How to Test the Spirits?

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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
the better question is why NOT .
WHY does this generation seem to have such a problem with those who REMIND us to be reading the bible .
That be a real good question .
WHY , WHY is there a problem with anyone reminding folks to read and be reading the bible .
I already answered rita that if even i were shipwrecked on a deserted island and had no bible
STILL GOD IS WITH ME . SO the question now is , WHY is there such a problem with
those who do remind folks to be reading the bible .

Biblical View On Evangelism​

Spreading the message of God’s love and salvation is a core duty in Christianity. Believers are called to be examples in the world, not by forcing beliefs on others, but by living out their faith authentically.

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden…In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20:
“But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 1:7-8
Before being taken up to heaven, Jesus ordered his disciples.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’”
Mark 16:15

Bible Verses About Not Forcing Religion On Others​

The power of the message of Jesus and his apostles, and the miracles they performed, contributed greatly to the growth of the early Christian movement.

Consider this scene in Acts 16, where Paul and Silas find themselves in prison. An earthquake miraculously opened the prison doors, but they did not escape, a decision considered illegal. Their religious devotion was so deep that seeing them in their cells led the jailers to acknowledge their faith.

It is important to understand that while sharing one’s faith with others is commendable, coercion is not. Real trust comes from personal belief, not from a sense of obligation or responsibility. Also, pushing religious beliefs can have unintended negative consequences. It can damage family relationships or cause divisions among friends

In addition, attempts to force redemption can cause your own frustration, leading to feelings of anger or impatience. It is always best to handle such matters with understanding, patience, and love as Jesus and his apostles did.

The Bible cautions us against treating unbelievers harshly or forcing them to accept the message of love. Instead, our role is to demonstrate the beauty of Jesus’ message to the world. If they choose not to accept it, we are advised to respectfully part ways with them, as outlined in the Scriptures.

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
Matthew 10:14
Christians are advised not to judge others based on their beliefs or practices but to accept them. Everyone will answer to God, and He is the ultimate written in Romans:

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions…Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”
Romans 14:1,4
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Mar 21, 2023
Another answer for you guys, hoe to be saved, not by believing in unrighteousness, and the many false teachers, but to only believe in Jesus Christ who is true, and rises because of righteousness. ( Romans 10:9-10)

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I see you still have Rocky on display?...I remember when you changed this...those were some good discussions back then...hope you are still punching in your weight class ;)
Hey-I'm going into the heavyweight class Lol!
I've decided to take a break from Forums and do my own Bible studies. Good to see you are still here @face2face and stay strong in Christ Jesus.
We are in the last days as I'm sure you are aware of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The flesh is unto death, but the Spirit unto life.


For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.​

Evil spirits campaign for the flesh. Beware of those who campaign for the glory of the flesh, of which there is none, as God has condemned it to return to the dust and be "dissolved."
Well said @ScottA
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
How do you test the spirits, and prophets to see if they are false, as we have many that say they have the 'spirit' or the 'spirit allows them to speak in tongues', or they were told to do or say things 'by a spirit', or give 'prophecies or interpretation from a spirit', etc.. Scripture definably tells us to do this...

There are two Greek terms which have the connotation of testing someone for a purpose.

1. Dokimazō, Dokimion, Dokimasia

This term is a metalurgist term for testing the genuineness of something (i.e., metaphorically someone) by fire ). The fire reveals the true metal and burns off (i.e., purifies) the dross. This physical process became a powerful idiom for God and/or Satan and/or humans testing others. This term is only used in a positive sense of testing with a view towards acceptance (see Special Topic: God Tests His People [OT]).

It is used in the NT of testing

a. oxen – Luke 14:19

b. ourselves – 1 Cor. 11:28

c. our faith – James. 1:3

d. even God – Heb. 3:9

The outcomes of these tests were assumed to be positive (cf. Rom. 2:18; 14:22; 16:10; 2 Cor. 10:18; 13:3,7; Phil. 2:27; 1 Pet. 1:7), therefore, the term conveys the idea of someone examined and approved

a. to be worthwhile

b. to be good

c. to be genuine

d. to be valuable

e. to be honored

2. Peirazō, Peirasmus

This term often has the connotation of examination for the purpose of fault finding or rejection. It is used in connection to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness.

a. It conveys the attempt to trap Jesus (cf. Matt. 4:1; 16:1; 19:3; 22:18, 35; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; Heb. 2:18).

b. This term (peirazōn) is used as a title for Satan in Matt. 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5 (i.e., "the tempter").

c. Usage

(1) It was used by Jesus warning humans not to test God (cf. Matt. 4:7; Luke 4:12, [or Christ cf. 1 Cor 10:9]).

