Is Hell for ever or will it be deat total seopertion from God

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New Member
Aug 11, 2007
Is Hell for ever or will it be death witch is total seperation from GodNo one in the old testament seemed to know anything other than total death. I believe the church has distorted the truth about Hell. What do you think??Fear is always a great way to get someone's attention.Crooner


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
The only Hell I'm most concerned is the Lake of Fire. There is no burning forever in Hell doctrine. Lake of Fire is the second death. The death of a soul. (Revelation 20:14) It will ceased to exist and will be forgotten by all. But of course, that is after the Mellenium Age.JagLovest ye in Christ Yahshua, Lord and Saviour of the world.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
This 'ceasing' to be. Would some peopel prefer that?This is the ultimate teaching in buddhism. (Which I have left behind)(Just trying to understand better)


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
This 'ceasing' to be. Would some peopel prefer that?This is the ultimate teaching in buddhism. (Which I have left behind)(Just trying to understand better)
You see David, The Lake of Fire is not yet created. It will come after the Mellineum Age, (That's when Christ reigns in His Kingdom) after Satan is loosed for a little deceive as many souls as he can. Everybody will have a decision to make. After that, the Mellineum Age is over and the Great White Throne Judgment will come. And God will be the Judge. The Lake of Fire is created. (Revelation 20)As for now...when people dies...Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.Ezekiel 18:4 - Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.All souls are His. Even the female ones too...but when it comes to souls only, they all are referred as "sons" This is what God says. It is His words.JagLovest ye in Christ Yahshua, Lord and Saviour.


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
Finally, a doctrine Superjag and I agree on.I actually agree, but I may not interpret the specifics as he has. However, Justin Martyr also argued that the soul dies in Hell, and it's obvious, he argues, that God who is described in the scriptures, made the "death of the soul", rather than infinite torture. He was a clever philosopher.To understand this difference, I think it's important to understand the difference between "Eternal" and "Infinite". I've explained it many times before, so I won't divulge yet again. However, I think that, even considering it philosophically, it makes much more sense for the second death, to be the death of the soul, rather than some immaterial and yet material torture for an infinite amount of time.I think Scripture is clear on this;"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."~ Matthew 5:28The soul will be Eternally destroyed, not infinitely tortured. I agree that God is a wrathful God. However, to even for a moment begin to suggest that an infinite torture is a justified punishment for any crime, seems to me to be philosophically incoherent. For, if certain crimes deserve various punishments, each having been deemed "appropriate" by the measure of itself, in accordance with the crime, then punishments are proportionally variable. If, however, this is true, then certain punishments are out of place, or not proportional to the crimes. If this is true at all, then unless there is any unforgivable crime which can rightly and obviously be called such, which additionally deserves punishment unending, then an infinite torture of tremendous proportions is surely very out of place, and does not line up philosophically with the God of the Bible.I understand why the church has gotten confused over this issue. However, I think, perhaps, a re-examination of the terms such as "Eternal" and "Infinite" are very much in order.About a year ago, I would not have accepted this. I was invited to a Bible study, given by a man in a friends church who I already knew to be wise. He proposed a study on "Hell", and hinted towards these things. I prepared myself with a few pages of notes with passages from the Bible, from the Dead Sea Scrolls, and everything else I could find/think of, which supported the "hard" belief that Hell was infinite torture. He was so wise, and well prepared, I didn't even have to take any of those notes out. I recognized the superiority of his points immediately. Not one person there, even the friend whose church this man was from, agreed with him at the beginning, and we had all prepared ourselves in our own ways to really test him and see if he knew what he was talking about. By the end of the night, I think every single one of us left, intellectually satisfied, and recognizing his points.That's the power of Truth and Reason.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
Guilt and fear! Fear of torture to attract people to church meetings. The church knows exactly what its doing. I like that explanation.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
By golly a thread where everyone agree's ... heavens the time must be shorter than I thought:)


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
By golly a thread where everyone agree's ... heavens the time must be shorter than I thought
I actually find that rather impressive, seeing as the view we seem to be getting here, is in stark contrast with traditional and normative Christianity.Very cool :cool: