Israel has been attacking Gaza for decades

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Gentile Christians have been grafted into the Israel of God...which is also called the commonwealth of Israel because it includes the nations (Gentiles). (the Israel of God is not Israel after the flesh - the bible distinguishes between the two)
Christians are not Israel.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Like I said, not going to beat my head up against a wall.
Get out of that evil religion....
When did it become evil to believe and obey the word of God? I don't belong to a religion or church or denomination.

Also, remember where God told the Israelites not to resist when Nebuchadnezzar and his army came as the Lord's arm of judgment. Of course, many didn't trust the Lord enough to heed His word then and were killed as He said would happen. The bible says to "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and in due time He will lift you up." Israelites and their children who lived on returned to Israel to restore God's house.

This doesn't mean to be foolish and put God to the test. We shouldn't put ourselves in harm's way on purpose and for no reason. We are to be wise as serpents but harmless as, Jesus told Peter to bring a sword with him that day in the Garden of Gethsemane, I believe as a deterrent to discourage the arresting party from thinking about trying to arrest him along with Jesus. Also, maybe because He knew Peter's faith wasn't well-developed yet. And He told the early believers if they are persecuted in one place to flee to another. It's not a sin to have locks on our doors either. We dont' have to act like sitting ducks and appear to make things easy for would-be assailants. Ask the Lord for wisdom when we need it and He will give it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
His Father's house.. As Paul wrote we are to judge those within, but leave those outside God's house for Him to judge.

He didn't ask please .....Contradicting yourself? I thought he was a pacifist .......Not arguing .....making a point .


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
When did it become evil to believe and obey the word of God? I don't belong to a religion or church or denomination.

Also, remember where God told the Israelites not to resist when Nebuchadnezzar and his army came as the Lord's arm of judgment. Of course, many didn't trust the Lord enough to heed His word then and were killed as He said would happen. The bible says to "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and in due time He will lift you up." Israelites and their children who lived on returned to Israel to restore God's house.

This doesn't mean to be foolish and put God to the test. We shouldn't put ourselves in harm's way on purpose and for no reason. We are to be wise as serpents but harmless as, Jesus told Peter to bring a sword with him that day in the Garden of Gethsemane, I believe as a deterrent to discourage the arresting party from thinking about trying to arrest him along with Jesus. Also, maybe because He knew Peter's faith wasn't well-developed yet. And He told the early believers if they are persecuted in one place to flee to another. It's not a sin to have locks on our doors either. We dont' have to act like sitting ducks and appear to make things easy for would-be assailants. Ask the Lord for wisdom when we need it and He will give it.

Let me fill you in on a few things….Back a few years ago I was asked by a friend of mine that ran Recovery Ranches for Youth to work with interventionists to save women and children from cults. Most of the cults in our area are Jehovah’s Witnesses other than that just really stupid and twisted people.

The cults have a lingo….and it is spooky. Now you can post to people here and seem normal but when you address me the devil knows who I am and that cult lingo comes forward. How many times has it happened that I listen to them talk to people but when I talk to them eye to eye their voice changes and that defensive cult lingo starts.

This originates in the Kingdom Hall…..been there, did that…..My Aunt was Jehovah’s Witnesses and I would go with her to the Kingdom Hall….a building with the windows covered up. This one had all metal folding chairs….no pews because it was about huddling together and practicing twisting the scriptures to defend their cult. And how many ways to deceive people to let them in their homes. A note to Christians….when they come to your door they are not what most of us would call Christian. They will be carrying a King James Version of the Bible but that is to deceive you into thinking they are Christian.

They have their own version of the Bible called the New World Translation and it denounces the Deity of Yeshua. Your best bet, do not let them in your home and tell them to flee that evil religion, that way on Judgment Day Christ knows they were warned.

They don’t believe in the Deity of Yeshua. They do not belieive in Hell. They do not allow blood transfusions….which almost killed my Aunt. They do not observe holidays. Marriages are not of religious significance although they do have strict rules about the submissiveness of wives and their obedience. Which I will touch on later, which is tyrannical.

The religion does not care if the couple has a wedding or is married by the justice of the peace LOL For one thing a Jehovah’s Witness’s wedding is pretty mundane because they do not follow the theme of Christian weddings….Too many Pagan rituals for them LOL And Christ’s name is never mentioned but the name Jehovah is used. Of course no wedding cake and the one I was at had no food….short and sweet. I understand that some have receptions but since I have not attended any I will not comment.

They focus on Yahweh calling Him Jehovah and they focus on the Old Testament more than they do the New Testament hence Jehovah’s Witnesses rather than Yeshua’s Witnesses which gives a Jewish character to their religion but they really do not care for the Jews and demean them seeing themselves more or less as “The New Jews” Those that truly honor Jehovah.

The religion originated in the mid 19th century and was not based on any mainstream Christian religious beliefs before that. Considering their beliefs are based on one man and considering their practices it would be fair to classify them as a cult. Cults persecute those that leave their religion as the Jehovah’s Witnesses do. They will even excommunicate family members. They have a tendency to be abusive within their religion, hence the need for interventionists and at times the need for law enforcement. It is an evil religion and all of this I have seen for myself.

