DC cant handle a barely 1% increase in their population, how can the US handle millions of illegals

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
DC Mayor Declares Public Emergency After Busloads Of Migrants Overwhelm Nation's Capital | ZeroHedge

According to Ranae Eze, press secretary for Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, Bowser is a hypocrite.

"In a city with a population over 700,000, she’s claiming an emergency for just over 7,900 migrants being bused into her sanctuary city," Eze told the Epoch Times. "That’s barely 1 percent of the population of Washington, D.C. The true emergency is on our nation’s southern border—not in our nation’s capital—where small Texas border towns are overrun and overwhelmed by hundreds of migrants every single day as the Biden Administration dumps them in their communities.

"Instead of fearmongering and complaining about a few thousand migrants in her sanctuary city, Mayor Bowser should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the President continues failing to do. Governor Abbott’s invitation is still open for Mayor Bowser to visit the border and see the actual crisis firsthand."


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
She's just jealous because the illegals are put up in hotel rooms much nicer than what she lives in. Then there is the Obama phone issue ....The Mayor's salary can't cover the model phone she has versus what the illegals get ....

So sooooooooooory ....She can't do what Chicago is doing ...ship the illegals to neighboring suburbs. She doesn't have much of a choice ,,,,infuriate Maryland, Virginia or Pennsylvania ...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
DC Mayor Declares Public Emergency After Busloads Of Migrants Overwhelm Nation's Capital | ZeroHedge
The hypocrisy of the Communists (still calling themselves "Democrats") is astounding. When traitor Biden threw open the southern border to cooperate with the drug cartels (basically handing over the border to the cartels and the coyotes), not a single "Democrat" came right out and said that this is totally unlawful and must be stopped. But as soon as those illegals were sent into DC, New York and Chicago, there was a huge outcry, and the black mayor of DC wanted the National Guard to arrest the Hispanic invaders! At the same time Biden's black press secretary continued to flat-out lie and claim that there is no crisis at the border. This border invasion (along with the flooding of America with illegal fentanyl) was sufficient grounds for the impeachment of both Biden and Harris. So why were they not impeached two years ago?

The other side of the coin is the stupidity of Governor Abbott in shipping illegals into the heart of America, when he should have (a) deported all of them back to their countries of origin and (b) totally shut down the Texas border until Mexico made a commitment to totally halt the movement of illegals into Texas and the USA. In fact all the governors of the border states should have joined together to totally shut down all commerce and/or tourism with Mexico until there was a complete resolution without any reference to Washington, D.C. (since the feds were breaking the law). When the border patrol agents violated the border with the National Guard present, they should all have been arrested and prosecuted.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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United States
Years ago when Mexico's president Fox was leaving office and in one of his last speeches he told the Mexican people it was their duty to reclaim the territory American colonialists stole from them.

That would be Texas,Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming,Kansas,Oklahoma.

The Mexican people clearly agreed. As did central and south Americans.
They've increased their invasion force expoentially ever sense.

Compounding that effort was this idea that came to fruition after the European Union formed and invented their own ''union currency'', the Euro.
Now worth more than the dollar.

Our currency is purposefully being devalued. Why?

Because after the EU formed, globalists started to let slip plans to do the same in north America.
Uniting America and Mexico. ''Amerexico'' was bandied about for a short time.

Then Canada was brought into it.

That decades old one world order legend is not a myth. It's coming.

That's why there's all this testing of new currency schemes. The Euro, e-money, Zuck Buck, etc...

To see what works everywhere for all. Or, for the select few allowed.

We've not even begun to see what's the end model. But when it arrives, the great reset, which is that shift to that reality, will be unmistakable.

2023? 2030?

World Economic Forum head said not long ago of the majority of the worlds people, i.e. those not in his $bracket, we'll own nothing! And like it.

And if we don't like it?:smlhmm:

typo fix
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
If we don't like it, then if they have setup the ESG score system, they can cut you off from everything including 'your' money and ability to buy and sell. They don't want you to own anything, everything you have is theirs.

Is your ESG data unlocking long-term value? | EY - US

ESG is all about total control over your life, economically and socially and medically.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Years ago when Mexico's president Fox was leaving office and in one of his last speeches he told the Mexican people it was their duty to reclaim the territory American colonialists stole from them.

That would be Texas,Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming,Kansas,Oklahoma.

The Mexican people clearly agreed. As did central and south Americans.
They've increased their invasion force expoentially ever sense.

Compounding that effort was this idea that came to fruition after the European Union formed and invented their own ''union currency'', the Euro.
Now worth more than the dollar.

Our currency is purposefully being devalued. Why?

Because after the EU formed, globalists started to let slip plans to do the same in north America.
Uniting America and Mexico. ''Amerexico'' was bandied about for a short time.

Then Canada was brought into it.

That decades old one world order legend is not a myth. It's coming.

