Greetings on the Path of Truth and Faith: Let's Walk Together

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Vicar Tim Goodwin

New Member
Sep 22, 2023
United States
Hey there, everyone, name's Tim Goodwin. No need for fancy words or grand titles; just call me Tim. I've walked a long road in this life, and I'm here to share a bit about who I am. Hope I don't put anyone to sleep.

First and foremost, I'm a regular guy. Sure, I've got some great roles in my life – I'm married, a dad, and even a grandpa. Family means the world to me, and those bonds have shaped who I am today.

I'm also an ordained vicar, which might sound impressive, but it really just means I've dedicated myself to my faith and my community. And speaking of faith, I'm a Vietnam Veteran from the US Navy. Those days taught me the value of camaraderie and a whole lot of sacrifice as many who have served as I can testify.

Now, here's something you might not expect – I'm a poet and an artist. Yep, I find beauty in words and colors. It's my way of expressing what's in my heart.

One major thing you should know about me is that I'm all about honesty. In a world where the truth sometimes feels like a rare gem, I believe in speaking it straight, no matter the consequences. It might sting a bit at first, but in the long run, it's better than living with a lie. As the Bible says, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

I'm also not a fan of corruption, lies, or a lack of integrity, especially when it comes to our leaders, whether in politics or religion. It goes against the very principles we hold dear.

But here's something I'm really passionate about – people having the freedom to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they're not hurting anyone or anything along the way. It's all about love, nonviolence, and justice, the core values that guide my life.

I'm a big believer in humanity and our planet. There's so much good out there, and I'm all for supporting it. Together, we can tackle the challenges our world faces, armed with the power of love, nonviolence, and justice.

And speaking of togetherness, I want to make it clear that I'm here to engage with all of you. I'm eager to learn from your experiences, hear your thoughts, and share in your journey. We're all on this path of life, and it's better when we walk it together.

Now, to wrap things up, I'd love to hear from each of you. What's your story? What passions drive you, and what values do you hold close? Don't be shy; let's get to know one another. Feel free to share a bit about yourselves, and together, I pray we can connect, grow, and learn to understand one another as brothers and sisters.


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Vicar Tim Goodwin

New Member
Sep 22, 2023
United States
How's your Archbishop doing?
There is no archbishop above me or any leader beneath me other than the trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit which surrounds me and I greet you well my friend. My calling and title of Vicar is one as it pertains to non denominational Vicars. Non-denominational vicars serve universally, embodying love, nonviolence, and justice. They transcend religious bounds and welcome all seekers, striving for a compassionate future.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
There is no archbishop above me or any leader beneath me other than the trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit which surrounds me and I greet you well my friend. My calling and title of Vicar is one as it pertains to non denominational Vicars. Non-denominational vicars serve universally, embodying love, nonviolence, and justice. They transcend religious bounds and welcome all seekers, striving for a compassionate future.
Got it . . .!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
I'm a bit the other way: I'm so honest I would rather no one be burdened with unrealistic goals of perfection (I can back it up with scripture too: "better a cowardly dog, than a dead lion" (Ecc 9:4))

I'm glad you are open minded - but be warned, it's much safer to give someone a way out, than tell them they are wrong (the Holy Spirit is not yet the standard of faith, in the Church, much as we might all get along if He was!)
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
G’day Tim, I just found your post today, and there are a few things I might like to discuss with you.....

Since I am one for open honesty too, I don’t think my perceptions of scripture are going to sit well with you.

But here goes....

I'm also an ordained vicar, which might sound impressive, but it really just means I've dedicated myself to my faith and my community. And speaking of faith, I'm a Vietnam Veteran from the US Navy. Those days taught me the value of camaraderie and a whole lot of sacrifice as many who have served as I can testify.
As a former Anglican, I am rather intrigued by titles of any sort in Christianity. The only titles used in original Christianity were those of “apostles” (ones sent forth) and “elders” who were overseers (episkopos) and those who assisted them, sometimes called “deacons” (diakonos) but simply means a servant....

May I ask who “ordained” you? And what you believe ‘ordination’ is for? Is it a necessity for one who teaches others about God and his Christ?

