Don't be so hard on yourself

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Listen, I am a sinner.

A sinner who has luckily came to the realization that - I am my own worst enemy. Every day, when waking up the voice inside which is from my soul expresses itself. (I hate my job, I hate waking up, I hate whatever it may be), that is you inside saying those things, it's from with-in your own soul, figuratively your own heart.

Some people would hear me call myself a sinner; and thing 'what a horrible term to call yourself.' Truth is, all of us are sinners and thankfully Jesus Christ paid for our sins, so that one can be set free. However, to be set free, is to really know who the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know who he is? Have you read and sought after him? Have you ever been encouraged to seek after him, and read the bible? See, this is why the bible is so important because it's like scrubbing bubbles, when someone washes themselves with the word, it starts to scrub away a hard heart which brings forth such things, mentioned prior (I hate my job, I hate waking up, I hate whatever it may be.) We all struggle with this voice of ours inside, and many blame it on the devil so they can continue to live in their miserable state and never take responsibility for their own choices when they wake up, because it's the mind that is a battlefield, and that battlefield needs to be won over to being renewed, not conformed to what is known naturally but spiritually.

Perhaps if you take the chance, and wonder... "Can the Lord Jesus really help me? Who is the guy, anyway?" Perhaps if you take that chance... before you die and learn about him, and about the Father and question and write down what you see, and what you read, perhaps... instead of hating - you will wake up in the morning with being thankful, "Sure I hurt, but thankful to be alive, Sure the job hurts I do, but I am thankful to have a Job, Atleast God is good and he loves me and his son desires for us to remain in his word and to love God and love others."

Perhaps renewing that mind of ours is what is the most benefical - it's not about being perfect... yes we are to mature however, it's okay to laugh, it's okay to listen to some music, it's okay to sing, or watch a movie, or enjoy your life however, one must decide if they are willing to incorporate God into their life, because he is the one that makes the difference, with the Lord Jesus giving rest to the soul...

Individual choice ... it's up to you, maybe you are curious, maybe you will go and seek. You can always consider what man may say, but seek truth and don't trust that they have the answer: cause they could be wrong - check out the bible and see whats in there and check and see if what they say or not lines up with the scriptures. If you have the spirit of Christ in you, and follow the spirit, you in step with Christ in you, are a child of God and he will perform through you if you allow him to come forth which always abides in love, and of course you may hate somethings which don't just line up when it comes to people who may be "leaders", Jesus had a problem with them and hated that they taught lies, and manmade traditions compared to the truth of Yahava, his Father.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Thank you for stopping by, rereading this, this is perfectly applicale to share and be read to anyone else would may be interested in listening, forgot it was here. Appericate the reminder, Wrangler, love to you and all others, in the Lord Jesus Christ.