That's why there's all this testing of new currency schemes. The Euro, e-money, Zuck Buck, etc...

To see what works everywhere for all. Or, for the select few allowed.

We've not even begun to see what's the end model. But when it arrives, the great reset, which is that shift to that reality, will be unmistakable.

2023? 2030?

World Economic Forum head said not long ago of the majority of the worlds people, i.e. those not in his $bracket, we'll own nothing! And like it.

And if we don't like it?:smlhmm:

typo fix
I have thought, why not just take over all of South America and all ? Who would complain ? Mexico and all the rest would thrive under a bigger USA. Living standards for all would increase.

Why do all of them down south want to come to the USA ? but then you have such as them complain about the USA :rolleyes: how can they complain about a place that they want to come in droves.
If they did not like the USA they would not want to come would they ?
But who would want to be run by any of that lot South of USA :rolleyes:

Joe Biden and all of the Satanist crew is another thing tho. That's just another huge con job being played out on the cards, sadly some Republicans are in on it or many fear to stand up to such a evil force, that clearly works to dominate over everyone.

Joe Biden is clearly a pro Drug trafficker, he is clearly aiding such ! who could say that his regards to such intent are not pro Drug trafficker inspiring with criminal cartels flourishing. It's open slater on the out right detriment of the USA people.

Joe Biden is clearly working to undermine the USA in fact, to bring it too it's knees on every front one could think of, out right Morally ! Financially ! and all such depravity bastardisation is clearly all on the cards. If one can not see it as such, one must be under great delusions and deceptions.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
I have thought, why not just take over all of South America and all ? Who would complain ? Mexico and all the rest would thrive under a bigger USA. Living standards for all would increase.

Why do all of them down south want to come to the USA ? but then you have such as them complain about the USA :rolleyes: how can they complain about a place that they want to come in droves.
If they did not like the USA they would not want to come would they ?
But who would want to be run by any of that lot South of USA :rolleyes:

Joe Biden and all of the Satanist crew is another thing tho. That's just another huge con job being played out on the cards, sadly some Republicans are in on it or many fear to stand up to such a evil force, that clearly works to dominate over everyone.

Joe Biden is clearly a pro Drug trafficker, he is clearly aiding such ! who could say that his regards to such intent are not pro Drug trafficker inspiring with criminal cartels flourishing. It's open slater on the out right detriment of the USA people.

Joe Biden is clearly working to undermine the USA in fact, to bring it too it's knees on every front one could think of, out right Morally ! Financially ! and all such depravity bastardisation is clearly all on the cards. If one can not see it as such, one must be under great delusions and deceptions.
Yes, America has her critics and outright haters. It's sorry when they don't live here and yet they bang on against America's governance and people. As if their country is ShangriLa.
I feel it is far worse though when our governor's are our enemies. And from the top down at that.

It would be funny if Americans by the thousands decided to instead take a turn and invade Mexico. :r.u.n:lol

Only, their government would respond in force against it by sending the army to repel us.

Unlike America where we might as well ask Mexico's president to post signs just before the border.
We work harder so you can invade us and have everything handed to you'':no reply: It's Satanic.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
And if we don't like it?:smlhmm:
"We" should send Vladimir Putin a letter to have Klaus Schwab arrested and sent to Lubyanka. Since the American Special Forces have failed to do their duty, the Russian Spetsnaz should grab Schwab at the earliest opportunity. And here's the reason:

"The World Economic Forum has put on ice its relationships with Russia, including strategic partnerships with conglomerates run by oligarchs. A Kremlin-backed research center in Moscow and an advisory council led by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s economic adviser have also been torpedoed."
Davos freezes out Putin and Russian oligarchs


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
DC is a VERY dangerous place! Where are the politicians hiding when OUR Country needs help? They are giving BILLIONS to other nations.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
DC is a VERY dangerous place! Where are the politicians hiding when OUR Country needs help? They are giving BILLIONS to other nations.

DC Mayor Declares Public Emergency After Busloads Of Migrants Overwhelm Nation's Capital | ZeroHedge

According to Ranae Eze, press secretary for Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, Bowser is a hypocrite.

"In a city with a population over 700,000, she’s claiming an emergency for just over 7,900 migrants being bused into her sanctuary city," Eze told the Epoch Times. "That’s barely 1 percent of the population of Washington, D.C. The true emergency is on our nation’s southern border—not in our nation’s capital—where small Texas border towns are overrun and overwhelmed by hundreds of migrants every single day as the Biden Administration dumps them in their communities.

"Instead of fearmongering and complaining about a few thousand migrants in her sanctuary city, Mayor Bowser should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the President continues failing to do. Governor Abbott’s invitation is still open for Mayor Bowser to visit the border and see the actual crisis firsthand."

That doesn't matter! They figure that 60-70% percent of these migrants will vote the Democratic ticket after given an under the table citizenship. That vote is all that matters.
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