You also mention being a Vietnam veteran, but with no regret attached to that statement. As a Christian who wants to obey Christ in all can any Christian serve in the military and carry out carnal warfare?
The Vietnam war was especially heinous because the enemy was not easily identified and the methods used were inhuman. All that bloodshed and suffering...and for what? What good was accomplished? Was it ever something to be proud of? How could the churches be complicit in such disgusting anti-Christian behaviour? Christendom’s hands have so much blood on them.

What did Paul say...?
2 Cor 10:3-5..
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. 5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ”.

Jesus taught us....”You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you”.

Can you love your enemies with weapons? Do you tell them you love them before or after you have killed them? :IDK:

Who are you obeying if you have blood on your hands and on your conscience? (Isa 1:15)
Unless God sanctions a war, there is no justification for it. God has not sanctified a war since the days when ancient Israel were defending their God-given land. When gentile nations took over rulership of that land, there was no longer any reason to justify a war. No land today is is usually ‘stolen’ from its original whose side is God on in any war fought by man?

This is what Paul was alluding to.....we are not to take up carnal weapons because we are to be “NO PART OF THE WORLD” (John 17:16).....meaning not part of its conflicts and bloodshed or its immoral ways.

I understand that America is a very patriotic nation and that patriotism is indoctrinated into children from a very early age, but patriotism can replace our Christian faith if we allow it to transcend Christ’s teachings. When we are faced with obedience to our governmental authorities and they tell us to do what Christ told us we must not do, or they tell us not to do what Christ commanded.....whom do we obey......the apostles said....“We obey God rather than men”. (Acts 5:27-29)
I believe in speaking it straight, no matter the consequences. It might sting a bit at first, but in the long run, it's better than living with a lie. As the Bible says, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).
I hope you mean this.....
I'm also not a fan of corruption, lies, or a lack of integrity, especially when it comes to our leaders, whether in politics or religion. It goes against the very principles we hold dear.
As it should.....God will hold these ones the meantime, we as Christians have a job to do and it doesn’t involve being part of that corruption. (Matt 28:19-20) We are to have nothing to do with the politics of any nation. Even if we vote those leaders in, we have to be held accountable for what they do in office if we helped to put them there. What the world does, should be none of our business. (John 18:36)
But here's something I'm really passionate about – people having the freedom to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they're not hurting anyone or anything along the way. It's all about love, nonviolence, and justice, the core values that guide my life.
According to the God we purport to serve, we must have limitations and principles that guide us in everyday life. God had those limitations recorded in his word for our instruction. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
We can not condone behaviour that God condemns.....we are to seek out those who care what God thinks, not a god who allows us to do, and to be, whatever we like.
So can you define what you mean by your statement here?
I'm a big believer in humanity and our planet. There's so much good out there, and I'm all for supporting it. Together, we can tackle the challenges our world faces, armed with the power of love, nonviolence, and justice.
So is it’s’s true that there are many “good” people in the world who want to do what’s right by others and also by the planet itself when we see greedy humans treating it like their personal garbage dump. In reality though, God never promised to save “good” people.....his blessings have always been on “obedient” ones. Many of those doing “good” in humanitarian or ecological efforts in the world, are atheists....but to be saved, one has to ‘love God with our whole being’ AND to ‘love our neighbor as ourselves’....both are necessary but the first is the most important of all. (Matt 22:36-40)

But the reasons for the world being this way cannot be ignored as if this was not all foretold to take place...
What we are seeing in human behaviour is what God foretold would happen in these “last days”. (2 Tim 3:1-5)
No human can fix this.....only God can fix what is wrong with the human race by eradicating the cause of it all.....SIN. Christ died so that sin could be eliminated from the world.....yet here we are almost 2,000 years since Christ laid down his life, and still we are in the grip of sin and your opinion, why is this?

Can you explain by scripture to someone who asks this of you.....without resorting to personal opinion?

That will do for starters.....sorry if I have ruffled your feathers...that is not my intention, but to gain sound substantiated beliefs straight from God’s word. It’s the reason why I left the church many decades ago...the whole system is broken...divided and disunited in all but the core of beliefs that run through all of it. That core is not Bible based and the reason why I am no longer a part of Christendom and haven’t been for decades.