(2) It also denotes the attempt to do something that has failed (cf. Heb.11:29).

(3) It is used in connection with the temptation and trials of believers (cf. 1 Cor. 7:5; 10:9, 13; Gal. 6:1; 1 Thess. 3:5; Heb. 2:18; James. 1:2, 13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:12; 2 Pet 2:9).

Man times we peirazon and not dokimazon.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

There are two Greek terms which have the connotation of testing someone for a purpose.

1. Dokimazō, Dokimion, Dokimasia

This term is a metalurgist term for testing the genuineness of something (i.e., metaphorically someone) by fire ). The fire reveals the true metal and burns off (i.e., purifies) the dross. This physical process became a powerful idiom for God and/or Satan and/or humans testing others. This term is only used in a positive sense of testing with a view towards acceptance (see Special Topic: God Tests His People [OT]).

It is used in the NT of testing

a. oxen – Luke 14:19

b. ourselves – 1 Cor. 11:28

c. our faith – James. 1:3

d. even God – Heb. 3:9

The outcomes of these tests were assumed to be positive (cf. Rom. 2:18; 14:22; 16:10; 2 Cor. 10:18; 13:3,7; Phil. 2:27; 1 Pet. 1:7), therefore, the term conveys the idea of someone examined and approved

a. to be worthwhile

b. to be good

c. to be genuine

d. to be valuable

e. to be honored

2. Peirazō, Peirasmus

This term often has the connotation of examination for the purpose of fault finding or rejection. It is used in connection to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness.

a. It conveys the attempt to trap Jesus (cf. Matt. 4:1; 16:1; 19:3; 22:18, 35; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; Heb. 2:18).

b. This term (peirazōn) is used as a title for Satan in Matt. 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5 (i.e., "the tempter").

c. Usage

(1) It was used by Jesus warning humans not to test God (cf. Matt. 4:7; Luke 4:12, [or Christ cf. 1 Cor 10:9]).

(2) It also denotes the attempt to do something that has failed (cf. Heb.11:29).

(3) It is used in connection with the temptation and trials of believers (cf. 1 Cor. 7:5; 10:9, 13; Gal. 6:1; 1 Thess. 3:5; Heb. 2:18; James. 1:2, 13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:12; 2 Pet 2:9).

Man times we peirazon and not dokimazon.
A great fiery trial and time of great testing is upon and coming upon all true lambs in even western socities .
And it wont be just mere words either my friend . Hit the trenches and have all hope above on the LORD .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Biblical View On Evangelism​

Spreading the message of God’s love and salvation is a core duty in Christianity. Believers are called to be examples in the world, not by forcing beliefs on others, but by living out their faith authentically.

Before being taken up to heaven, Jesus ordered his disciples.

Bible Verses About Not Forcing Religion On Others​

The power of the message of Jesus and his apostles, and the miracles they performed, contributed greatly to the growth of the early Christian movement.

Consider this scene in Acts 16, where Paul and Silas find themselves in prison. An earthquake miraculously opened the prison doors, but they did not escape, a decision considered illegal. Their religious devotion was so deep that seeing them in their cells led the jailers to acknowledge their faith.

It is important to understand that while sharing one’s faith with others is commendable, coercion is not. Real trust comes from personal belief, not from a sense of obligation or responsibility. Also, pushing religious beliefs can have unintended negative consequences. It can damage family relationships or cause divisions among friends

In addition, attempts to force redemption can cause your own frustration, leading to feelings of anger or impatience. It is always best to handle such matters with understanding, patience, and love as Jesus and his apostles did.

The Bible cautions us against treating unbelievers harshly or forcing them to accept the message of love. Instead, our role is to demonstrate the beauty of Jesus’ message to the world. If they choose not to accept it, we are advised to respectfully part ways with them, as outlined in the Scriptures.

