How Does Jesus Save?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
John said, "If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us" 1 John 1:8.

I'll answer this and then post a Thread.


If you have sin, you are not forgiven. = thats why you have it.
If you have sin, you are not born again yet, or you would not have any.

So, Christ has your sin, or you have it, Reader.
No other option is available.
See Jesus on the Cross for the final answer.

Think on that,..... as you read this verse... 1.) ."God hath made be sin for us".



See, When we are born again, we are "made free from sin" by the "one time eternal sacrifice of Jesus".

Now....Carnal Christians see themselves as sinners, needing to confess because they have no actual understanding of the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant.

Under the NEW Covenant, = "I will remember your sin no more"... God says.
And who are you to argue?

God, sees the REDEEMED for ETERNITY... through the Blood of the Lamb..., as an "heir of God, "Made righteous" having become a "new creation in Christ".

And a heretic jumps up and says......"well what about 1 John 1:9"..

A.) Its not doctrine for the Christian, as a Christian is IN CHRIST and there is no sin found there.

So, read 1 John 3:9, as that one is for the blood bought born again.

Heretic Q.) why then does the apostle say...,"If we say we have no sin"..

Well, ... They said that, and he is talking to them, about them, while doing what preachers do.

Listen Reader.....Preaches always include themselves within the context of bringing someone to Christ.

It like this..
If i am preaching, and i say to a room of unbelievers, or one on the street....."WE all need Christ as our Savior"

Well, i ALREADY HAVE HIM< but they dont........yet, i just said """WE"""
See how i put both of us in the same light?
That what Apostles do. That is what Evangelist's do. Its what we do when we are soul winning.

So, that is what the Apostle is doing, when He said "WE"....
He did say "we", but he's only talking about them...

Now, Lets say some of you come to my NT Class.

The first thing i will teach you, is... = to Trust your Bible, and to LOVE IT, and put your Greek and your commentaries in a box, and forget them.

And then, we get into this the very first day, first hour.....>1.) "rightly dividing" the word, ...vs...wrongly dividing it..
Because that is the whole game, set, and match.

So then.... How do you wrongly divide the NT?
All you have to do, is not understand that some verses are not given to the Born again Christian, as doctrine, or instruction.
Just take a verse aimed at a OT Jew, or a Tribulation Jew, or a gentile unbeliever, and apply it to YOURSELF, and you have found some deception.
And Reader, avoiding people who will do this to you from a Pulpit, or on a "christian forum", is impossible unless you have been taught how to understand the BLOOD OF JESUS as your SALVATION, and what that means.

Q.) When is the last time your Pope, Bishop, Preacher, Pastor, said....>"Im going to preach a series on the BLOOD OF JESUS, as the NEW TESTAMENT and the NEW Covenant as the only reason that God accepts you and keeps you".


Uh huh....

So, to wind this up... You have to be taught how to learn to see the entire word of God, through the LENS of the Cross of Christ.. As His Crucifixion changed everything regarding "rightly dividing the word"....regarding anything that is a bible verse.
All verses in the NT have to be discerned in light of the CROSS.

Let me give you 2 simple examples...

There is a verse or a few that say..."" that if you dont forgive, then God wont forgive you.""

Yet, once the Cross is Raised, the born again thereby..... are eternally forgiven,.... and so, Paul says we are to forgive, because we are already FORGIVEN...
See how that changed from..."do this to be forgiven"....vs..."do this because you have now been forgiven".

= "rightly divide" the word.

That is "rightly dividing" the NT, based on the Light of the Cross revealing Blood Covenant CHANGES.

Let me show you another one....
= God deals with sinners as sinners.
God deals with the born again, as His Children, and that is completely different, regarding His methods and eternal outcome.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
Almost everyone believes that Jesus is the savior. The question is how does Jesus save us?

Catholics believe that Jesus saves them by doing something in them (Holiness). The Bible does not teach that. The Bible teaches that we are born into sin, King David wrote, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me" Psalm 51:5. The saved Paul confessed that he was the chief of sinners, 1 Timothy 1:15.

Calvinists believe that Jesus saves them by making them believe the Gospel (imposed salvation). The Bible teaches no such thing. If you want to be saved you will have to call on Jesus to save you, Romans 10:13.

Only a few understand how Jesus has saved them. Jesus said, "Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Why is it that only a few find it? Religion is very appealing to human nature (The flesh) The Pharisees were a very showy bunch. They loved to pray on street corners so that all could see them. Religion is pro Hollywood.

Jesus said, "Broad is the way to destruction and many there be that go that way" Matthew 7:13. It is very apparent that the broad way is the way of religion.

Only one person has been accepted into heaven because of their works. It was because Jesus had victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil that God accepted him back into heaven and made him, "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16. We are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

The question is did Jesus do that for himself or did he do it for us? When Jesus entered into heaven it was for us. Jesus came into the world as the new Adam and the representative of the human race. He embraced our humanity and put it to death, Romans 6:6. In the resurrection God has brought forth a new humanity and has perfected it through suffering.