Like I said I have a friend that use to run recovery ranches for young adults and I have talked to some of the runaways from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. And some of their minds were so twisted that they maybe in need of therapy for life.

I talked to one young lady at the ranch and she told me that her father tied her naked to a tree in the winter as a punishment and beat her mother for trying to untie her. Of course I heard stories of sexual abuse of girls and boys, but that can happen in any religion. But what is unique with the Jehovah’s Witnesses is that the family will allow it to continue and will not report it. One girl in her teens told me that her father made her sleep with him and his wife and that started when she was six and lasted until she was 15 and ran away, hence her being at the ranch. That one made the local papers when the father and mother were arrested. Like I said, I have witnessed all of this.

I was at a church when a runaway wife showed up crying and asking for help…. runaway ….she was on foot. Then her husband made the mistake of showing up and trying to drag her out in the middle of the service. It was a good thing that a couple State Troopers were there because I was going to pick him up by his throat. The Troopers arrested him and Child Services rescued the children.

Like I said cults have a lingo because their members are brainwashed and this starts with their young so they are prepared to ward off anyone trying to rescue them. I know their lingo that is why I had you pegged from the start.

Abusive behavior is a well known and documented practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Again I am going to remind you that I know these people and their religion. The Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Halls are very tolerant of abusive behavior and sexual abuse is seen as a private internal family matter. Besides that the Kingdom Hall congregation requires 2 witnesses with proof. That rarely happens, because most of this happens behind closed doors. So getting removed from the congregation? Rarely happens, if at all. Now there is part of this that doesn’t add up. Jehovah’s Witnesses are mostly pacifistic…..non-violent, but not with their families. Family members can be beat and molested….non-violent…how does that work?

A former Jehovah’s Witness managed to escape and divorce her husband and she had a 15 year old daughter that mostly stayed with her dad and the mother had seen him molester her several times. (Now regular Christians will wonder why a mother would do that, Jehovah’s Witnesses will understand.)

The mother was a singer and musician so you know how that went over. (Not to say that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not sing or play any music.)

Mark Twain National Forrest….and she lived about a mile down the road from my dad. My dad had a lot of friends that would come over and play Bluegrass Country and Gospel music…a lot of talent and a yard full of cars and trucks and lots of food. And one day she decided to stop and she became part of the group. Something that she really needed for more that one reason. Talented lady that had a beautiful and strong singing voice. I told her more than one time she could be a millionaire if she went professional.

One of the weekends that she had her daughter, the mother asked me to talk to her. I knew what I was getting into. She got confrontational with her mother and me right off. The conversation was short and to the point, she said, I am proud to love my dad and I go to his bed, he does not come to mine. Well I believe in being prepared for what to say…. but in that moment I was speechless. As far as I know that continued on. And I have more about them but that get too gross.

As I said this behavior is well known and documented.

Jehovah’s Witness Sex Abuse Lawsuits - LevyLaw

Jehovah's Witnesses' handling of child sexual abuse - Wikipedia

Hidden Abuse Under the Watchtower Archives - Reveal

159 report being sexually abused as Jehovah’s Witnesses | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Former Pa. Jehovah's Witness pleads guilty to sexually assaulting 2 children

How Common Is Jehovah’s Witness Child Sexual Abuse?

And this is a short list.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Let me fill you in on a few things….Back a few years ago I was asked by a friend of mine that ran Recovery Ranches for Youth to work with interventionists to save women and children from cults. Most of the cults in our area are Jehovah’s Witnesses other than that just really stupid and twisted people.

The cults have a lingo….and it is spooky. Now you can post to people here and seem normal but when you address me the devil knows who I am and that cult lingo comes forward. How many times has it happened that I listen to them talk to people but when I talk to them eye to eye their voice changes and that defensive cult lingo starts.

This originates in the Kingdom Hall…..been there, did that…..My Aunt was Jehovah’s Witnesses and I would go with her to the Kingdom Hall….a building with the windows covered up. This one had all metal folding chairs….no pews because it was about huddling together and practicing twisting the scriptures to defend their cult. And how many ways to deceive people to let them in their homes. A note to Christians….when they come to your door they are not what most of us would call Christian. They will be carrying a King James Version of the Bible but that is to deceive you into thinking they are Christian.

They have their own version of the Bible called the New World Translation and it denounces the Deity of Yeshua. Your best bet, do not let them in your home and tell them to flee that evil religion, that way on Judgment Day Christ knows they were warned.

They don’t believe in the Deity of Yeshua. They do not belieive in Hell. They do not allow blood transfusions….which almost killed my Aunt. They do not observe holidays. Marriages are not of religious significance although they do have strict rules about the submissiveness of wives and their obedience. Which I will touch on later, which is tyrannical.

