End times

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2015
Seattle, WA
4 Reasons “Date-Setters” are dangerous to the Church.
1- All Date-Setters have a 100% Fail Rate.
Date-Setters and those who have tried to predict the day the Lord would return is nothing new and dates all the way back to 53A.D and has continued until this present hour.
Just like all the failures of the past, the predictions continue to never produce anything but failure. Perhaps they could have saved themselves humiliation if they would have listened to Jesus when he told us this

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” - Mark‬ ‭13:32‬
2- Date-Setters inevitability turn the Body of Christ into a laughing stock and reduces the true message of warning and preparing for the return of the Lord from modern watchmen a joke.
There is nothing worse than doing damage control after authors and speakers in the name of the Lord make mainstream news with their bogus predictions that always flop, leaving yet another reproach on the Church and a mess others have to cleanup.
3- It discourages ministers of the Gospel including pastors to speak or even teach on the End Times or Bible Prophecy.
Many ministers of the Gospel have become gun shy with even ministering on Eschatology because of all the damage that has been done from these failed date-setters, therefore they avoid the topic all together.
4- Its an attempt of the enemy to discredit any future events that have been foretold by the prophets of old and even the Apostle Paul.
The New Testament tells us that the time will come in the last days that scoffers will arise and say “where is the promise of his coming”?
I believe one of the main causes of scoffers in the last days will stem from the discouragement and disappointments that have been produced from these failed date-setters in the name of Christ.
This has produced many naysayers and scoffers from the sheer disappointment this brings to the gullible that believe them to begin with. - Ricky Scaparo


