If atheists get accused of taking verses out of context, how do we know fundamentalists making those accusations aren’t doing the same as well?

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Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
Agh. Now the standard is beyond a shadow of doubt. See how you move the goal post?

I think you owe it to yourself to understand how all these are evidence that God created man in even if in some shadow of doubt.

You are skipping over it. Ponder it for a moment. How does humans as the only species that need to wear clothes constitute evidence that man was created by God?

The video you sent was titled "Proof Darwin Was Wrong." That's a totally in-your-face claim that EVERYTHING about evolution is false. In my posting #953 I listed 6 steps in the reasoning behind evolution-- items (a) through (f). The MOST you have actually been able to demonstrate in all of your responses is that item (f) is incomplete in the respect that the generation of a new species from an existing one has not actually been observed as of yet. That leaves items (a) through (e) unaffected. YOU are the one demanding proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.

In the same posting I said that the mass extinction events of the past are proof that whatever designer might be responsible for constructing the processes of evolution, that designer cannot be regarded as intelligent. Your response to that was to state that the theory of evolution cannot account for the origin of life. Yes, I totally agree that the theory of evolution is not a theory of the origin of life. But so what? What does that have to do with mass extinction events? What exactly is your interpretation of those events? Do you regard them as the epitome of brilliant genius? If so then you and I will have to agree to disagree as I regard them as examples of random collisions between biological species and the environment, other species, and interplanetary interlopers such as asteroids.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You wanted my explanation for why the Natural World obeys mathematical laws. Here's my response: #914

Excellent question. Einstein once said "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." If you wish to take that as a point of departure for a belief in God, I certainly have no objection. I'm not trying to convert anyone on this forum to atheism.

So, you have no answer why the Natural World obeys mathematical laws. Profound.

You say you are not trying to convert anyone on this forum to atheism? LOL what in the world is all these postings about science including evolution?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
If I listed 6 steps in the reasoning behind Christianity, would that convince you or would your drum beat still be EVIDENCE BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT?

All you have to do is answer my question:

What is your interpretation of the mass extinction events?
Huh? What in the world does mass extinctions have to do with my pivoting on your reply of not needing any evidence at all but only 6 steps in reasoning?

These exchanges show the double standards of not only evidence but even what is on the table for discussion. I read a great book Atheism on Trial: Refuting the Modern Arguments Against God by Louis Markos. His opening salvo is to point out how Atheists have got used to being on offense all the time and excuse themselves from having to defend their own beliefs. Their False Alternative goes like this:
P1: Religion X cannot hold up to scrutiny
C. Atheism must be right.
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
Huh? What in the world does mass extinctions have to do with my pivoting on your reply of not needing any evidence at all but only 6 steps in reasoning?
I answered that question in my previous response #961, which you apparently didn't bother to read. I gave you my interpretation of mass extinctions in that response, so I shouldn't need to restate it here. But here it is anyway:
  • Why would an intelligent designer create life, only to destroy it over and over again through random events such as contests between different species with different body plans, ecological disasters, and the occasional stray asteroid?
  • These events look entirely random and not in the least bit intelligent.
  • Therefore the "Intelligent" part of "Intelligent Designer" is false.
  • If any one part of the Intelligent Designer hypothesis is false, then it is entirely false. Especially if it's the core assumption of that hypothesis.
I would say more, but you have a persistent habit of not reading my responses in detail.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I don't normally write such long posts. Fortunately, I had some time this morning before I travel again for a week. So, it may be some time before I can reply in depth to your thoughtful posts.

I answered that question in my previous response #961
No. You did NOT answer!
Yes, I totally agree that the theory of evolution is not a theory of the origin of life. But so what? What does that have to do with mass extinction events? What exactly is your interpretation of those events? Do you regard them as the epitome of brilliant genius?
"So what" is not an answer. This "answer" is an Appeal to Diversion as questions are not answers!

Your "answer" has NOTHING to do my question which was What in the world do mass extinctions have to do with my pivoting on your reply of not needing any evidence at all but only 6 steps in reasoning? Friend, this is a Christian forum. It reveals an intelligent mind to posit mass extinction events have anything to do with the glory of God. :contemplate:

If you want to talk about mass extinction events, please start another thread. Please don't double down on it as a distraction from the brilliance of you being OK with not a single shred of evidence but merely 6 steps in reasoning - and it's implications.
I would say more, but you have a persistent habit of not reading my responses in detail.
Projecting. I'm not falling for you leaps of illogic.

Three points. I read your "replies" but they are non-responsive replies, you "answered" in name only. Let me explain again.

