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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
My own biological mother threw a Bible verse I had written into the garbage. I was crying when I was talking to her today. She does not believe in Christian Universalism. My own biological father does not believe in Christian Universalism either.

At my desk, she saw me peacefully writing a Bible verse by myself. She got upset. She called me “crazy”, “weird”, “not normal” because I spread these papers in public. She is against me talking to people online about this too, like on Discord. She says she does not want to be friends with a person who writes Bible verses like I do. She commands me stop evangelizing; I will not stop.

She called it a waste of time, over and over again. She says other people have their own religious beliefs, so I should not interfere. She says this should be kept inside only church buildings.

But how will those outside these buildings hear this good news? That person she mentioned, on Discord, became converted to Christian Universalism because I talked with them. So, it’s not a waste. Those dozens of papers I wrote, well, my mother read one, so it was not a waste. And my younger sister became a Christian Universalist too.

So, I showed her this verse, which I show to you too my friends :)

```Psalm 105:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (ESV). ```

When people online insult me, it hurts. When my own mother insults me, it hurts even more.

Even still, I still love her. Please Father, forgive her.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Hello Harold!
We do not ever (meaning Christians) and will NEVER "pay" for our sins to be right in God's eyes as, Jesus took the full penalty for the sins of the whole world, and gave us this enormous, very costly gift to us. Like you basically said in the first sentence- Only God is good... Once we have His righteousness and forgiveness as we MUST repent! And be baptized in His Name.
There is no way that any human other than Christ could ever pay for their sins...we are not the perfect Lambs, with no blemish and a constant union with The Father...we are a fallen species no matter how we see each other on the "outside" Only God can see man's heart. What The Holy Spirit has shown me over the years is that, the human heart is evil, always. Our "good works" without faith in Christ are as filthy rags to God.
He loves us regardless and wants ALL MEN to come to repentance. Submitting every single thing to Him is the only way that He can fill us with Himself :)
It's amazing what He does when we honestly and actually submit! It's awesome.
God bless

Hello Nancy!

I agree my friend. The human heart is truly always evil. Our "good works" are never truly good. That's why we must have faith in Christ who is good. A truly good gift! <3 Ephiesians 2:8

Amen, all men will truly come to repentance, as God desires. The Lord desires all creation to submit to Him by faith alone. He desires all people to repent, meaning to recognize their sins, in order for them to recognize the one true Savior, Christ!

It truly is awesome news :D

Christ's blessings to you too my friend! I appreciate your message, it cheered me up because of what happened today as I will describe in my next post
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May 25, 2023
United States
My own biological mother threw a Bible verse I had written into the garbage. I was crying when I was talking to her today. She does not believe in Christian Universalism. My own biological father does not believe in Christian Universalism either.

At my desk, she saw me peacefully writing a Bible verse by myself. She got upset. She called me “crazy”, “weird”, “not normal” because I spread these papers in public. She is against me talking to people online about this too, like on Discord. She says she does not want to be friends with a person who writes Bible verses like I do. She commands me stop evangelizing; I will not stop.

She called it a waste of time, over and over again. She says other people have their own religious beliefs, so I should not interfere. She says this should be kept inside only church buildings.

But how will those outside these buildings hear this good news? That person she mentioned, on Discord, became converted to Christian Universalism because I talked with them. So, it’s not a waste. Those dozens of papers I wrote, well, my mother read one, so it was not a waste. And my younger sister became a Christian Universalist too.

So, I showed her this verse, which I show to you too my friends :)

```Psalm 105:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (ESV). ```

When people online insult me, it hurts. When my own mother insults me, it hurts even more.

Even still, I still love her. Please Father, forgive her.

Why is this good news? If everyone is saved then why even bother 'getting saved'? I mean...yes serving God is enjoyable/good and we are rewarded for it but if everyone goes why would I end my life of pleasurable sin APART from God when I know that when I die I will be in paradise?

"Hey friend! hear the good news! God loves you! Accept Christ as Lord, believe, and be with Him in Paradise forever...or just ignore what I'm saying because you're going there anyway!" Not trying to mock you.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Why is this good news? If everyone is saved then why even bother 'getting saved'? I mean...yes serving God is enjoyable/good and we are rewarded for it but if everyone goes why would I end my life of pleasurable sin APART from God when I know that when I die I will be in paradise?

"Hey friend! hear the good news! God loves you! Accept Chris as Lord, believe, and be with Him in Paradise forever...or just ignore what I'm saying because you're going there anyway!" Not trying to mock you.