Active Member
Jul 28, 2015
Seattle, WA
  • The Coronavirus (Covid-19) that was detected in China in December, and rapidly spread across the globe to all nations due to the cover-up by Chinese leadership, and the fact that Wuhan China – the source of the virus – is a major commercial hub with daily flights to all major cities around the world.The Coronavirus was hijacked by the mass media, and governments around the world, to spread a spirit of fear around the globe, and place nations in “lock downs” taking way people’s freedom
    Business were closed, due to low/no demand, millions have lost their jobs, and as a result, discontent with the situation is rising rapidly.
  • Millions of people in the U.S. have lost jobs, their homes, cars, and are having to go to the government for assistance to get food to eat. People who are used to comfort, nice homes, an income, and material possessions. Almost half the population has been living on the edge – “paycheck to paycheck”. And now they are unemployed, loosing everything. To address this urgent need, economic recovery must happen, and happen quickly. The recovery is being purposely delayed by politicians in an effort to trigger violence, looting,and civil unrest.
  • Politics and the Desire for Power to unseat Trump – Across the U.S., Democratic governors and Mayors are delaying economic recovery and a “return to normal” as much as possible, in an effort to sustain the damage until the November election – when Trump and Pence will be up for re-election. History shows that when the economy is in trouble, the opposition party stands the best chance of election.
  • The Mass Media news channels have played a major role in drilling fear and panic into the people – at first, with the Corona virus, and now with fear about violent protests. In the U.S. – ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN – have all played the same messages of fear mongering over and over, brain washing the people into locking themselves down, and wearing ineffective DIY masks even when there is literally no threat of infection.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2015
Seattle, WA
“Normal” isn’t coming back, but Jesus is. Jesus said, “as it was in the days of Noah,” would be one of the signs of his coming. Well, we certainly are living in the Noah days and perilous times, Matthew 24:37 and 1 Thessalonians 5.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
5 Reasons We Are Living in the Last Days
By Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones: In Matthew 24:36, Jesus said concerning the timing of His return, “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven nor the Son, but the Father alone.” So, how then can we know we are truly living in the last days?
Allen Parr of the YouTube channel The BEAT has five good reasons why we are living in the last days. He’s joined us to share those five reasons.
1. People are going to turn away from Christianity and to a lie.
Allen Parr:
One of the main prophecies that the Bible talks about concerning the last days’ prophesies that people are going to turn away from Christianity and adopt a lie. Look at 1 Timothy 4:1 where it talks about how the Spirit expressively says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith. We are seeing a lot of that happening in our culture right now. People are deconstructing our Judeo-Christian society. Obviously, this isn’t some phenomenon that has just been happening as of late, for we’ve long seen a progression towards this end, but the end goal of Humanism supplanting Christianity in our culture has pretty much been reached. And so, I think that is just one of the signs that we are living in the end times.
2. Christians settling for watered-down Christianity.
Allen Parr:
Once again, 2 Timothy says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” Paul warned that in the end times the people would gather around them teachers who tickle their ears with feel-good platitudes. So many churches today have been getting away from teaching directly from the Bible. They don’t use the Bible that much, and the Bible seems to be coming under greater and greater attack. So few Christians go to Sunday School anymore. Many Christians are not biblically literate which fuels this ongoing movement away from sound theology to just religious-sounding entertainment, and so this becomes one of the signs of the end times.
3. The moral decay of our society.
Allen Parr:
This third sign which shows that we are living in the last days affects the entire world; it’s worldwide, it’s not just here in our Western culture. Go back to 2 Timothy 3 which says: “That in the last days these things will come. Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemous…” On and on Paul goes providing this long laundry list of the sinful characteristics which will define society in the last days.
Just look at our world today and you’ll have to admit that our society is morally decaying. We have this glorification of same-sex marriages and LGBTQ+ pride. The moral decay consuming our society has accelerated more it seems than it’s ever been in world history.
Nathan Jones: Men are calling evil good and good evil. Evil is celebrated while good is looked down upon as a vice. And, if you are not actively participating in promoting the evil then you are canceled by the Woke mob. Evil is flourishing in our day!
Allen Parr: Christians are called haters, bigots, homophobes, and many false accusations like that. And, it’s a global phenomenon. Evil is celebrated — in…your…face! It’s almost forced upon you as the new normal. And so, that’s why this decay provides another example as to why we are living in the last days.
4. Wars, rumors of wars, and a world devoid of peace.
One of the signs that Jesus provided in Matthew 24 concerns wars and rumors of wars. Basically, the Lord foretold a world devoid of peace. Jesus said, “You will hear of wars, and rumors of wars, see that you are not troubled for all of these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Once again, we see a lot of this happening, certainly in our day. Of course, today is not the only time there have ever been wars in the history of the world, but it seems to be leveling up a bit more, particularly when you look at things that are happening in Africa and the Middle East related to all of these different tribal wars.
5. An increase in false prophets.
Nathan Jones:
An increase in false christs and false prophets was Jesus’ number one sign that would point to his soon return, right?
Allen Parr: Absolutely. He said, “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” So many people today are calling themselves prophets; it’s like the big thing now. People are claiming to have been given a prophetic word. They say: “God told me this” or “God told me that.”
Even people who aren’t even trying to be prophets among Christians are saying, “God showed me this in a dream” or “God gave me this word for you.” All of these mini false prophets are running around in addition to all of the huge TV personalities that are always claiming, “God said this” or “God said that.” An increase in false prophets stands out as a major sign that we are living in the end times.
Nathan Jones: I visited Watchman Fellowship’s website, a cult-watching ministry. They report that there are some 1,200 different religious organizations in the United States and 500 cults. Catch that — 500 cults! That includes the big ones such as the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 stand out as excellent passages for what the Bible has to say about the signs of the end times. Jesus provided ten signs in each passage. Allen, you covered five of them. For those who want to read the rest of the list, go to these passages to learn about the other signs of the end times.
Remember what the Lord said in 1 John 2:28, “And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He [Jesus] appears we may have confidence and not be ashamed about Him at His coming.” Jesus is coming soon. So, are you abiding in Him? The signs of the end times are happening all over the place, just as the Bible prophesied. God wants your to know that Jesus is coming back.
So, you have to ask yourself: Am I ready? Allen, how can someone be ready for the Lord’s return?
Allen Parr: We have to prepare ourselves. Jesus told us the Parable of the Talents, emphasizing how important it is that we’re using our gifts and talents to serve the Lord, and not just waiting time. We also have to make sure that we are preparing ourselves by living holy lives.
And, most importantly, we as Christians need to be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have in Jesus. There are a lot of skeptics — a lot of unbelievers — so we have to make sure that as Christians we prepare ourselves to be able to be ready to give an answer or a defense for the hope that we have. We want people to live in Heaven with us. We don’t want them to miss out on eternal life.
Nathan Jones: We hope that you have surrendered to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so you can be ready for His soon return.
Let us notice what JESUS said to beware of concerning wolves .
IT wasnt just wolves , BUT WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING . THEY are amongst many churches now .
The betrayal of Christ and His church is coming from within the very realm of christendom itself
And their new god is HUMANISM . marvel not my friends . Christ was not betrayed by one outside
But rather one INSIDE . marvel not my friend and my friends for even satan can appear as an angel of light .
YET HE IS DARKNESS . its no mystery nor suprise that his followers can get up and appear as men of righteousness
and yet be there to serve THEMSELVES , their agenda and to lead the peoples away from the VERY TRUTH which could
have saved them by presenting another false all inclusive gospel which in truth serves a very high and wicked agenda .
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Active Member
Jul 28, 2015
Seattle, WA
Look to Jesus, not to the trouble ahead.
Presence of false christs and false prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11)
War, (Matt. 24:6-7; Luke 21:10)
Persecution of the faithful, (Matt. 24:9)
Apostasy, (Matt. 24:10; 1 Tim. 4:1)
Lawlessness increases and love grows cold, (Matt. 24:12)
Earthquakes, famine, and plague, (Luke 21:11)
Increase in selfishness, (2 Tim. 2:2)
Lovers of self, money, and pleasure. Arrogant, disobedient, ungrateful, and unholy. They will be haters of good, conceited, appearing godly but are not, (2 Tim. 3:2-5)
Mocking of Jesus, (2 Peter 3:3-4; Jude 17-19)
Increase in knowledge, (Daniel 12:4)
Rise of spiritism, (1 Tim. 4:1)
Decay of marriage, (1 Tim. 4:1)
False teaching, (2 Tim. 4:3–4)
The gospel will be preached to the whole world, (Matt. 24:14)
Signs in the heavens, (Luke 21:11)
Sun and Moon will be darkened, (Matt. 24:29)
The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, (Matt. 24:30)
Abuse and destruction of the earth and its resources, (Rev. 11:18)
All the nations of the earth will gather against Israel, (Zech. 12:3)
Rebuilding of the Temple, (2 Thess. 2:3–4)
Arrival of the Antichrist, (2 Thess. 2:3–4; Rev. 13:14–17)
Enforcement of the mark of the beast, (Rev. 13:17)
Repentance of Israel and the Jews coming to faith in Christ (Rom. 11:25-26)


