Congress: Limit Political Speech Of Bloggers?

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New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Congress about to limit political speech of bloggers?
May 19, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

The same sloppy legislative writing that created so many unintended consequences in ObamaCare also plagues the DISCLOSE Act, the effort in Congress to tighten spending rules in the wake of the Citizens United decision — and that’s the generous take on the situation.
Reason’s Bradley Smith and Jeff Patch warn that the perhaps-unintended consequences of legislative language will allow the FEC to regulate political speech online. The fact that media entities like the New York Times have specific exemptions built into the bill makes the intent, or lack thereof, rather murky:

Last week, a congressional hearing exposed an effort to give another agency—the Federal Election Commission—unprecedented power to regulate political speech online. At a House Administration Committee hearing last Tuesday, Patton Boggs attorney William McGinley explained that the sloppy statutory language in the “DISCLOSE Act” would extend the FEC’s control over broadcast communications to all “covered communications,” including the blogosphere.

The DISCLOSE Act’s purpose, according to Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Chris Van Hollen and other “reformers,” is simply to require disclosure of corporate and union political speech after the Supreme Court’s January decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission held that the government could not ban political expenditures by companies, nonprofit groups, and labor unions.

The bill, however, would radically redefine how the FEC regulates political commentary. A section of the DISCLOSE Act would exempt traditional media outlets from coordination regulations, but the exemption does not include bloggers, only “a communication appearing in a news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication…”

In Citizens United, the Supreme Court explicitly rejected disparate treatment of media corporations and other corporations (including nonprofit groups) in campaign finance law. “Differential treatment of media corporations and other corporations cannot be squared with the First Amendment,” Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority.
No legitimate justification exists for excluding media corporations from regulations on political speech applicable to other corporations, unless the goal is to gain the support of editorial boards funded by the New York Times Co.

The response to this criticism has been both predictable and instructive. Instead of actually discussing how Reason got the argument wrong in its initial reporting on the subject, a Public Citizen lobbyist (which supports the legislation) called it a death-panel argument. Another group attempted to defend Congress by assuring us that the FEC would “most likely … stand by the 2006 Internet rules” and not investigate political bloggers.
Most likely? Color me comforted.
If the Democrats in Congress wanted to ensure that the FEC would not investigate political speech by bloggers, they would have written their exemptions to include bloggers instead of just traditional media outlets. The purposeful lack of exemption for bloggers looks ominous indeed — and could be used to harass smaller, unfunded bloggers out of the realm of political debate.
Even if bloggers were included in the exemption, why should the law discriminate between two similar corporations producing similar intellectual property simply on the basis of product when it comes to free speech? As Reason points out, the Supreme Court stated that such discrimination violates the First Amendment, and probably the 14th as well. What about NBC, owned (at the moment) by GE, which produces a myriad of products and services unrelated to speech. Should their media subsidiaries get that exemption, and if so, why? Surely NBC has a much more obvious incentive to bolster GE and avoid reporting on its problems, and the politics that impact them, than a blog has in backing a candidate or a bill in Congress.

This isn’t about “good government” or clean elections. It’s an attempt by Congress to step around the First Amendment and regulate political speech that threatens incumbents, just as McCain-Feingold attempted.


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
Richland City, Indiana
I don't doubt it. You know I don't anybody reads anything that goes into the bills that they throw in nowadays, not even the typists. I think they see a keyword like healthcare or speech or tax and they throw them in a pile and then just start typing them together into a bill to present. Then after they pass it they notice they screwed up and threw in something that does or will hurt them.


Community Guide
Jun 28, 2008
Central New York State
I don't doubt it. You know I don't anybody reads anything that goes into the bills that they throw in nowadays, not even the typists. I think they see a keyword like healthcare or speech or tax and they throw them in a pile and then just start typing them together into a bill to present. Then after they pass it they notice they screwed up and threw in something that does or will hurt them.

I agree, after all we have an Attorney General who does not know what makes a terrorist, looking into legal actions against the new law in Arizona that he hasn't read, A Secretary of Homeland Security and former Governor of Arizona who also never read the law, one must wonder if their boss read the law. Now the Congressional Budget Office says they underestimated the cost of the Health Bill which is now law. Really gives us feeling of Security. lol


New Member
May 7, 2008
Very true, I agree, everyday is a mystery in government, lately

I am not going to quit my job any time soon but if someone told me that the second coming was right around the corner I would not be shocked.