You did careful what you wish for....


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Hey there, everyone, name's Tim Goodwin. No need for fancy words or grand titles; just call me Tim. I've walked a long road in this life, and I'm here to share a bit about who I am. Hope I don't put anyone to sleep.

First and foremost, I'm a regular guy. Sure, I've got some great roles in my life – I'm married, a dad, and even a grandpa. Family means the world to me, and those bonds have shaped who I am today.

I'm also an ordained vicar, which might sound impressive, but it really just means I've dedicated myself to my faith and my community. And speaking of faith, I'm a Vietnam Veteran from the US Navy. Those days taught me the value of camaraderie and a whole lot of sacrifice as many who have served as I can testify.

Now, here's something you might not expect – I'm a poet and an artist. Yep, I find beauty in words and colors. It's my way of expressing what's in my heart.

One major thing you should know about me is that I'm all about honesty. In a world where the truth sometimes feels like a rare gem, I believe in speaking it straight, no matter the consequences. It might sting a bit at first, but in the long run, it's better than living with a lie. As the Bible says, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

I'm also not a fan of corruption, lies, or a lack of integrity, especially when it comes to our leaders, whether in politics or religion. It goes against the very principles we hold dear.

But here's something I'm really passionate about – people having the freedom to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they're not hurting anyone or anything along the way. It's all about love, nonviolence, and justice, the core values that guide my life.

I'm a big believer in humanity and our planet. There's so much good out there, and I'm all for supporting it. Together, we can tackle the challenges our world faces, armed with the power of love, nonviolence, and justice.

And speaking of togetherness, I want to make it clear that I'm here to engage with all of you. I'm eager to learn from your experiences, hear your thoughts, and share in your journey. We're all on this path of life, and it's better when we walk it together.

Now, to wrap things up, I'd love to hear from each of you. What's your story? What passions drive you, and what values do you hold close? Don't be shy; let's get to know one another. Feel free to share a bit about yourselves, and together, I pray we can connect, grow, and learn to understand one another as brothers and sisters.
Hi, a warm welcome to you. I see you haven't been back since September 23. I do hope to see you again.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
There shall be a people
who are to soon to be revealed
in the Spirit of the living Christ of God.

They shall walk before God
without sin and blemish or any iniquity.

In the Glory of God to the Glory of God.

They shall worship in Spirit and Truth
and walk in His Light. They shall have
the Light of Life.

They shall obey in Spirit and Truth
and witness to the Spirit of Truth.

They shall dwell in all the beauty of Holiness
unto the Holiness of God. And the sweet fragrance
of the Spirit of holiness shall dwell upon them
at all times before the Lord God.

They shall bless and love the Lord
with all they do with all their hearts
with all their minds and with all their souls
with all their strength.

They shall fulfill the Commandments of Jesus the Christ.

They are sent by God to destroy the works
of the children of the devil.

They shall prevail and overcome the temptations
of the world and slay the children of the devil
with the Righteousness of their lives
by the Spirit of their God.

They shall open the door for the return
of the King of Kings from heaven to earth.

They and they alone shall have the blessing of the Lord.

They are The Children of The God Most High.
Is this a quotation from the Bible, or some other “scripture”?
Please cite the source if these are not your own words.

Also please note that your personal threat to me via PM has been reported.
I can only assume that you are a misguided Muslim or an overzealous excuse for a Christian.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
God is going to cast your soul into hell.
The admins are going to cast your threatening responses into the garbage where they belong. Who appointed you as judge?
You are on a Christian site and identify yourself as such, but your words and behavior betray an evil spirit in yourself. Look in the mirror.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
You also mention being a Vietnam veteran, but with no regret attached to that statement. As a Christian who wants to obey Christ in all can any Christian serve in the military and carry out carnal warfare?
The Vietnam war was especially heinous because the enemy was not easily identified and the methods used were inhuman. All that bloodshed and suffering...and for what? What good was accomplished? Was it ever something to be proud of? How could the churches be complicit in such disgusting anti-Christian behaviour? Christendom’s hands have so much blood on them.