Active Member
Jul 28, 2015
Seattle, WA
Here are the seven clearest signs we've obtained that we're living in the end times:

1.) The seven trumpets of Revelation are a clear reference to Trump's seven terms in office. Once Trump's 28 years in the White House are over, it's go time, baby! Hopefully the president converts as many people to Christianity as possible in that short time frame.

2.) The Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C. just turned to blood and that can't be a good sign. We're no prophecy pros, but typically that's associated with bad stuff coming. The plague of Pepe the Frog memes is another bad omen.

3.) The Ghostbusters remake was a clear sign we have been given over to God's judgment. In Romans 1, Paul writes that God sometimes gives people over to their sinful desires, allowing them to suffer the consequences. The all-female remake of Ghostbusters was maybe the clearest example of that happening in recent memory.

4.) Prophecy wackos have been predicting it's the end of the world every year for centuries, and frankly, they've gotta be right one of these times. The odds get better every time, that's just basic mathematics.

5.) The moon has turned to blood many times. Sure it was just in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but still. Every time the moon turns to blood and the Moblins come back, we're one step closer to the end.

6.) This climate change activist outside our offices is just standing there holding this cardboard sign that says "THE END IS NEAR" and he seems pretty trustworthy. He smells of patchouli but his heart is in the right place.

7.) The country is politically divided for the first time in history. While previous generations have seen peace and harmony here at home and abroad in places like the Middle East, we see political turmoil now for the first time ever, a clear sign that this is the end.