This Administration seems to be on an extreme course for complete control, a world government & a world banking system. I could see the EU imploding & Radical Islam being used as excuses.

"Like a thief in the night"

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
I don't doubt it. You know I don't anybody reads anything that goes into the bills that they throw in nowadays, not even the typists. I think they see a keyword like healthcare or speech or tax and they throw them in a pile and then just start typing them together into a bill to present. Then after they pass it they notice they screwed up and threw in something that does or will hurt them.

It was explained to me by a friend of mine who is also a lobbyist. You know, those people in Washington who eat children. <grin>

Apparently there is such a flood of bills that several methods are used to weed out the stuff that no one wants to consider.
The stuff that does go through is reviewed by committees.....kinda sorta....and then passed on to the floor with a recommendation....or not.

Well then, you know all that right?

The kicker is a little thing called the time in session, that amount of time when senators and congressmen are actually and literally in town TO WORK.
(Actually their staffers do most of the work....and when they go home the lobbyists continue to work on the staffers...but that's another subject.)
Now the 'time in session' is actually quite short. God forbid that our representatives should work fifty weeks a year like the rest of us (or 51 or 52 in some cases).

Bottom line is that to save time they cut corners on the consideration of legislation.
They must do so because "the primary concern of an elected official is to raise money for reelection", not pass laws.

I don't know why this came as such an epiphany to me. I actually thought that they went to Washington to legislate.

Silly me.


New Member
May 7, 2008
I think all laws should be able to be read in less than 4 hours.

I think we should have the line item veto

I think there should be a mandatory balanced budget

I think all voting districts should be representative of an area – No creating districts to advantage a party.

I think we need term limits (5 years - 2 terms max) ALL elections on the 05 & 10 year.

I think we need the “Fair Tax” – National Sales Tax – Rebates can be given to the poor.

The States should select the US Senators as in the past.

I think ALL legislators need to live under the laws they create (No Special Treatment)

I think the Constitution, like the Bible, should be read literally.




New Member
Mar 10, 2010
Fort Worth, Texas
I think all laws should be able to be read in less than 4 hours.

I think we should have the line item veto

I think there should be a mandatory balanced budget

I think all voting districts should be representative of an area – No creating districts to advantage a party.

I think we need term limits (5 years - 2 terms max) ALL elections on the 05 & 10 year.

I think we need  the “Fair Tax” – National Sales Tax – Rebates can be given to the poor.

The States should select the US Senators as in the past.

I think ALL legislators need to live under the laws they create (No Special Treatment)

I think the Constitution, like the Bible, should be read literally.

To add to that.... 

I think all laws should be voted in or out by WE THE PEOPLE!



New Member
May 7, 2008

The only issue I have with that is it would make us a True Democracy. Do you want a population which 41% don't even pay Federal Income Taxes with that much power?

We are a Constitutional Republic, Limit their (Congress) power and I think we could correct this ship.

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States

The only issue I have with that is it would make us a True Democracy. Do you want a population which 41% don't even pay Federal Income Taxes with that much power?

We are a Constitutional Republic, Limit their (Congress) power and I think we could correct this ship.

The United States has not been a Constitutional Republic for a number of years.

The legal basis for law in this country is no longer the constitution. In fact, on the floor of the US Senate and House of Representatives the question of the constitutionality of a bill is no longer debated. Contrary to popular assumption, the Supreme Court does not interpret law (which is unconstitutional all by itself), but MAKES LAW by means of legal precedent (also unconstitutional). Then there's the Executive branch which creates law via cabinet decisions (also unconstitutional). Let's not even get into the illegality of TWO WARS in the middle east, neither of which were officially declared by congress (as is required by the constitution). Consitiutional breaks are becoming legion in this country and a list of them would no doubt be longer than anyone would care to ponder.

Limitations of Congressional power at the Federal level are impossible and would never be enacted. Asking a Federal representative or employee to limit their own power or monetary base is an act of fantasy. Simply electing a new band of theives to the House and Senate doesn't seem to work either.

There is some discussion these days about legislation, judicial decisions, and economic actions at the state level which would derail the Federal train wreck of our liberties.

For example, under the general heading of Nullification such activity could take the form of creating State Banks along the same lines as the State Bank of North Dakota. If every state had one it could minimize the monetary cartel of the Federal Reserve Bank (which is not a branch of the Federal government) and go a long way toward limiting the mischief done by Wall Street Bankers (which will never be effectively punished by Washington).

