Did Christians invent the Trinity-2

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
so you’re really not a Unitarian but believe in two Gods?

I believe in only one God, but what you’re looking for is found in Church history.

Dialogue of Origen with Heraclides and the Bishops with him concerning the Father and the Son and the Soul.

“After the bishops present raised questions concerning the faith of Bishop Heraclides, that he might confess before all the faith which he held, and after each one had said what he thought and asked questions, Heraclides said:

I also believe what the sacred Scriptures say: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him nothing was made.’ Accordingly, we hold the same faith that is taught in these words, and we believe that Christ took flesh, that he was born, that he went up to heaven in the flesh in which he rose again, that he is sitting at the right hand of the Father, and that thence he shall come and judge the living and the dead, being God and man.

Origen said: Since once an inquiry has begun it is proper to say something upon the subject of the inquiry, I will speak. The whole church is present and listening. It is not right that there should be any difference in knowledge between one church and another, for you are not the false church. I charge you, father Heraclides: God is the almighty, the uncreated, the supreme God who made all things. Do you hold this doctrine?

Heracl. : I do. That is what I also believe.

Orig. : Christ Jesus who was in the form of God, being other than the God in whose form he existed, was he God before he came into the body or not?

Heracl. : He was God before.

Orig. : Was he God before he came into the body or not?

Heracl. : Yes, he was.

Orig. : Was he God distinct from this God in whose form he existed?

Heracl. : Obviously he was distinct from another being and, since he was in the form of him who created all things, he was distinct from him.

Orig. : It is true then that there was a God, the Son of God, the only begotten of God, the firstborn of all creation, and that we need have no fear of saying that in one sense there are two Gods, while in another there is one God?

Heracl. : What you say is evident. But we affirm that God is the almighty, God without beginning, without end, containing all things and not contained by anything; and that his Word is the Son of the living God, God and man, through whom all things were made, God according to the spirit, man inasmuch as he was born of Mary.

Orig. : You do not appear to have answered my question. Explain what you mean. For perhaps I failed to follow you. Is the Father God?

Heracl. : Assuredly.

Orig. : Is the Son distinct from the Father?

Heracl. : Of course. How can he be the Son if he is also the Father?

Orig. : While being distinct from the Father is the Son himself also God?

Heracl. : He himself is also God.

Orig. : And do two Gods become a unity?

Heracl. : Yes.

Orig. : Do we confess two Gods?

Heracl. : Yes. The power is one.

Orig. : But as our brethren take offence at the statement that there are two Gods, we must formulate the doctrine carefully, and show in what sense they are two and in what sense the two are one God. …”

(Dialogues of Origen: with Heraclides and the bishops with him, concerning the Father and the Son and the Soul)

Origen - Dialog with Heracleides - Christian History


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
Did someone who knew Jesus in person or someone who lived at that time think he was God in the flesh?

To understand biblical content as historical and real, I like to visualize myself at the time of the events I am reading about.

If I had been a Jew in times when Jesus was a man and walked in the territory of Judea, Galilee, or Samaria ... would I have considered Jesus as GOD Himself in the flesh? What did everyone who knew him comment about Jesus at that time? What would I have heard if I had been there?

If they, at that very same time when Jesus was alive, said about him something different, and the Scriptures are witnessing about it ... what is the "christ" some are talking about today?
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Did someone who knew Jesus in person or someone who lived at that time think he was God in the flesh?

To understand biblical content as historical and real, I like to visualize myself at the time of the events I am reading about.

If I had been a Jew in times when Jesus was a man and walked in the territory of Judea, Galilee, or Samaria ... would I have considered Jesus as GOD Himself in the flesh? What did everyone who knew him comment about Jesus at that time? What would I have heard if I had been there?

If they, at that very same time when Jesus was alive, said about him something different, and the Scriptures are witnessing about it ... what is the "christ" some are talking about today?

  1. Luke 5:21
    The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

    John 10:33
    “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
Perhaps you have never seen these passages before. The religious men of the day were pretty convinced that Jesus was claiming to be God.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

  1. Luke 5:21
    The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

    John 10:33
    “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
Perhaps you have never seen these passages before. The religious men of the day were pretty convinced that Jesus was claiming to be God.
Even Jesus disciples did not know Jesus was the Christ, they had only faith that he was or maybe ? but it was not until Jesus went to Heaven that they knew he was the Christ Jesus.
Now only Nathaniel knew that Jesus was truly the Christ before hand and Jesus said what he would come to see ? so even Nathaniel would be 100% full. I believe Nathaniel may also be Stephen ?
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