Have you ever considered that we, who believe, have been saved through Christ's resurrection?

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
I'll answer this and then post a Thread.


If you have sin, you are not forgiven. = thats why you have it.
If you have sin, you are not born again yet, or you would not have any.

So, Christ has your sin, or you have it, Reader.
No other option is available.
See Jesus on the Cross for the final answer.

Think on that,..... as you read this verse... 1.) ."God hath made be sin for us".



See, When we are born again, we are "made free from sin" by the "one time eternal sacrifice of Jesus".

Now....Carnal Christians see themselves as sinners, needing to confess because they have no actual understanding of the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant.

Under the NEW Covenant, = "I will remember your sin no more"... God says.
And who are you to argue?

God, sees the REDEEMED for ETERNITY... through the Blood of the Lamb..., as an "heir of God, "Made righteous" having become a "new creation in Christ".

And a heretic jumps up and says......"well what about 1 John 1:9"..

A.) Its not doctrine for the Christian, as a Christian is IN CHRIST and there is no sin found there.

So, read 1 John 3:9, as that one is for the blood bought born again.

Heretic Q.) why then does the apostle say...,"If we say we have no sin"..

Well, ... They said that, and he is talking to them, about them, while doing what preachers do.

Listen Reader.....Preaches always include themselves within the context of bringing someone to Christ.

It like this..
If i am preaching, and i say to a room of unbelievers, or one on the street....."WE all need Christ as our Savior"

Well, i ALREADY HAVE HIM< but they dont........yet, i just said """WE"""
See how i put both of us in the same light?
That what Apostles do. That is what Evangelist's do. Its what we do when we are soul winning.

So, that is what the Apostle is doing, when He said "WE"....
He did say "we", but he's only talking about them...

Now, Lets say some of you come to my NT Class.

The first thing i will teach you, is... = to Trust your Bible, and to LOVE IT, and put your Greek and your commentaries in a box, and forget them.

And then, we get into this the very first day, first hour.....>1.) "rightly dividing" the word, ...vs...wrongly dividing it..
Because that is the whole game, set, and match.

So then.... How do you wrongly divide the NT?
All you have to do, is not understand that some verses are not given to the Born again Christian, as doctrine, or instruction.
Just take a verse aimed at a OT Jew, or a Tribulation Jew, or a gentile unbeliever, and apply it to YOURSELF, and you have found some deception.
And Reader, avoiding people who will do this to you from a Pulpit, or on a "christian forum", is impossible unless you have been taught how to understand the BLOOD OF JESUS as your SALVATION, and what that means.

Q.) When is the last time your Pope, Bishop, Preacher, Pastor, said....>"Im going to preach a series on the BLOOD OF JESUS, as the NEW TESTAMENT and the NEW Covenant as the only reason that God accepts you and keeps you".


Uh huh....

So, to wind this up... You have to be taught how to learn to see the entire word of God, through the LENS of the Cross of Christ.. As His Crucifixion changed everything regarding "rightly dividing the word"....regarding anything that is a bible verse.
All verses in the NT have to be discerned in light of the CROSS.

Let me give you 2 simple examples...

There is a verse or a few that say..."" that if you dont forgive, then God wont forgive you.""

Yet, once the Cross is Raised, the born again thereby..... are eternally forgiven,.... and so, Paul says we are to forgive, because we are already FORGIVEN...
See how that changed from..."do this to be forgiven"....vs..."do this because you have now been forgiven".

= "rightly divide" the word.

That is "rightly dividing" the NT, based on the Light of the Cross revealing Blood Covenant CHANGES.

Let me show you another one....
= God deals with sinners as sinners.
God deals with the born again, as His Children, and that is completely different, regarding His methods and eternal outcome.
We have not been totally sanctified yet because we are still on this earth in our unredeemed Adamic bodies, Paul said, "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body" Romans 8:22-23.

Did you get that? We only have the first fruits of the Spirit or the down payment. We are still waiting for the redemption of our bodies. You are trying to bring into the now that which has not happened yet.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
We have not been totally sanctified yet because we are still on this earth in our unredeemed Adamic bodies,

@Robert Pate

1.) Let me show you something...

The "Son/Daughter" of God, is the born again spirit.

This is the real "CHRISTian".......not the body, as the body is "dead because of sin" and the mind, is not born again, and has to be renewed.

So, the CHRISTisan, is the born again = Spirit.

2.) All things with God are SPIRITUAL. This is why the believer is a born again Spirit, and we are to ""walk in the Spirit.""

This is why the word of the Holy Bible and Jesus's word, (Same) are John 6... "Spirit and LIFE".

3.) We are to worship God in : Spirit and in Truth

And how do you do that?
You do that by understanding that to be "IN Christ", is to be Joined to the Spirit of God, and "Christ is THAT Spirit".

Also, Jesus is "the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE".

4.) So, all of this, is what it means to be re-joined to God, by being born again SPIRITUALLY, = by God who "is A Spirit".