Hi Jn1.Chris my friend.

One must "get saved" in order to go to Heaven. Everyone will experience "getting saved" and thus go to Heaven.

Sin is not pleasurable though, that's why it's good to stop sinning, as all sin is death, lawlessness, wickedness, etc. It ultimately harms the person and other people. The reason to stop sinning is not to be saved, as we are saved by faith alone, but rather, simply because it is good. It comes as a result of salvation, those good works.

No worries, I don't see it as mocking. I like to keep it real. Truth is, God decides when a person realizes the truth. That's why God hardened the Pharaoh's heart Exodus 9:12, God made it so the Pharaoah would not listen.

God also makes other people not listen. So there may be certain times where, someone's not listening because God is making them not listen. Just like how it's by the grace of God we are saved, it's also by His grace when we are saved.

Still, I like evangelizing. Because the Lord can use that to save others. When talking to someone, I tell them the truth. If they are saved at that moment, then it is God's will. If not, then later, it is God's will. It's sorta similar to like... why does God prophesize to people who He knows won't listen at that time? Why did God send Israel prophets knowing they would not listen?

2 Chronicles 24:19 Yet he sent prophets among them to bring them back to the Lord. These testified against them, but they would not pay attention. (ESV)

Christian Universalism is a prophecy, a prediction of a future event. God bless Jn1.Chris! :D


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Romans 5:19 for as through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners: so also through the obedience of the one, shall the many be constituted righteous. (YLT).

The many πολλοί (polloi) Strong's 4183 who are sinners is the exact same Greek word as the many πολλοί (polloi) Strong's 4183: who are made righteous. Now, how many people will become believers in Christ? All who do not believe. How many will become reconciled with God? All who are not yet reconciled. In the past, we were all not believers in Christ and were not reconciled, just as we were made righteous, so too will the rest of all sinners, all humans, by faith in Christ.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
```Romans 8:30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. ``` (NASB)

“If God predestined everyone to be saved by becoming believers in Christ, why are there still so many people who do not believe in Christ?”

The fact that there are people who are not believers in Christ means that His predestination for all creation remains true. When a farmer picks apple, not all are red right away. Those which were red first were called the “firstfruits” ἀπαρχὴ (aparchē) 1 Corinthians 15:23.

He predestined προώρισεν (proōrisen) Strong's 4309: To foreordain, predetermine, mark out beforehand.

Yes, God has predetermined the event of “Everyone As Believers in Christ” in advance. But He has also predetermined the events of “1% of the World Are Believers in Christ”, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%. It’s like a loading screen. It does not fill up right away, yet eventually it will.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Jesus preached BELIEVE YE IN ME , not univesalism .
Preach not damanation to the people and abandon not the one true gospel that does save .
Preach JESUS CHRIST , cause HE DOES SAVE . Any and all who reject Him will face the lake of fire on the day of judgment .
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
```He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed..``` (NRSV)

His wounds heal us. μώλωπι (mōlōpi) Strong's 3468: A bruise, stripe, left on the body by scourging. Many people are bruised… they look at life and wonder if happiness is even possible, in a world filled with so much suffering. Yet, Christ suffered for our sins, in order to free us. There is permanent freedom awaiting us all, healing ἰάθητε (iathēte) Strong's 2390, by faith alone in Him, God.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
``` Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. ```

To abolish [them], καταλῦσαι (katalysai) Strong's 2647: From kata and luo; to loosen down, i.e. to demolish; The Lord desires to save all people. 1 Timothy 2:3-6. Will He abolish His own desire? No, just as He does not abolish the law. God’s plan is to save everybody from sin. Ephesians 1:10. Will He demolish His own plan? No, just as He does not demolish the prophets.

From this, we conclude that the Lord does not abolish nor demolish anyone permanently No. Therefore, all will believe in Him, Christ, for His desire and plan to be fulfilled, πληρῶσαι (plērōsai) Strong's 4137:, finish


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Jesus preached BELIEVE YE IN ME , not univesalism .
Preach not damanation to the people and abandon not the one true gospel that does save .
Preach JESUS CHRIST , cause HE DOES SAVE . Any and all who reject Him will face the lake of fire on the day of judgment .
Jesus Christ's preaching was universal, amigo de christo my friend. Who does God desire to save? All people!

1 Timothy 2:3-6: "This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Do you wish to go against God's desire to have all people saved my friend? Because Jesus Christ teaches that all people will believe in Him hence all people will become believers in Christ hence all people will be saved from sin.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Now my mother, a Christian, and my younger sister, a Christian Universalist, are both against me spreading the good news of Christian Universalism by handing out my handwritten Bible verses to people in public. They have been my close friends for so many years, I still love them, but even if I am completely alone, I will still have Christ.

Though my earthly father is not a Christian Universalist, he is still a Christian, like my mother, he supports my soulwinning, so I felt his support here much more than those two.

I wept so much when gently talking to my mother and sister today that I continued crying inside our house, outside, in the car ride to church, and throughout the physical church meeting while singing to worship music.

There, they showed this verse

```Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (NKJV) ```

treasure θησαυρός (thēsauros)

Strong's 2344: A store-house for precious things;

Jesus is precious. My mother and sister are precious to me. Are we not all precious to Him as well? Therefore, He will store us in His Father’s House. He will never completely lose us. All will have faith in Christ to be permanently saved thus.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
My mother is actively trying to stop me from spreading the Gospel of Christ, that He will save all.

My family were preparing to go out, I was sitting peacefully waiting for them. Suddenly, my mother appeared and grabbed the Bible verses out of the right side of my shorts, she took them from me! I suddenly realized that she was about to grab the Bible verses from the left side of my shorts too, so I quickly went outside. I pray to the Lord that my mother is blessed. And I'm grateful that I at least have these I can still use. I have placed the Bible verses in my shoes, left and right, inside of my socks at the bottom of my feet to help prevent my mother from taking away my Bible verses. I will not stop spreading the Bible. As it is written.

```Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things Isaiah 52:7```

When my mother came into the car, I asked her if she could please return the Bible verses that she took from me. She asked why, so I replied saying I would spread them in public. As of sending this message to you, my friends, she has not returned those Bible verses she took from me. I will write more.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
```John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness (BSB). ```

in all its fullness. περισσὸν (perisson) Strong's 4053: From peri; superabundant or superior

How can one live a life of all fullness without their loved ones there? A superior, superabundant life without their family and friends? God desires to save the fullness of the Earth through Christ, believe in Him to be permanently saved.

The thief whose name is “Eternal Conscious Torment” comes to steal happiness and replace it with constant torture. The thief whose name is “Annihilationism” comes to permanently destroy.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
```Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. ``` (ESV)

and hidden things; וּמְסַתְּרָתָ֑א (ū·mə·sat·tə·rā·ṯā) Strong's 5642: To conceal, to demolish. The only other occurrence of סְתַר (cthar) comes from Ezra 5:12 where it says “destroyed this house”. As that which is destroyed/demolished can still be revealed, that means they are not permanently completely demolished.

Yet God is a revealer of secrets and mysteries. Daniel 2:47. As long as someone does not believe in Christ, God to them is a mystery. John 14:6. If God permanently destroys someone, then salvation is kept a secret to them. If God permanently tortures someone, then the joy of being saved is kept hidden from them.

Light dwells with the Lord Jesus, therefore this light must dwell inside all people, in order for the glory of God to be revealed to all.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
My mother, sister and I were crying. Today, July 6 2023, my mother told us that for her mammogram… they found something. She’s scheduled for another appointment July 18 2023. We’re worried she may have breast cancer.

Even after telling me this bad news, she continued telling me to stop writing Bible verses. I love her… but I will not stop.

```Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” ``` (KJB)

I know I wanted her to stop preventing me from spreading the good news that all will become believers in Christ. But please, Father, not like this…


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
My mother, sister and I were crying. Today, July 6 2023, my mother told us that for her mammogram… they found something. She’s scheduled for another appointment July 18 2023. We’re worried she may have breast cancer.

Even after telling me this bad news, she continued telling me to stop writing Bible verses. I love her… but I will not stop.

```Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” ``` (KJB)

I know I wanted her to stop preventing me from spreading the good news that all will become believers in Christ. But please, Father, not like this…
SO sorry about your mom, I pray everything will turn out okay for her. Prayers!
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
My mother says she feels pain in her right breast and in her right hand. The one who did her mammogram asked my mother the name of her doctor so they could send a written note. We are preparing for her possible death.

```James 4:14 ESV Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. ```

We discussed who gets the share of her assets, her will, how to be buried, her cooking recipes, what sort of casket she likes, etc. If you told me I would be making these preparations a few days ago, I may not have believed you.

