Can Modern Events be Considered Acts of God?

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New Member
Oct 27, 2023
Hey everyone,

In this day and age where science and technology have brought clarity, to mysterious phenomena the idea of miracles becomes a captivating topic for Christians. This discussion thread is a forum to explore and talk about the essence and nature of miracles in todays world.

Historical Background; Miracles mentioned in the Bible were signs of intervention. From Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus healing the sick these occurrences have formed the foundation of faith. Throughout centuries our understanding and interpretation of miracles have evolved. How does this historical context shape our perspective on miracles today?

Scientific Examination; Advances in science have provided explanations for events that were previously considered miraculous. Does this challenge the concept of miracles. Does it suggest a more intricate interplay between Gods work and the laws of nature?

Personal Accounts; Narratives recounting interventions in individuals lives are not uncommon. These stories provide insights into how God continues to be active in our world. What can we learn from these experiences regarding the nature of miracles?

Philosophical and Theological Implications; Acknowledging events as potential miracles can greatly impact our philosophical beliefs. How does this viewpoint influence our understanding of Gods power and benevolence?

Lets engage in a discussion, on these aspects surrounding miracles!Do we limit the definition of miracles to events that defy natural explanation or can we also consider occurrences that fall within the realm of possibilities? How can we approach claims of miracles with thinking while maintaining an open and respectful attitude?

Lets delve into these questions together and share our thoughts, beliefs and even uncertainties. As we engage in this discussion lets be mindful of the perspectives, within our community.

I'm excited, for a conversation!
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
The return of Israel is miraculous! God of Israel lives!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
Every born again from above Christian has miracles happened, enough so that they know God is in charge everything. I am still amazed and the miracles He does in my life. The first miracle was saving me.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2023
Every born again from above Christian has miracles happened, enough so that they know God is in charge everything. I am still amazed and the miracles He does in my life. The first miracle was saving me.
Your personal story is truly inspiring. It serves as a reminder that miracles don't always have to be inexplicable occurrences. Can also manifest in the form of personal and transformative experiences of faith, in our everyday lives. The way you highlighted the significance of salvation as a miracle really strikes a chord.


New Member
Nov 21, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I'd like to share my thoughts on the question, about scrutiny and miracles. From my perspective the progress made in science and medicine doesn't necessarily diminish the existence or potential of miracles. Instead I believe it expands our knowledge of how God operates in our world.

The miracles described in the Bible often surpassed the understanding of that time. Today despite having explanations for natural phenomena there are still instances where science reaches its limitations. It is during these moments that faith comes into play. I believe that God can work through the laws He established and what we perceive as advancements could be part of His divine plan.
Hey everyone,

In this day and age where science and technology have brought clarity, to mysterious phenomena the idea of miracles becomes a captivating topic for Christians. This discussion thread is a forum to explore and talk about the essence and nature of miracles in todays world.

Historical Background; Miracles mentioned in the Bible were signs of intervention. From Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus healing the sick these occurrences have formed the foundation of faith. Throughout centuries our understanding and interpretation of miracles have evolved. How does this historical context shape our perspective on miracles today?

Scientific Examination; Advances in science have provided explanations for events that were previously considered miraculous. Does this challenge the concept of miracles. Does it suggest a more intricate interplay between Gods work and the laws of nature?

Personal Accounts; Narratives recounting interventions in individuals lives are not uncommon. These stories provide insights into how God continues to be active in our world. What can we learn from these experiences regarding the nature of miracles?

Philosophical and Theological Implications; Acknowledging events as potential miracles can greatly impact our philosophical beliefs. How does this viewpoint influence our understanding of Gods power and benevolence?

Lets engage in a discussion, on these aspects surrounding miracles!Do we limit the definition of miracles to events that defy natural explanation or can we also consider occurrences that fall within the realm of possibilities? How can we approach claims of miracles with thinking while maintaining an open and respectful attitude?

Lets delve into these questions together and share our thoughts, beliefs and even uncertainties. As we engage in this discussion lets be mindful of the perspectives, within our community.

