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papa time

New Member
Apr 8, 2008
Hi everyone!Strangely, this is the first Christian forum I've joined, which is bizarre because I tend to get involved in theological conversation with people in other communities only to find myself ridiculed and silenced by off-topic, straw-man filibustering and the like.If you care to read it, here's a bit about me. I apologize in advance for my lack of brevity.I grew up in rural Virginia (read: Bible belt) church-hopping in the evangelical, charismatic, non-denominational circle in our community. Sadly, much of this hopping was precipitated by schisms due to pastoral, marital infidelity. I grew pretty cynical over the years and by highschool (public school), I'd become a closet athiest. I went to church with my family, I was a part of youth group. I even confessed myself a Christian but in my heart and mind, I had banished God.Then I met a very intriguing girl; in my mind she was a paradox for a 15-year-old (I was 16). She was down-to-earth, easy to talk to, interesting, funny, witty, she shared many common interests with me... but she would carry on and on about how wonderful God was and how he'd brought her through so much. She worshiped him with all her heart. She wanted very little to do with the vile things in our culture that are so openly embraced... even by many in the church.Essentially she blew my mind. Enough that six years later I found myself married to her. Now looking back, I see that my primary goal in seeking God over those six years was to win her affection, to get closer to her heart. Not His.Fast forward another four years to now; we've been happily married and have an amazing one-year-old girl.I'm primarily interested in practical discussions of how Scripture should guide our large and small choices whether they be dietary, political, modesty-related, our level of interaction with popular culture, scientific, child-rearing, or as they pertain to church congregation... or anything else that may arise.I'm pro-life, I'm a six-day creationist, a natural food proponent, an aspiring environmentalist, a musician/artist/digital media professional, a Biblical fundamentalist, and much much more.I recently left an large evangelical, young-adult-focused, modern (rock) worship based, "relevant" church for a small reformed church... though I'm not entirely certain strick Calvinism is my cup of tea either.Which leads me to the catalyst for my arrival here. I'm in a bit of a theological crisis. Obviously, my charismatic upbringing (which my very wise and very Godly parents still cling to) the Wesleyan bend that influenced my "Christian" growth, my wife's Anabaptist roots, and the Calvinist persuasion that has kindled a renewed interest in the depth, breadth and all-sufficiency of Scripture, do not reconcile well with each other.I've been "saved" four times, I've "returned" to God more times than I can count, I was almost baptized (believers baptism) a second time...All I really know for certain is that I'm only a debtor to God and His grace.For you have been saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God and not of works, lest anyone should boast.So that's me in a nutshell. I'm glad to be here and I look forward to much conversation. Iron sharpening iron, so to speak.


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
As for a paradox in the form of a girl; same thing happened to me. She was almost 15, and I was 16. I didn't understand how someone could be so beautiful, and simply cool, yet go on about God and always be praising Him and whatnot. God definitely used her as a tool in my life.Only difference in my story is that I met her a year ago, and we're nothing more the good friends now.But, anything meat-of-the-Word theological topics you care to discuss at anytime, PM me. But I'll be sure to try and answers any posts of yours i might come across!I hope you can grow here!


New Member
Dec 12, 2007
Welcome to the site Papa Time!