Christians are advised not to judge others based on their beliefs or practices but to accept them. Everyone will answer to God, and He is the ultimate written in Romans:
notice he said shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them .
Not to just have unity and try and find common ground with them .
Todays version of love and its gospel is saving none and causing only the falling away of the true church
as they yoke up together with unbelievers for what they believe will bring world peace .
This evening i want you to read the book of acts .
Notice what they do and did , what they preached and how they warned those who rejected .
And know and understand that once this other social love inclusive gospel has ran its course
they will unify as one tribe under that which they think is love and of God
and they will as one voice and one mind declare all out war against any and all
who did not conform to their view of what love and god was and is . True lambs
will be the scourge of the earth . A great riddance to rid this earth of all who conformed not
will be the solution of the love god who knew NOT LOVE OR GOD but rather
through this verision of what it calleth love made itself the god of their heart and mind .
What is and what is coming cannot be stopped rita . JESUS will end it on HIS Day
till then persecutions and tribulations will INCREASE against the true lambs who confomed not
to the love that united all not in the lambs book of life to unite as one . And it is moving faster all the time now .
I will have no part , no lott in its dung that it sells as love . I suggest no one else do either .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

There are two Greek terms which have the connotation of testing someone for a purpose.

1. Dokimazō, Dokimion, Dokimasia

This term is a metalurgist term for testing the genuineness of something (i.e., metaphorically someone) by fire ). The fire reveals the true metal and burns off (i.e., purifies) the dross. This physical process became a powerful idiom for God and/or Satan and/or humans testing others. This term is only used in a positive sense of testing with a view towards acceptance (see Special Topic: God Tests His People [OT]).

It is used in the NT of testing

a. oxen – Luke 14:19

b. ourselves – 1 Cor. 11:28

c. our faith – James. 1:3

d. even God – Heb. 3:9

The outcomes of these tests were assumed to be positive (cf. Rom. 2:18; 14:22; 16:10; 2 Cor. 10:18; 13:3,7; Phil. 2:27; 1 Pet. 1:7), therefore, the term conveys the idea of someone examined and approved

a. to be worthwhile

b. to be good

c. to be genuine

d. to be valuable

e. to be honored

2. Peirazō, Peirasmus

This term often has the connotation of examination for the purpose of fault finding or rejection. It is used in connection to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness.

a. It conveys the attempt to trap Jesus (cf. Matt. 4:1; 16:1; 19:3; 22:18, 35; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; Heb. 2:18).

b. This term (peirazōn) is used as a title for Satan in Matt. 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5 (i.e., "the tempter").

c. Usage

(1) It was used by Jesus warning humans not to test God (cf. Matt. 4:7; Luke 4:12, [or Christ cf. 1 Cor 10:9]).

(2) It also denotes the attempt to do something that has failed (cf. Heb.11:29).

(3) It is used in connection with the temptation and trials of believers (cf. 1 Cor. 7:5; 10:9, 13; Gal. 6:1; 1 Thess. 3:5; Heb. 2:18; James. 1:2, 13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:12; 2 Pet 2:9).

Man times we peirazon and not dokimazon.
america and her western nations have done great evil in this world .
The kings have destablized many nations in order to set up govts that will best serve them .
Even some africans have paid a dear price for not conforming . Blockades and goods are being withheld on purpose
to areas that do not coform to the agenda . I have seen these africans speak up
and do so at their own cost . most folks think america and the west are lily white . But it is not .
Many now do the bidding of her whore too . For many nations sit under the influence
of a queen , a harlot who through fair speeches has decieved the kings of this world
and to create a religoin to serve her . Many do her work within ALL religoins now too .
to merge them and the world to rise as one under what they believe is love . only
its sold as love to simply UNIFY THEM as one under a lie and the father of lies . MANY cannot see this either . And it grows daily .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
a queen of lies sits high over this world and the father of lies and her work as one to UNIFY all
tribes by means of a false love and unity to sit under her and her father .
Promising the children of this world peace n safety . I would not sit under her either .
For on the DAY of the LORD she and her children will burn , FOR STRONG IS THE LORD GOD who shall judge her .
She will unify the religoins and make the capital Jerusalem . And many jews , muslims
and christendom work within her to unify the tribes as one . This is not gonna bode well for them on the DAY of the LORD .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Forms of the word
Greek transliteration:
Simplified transliteration:
Principal Parts:
(ἐπείραζον), πειράσω, ἐπείρασα, -, πεπείρασμαι, ἐπειράσθην
Strong's number:
GK Number:
Frequency in New Testament:
Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag:
to test, tempt; to try to trap; to examine (oneself)

to test, tempt; to try to trap; to examine (oneself). The difference between a test and a temptation is found in the tester's motivations and expectations; the devil tempts that the believer might fail God's standards of faith and so sin; God tests that he might determine and sharpen true character, with no focus on making the believer fail.