I'm excited, for a conversation!
I recall reading an essay, about this topic although the exact title eludes me. I believe it was, on a website called fastessay . I'm not entirely certain.

Consider, for example recoveries from conditions that defy odds or occur against expectations. While science plays a role in these outcomes through medicine and technology we should not overlook the influence of prayer, faith and a higher power. Miraculous healings in times serve as reminders of the mysterious nature and supreme authority of God.

In summary I see science and miracles not as forces but rather as aspects. Science serves as a tool, for comprehending the world created by God while miracles serve as reminders of His presence and incomprehensible power.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Hey everyone,

In this day and age where science and technology have brought clarity, to mysterious phenomena the idea of miracles becomes a captivating topic for Christians. This discussion thread is a forum to explore and talk about the essence and nature of miracles in todays world.

Historical Background; Miracles mentioned in the Bible were signs of intervention. From Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus healing the sick these occurrences have formed the foundation of faith. Throughout centuries our understanding and interpretation of miracles have evolved. How does this historical context shape our perspective on miracles today?

Scientific Examination; Advances in science have provided explanations for events that were previously considered miraculous. Does this challenge the concept of miracles. Does it suggest a more intricate interplay between Gods work and the laws of nature?

Personal Accounts; Narratives recounting interventions in individuals lives are not uncommon. These stories provide insights into how God continues to be active in our world. What can we learn from these experiences regarding the nature of miracles?

Philosophical and Theological Implications; Acknowledging events as potential miracles can greatly impact our philosophical beliefs. How does this viewpoint influence our understanding of Gods power and benevolence?

Lets engage in a discussion, on these aspects surrounding miracles!Do we limit the definition of miracles to events that defy natural explanation or can we also consider occurrences that fall within the realm of possibilities? How can we approach claims of miracles with thinking while maintaining an open and respectful attitude?

Lets delve into these questions together and share our thoughts, beliefs and even uncertainties. As we engage in this discussion lets be mindful of the perspectives, within our community.

I'm excited, for a conversation!

Miracles are miracles.

Jesus healed the sick without drugs or therapy but by speaking or rubbing mud.

He took 5 loaves and two fishes and fed approx. 20,000 He raised Lazarus and HImself from the dead.

Demonic possession is different.

It takes a real lot of bad decisions to become possessed. Having said that, and after taking a two year intense strudy of Christina psychology, I know that most emotional and mental disorders are the reesults of people being separated from God.

God created and designed us and set the path for man to know ultimate joy and happiness. We fall short for we sin and rebel against god. While secular science will do its best to discredit the miraculous, Miracles do occur according to Gods pleasure.


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Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
When you worship a Living God who knows you in a personal way, then all sorts of wonderful things can happen to you. Things that could be called miraculous healings, words of comfort, lessons from life. He is still connecting with His people.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
OF course God still miraculously guides us on our life journey to our heaven home.
Psalm 37
23 The steps of a good man are [b]ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Romans 8
26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession [g]for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Philippians 2
12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

God orders our way, brings about circumstances in our life, something we need to hold onto as a sure anchor for the soul, and come to grips with in our own salvation. We are not our own we were bought with the precious blood of Christ..
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
Hi all.
This is what I have found.

The miracles like in the book of acts still happen to this day. But there are criteria that needs to be met.
The miracles themselves come from God himself, not from us, we are just the intercessors, we have no inherit power of our own.
Faith needs to rest in God, there is no building up our own faith as in trying to will something into existence. God is the power, our faith in God is the motivator, We only get to come before Gods throne of grace through our faith in Jesus. Faith by its very nature has to rest in something. In the Christian case it has to rest in Christ and God for the power to be displayed.

The miracles are displayed by God on our behalf as a means to confirm Gods word. If we have our theology right and declare it to the world , God will confirm that theology with the signs and wonders following. If our theology is off then there will be no confirmations in the form of miracles. It's not that God is mad at you, he is just not confirming a misunderstanding that is incorrect .