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@Marvelloustime Another good verse to remember...
@Marvelloustime I'm so glad you posted this verse as a reminded, because it's a subject I've been thinking about lately...
@Marvelloustime Excellent, comforting passage! :)
@Marvelloustime You do have the knack of selecting really good verse to quote! Psalm 51 is indeed so searching.
Oh thank you for that. The Lord bless you.@Marvelloustime You do have the knack of selecting really good verse to quote! Psalm 51 is indeed so searching.
Amen! I love that scripture and such an important thing to do. Set our minds and hearts on Christ above.
@Marvelloustime Indeed; and Hebrews 12.2 is very similar:Amen! I love that scripture and such an important thing to do. Set our minds and hearts on Christ above.