to make proof, or trial of, put to the proof, whether with good or mischievous intent, Mt. 16:1; 22:35; absol. to attempt, Acts 16:7; 24:6; in NT to tempt, Mt. 4:1; to try, subject to trial, 1 Cor. 10:13
example of a test or a trial . Abraham was told to sacrfice his Son .
temptation cometh of the flesh . example the devil would tempt by saying something to allure the flesh
and by means it would DENY GOD , contradict GOD , disobey GOD .
trials are for our good . GOD will allow them to help us to grow in the faith .
Temptations they will work only to the destruction of the hearer and the doer who caves in to the temptation .
HE who endures the trial , something contrary to the flesh , he comes forth stronger in the faith .
Satan allures and tempts through the flesh . ALL of this can be yours , through riches , through lusts
through whatever to cause the destruction of the one who heeds him and his temptation .
GOD tempts no man . He tries and tests them . but it be satan who is the tempter of the flesh .


Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
example of a test or a trial . Abraham was told to sacrfice his Son .
temptation cometh of the flesh . example the devil would tempt by saying something to allure the flesh
and by means it would DENY GOD , contradict GOD , disobey GOD .
trials are for our good . GOD will allow them to help us to grow in the faith .
Temptations they will work only to the destruction of the hearer and the doer who caves in to the temptation .
HE who endures the trial , something contrary to the flesh , he comes forth stronger in the faith .
Satan allures and tempts through the flesh . ALL of this can be yours , through riches , through lusts
through whatever to cause the destruction of the one who heeds him and his temptation .
GOD tempts no man . He tries and tests them . but it be satan who is the tempter of the flesh .
Strong's number:
3985 to test, tempt; to try to trap; to examine (oneself)

So Satan set a trap in the wilderness for Jesus, to TEMPT Him so He would hopefully fail the TEST which God's Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to hopefully pass.

Is this how you interpret this account?


Active Member
Dec 9, 2023

There are two Greek terms which have the connotation of testing someone for a purpose.

1. Dokimazō, Dokimion, Dokimasia

This term is a metalurgist term for testing the genuineness of something (i.e., metaphorically someone) by fire ). The fire reveals the true metal and burns off (i.e., purifies) the dross. This physical process became a powerful idiom for God and/or Satan and/or humans testing others. This term is only used in a positive sense of testing with a view towards acceptance (see Special Topic: God Tests His People [OT]).

It is used in the NT of testing

a. oxen – Luke 14:19

b. ourselves – 1 Cor. 11:28

c. our faith – James. 1:3

d. even God – Heb. 3:9

The outcomes of these tests were assumed to be positive (cf. Rom. 2:18; 14:22; 16:10; 2 Cor. 10:18; 13:3,7; Phil. 2:27; 1 Pet. 1:7), therefore, the term conveys the idea of someone examined and approved

a. to be worthwhile

b. to be good

c. to be genuine

d. to be valuable

e. to be honored

2. Peirazō, Peirasmus

This term often has the connotation of examination for the purpose of fault finding or rejection. It is used in connection to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness.

a. It conveys the attempt to trap Jesus (cf. Matt. 4:1; 16:1; 19:3; 22:18, 35; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; Heb. 2:18).

b. This term (peirazōn) is used as a title for Satan in Matt. 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5 (i.e., "the tempter").

c. Usage

(1) It was used by Jesus warning humans not to test God (cf. Matt. 4:7; Luke 4:12, [or Christ cf. 1 Cor 10:9]).

(2) It also denotes the attempt to do something that has failed (cf. Heb.11:29).

(3) It is used in connection with the temptation and trials of believers (cf. 1 Cor. 7:5; 10:9, 13; Gal. 6:1; 1 Thess. 3:5; Heb. 2:18; James. 1:2, 13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:12; 2 Pet 2:9).

Man times we peirazon and not dokimazon.
From G3984; to test (objectively), that is, endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline: - assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt (-er), try.

So are you interpreting what the Spirit of God did was good or not?

Is the Spirit of God and the Father in unity with Each other?

I'm a little confused by what you're saying.