1. Regarding evolution and your wholesale devotion to this article of faith, I pointed out that there is not one single example of one kind of animal, evolving into another kind of animal. To that, your non-responsive reply was to state that it takes many 100's of millions of years (LONG TIME), which means it is not science at all as it defies hypothesis testing.

You even presented non-evidence of one kind of animal evolving into the same kind of animal; one kind of bacteria evolving into another kind of bacteria. (As far as Strawman answers go, that is pretty desperate!)

In response to this, you doubled down on the non-responsive reply by listing 6 steps of reasoning behind evolution - AS IF that is determinative. So, I ask again. If I listed 6 steps in the reasoning behind Christianity, would that convince you or would your drum beat still be EVIDENCE BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT?

(No answer to this question, which implies double standards.)

2. Why does the Natural World obey mathematical laws? I'd appreciate an actual answer to this question and not a reference to what a scientist said on understanding or your apparent magnanimity in not opposing what you guess I make of the answer to the question.

3. Acceptance Criteria. The statement you made was refuted. The statement that there is no evidence that God created a human body. This is refuted in the fact that humans are the only animals who wear clothes or need to. How this is evidence that God created a human body is very much worth exploring. I know you are very intelligent and left it vague for you to chew on. But it seems you just dismissed it. It has to do, not with evidence that we are all aware of, but acceptance criteria. The acceptance criteria reveals double standards.
  • No evidence for evolution is AOK.
  • When it comes to Christianity, you invoke a different standard, evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Atheism on Trial. You got no answer to the Genesis story. No answer to the existence of the universe, no answer to the origins of life and no answer to how we understand how the universe works.

Friend, you have it backwards. It's not what does evolution have to do with the origins of life. It's what does the origins of life have to do with evolution. Since you deny God, how can you admit evidence that God created a human body?

What is so funny is the IDOL of science reinforces the Genesis account. The Big Bang Theory sounds like the Creation story. At least the multi-verse theory agrees with Christians that the origins of the universe are outside this universe. However, that theory just moves the goal posts. How did those other universes begin?

(This thread has come a long way from its Exegesis origins. LOL)

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
All experiences involve thought. All experience is after all just a collection of electrical signals going through the brain sent by various sensors. The brain decodes the signals and generates thought.
If I burn my hand on the stove, how does that involve thought? If I stub my toe, how does that involve thought? If I am bitten by a mosquito, how does that involve thought?

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I certainly have no problem with the idea that a theist could ascribe to God the ability to create new forms of life via the mechanisms of evolution. I'm not attempting to dissuade anyone from believing in the reality of a deity.

Non-Christian followers of this forum should note that we have on this thread two Christians who profoundly disagree about the nature and boundaries of science. @Illuminator has said specifically that religion and science are absolutely compatible, since both come directly from God. But @Wrangler seems to think that evolution in particular is some sort of spawn of the devil. One would suppose that if Christian beliefs were all derived directly from God, then all Christians would share a common philosophy-- especially as regards something as important to our understanding of the world as science. But the fact is that Christians have long had disagreements among themselves about all manner of theological and philosophical issues.
Why do you call yourself an atheist yet write "I'm not attempting to dissuade anyone from believing in the reality of a deity"? Are you an atheist or not?
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
I don't normally write such long posts. Fortunately, I had some time this morning before I travel again for a week. So, it may be some time before I can reply in depth to your thoughtful posts.

{Remainder deleted to save space}

Friend, this is a Christian forum.
No. This is a Non-Christian forum. There are "Christians Only" forums elsewhere on this website, but this particular forum is for Non-Christians.

If you want to talk about mass extinction events, please start another thread.
I did start the following separate thread on the topic of contradictions in the Bible:


Did you see that? But I've continued to discuss the issue of evolution on this thread as most of the prior discussion is already on this thread, and mass extinctions are very much a part of the history of life on earth. You don't get to tell me what to do on this Non-Christian forum.

If I listed 6 steps in the reasoning behind Christianity, would that convince you or would your drum beat still be EVIDENCE BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT?

Sure-- go for it. Just don't try to argue that the stories of the Bible are true, as I will just point you to the "Contradictions" thread cited above. And please bear in mind the fact that in my listing of 6 elements of the reasoning and inferences behind evolution in Posting #953, all of items (a) through (e) have actually been observed. The only item yet to be conclusively nailed down is the last one-- (f).

I pointed out that there is not one single example of one kind of animal, evolving into another kind of animal. To that, your non-responsive reply was to state that it takes many 100's of millions of years (LONG TIME), which means it is not science at all as it defies hypothesis testing.