She warned us there are women who may want to marry my father in order to divorce him and get half our assets. As well, to take off her ring before burial so funeral staff do not commit the sin of stealing it. Exodus 20:15.

While my sister and I stayed with her, she talked about how life is short and fragile. Yet, she has continued to tell me to stop spreading the Bible. Though I love her, I will continue telling people to believe in Christ to be saved.

Yet… our lives are so short. Is that really enough time to come to such a big decision as to believe? In Numbers One:1,18,2022,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,45 it refers to those “twenty years old and upwards” as the age of consent, like for consensus or war.

Many don’t even live that long! Yet, are they doomed to endless torture or permanent destruction because biologically their brain has not fully developed?

In fact, when does our brain EVER fully develop?

How memory and thinking ability change with age - Harvard Health

Harvard Medical School states that “scientists now see the brain as continuously changing and developing across the entire life span”. What if someone’s brain has not biologically changed in a way that makes the idea of becoming a believer in Christ appealing?

Today marks day 4 of the hottest day recorded on Earth. External factors like heat due to climate change also affect someone’s cognitive functions. Many are too busy living paycheck-to-paycheck, what time is there for them to even learn the basics of Christianity?

To deny post-mortem salvation is cruel, unjust and unbiblical. Psalm 16:10. Acts 2:27. All in the realm of the dead, Sheol/Hades, will eventually become believers in Christ and thus be saved.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
My mother says she feels pain in her right breast and in her right hand. The one who did her mammogram asked my mother the name of her doctor so they could send a written note. We are preparing for her possible death.

```James 4:14 ESV Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. ```

We discussed who gets the share of her assets, her will, how to be buried, her cooking recipes, what sort of casket she likes, etc. If you told me I would be making these preparations a few days ago, I may not have believed you.

She warned us there are women who may want to marry my father in order to divorce him and get half our assets. As well, to take off her ring before burial so funeral staff do not commit the sin of stealing it. Exodus 20:15.

While my sister and I stayed with her, she talked about how life is short and fragile. Yet, she has continued to tell me to stop spreading the Bible. Though I love her, I will continue telling people to believe in Christ to be saved.

Yet… our lives are so short. Is that really enough time to come to such a big decision as to believe? In Numbers One:1,18,2022,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,45 it refers to those “twenty years old and upwards” as the age of consent, like for consensus or war.

Many don’t even live that long! Yet, are they doomed to endless torture or permanent destruction because biologically their brain has not fully developed?

In fact, when does our brain EVER fully develop?

How memory and thinking ability change with age - Harvard Health

Harvard Medical School states that “scientists now see the brain as continuously changing and developing across the entire life span”. What if someone’s brain has not biologically changed in a way that makes the idea of becoming a believer in Christ appealing?

Today marks day 4 of the hottest day recorded on Earth. External factors like heat due to climate change also affect someone’s cognitive functions. Many are too busy living paycheck-to-paycheck, what time is there for them to even learn the basics of Christianity?

To deny post-mortem salvation is cruel, unjust and unbiblical. Psalm 16:10. Acts 2:27. All in the realm of the dead, Sheol/Hades, will eventually become believers in Christ and thus be saved.
I am so sorry to hear this Harold. When it is unexpected, it can throw you. I ask God to bring peace and limit any suffering for your mom.

My guess is that she just does not want you teaching "Universalism"...is she a Christian?
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Again, my mother tells me to stop spreading the good news of Christ. Why is she so persistent? She tells me she fears I will be murdered and tortured. And that my family will be murdered and tortured. I am against the sins of murder Exodus 20:13 and torture Psalm 11:5.

```Jeremiah 29:11 ESV For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ```

If that is my fate, to suffer, then it is what it is. However, that murder will not be permanent nor will that torture be endless. As it is the fate for all people to become believers in Christ.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
I am so sorry to hear this Harold. When it is unexpected, it can throw you. I ask God to bring peace and limit any suffering for your mom.

My guess is that she just does not want you teaching "Universalism"...is she a Christian?
Hi Nancy

Thanks for the reply. A lot has been going on, so it's hard to keep up with everything.

My mother says that she is a Christian though, that she believes in God. So I will take her word for it.

Honestly, I used to think that she was just against me teaching the "Universalism" aspect of Christian Universalism, since she's not a Christian Universalist. That would be the simpler answer. But reality is often stranger than fiction. She's told me she does not want me to write Bible verses in general. So even if I were to promote non Christian Universalism theology, it seems she would still be against it. It's very odd...
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