In North Dakota, unemployment is the lowest in the country. The state bank there enables financing of growth in the public sector and allows the state to react more quickly in the event of natural disasters such as flooding. Nullification would also take the form of jury decisions which declare a man innocent of a Federal crime when that Federal law is wrong. (For example, Richard Dawkins, noted militant atheist, has called for Federal law which would make it illegal for a parent to teach religious values to their children in their own home. If you were on a jury presiding over such a case would you cast a guilty vote or a nullification vote?).

As an aside, it's interesting to note that some Wall Street experts have declared the North Dakota banking system to be communist/socialist, yet it works well enough to make that states' economy strong and encourages private enterprise there. Is the growth of private enterprise communistic or capitalistic? Have the definitions become so muddled that 'experts' don't know the difference or is there some other motive?

Nullification of Federal abuse is justified by the Declaration of Independence and articles 5 and 10 of the US Constitution (documents which we should return to in the rule of law).


New Member
May 7, 2008
So RJP, I guess we are no longer a Republic?

Please teach, tell us what to call our system?

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
So RJP, I guess we are no longer a Republic?

Please teach, tell us what to call our system?

"At present America is an oligarchy."
-Gore Vidal

Proof of this may be found in everyday news items.

Bills, which are voted into law by municipalities, states and even in some cases by the US Congress are very often nullified by non-elected members of the courts, Presidential cabinets, bureaucrats, and special interest groups such as the military and international corporations. The name of the game these days is nullification by special action or indirect action.

The people have no voice in American government at all and this is why so much frustration is being expressed; tea parties, demonstrations, etc.

Have you not heard the people cry, "we want our country back".

They know not who took it, when it was lost or how to get it back, yet when you try to tell them they deny it and retreat into fantasy (and return again to the voting machine in yet another futile attempt to retrieve what is lost).

"The American people have no idea what is happening to them."
- Pravda

" It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

In the 1960's and '70's certain evangelical preachers began announcing that unless America turned back to God in a big way, God would turn away from us. We were warned that we would lose our greatness, our wealth and our liberties.

Every nation on the planet knows America is in BIG trouble, yet here in the old USA we continue to deny, evade and ignor the Biblical message; that God has turned His back on us as a nation.

America has become so proud and self-important that even many Christians deny the FACT that He has indeed turned His back upon us. Does the reader demand proof? Read the news, listen to the daily reports. We are slowly sinking into the muck of our own wickedness. Few have the intestinal fortitude or the daring to admit it.

God wouldn't judge us. Why not?
Are we so pure that the Almighty will wink at our wickedness and look the other way like the corrupt officials that populate our government?

IF God is righteous and holy, we are in deep trouble.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
If God allows the sin of America to continue, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.


New Member
May 7, 2008
America is a Republic in name only.

The actual true present governing system of America is an oligarchy.

Proof of this may be found in everyday news items. Bills voted into law by municipalities, states and even in some cases by the US Congress are very often nullified by non-elected members of the courts, Presidential cabinets, bureaucrats, and special interest groups such as the military and international corporations. The name of the game these days is nullification by special action or indirect action.

The people have no voice in American government at all and this is why so much frustration is being expressed; tea parties, demonstrations, etc.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

At least for now, we can vote these people out. The reason we are in this position is because we want “Our Rich Uncle” to take care of us. We have become an entitlement society.

It is my opinion, the reason we are in this situation is our lack of God, Morals, and Character. We want all the Freedom but we reject the Responsibility. Freedom only works when we are Accountable for our own actions.

We have a chance to turn this around but we need to act. If we turn back to God, morality, honor, and duty the rest will follow. The system is there. The Constitution is in place. All we have to do is read it “Literally”. Like the Bible – READ IT!!!

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
The reason we are in the predicament we are in is because we have neglected our duty to our families, our communities and to our nation.

The Constitution is in place, but it is being ignored and shredded by the Federal government even as we extoll its virtues.

Voting will do little to correct our present situation. We need to focus our attention and activity in added directions.

Americans need to educate themselves on constitutional law.

It is time for us to demand a limit to expanding Federal power and the ursupation of Constitutional law.

The most lawless entity in the world today is the Federal government of the United States.

It is time to put a leash on it.

It is time to roll up our sleeves and get real concerned and busy with the task of restoring liberty and the rule of law to our land.