I actually said in previous postings that the whole process can be sped up. I gave a specific example-- the Lenski experiment. So it is simply not true that the time scale of millions of years is forever out of reach. I can think of several ways in which it might be possible in the future to demonstrate the origin of a new biological organ or a new species through natural processes alone. I'm not an experimental biologist, but I suspect there are biologists who are actively applying the lessons of the Lenski experiment to the designs of future experiments that will achieve exactly that.
Let's just think for a moment about your assumptions. Your chief claim is that it is impossible for one species to evolve into another. That must mean that there is some natural law or mechanism that would prevent that from happening. I asked you in a previous posting (#953) how you would test that hypothesis. Did you consider that? At least the principles of evolution are testable in principle. If you wish the hypothesis of Intelligent Design to be regarded as based on observable fact then you will need to at least describe a method by which its most important assumption could actually be tested. If it's not testable, then it is simply a belief-- not a fact.
I'm arguing that the theory of evolution is the last remaining viable hypothesis. The immense discrepancy between the Bible's creation story and the actual known facts of the history of the universe rules out the Bible's creation story. And the history of mass extinctions rules out the Intelligent Designer hypothesis because it shows that the history of life on earth has been disrupted again and again by random events that show absolutely no evidence of intelligence. Therefore whatever designer might be operating behind the scenes, that designer could not possibly be intelligent. And that leaves only evolution as a possible explanation for the observed changes in the forms of life over time.


Why does the Natural World obey mathematical laws?

As I said, that's a very good question. It is one way of saying that it seems odd that the human mind is capable of understanding anything at all about the world around us. Mathematical laws, after all, are simply symbolic representations of patterns that can just as readily be expressed in natural language. It's just that the symbolic language of mathematics is more compact and efficient.
Imagine what it would be like to live in a world that we simply could not understand. It would be a world with no discernable patterns at all. I think that to humans it would seem crazy, and very scary.
If you wish to ascribe this curious aspect of the natural world to divine guidance, I have no problem with that. Those aspects of the natural world that are not explicitly ruled out by science are open to religious interpretation. I'm an atheist (an atheist who believes that God does not exist, but that God is logically necessary). But I'm not trying to force atheism on anyone else.


The statement that there is no evidence that God created a human body. This is refuted in the fact that humans are the only animals who wear clothes or need to. How this is evidence that God created a human body is very much worth exploring.

I view the fact that humans make and wear clothes, make and use complex tools, speak and write human languages, create art and music, and think abstractly about philosophy, religion, and mathematics are all founded in our shared genetic heritage and are therefore derived from the evolution of our species. If you believe that there are some aspects of human behavior that are not related directly to genetics, then please identify them-- and please also describe how you would test such an hypothesis in an experiment. If it's not testable, then it's just a belief, not a fact.


Atheism on Trial. You got no answer to the Genesis story.

I disagree. I cited the NRSVue translation's rendition of the creation story which aligns perfectly with my own interpretation as expressed in my very first posting. You and @Illuminator and @FlySwatter have different interpretations that are based on other widely referenced translations. That's fine-- I can live with people having different interpretations of the creation story. I would just point out that the copyright on the NSRVue is held by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States-- hardly an atheist stronghold. So you have your interpretation, and I have mine-- and both are compatible with widely referenced translations.

As to the origin of the universe, the Big Bang with cosmic inflation hypothesis has by far the best fit to known observable facts. The book I mentioned in an earlier posting, "A Universe From Nothing" by Lawrence Krauss, provides a lot of background on how the universe could have originated from literally nothing. Or at least nothing more than a momentary quantum fluctuation. And what could have given rise to that original fluctuation? It's unknown.

That theory represents the absolute limits to our knowledge about the origin of the universe. And if you wish to describe that original unknown event that triggered the process of the Big Bang to divine intervention, I have no problem with that. Again, I'm not trying to deter anyone from theism. I'm only opposed to theisms that are based on too literal readings of the Bible or on outright denials of matters of fact.
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
If I burn my hand on the stove, how does that involve thought? If I stub my toe, how does that involve thought? If I am bitten by a mosquito, how does that involve thought?
There have been instances in which amputees have reported still being able to "feel" with their missing limbs. All sensation to which the brain can react is subject to the brain's internal processing. And that all has at least some dependence on state of mind.
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
Why do you call yourself an atheist yet write "I'm not attempting to dissuade anyone from believing in the reality of a deity"? Are you an atheist or not?
I am an atheist. I believe that God does not exist. But I also believe that God is logically necessary (i.e. not sociologically or psychologically). If you want further details please see my book titled "The Reverent Atheist" by David S. Moore, available in paperback on Amazon. Unlike most of the Christians who have commented on this thread I'm not trying to convert anyone to my specific religion. I believe that if you give all of my postings on this forum a fair reading you will see that I haven't argued against the existence of God.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
There have been instances in which amputees have reported still being able to "feel" with their missing limbs. All sensation to which the brain can react is subject to the brain's internal processing. And that all has at least some dependence on state of mind.
LOL!!! Your reasoning is "off the charts".

