different viewpoints

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New Member
Oct 3, 2006
I was wondering what opinions people had on smoking. i don't just mean cigarette smoking but like also cigars, tobacco pipes...that sorta of stuff. I'm a little hesitant to dig deep either way. just looking for opinions or rock solid proof for either/or


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
It was a very difficult thing to get out of my system in fact I still enjoy a little 2nd hand smoke occasionally. I quit because I found out my bio mom had died of emphysemia and the wonderful grandfather to my son was dying before my eyes at the same time. If I hadn't had the graphic reasons I need to quit, I don't think I would have. I really enjoyed that first ciggy after a meal and the comraderie of the back door consignment...Smoking is not a biblical sin... It is however harmful to the body, I am drawn further to mention other smoke....Medical marajuana is used by thousands of people who have diseases to good use....but you put it in the body of a teenager and his grades and life will suffer. I know you didn't ask about that but I do follow leading perhaps someone is struggling with this also.The best thing to do is stay away from either if you can. But I don't think the Bilble condemns either, unless you are breaking the law. It definately is a sin to break the law of your state or country. Hope this helps you and any others who are struggling with this.If any need prayer that desire to quit... I think we all could help by prayer, because you'll need it. Smoking is harder to quit than herion they say... I believe it....


New Member
Dec 31, 2006
I smoked for at least ten years, since I was around 11 or 12 or so, regularly, till I was into my early 20's. I was not a Christian at the time, but I got to thinking about how life is a gift, and that by smoking, you were pretty much guaranteed to be harming your body, and that by doing so you were basically throwing your life away. I got to thinking about my family, and how they would eventually have to deal with the fact that I considered smoking more important than years of extra time that could have been spent in a loving relationship with them. There is so much life to live, if you cannot move around without gasping for air, then how can it be enjoyable? I just wanted to be able to do as much as possible, for as long as possible. As for smoking not being a sin, I am not sure that I believe that, we are made in God's own likeness, and by causing intentional damage to it, I cannot see how that is not being disrespectful to our Maker. I know that this is basically pulling at straws here, but it is how I see it, and obviously opinions will differ, especially from someone who smokes and cannot help but to justify it by saying that they enjoy it. I say that if it is enjoyable to start something on fire, and suck the smoke into your lungs, filling them with carcinogens, tar, fiberglass, and whatever else is put in there then great, you have to deal with the consequences down the road, and go knowing that your family knows how you chose them second.For the record, when I quit, I did just that, I QUIT, I put the pack in the garbage can, got me a pack of gum, and quit. You just have to get it in your mind that you want to live a full life and stop bringing death upon yourself.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
I think I tried one when I was little, hate it. Never will ever tried smoking again. Damaging for the body. Ye will live life more, by quitting, especially for those who never will smoke...Lovest ye in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. God blessed.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
It is not any more of a sin to smoke than it is to eat fast food,or take prescription drugs, or stay out in the sun to long, or go sky diving for that matter. That doesn't mean its smart. But then again I'm not sure jumping out of an airplane is smart but it can be hazardous to your health. It can however be akin to the health laws, which are about keeping the body healthy and free from disease. Any decisions we make to keep the body healthy are always pleasing to God and a benefit to us. But there again we can't judge a person who smokes as a sinner,anymore than we can judge one who eats cheeseburger.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
That's true, but smoking kills. Too much cheeseburger is not healthy at all either. So...yea.Lovest ye in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. God bless.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Your welcome, however, that's why I believe if it's damaging your body, then it's worldly In fact very carnal and worldly It's that bad.