The Kingdom of God, is a SPIRITUAL Kingdom, .....and the born again SPIRITUALLY< are "translated from DARKNESS (this is unbelief)(and Satan's kingdom)... to LIGHT"< and that is the Eternal Life that is God and Christ.
The NT teaches that : "God exists In LIGHT"
"Jesus is the LIGHT of the World"
The born again CHRISTians are "children of THE LIGHT".

So, God and Christ are "the Light",.... and they are "the Kingdom of God"..... and when you read that the born again Spiritually, are now "seated in Heavenly Places"... "'IN CHRIST"... this means that our "sanctification" that is explained in.... 1 Corinthians 1:30 = is Jesus Himself, who is ... "Christ in YOU the Hope of Glory".

All born again believers are eternally sanctified "in Christ" having become "the Temple of the Holy Spirit". And that is not what you do... that is who you have become as a Child of God, born again.

So, our redemption, sanctification, justification..... is entirely found by being born again, "made righteous", "in Christ", as "ONE with God".


our discipleship, is our daily walk of faith, whereby we "present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice"... for the purpose of obeying and doing God's will.
And His will is that we become this... as Paul teaches... = "I die daily", which means, "i submit MY will and my life to God's will"... at all times, in all ways.
And that is our "daily sanctification::., which is defined by Paul as....

A.) Galatians 2:20.... "
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."""

Now, Reader, to understand all this perfectly....., you have to understand one simple revelation, and that is..

1.) what YOU Do, daily.

2.) Salvation, is what God provided by the Cross as "the Gift of Salvation and "The Gift of Righteousness".

These 2....are not the same, and the way the heretics confound and confuse all this, is because they try to combine discipleship and Salvation, as being the same, and they are not the same.

One is "you do it", and the other is "God provided it as the Cross of Christ".

, you can be a 100 yr old disciple of Christ and die and go to hell,..... but you can't be born again and end up anywhere other than "in Christ" and "One with God", as you are already there, if you are really a born again CHRISTian.

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
@Robert Pate

1.) Let me show you something...

The "Son/Daughter" of God, is the born again spirit.

This is the real "CHRISTian".......not the body, as the body is "dead because of sin" and the mind, is not born again, and has to be renewed.

So, the CHRISTisan, is the born again = Spirit.

2.) All things with God are SPIRITUAL. This is why the believer is a born again Spirit, and we are to ""walk in the Spirit.""

This is why the word of the Holy Bible and Jesus's word, (Same) are John 6... "Spirit and LIFE".

3.) We are to worship God in : Spirit and in Truth

And how do you do that?
You do that by understanding that to be "IN Christ", is to be Joined to the Spirit of God, and "Christ is THAT Spirit".

Also, Jesus is "the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE".

4.) So, all of this, is what it means to be re-joined to God, by being born again SPIRITUALLY, = by God who "is A Spirit".

The Kingdom of God, is a SPIRITUAL Kingdom, .....and the born again SPIRITUALLY< are "translated from DARKNESS (this is unbelief)(and Satan's kingdom)... to LIGHT"< and that is the Eternal Life that is God and Christ.
The NT teaches that : "God exists In LIGHT"
"Jesus is the LIGHT of the World"
The born again CHRISTians are "children of THE LIGHT".

So, God and Christ are "the Light",.... and they are "the Kingdom of God"..... and when you read that the born again Spiritually, are now "seated in Heavenly Places"... "'IN CHRIST"... this means that our "sanctification" that is explained in.... 1 Corinthians 1:30 = is Jesus Himself, who is ... "Christ in YOU the Hope of Glory".

All born again believers are eternally sanctified "in Christ" having become "the Temple of the Holy Spirit". And that is not what you do... that is who you have become as a Child of God, born again.

So, our redemption, sanctification, justification..... is entirely found by being born again, "made righteous", "in Christ", as "ONE with God".


our discipleship, is our daily walk of faith, whereby we "present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice"... for the purpose of obeying and doing God's will.
And His will is that we become this... as Paul teaches... = "I die daily", which means, "i submit MY will and my life to God's will"... at all times, in all ways.
And that is our "daily sanctification::., which is defined by Paul as....

A.) Galatians 2:20.... "
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."""

Now, Reader, to understand all this perfectly....., you have to understand one simple revelation, and that is..

1.) what YOU Do, daily.

2.) Salvation, is what God provided by the Cross as "the Gift of Salvation and "The Gift of Righteousness".

These 2....are not the same, and the way the heretics confound and confuse all this, is because they try to combine discipleship and Salvation, as being the same, and they are not the same.

One is "you do it", and the other is "God provided it as the Cross of Christ".

, you can be a 100 yr old disciple of Christ and die and go to hell,..... but you can't be born again and end up anywhere other than "in Christ" and "One with God", as you are already there, if you are really a born again CHRISTian.
We are not there yet, Paul said, "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" 1 Corinthians 15:53. This has not happened yet.
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