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I am an atheist. I believe that God does not exist. But I also believe that God is logically necessary (i.e. not sociologically or psychologically). If you want further details please see my book titled "The Reverent Atheist" by David S. Moore, available in paperback on Amazon. Unlike most of the Christians who have commented on this thread I'm not trying to convert anyone to my specific religion. I believe that if you give all of my postings on this forum a fair reading you will see that I haven't argued against the existence of God.
What is "your specific religion"? And, nice plug for your book. Is that the real reason that you're here?
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
LOL!!! Your reasoning is "off the charts".
I'm sorry, I must have missed something. I thought we were talking about perception. Perception implies awareness. I've certainly experienced many occasions when I was bitten by a mosquito but had no awareness of it until hours later when I discovered a welt on my arm and an itching sensation. So I think it's clear that the event of the mosquito biting me and my perception of that event are two different things. In the case of stubbing one's toe, I've known people who have actually broken a bone without realizing it until hours later. Maybe we're talking about different things. Where did I go wrong?

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I'm sorry, I must have missed something. I thought we were talking about perception. Perception implies awareness. I've certainly experienced many occasions when I was bitten by a mosquito but had no awareness of it until hours later when I discovered a welt on my arm and an itching sensation. So I think it's clear that the event of the mosquito biting me and my perception of that event are two different things. In the case of stubbing one's toe, I've known people who have actually broken a bone without realizing it until hours later. Maybe we're talking about different things. Where did I go wrong?
I have no idea what you mean. Mosquito bites hurt. There is something wrong if you don't notice the bite until later. And people don't realize that they've broken a bone? Perhaps that aren't aware of the break, but the pain must be there.

And I don't think that you're sticking to the subject: atheists get accused of taking verses out of context. Physical sensations are not germane to the discussion.

BTW, I was a very serious atheist -- once. Then I was healed in the hospital by Jesus Christ, and my atheism departed forever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I've never met an atheist that could understand the Scripture, in fact, the Scripture says that unbelievers can't.

Careful ..... the most gifted debates are done between Chrstians that dedicated their lives and careers in Bible study against some of the most learned and gifted Athiests on the planet. A lot of Christians can learn a wealth of Bible knowledge by watching these debates.
Apr 25, 2023
North Bend
United States
Jim B:
I have no idea what you mean. Mosquito bites hurt. There is something wrong if you don't notice the bite until later. And people don't realize that they've broken a bone? Perhaps that aren't aware of the break, but the pain must be there.
Mosquito bites usually hurt. But I know from my own personal experience that sometimes I don't notice them until hours later. Maybe the mosquitoes where I live are much more stealthy than those near you. "There is something wrong if you didn't notice the bite until later." Perhaps. There are many types of neuropathy that can result in the sensation of pain when there is no obvious source of pain, or in absence of feeling when pain stimuli are visibly present. Yes, many things can go wrong. Most of the time the human nervous system works so reliably and so fast that we can fool ourselves into believing that pain stimuli must result in the awareness of pain. But that's just not always true.

Jim B:
And I don't think that you're sticking to the subject: atheists get accused of taking verses out of context. Physical sensations are not germane to the discussion.
Well this whole aspect of the discussion arose from a question about what is real. If you can't even define what is real, then you probably can't have a meaningful discussion about much of anything. I presented my definition of reality, which is based somewhat loosely on the writings of Alfred North Whitehead, and many followers of this thread objected. I wasn't expecting such virulent opposition to something that I thought was rather simple and non-threatening. I'm perfectly willing to drop the subject, but some followers don't seem to want to let it go.

Jim B:
BTW, I was a very serious atheist -- once. Then I was healed in the hospital by Jesus Christ, and my atheism departed forever.
That's fine. I was raised as a Presbyterian. My family lived about a block from the church. We went to church every Sunday for years and years. I'm not trying to demean anyone's personal experience of religion. I'm only trying to highlight for the Non-Christian followers of this thread the vast disparity between what the Bible actually says and what Christians of all major sects say it says. If after acknowledging those disparities someone chooses to remain Christian in some fashion, that's fine with me.