God's Removal Of His Body 'Away' From the earth...

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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
( Part 9 of God's Great GRACE Departure! 17-part study )

God's Removal Of His Body Of CHRIST!​

”...He who withholdeth/hindereth Until Taken Out of the way.​
And Then shall that Wicked be revealed!...” (2 Thessalonians 2:7b-8a)​

First, Carefully Note The 'Timing Words' Of God In This Passage! Amen?


Many are having Great difficulty interpreting The "falling away ( greek apostasia )"
In verse 3. Some would have us to believe that "He who withholdeth/hindereth" is:

Actually "those Great number today who are going into apostasy, departing 'from the faith.'

So, when "The last one has 'fallen away,'" does that mean "they were "Taken
Out of the way"? And, only Then will "the Wicked one be revealed"? Did ↑ they
then "take themselves" out of the way? Does that make any sense? More
sensible, if this idea is true, would be:

"THEY who withholdeth/hindereth" Correct?

So What is "The Departure ( 'Taken Out Of the way' ) Truth" That God Gave Paul in This Passage?

We perceive it is not a Great departure "from the faith," as these propose, because:

A) Did we not Already have that, almost 2000 Years ago?:

"...all they which are in Asia be turned away from me [ Paul ]!..." (2 Timothy 1:15 KJB)​

In addition, God Revealed To Paul, this Plain And Clear Statement, For "our Last Days!":

"Now The Spirit Speaketh Expressly, that in the latter times Some shall depart​
from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils!"​
(1 Timothy 4:1)​

So, may we humbly And kindly ask: Why are many Still looking for:

"a Great Apostasy ("interpretation"? of "falling away")" and for the man of sin, son of Perdition?

Now, let us prayerfully ask God's Question, Through His One Grace apostle, Paul,
"What Saith The Scripture?":

B) In 1 Timothy 4:1, that "departure { greek aphestemi }" is "from the faith!"
cp Hebrews 3:12: "Departing { "same" greek aphestemi )" Is "From The Living God!!"

So, with a Different Original word, a departure { apostasia } 'from the faith' interpretation
would be incorrect, Correct?

C) Double Confirmation For "The Departure" Is:

What God Revealed To Paul to teach the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians, Was:

"The Departure" in Chapter 4:13-18, And, Also, In God's Immediate Context (is king?) Here!:

"Now we beseech you, brethren, By The Coming Of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, And by​
our { Departure? } gathering together Unto Him!..." (2 Thessalonians 2:1) Correct?​

D) Triple Confirmation For The Great GRACE 'Departure From the earth!' Is Again Also In
God's Immediate Context Itself:

"...he, the righteous "withholder/restrainer" Is Removed "First!" (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8a)​

And not the Unrighteous apostasizers 'removing themselves,' Correct?

The Gospel Of Grace Is Ended (Romans through Philemon), By God, Making Way
For His kingdom gospel (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6), by Removing all
'His ambassadors of Grace," before:

Declaring Judgment and War on an UNbelieving world! Amen?​

The 'man of sin/son of Perdition' Cannot be revealed Until The Church [he],
the "righteous restrainer" is Removed Away From the earth! First!!
(2 Thessalonians 2:3, 6-8a)

Then begins The Time Of JACOB's Trouble!" Amen?

E) Quadruple Confirmation Is Comparing This One difficult/obscure verse with:

These Twenty Seven (27!) Plain And Clear Passages About The Body Of CHRIST,
Which Christ, from Heaven Instructed Paul to teach us, to:

"look, watch, and ( patiently ) wait for" the following?:​

q: looking for the Wicked one, First? or?:

Looking, watching, and ( patiently ) waiting, For The LORD JESUS CHRIST! First!!?​

Thus, It Is Very Plain And Clear, According To God's Precious Word Of Truth,
{ Left In God's Context! Amen? }, That!:

The Reliable Scripture Interpreting ( Rule #6 ) Itself, for "The falling away" Is:

"The Great GRACE Departure!" Of The Body Of CHRIST
{ Removing "he, who hindereth/withholdeth" } Away From the earth!" Correct?

