How Can You Not be Afraid of Death?

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New Member
Feb 8, 2011
I don't claim the label of Christian, but I have grown up around Christians all of my life. And one pervading idea among them is "Even if it's not true, at least I believed something." But the fact is, no one has ever died before and come back to tell about it. And the many people who claim to have done so, you have to go by their word of mouth.

I often hear people say they're not afraid of death, but I think at least some of these people are trying to look macho. I'm not going to lie though, I am afraid of death; only because I don't know for sure what's going to happen afterward. If I knew for sure, I don't think I would be afraid.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Yeah. I don't agree with the 'atleast I believed something.'

I think death is scary. Judgment is scary. But if we come to God honestly, with the good and the bad, and we show faith towards him, he will prepare us to face all things. I'm not saying it will be easy or fear can't be involved. But with faith all things can be overcome.

I also think that if you follow God very closely, you can die proclaiming the Gospel with a smile on your face and love in your heart.

In the end, I think it comes down to learning to trust God. The more we do that, the easier it is. If we turn to him that is.

That's my understanding of it. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
When you experience God's energy and light in the spiritual form you will understand...

Three forms of God the Father...

Matter - It all came together with the natural light and energy (M = E/c2)
Spirituality - Having experiencing the true E (motivation, love, warmth) and c2 (faith, hope and charity)
________ - One then understands that there is a great deal of spiritual worth in the heavenly realms.
Intellect - It took a great deal of intellect to build a planet and put sodium in the sea-water, magnesium for photosynthesis,
_________ - And calcium for bone and teeth structure... And deliver it to the plant and animal life where they could survive.

One of the reasons that I am Pentecostal is because it is important to find the spiritual E/c2. When you feel Gods wonderful spiritual energy and light your mind will report to you that one need not fear...


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Well Lazarus came back didn't he?

And there are a lot of people who have had heart attacks and say they've seen Heaven or Hell and most of them were dead for a few minutes.

Death is scary though because even if you're convinced your going to Heaven you are still afraid of the actual moment of death and you are afraid for the lvoed ones you will elave behind. Alternatively many people are afraid of dying alone and being left to rot.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi Fire-7

But the fact is, no one has ever died before and come back to tell about it. And the many people who claim to have done so, you have to go by their word of mouth.
I often hear people say they're not afraid of death, but I think at least some of these people are trying to look macho. I'm not going to lie though, I am afraid of death; only because I don't know for sure what's going to happen afterward. If I knew for sure, I don't think I would be afraid.

I am one of those people that you speak of here, who have come back from death and I can assure you with everything that I have got that there truly is a heaven as the word of God states and most assuredly...there is a hell. "A heaven to gain and a hell to shun" as someone once said! I am not afraid to die because I know where I'm going and who my God is...he loves us and sent his Son our Lord Jesus Christ to die for us so that we can enter into the eternal Kingdom by the blood of his sacrifice and live with him forever!

Shalom/ peace


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Death is certainly our enemy...something ugly we have brought upon ourselves due to our rebellion against God. Just for that I suppose it is something to be feared and hated. And indeed, those who are not saved should be terrified.
As far as the 'at least I believed in something, even if it turns out wrong'...I don't think that. Ever. How can I when I can feel the presence of God within my life? How can I when I feel what Jesus has done for me? No, I know it's true, and I thank God daily it's true. And knowing it's true, I face death as a 'light at the end of the tunnel' sort of deal. No, dying won't be great, but my Lord has already been there and defeated's nothing I need fear. Because no matter how I it old age, or illness, or accident...I have assurance that immediately after, I will see Jesus face to face. That is amazing and full of hope for me...not terror and uncertainty. To sound horribly cliché...death is only the beginning!!!


Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011
I don't claim the label of Christian, but I have grown up around Christians all of my life. And one pervading idea among them is "Even if it's not true, at least I believed something." But the fact is, no one has ever died before and come back to tell about it. And the many people who claim to have done so, you have to go by their word of mouth.

I often hear people say they're not afraid of death, but I think at least some of these people are trying to look macho. I'm not going to lie though, I am afraid of death; only because I don't know for sure what's going to happen afterward. If I knew for sure, I don't think I would be afraid.

Hehe. After my recent conversations, I think some people won't agree with me, but I'll say what I think anyway. :)

Since I believe the Scripture is inspired of God and is reliable, I can find the way to be saved in there, which is through Jesus'. Once I have completed the salvation plan, baptism in Jesus' name and infilling of the Holy Ghost, I have to hold onto what I have and keep walking in holiness until my time comes.

Oh, and yes, I guess you could say I am one of those people who have no fear of death. The only thing I really fear about dying is that I die with my task uncompleted. That terrifies me.

I know that if I die and I have followed Scripture and acted on it, I will be saved because that is what God has promised. For those who don't believe the Book is worth anything, then good luck with having assurance. My assurance comes the Bible.

oh, and yes, I know what is going to happen once we die. EVERY ONE of us will be judged according to our actions and rewarded consequently. What we sow, we reap.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
I don't fear what will happen after I die to me. That's what I'm looking forward to! I'm also not afraid that my job will be unfinished before I die. When God says I'm done, I suppose I won't argue that point with him. I do fear leaving my loved ones and how empty they might feel. Let's also face this.... Death might be pretty physically painful!

Fire 7, have you considered my plea to you to keep reading the Bible? You'll find some amazing answers in there....


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
But the fact is, no one has ever died before and come back to tell about it.
How could you possibly know that???

I am one of those people that you speak of here, who have come back from death and I can assure you with everything that I have got that there truly is a heaven as the word of God states and most assuredly...there is a hell. "A heaven to gain and a hell to shun" as someone once said! I am not afraid to die because I know where I'm going and who my God is...he loves us and sent his Son our Lord Jesus Christ to die for us so that we can enter into the eternal Kingdom by the blood of his sacrifice and live with him forever!
Thank you for that testimony. I look forward to my date with eternity!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
Fire 7,

Do you hear me? Are you reading the book? What harm can it come to you? I'm reaching out to you. I ain't judging you... You still here? Is there a pulse I can find?