ebook on amazon have you published? need help?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Self publishing is a lot of work. But if you have the marketing skills it's not a horrible living. It does take 8-10 and sometimes 12 hour days five and six days a week.

It's a regular job.

Once you have a book written there are various types of editing. The better editing costing thousands of dollars.
Then once that's done you need a jacket/cover art. That means a graphic artist that will sell you the rights to a piece of their artwork and no one else. That's not only expensive but difficult because artists have sold it over and over again to leave you hanging out to dry with the lawsuits.

So...once all that has been accomplished you need endorsements. Publishing houses have the usuals all tied up. But there are a few that actually are worth it. Expect to pay around $400-$700 each for these.

Now somewhere along the way you needed to be building a fan base. People who believe in you and your writing. This needs to be in the thousands...tens and hundreds of thousands of fans of your work. Supporters are good too... people who you allow access to your unfinished work for a mention inside the flap.
Those supporters can help fund the translation of it into other languages. And international sales can be a major portion of some books. Portuguese, French, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese and maybe Mandarin...each language opens new markets.
Expect the Russians and others to steal your work. And for you to have little recourse when they sue you for stealing their book. Lawyer fees are going to eat you alive.
Now a new book of a writer with an established fan base is going to be popular for a limited time only. (if it's good, well timed, and popular subject matter... another teen vampire love story is going to be lost in the flood)

People have gone to such formats as Wattpad and Patreon for their subscription fees to pay for the books released one chapter at a time with some good success.

Then there's the purchase of advertising.
$2-$5,000 for some internet ads isn't outside the box. A mass email campaign of email addresses you have collected isn't a bad idea either and those usually only cost $0.01 per email. (That's what fan bases are for)

And for all this work to promote your own work on Amazon...expect to clear around $20,000 per year of a hot book. (Expenses are expenses and taxes eat everything up)
The following years get smaller returns and the plagerism sites are having a field day giving away your work.
So during all of this I hope you have been writing new material to turn into a presentable book. Because you are a starving artist but if you expect to eat at all you have to write or die...writers either write or they are presumed dead...and dead men tell no tales.

But staying in contact with fan bases and being personable with them...that gets you fanatics and a little loyalty. So when you come out with subsequent pieces of work they snatch it up with their dollars. Which you then disburse to the tax man and lawyers and others. This is where the living wage begins to be around 30k per year. Magazines begin to pick up snippets and if you are nice you can get free advertising...of course they expect you to buy some too. But this boosts sales and the thieves have a harder time claiming your work and sueing you for stealing.

And if you do good enough work a larger publishing house will pick you up and write you a fat check and you can just cash it and work on other pieces. You do have to do book signings and other promotional work.
But it's a bit easier to do. Only 50 hour work weeks then. Your agent gets a cut...for seemingly nothing...but it is a needed devil like the lawyers and the thieves.