Did Father get the Spirit to lead Jesus into the wilderness? Was it for the purpose of being tempted or tried (proved) [ G3984; to test (objectively), that is, endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline: - assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt (-er), try. ] by the Tempter?
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
the better question is why NOT .
WHY does this generation seem to have such a problem with those who REMIND us to be reading the bible .
That be a real good question .
WHY , WHY is there a problem with anyone reminding folks to read and be reading the bible .
I already answered rita that if even i were shipwrecked on a deserted island and had no bible
STILL GOD IS WITH ME . SO the question now is , WHY is there such a problem with
those who do remind folks to be reading the bible .
Personally I don't have a problem with the bible. I do not read it myself or use it as my instruction book anymore.

When interacting with Christians I may reference it for the purpose of speaking the Christian language.

I appreciate the growth within myself and others who are enjoying life with our Creators without the need of the bible.

But unless the Creators tell you to do this then I wouldn't suggest it. It might be better to swim close to shore as it could test your relationship with your God. Or at least the means you use to relate to your God. And the regulator (bible) that determines how God communicates with you.
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Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
So Satan set a trap in the wilderness for Jesus, to TEMPT Him so He would hopefully fail the TEST which God's Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to hopefully pass.

Is this how you interpret this account?
This is a test of faithfulness and obedience towards GOD, not yeilding to the devil and one flesh's temptation. This is partly the spiritual warefare in the Heavenly realm between good and evil. This is also a lesson for us, how we too spiritually war against the temptation of the devil and our flesh and the world. Ephesians ch. 6, teaches us how we should fastened the full armour, and with the Holy Spirit war against the devil, one's flesh, and the world.

For it is written, 'There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but GOD is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.' (1 Corinthians 10:13)

There's a reason to be tempted, in order to learn faithfulness and obedience to GOD's every word, and not perish with the world. For it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD." (Matthew 4:4)

'And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulations worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of GOD is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.' (Romans 5:3-5)

'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.' (Philippians 4:13)

Finally, 'For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.'

Jesus said the path to the Kingdom is narrow and way is hard, for only a few make it.
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Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Hey guys, back again to Spirit versus flesh, the Spirit of truth and the of error.

The flesh talks about anything, great swelling words of vanity.

The Spirit bears witness to the truth, so we do not die in vanity from hearting the many vain talkers.

We are warned to be in all holy conversation before we are dissolved with the world.



1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

2 Peter 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being LED AWAY WITH THE ERROR OF THE WICKED, fall from your own stedfastness.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
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Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
Beware of the spirit of error who declare that true believers are without sin and untrue believers do sin.

For scripture declare, if the church say that they have no sin, they deceive themselves, and the truth is not in them. Again, if the church say that they have not sinned, they make GOD a liar, and HIS Word is not in them. In the church there are believers who are perfect and believers who sin and need forgiveness. (1 John 1:8&10)

Beware of the spirit of error who declare that the dead in Christ, even Paul, are risen to be with the Lord.

For scripture declare, only in the first return of Christ in the cloud, the dead in Christ including Paul, shall rise and changed. And then ascend to meet the Lord in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16&17)
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Strong's number:
3985 to test, tempt; to try to trap; to examine (oneself)

So Satan set a trap in the wilderness for Jesus, to TEMPT Him so He would hopefully fail the TEST which God's Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to hopefully pass.

Is this how you interpret this account?
Yes that is how satan works . notice the one key thing is he cometh to cause disobediance unbelief in what GOD has said
Would you like an example
of a modern version of how the serpent still lies and will use partial truths .
Lets look at the garden again .
He told eve , NAY ye shall not surely die , LIE , in that day ye shall become as gods knowing good and evil , that part was truth .
he uses a truth , but puts his spin on it to make it seem as though the part that said YE shall die , DONT MEAN WHAT IT SAID .
but GOD DID mean what HE said . and later GOD even says they have become as one of us .............
Lets look at what he tells Jesus
Throw thyself off the cliff , for it is written HE shall give his angels charge over thee lest thou dash thy foot against a stone .
Again he uses scripture , but does so in order to try and cause JESUS to TEMPT GOD .
Now for a huge thing that is occuring today and many are now buying into this lie .
Enter in the seperpent who says unto the church , Has GOD really said YE must believe in JESUS THE CHRIST .
and the church says , well yes , we must believe and whosoever believes not shall be damned .
The sepent then says NAY , they shall not be damned if they beleive not , FOR GOD IS LOVE .
so keep this in mind when they try and hold up the abraham peace accords
or the soical inclusive gospel , the idea the muslims and others serve the same GOD we do .
and thus that makes them alll cohelpers to ANTI CHRIST . watch out the serpent is very slick indeed .