on his own terms he will naturally begin to exalt and glorify something of his fallen nature. Such actions then ignite a power that supports what he does in body, in soul or in spirit. Ultimately misplaced belief and faith remains a short cut into the Devil’s domain.

• Belief and faith in body = a spiritual power to support physical attributes and expectations.

• Belief and faith in the soul = a spiritual power to support mind, will and emotions.

• Belief and faith in natural spirit = a spiritual power to support and counterfeit the work of God.

The same result is true when exalting any other aspect of human behavior. But the self-aware also broaden their search for greater meaning by turning to various aspects of creation. Spiritual powers can be found supporting all sorts of man made interests.

Belief and faith in Creation = a spiritual power supporting man’s worship of creation.

A very vivid example of this type of support was present in the gospel’s mention of Judas. Judas so lusted after money that he betrayed the Messiah for thirty pieces of silver. A prophetic statement in Psalms shows us how his actions were once supported.

Psalm 109:5 KJV And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.

The point of entry into the life of Judas was based on his own greed; Judas sought to save himself through greed and this trust or faith in his own accomplishments (His right hand) found spiritual support.

Was Judas then possessed? Yes, but let’s bring some definition to the term.
  1. In its simplest form possession can mean that Judas was in touch with a spirit which provided him opportunities to steal and covet more money. Such a simple form of spiritual control doesn’t require any greater degree of persuasion.
  2. But then we know that a seducing spirit seduces the senses. When Judas basked in his victories a spiritual presence was there to enhance the experience.
  3. However the four Gospels also speak of a greater level of possession. As Judas began to plot his betrayal of Jesus, Satan breached the veil of his flesh and entered into him (Luke 22:2).
Similar forms of exchange can affect us as well. The matter is simply one of placing faith in worldly things as a substitute for life in Christ. But some may ask;

“How is it that a Christian can be possessed?”
To clarify, many aspects of creation are not evil, however when things start to own us it can invite spiritual manipulation of our person. For the believer we are also then talking about various degrees of control. Certainly Jesus owns the heart and salvation has been secured for us in eternity, however we have yet to see all our actions conform to His likeness. Hence depending on our previous sinful choices, activities, and associations each one can invite its own unique “level” of spiritual bondage. The culmination of these exchanges is something we call a “spiritual signature”. They represent a lifetime record of where we have been in the world and where a spiritual world has gained the ability to manipulate and control us. Here are some biblical examples.

Continued at Can A Christian Be Possessed? | Spirit | Before It's News
I believe that when we have a personal relationship with Jesus, we are protected by His love and grace. While we can face spiritual battles and temptations, the power of God within us is stronger than any evil forces, so I don't think a true Christian can be "possessed" in the way that some movies depict.
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