Who are you obeying if you have blood on your hands and on your conscience? (Isa 1:15)
We do not know what is between him and Jesus. He may have asked the Lord to forgive all of his sins, I assume He is walking with God, and it may not be fair to accuse him.
And if he contemplates that part of his life and has remorse, and asks forgiveness, how long must he carry the grief? It is Satan who accuses us. I have done horrible things in my life, and have asked for forgiveness. They still pop up daily, designed to discourage.
We all carry the Blood off Christ on our hands. But we have been forgiven, thank God. That is the only hope U have.


Flowers of May
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 23, 2012
East TN
United States
Hope you have a safe and a blessed 2024. As really hope you enjoy on here. A little late. But better late than never. God bless you!

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
We do not know what is between him and Jesus. He may have asked the Lord to forgive all of his sins, I assume He is walking with God, and it may not be fair to accuse him.
And if he contemplates that part of his life and has remorse, and asks forgiveness, how long must he carry the grief? It is Satan who accuses us. I have done horrible things in my life, and have asked for forgiveness. They still pop up daily, designed to discourage.
We all carry the Blood off Christ on our hands. But we have been forgiven, thank God. That is the only hope U have.
Hi Cassandra, Tim invited open and honest dialogue, so as a professed “vicar” he is a teacher of God’s word and is a guide to others. As such I wanted to probe a little deeper based on his introduction.

In his mention of being a Vietnam veteran, there was pride, not regret. No one who purports to be a “Christian” can be engaged in the wars of the nations, as Jesus taught us to be “no part of the world”. If we are part of the world, offering it our friendship in times of war, then we will be judged with it, as a supporter of its bloodshed, “in bed” with God’s enemies, like Christendom is. (James 4:4)

God’s forgiveness is solely dependent on genuine remorse over past sins......sincere repentance gives us confidence that forgiveness has been granted by the blood of it’s not the blood of Christ that is the problem (that is the solution)’s the blood of innocent people who were killed in wars simply because they happened to be born in another nation that is in conflict with our own. Who made them our enemies? Not God.

Who can forget the image of children with their clothing and skin burnt off by napalm bombs trying to run for help? How could anyone’s conscience be clear if they were a part of that?
Vietnam was in my era so it is especially close to my heart, appalled at the inhumanity displayed by supposedly civilised people. No one came home from that war undamaged. It was a disgraceful waste of lives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Hi Cassandra, Tim invited open and honest dialogue, so as a professed “vicar” he is a teacher of God’s word and is a guide to others. As such I wanted to probe a little deeper based on his introduction.

In his mention of being a Vietnam veteran, there was pride, not regret. No one who purports to be a “Christian” can be engaged in the wars of the nations, as Jesus taught us to be “no part of the world”. If we are part of the world, offering it our friendship in times of war, then we will be judged with it, as a supporter of its bloodshed, “in bed” with God’s enemies, like Christendom is. (James 4:4)

God’s forgiveness is solely dependent on genuine remorse over past sins......sincere repentance gives us confidence that forgiveness has been granted by the blood of it’s not the blood of Christ that is the problem (that is the solution)’s the blood of innocent people who were killed in wars simply because they happened to be born in another nation that is in conflict with our own. Who made them our enemies? Not God.

Who can forget the image of children with their clothing and skin burnt off by napalm bombs trying to run for help? How could anyone’s conscience be clear if they were a part of that?
Vietnam was in my era so it is especially close to my heart, appalled at the inhumanity displayed by supposedly civilised people. No one came home from that war undamaged. It was a disgraceful waste of lives.
But we don't know his heart, and if he asked for the Lord's forgiveness.
The Blood of Christ is not the problem-true. But we are all guilty of it. God has forgiven us for it.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
But we don't know his heart, and if he asked for the Lord's forgiveness.
The Blood of Christ is not the problem-true. But we are all guilty of it. God has forgiven us for it.
I was waiting for Tim to reply....all we can do is speculate until he tells us his side of the story....he hasn’t been back on this thread since September....