The 'Timing' belief matters, Because It Determines how one “Prepares!” Amen?:

F) Which is Better?: "men" instructing watchmen to look for antichrist, And
preparing by Selfishly Hoarding Up seven years of food for famine, to "endure
to the end of Great Tribulation!," which is contradictory to how other prophets
( saying 'leave the city/country' ) prepare.

Thus, All of them, in Confusion "Mixed Up, living By Sight [ under Law ]!"? Or:

Obeying God, Under His Amazing Grace, "...living By Faith, not by sight ↑ ..." (2Co 5:7),
Looking, Watching, And Waiting For [ our "Blessed Hope!" ] The LORD JESUS CHRIST!...

...While loving our neighbor, And Selflessly working to use God's { Provided } money to
"give to them in need," while performing All 'good works' For God, in Order To Be:
►►► Prepared For Judgment In Heaven! ◄◄◄​
Romans 12:20) Amen?​

G) Finally, IF Any precious reader Still believes one Will See the man of sin,
son of Perdition First, and enter Into Great Tribulation, "under his {Satan's}
Governmental reign," Then does one not have The Following Scriptural
Dilemma? Please Prayerfully/Carefully Consider:

Out-Of-Place Problem, From God And HIS Word!:​

ALL members of The Body Of CHRIST Are Instructed, By God, To:

"be subject to governmental authorities, And pray For them!"​
(Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-4).​

How does that then work out (Disobedience?), for the Body Of CHRIST members,
who "Will Go Into" the Great Tribulation, as the government Will Be Under The
Of Satan and the Beast! (Revelation 13:4)?

Conclusion: God's Great GRACE Departure!
Precious friend(s), appreciate all your prayerful and careful attention in this Important Matter.

May The Wonderful Head Of The Body, The Glorified LORD Jesus Help us all to:
"Prove All things; hold fast That Which Is Good!" (1 Thessalonians 5:21)​


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No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
That falling away” must undoubtedly imply that the persons so apostatising had formerly held (or, perhaps, still professed to hold) the Christian faith: men cannot fall from ground which they never occupied. This vast and dreadful Apostasy (see Luke 18:8), so clearly and prominently taught of to the ancient Church, and so mysterious to us, is further defined by the following words, as the Apocalypse or Manifestation of the Man of Sin.

the apostacy, come first — The article here is emphatical, denoting both that this was to be a great apostacy, the apostacy, by way of eminence, (the general, grand departure of the whole visible church into idolatrous worship,) and that the Thessalonians had been already apprized of its coming. Although the Greek word here used often signifies the rebellion of subjects against the supreme power of the country where they live, or the revolt of soldiers against their general, or the hostile separation of one part of a nation from another; yet in Scripture it commonly signifies a departure, either in whole or in part, from a religious faith or obedience formerly professed, Acts 21:21; Hebrews 3:12.

The word rendered "falling away" (ἀποστασία apostasia, apostasy), is of so general a character, that it may be applied to any departure from the faith as it was received in the time of the apostles. It occurs in the New Testament only here and in Acts 21:21, where it is rendered "to forsake" - "thou teachest all the Jews which are among us to forsake Moses" - apostasy from Moses - ἀποστασίαν ἀπὸ Μωῦσέως apostasian apo Mōuseōs. The word means a departing from, or a defection; see the verb used in 1 Timothy 4:1, "Some shall depart from the faith" - ἀποστήσονται apostēsontai; compare the notes on that passage; see also Hebrews 3:12; Luke 8:13; Acts 5:37.

a falling away—rather as the Greek, "the falling away," or "apostasy," namely, the one of which "I told you" before (2Th 2:5), "when I was yet with you," and of which the Lord gave some intimation (Mt 24:10-12; Joh 5:43).

for, except there come a falling away first, & c., or an apostacy, a recession, a departing, or a standing off, as the world imports; so that apostacy may be either good, when it is from evil to good, or evil, when it is from good to evil: it is always used in this latter sense in Scripture