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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Although a spiritual understanding could contradict our interpretation. The bible we read is only a translation...a the Jews call it...not the actual word.
Some treat the Bible as plastic, so that they "mold it into whatever form suits them". Some treat the language used in Scripture as "optional", and feel free to play.

But the serious disciple will show in their life, in both their actions and in their words to others, whether they have actually been worshiping God or not. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and from the heart flow the issues of life.

And so everyone is revealed.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Some treat the Bible as plastic, so that they "mold it into whatever form suits them". Some treat the language used in Scripture as "optional", and feel free to play.

This happens all the time from Greek to English...where words are translated so that unspiritual people can make sense of it.
But the serious disciple will show in their life, in their words to others, whether they have actually been worshiping God or not. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and from the heart flow the issues of life.

And so everyone is revealed.

Much love!
This is true. Out of the abundance of the heart....


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
Now never be confused with the unbeliever, would does not know of righteous works or holiness as they walk always in the dark, even the pious, civically minded and honorable people.
If I understand you correctly,
I believe 1John 1:9 is for saved born again believers who have sinned against God and are in need of repentance to get right with God once again.

When Christians sin we are once again out of Gods light.
Gone back into darkness.
Once again in need to get back into the light by repentance(confessing our sins).

Well, I also noted and referenced the scripture you were using, 1 John1:1-10. You know it's not about initial salvation or one's present state in Christ at all.
Correct, not about initial salvation. These people who are told to confess their sins are born again Christians who have sinned against God.

For a believer, when first saved, we are given by the Spirit of God, holiness or sanctification, and the ability to perform righteous works that are pleasing to God. Although, many do not begin or always continue to experience this holiness, with righteous works they now possess.
Not all born again Christians perfectly do good works. Sometimes they sin and do works of the flesh.
Yes I agree.

The Bible teaches the word sanctifies,
John 17:17,
- sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is truth.
Therefore the Holy Spirit works through the word to bring about our sanctification.

The Spirit convicts them of real sin and they should then obey and confess it.
Right, Christians are commanded by John in 1John 1:9 to confess sins when commited. The Bible teaches christians are to repent of sins.

If you like, I'd like you to teach me how the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner to feel godly sorrow for his sinning that then leads him to repent.

How does the Holy Spirit convict us of our sins today?

Now to condemn someone they are not saved, or to be in a constant state of fear and in trembling, of losing it, by the very Spirit that God gave to someone intentionally, that because of some unconfessed sin, is really unforgiveable....and the use of this word is intentional
Sorry, but I'm not for sure I understand you here.
Let me just ask so I know you.
Do you believe a born again christian can loose his home in heaven and be sent to hell on judgment day?

This subject scripture, if used to condemn or to cast doubt on a believers faith and their salvation is not only very much misplaced, it can instill unnecessary fear, and be devasting to a new believer. It should never be done for this purpose
Still a little confused on what you believe.
Are you teaching that it is wrong to tell a new babe in Christ that 1John 1:1-10 can cause them to loose their salvation if they do not repent of their sins? Because it will put Unessceary fear in them?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States

I'm still waiting to hear you teach the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Nah, you heard it you just prefer the false gospel of belief only and no obedience to be saved

Here it is again,
Mark 16:15-16,
- and Jesus said unto them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature
He that believeth and is baptized will be saved; but he that believeth not shall be danmed

You will have to answer on judgment day for your rejection of Jesus' gospel Dan.

Love you.
I consider you a serious minded man that holds to what he believes in all sincerity.
Unfortunately like Paul before his conversion he was sincere in all of his beliefs and devotion to God but still sincerely wrong.

I like you because I know you care about others. I know you love me and want me to be in heaven.
I feel the same way for you.
I've cried and prayed for you many times.
Bye Dan.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Titus said: Nah, you heard it you just prefer the false gospel of belief only and no obedience to be saved
Nah, salvation by water baptism (water baptized or condemned) is not the gospel. Obedience which "follows" believing the gospel is works and we are saved by grace through faith and not by works. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

Here it is again,
Mark 16:15-16,
- and Jesus said unto them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature
He that believeth and is baptized will be saved; but he that believeth not shall be danmed
Mark 16:16 - He who believes and is baptized will be saved (general cases without making a qualification for the unusual case of someone who believes but is not baptized) but he who does not believe will be condemned.

The omission of baptized with "does not believe" shows that Jesus does not make baptism absolutely necessary for salvation. Condemnation rests on unbelief and not on a lack of baptism. *NOWHERE does the Bible say, "baptized or condemned."

If water baptism is absolutely required for salvation, then we would expect Jesus to mention it in the following verses. (3:15,16,18; 5:24; 6:29,40,47; 11:25,26) Yet what is the 1 requirement that Jesus mentions 9 different times in each of these complete statements *BELIEVES. *What happened to baptism? *Hermeneutics.

John 3:18 - He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who (is not water baptized? - NO) does not believe is condemned already, because he has not (been water baptized? - NO) because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

You will have to answer on judgment day for your rejection of Jesus' gospel Dan.
I have not rejected Jesus' gospel, and NOWHERE did Jesus say that whoever is not baptized will be condemned, yet he clearly stated that those who do not believe will be condemned. To believe in Him unto salvation (John 3:18) means we are trusting exclusively in Jesus Christ for salvation and not in Jesus Christ + works. (Romans 4:5-6) The gospel is the "good news" of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that BELIEVES.. (Romans 1:16) Believes + what? Simply believes.

To "believe" the gospel is to trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as the ALL-sufficient means of our salvation. The gospel is not a set of rituals to perform, a code of laws to be obeyed or a check list of good works (including water baptism) to accomplish as a prerequisite for salvation. In Galatians 1:11-12, we read - But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:17 - For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. 18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

You will have to answer on judgment day for refusing to believe the gospel by "adding works" to it. Salvation by faith + works renders Christ an IN-sufficient Savior. BTW I have received water baptism but just not for the same reason that you did. I'm not trusting in water baptism for salvation IN ADDITION to trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation. My faith rests in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Romans 3:24-28)

Love you.
I consider you a serious minded man that holds to what he believes in all sincerity.
Unfortunately like Paul before his conversion he was sincere in all of his beliefs and devotion to God but still sincerely wrong.

I like you because I know you care about others. I know you love me and want me to be in heaven.
I feel the same way for you.
I've cried and prayed for you many times.
Bye Dan.
Love you too. There are many folks who are religious, but not right with God. Sincere, but sincerely wrong. Assurance of salvation is found only in Christ. (1 John 5:11-13) Now, before his conversion, Paul was a Pharisee, yet after his conversion, he said in Philippians 3:7-9 - But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

Bye Titus.
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