The religion does not care if the couple has a wedding or is married by the justice of the peace LOL For one thing a Jehovah’s Witness’s wedding is pretty mundane because they do not follow the theme of Christian weddings….Too many Pagan rituals for them LOL And Christ’s name is never mentioned but the name Jehovah is used. Of course no wedding cake and the one I was at had no food….short and sweet. I understand that some have receptions but since I have not attended any I will not comment.

They focus on Yahweh calling Him Jehovah and they focus on the Old Testament more than they do the New Testament hence Jehovah’s Witnesses rather than Yeshua’s Witnesses which gives a Jewish character to their religion but they really do not care for the Jews and demean them seeing themselves more or less as “The New Jews” Those that truly honor Jehovah.

The religion originated in the mid 19th century and was not based on any mainstream Christian religious beliefs before that. Considering their beliefs are based on one man and considering their practices it would be fair to classify them as a cult. Cults persecute those that leave their religion as the Jehovah’s Witnesses do. They will even excommunicate family members. They have a tendency to be abusive within their religion, hence the need for interventionists and at times the need for law enforcement. It is an evil religion and all of this I have seen for myself.

Like I said I have a friend that use to run recovery ranches for young adults and I have talked to some of the runaways from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. And some of their minds were so twisted that they maybe in need of therapy for life.

I talked to one young lady at the ranch and she told me that her father tied her naked to a tree in the winter as a punishment and beat her mother for trying to untie her. Of course I heard stories of sexual abuse of girls and boys, but that can happen in any religion. But what is unique with the Jehovah’s Witnesses is that the family will allow it to continue and will not report it. One girl in her teens told me that her father made her sleep with him and his wife and that started when she was six and lasted until she was 15 and ran away, hence her being at the ranch. That one made the local papers when the father and mother were arrested. Like I said, I have witnessed all of this.

I was at a church when a runaway wife showed up crying and asking for help…. runaway ….she was on foot. Then her husband made the mistake of showing up and trying to drag her out in the middle of the service. It was a good thing that a couple State Troopers were there because I was going to pick him up by his throat. The Troopers arrested him and Child Services rescued the children.

Like I said cults have a lingo because their members are brainwashed and this starts with their young so they are prepared to ward off anyone trying to rescue them. I know their lingo that is why I had you pegged from the start.

Abusive behavior is a well known and documented practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Again I am going to remind you that I know these people and their religion. The Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Halls are very tolerant of abusive behavior and sexual abuse is seen as a private internal family matter. Besides that the Kingdom Hall congregation requires 2 witnesses with proof. That rarely happens, because most of this happens behind closed doors. So getting removed from the congregation? Rarely happens, if at all. Now there is part of this that doesn’t add up. Jehovah’s Witnesses are mostly pacifistic…..non-violent, but not with their families. Family members can be beat and molested….non-violent…how does that work?

A former Jehovah’s Witness managed to escape and divorce her husband and she had a 15 year old daughter that mostly stayed with her dad and the mother had seen him molester her several times. (Now regular Christians will wonder why a mother would do that, Jehovah’s Witnesses will understand.)

The mother was a singer and musician so you know how that went over. (Not to say that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not sing or play any music.)

Mark Twain National Forrest….and she lived about a mile down the road from my dad. My dad had a lot of friends that would come over and play Bluegrass Country and Gospel music…a lot of talent and a yard full of cars and trucks and lots of food. And one day she decided to stop and she became part of the group. Something that she really needed for more that one reason. Talented lady that had a beautiful and strong singing voice. I told her more than one time she could be a millionaire if she went professional.

One of the weekends that she had her daughter, the mother asked me to talk to her. I knew what I was getting into. She got confrontational with her mother and me right off. The conversation was short and to the point, she said, I am proud to love my dad and I go to his bed, he does not come to mine. Well I believe in being prepared for what to say…. but in that moment I was speechless. As far as I know that continued on. And I have more about them but that get too gross.

As I said this behavior is well known and documented.

Jehovah’s Witness Sex Abuse Lawsuits - LevyLaw

Jehovah's Witnesses' handling of child sexual abuse - Wikipedia

Hidden Abuse Under the Watchtower Archives - Reveal

159 report being sexually abused as Jehovah’s Witnesses | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Former Pa. Jehovah's Witness pleads guilty to sexually assaulting 2 children

How Common Is Jehovah’s Witness Child Sexual Abuse?

And this is a short list.
What on earth does all that have to do with what we are talking about? I've never had anything to do with the J.W.'s. God's word says what it says.......but nobody should be forcing it on anyone. It's not a's instruction to edify and build us up in the inner man and grow our faith. But we need to endeavour to obey it and seek God for His help if we find we can't. What kind of Christians just ignore God's word and throw it out the window? Should we be led by our flesh (natural man) or by the Spirit of God?

The Lord made it clear to me that mixture = paganism. (AKA mystery Babylon.) No man can serve two masters. If it's a mixture of God and pagan it is pagan period because mixture just isn't of the's not of His Spirit. It's so awful where we see abuses occurring, but not really surprising since it comes from the evil spirit that is ruling houses of mixture.........God's spirit isn't ruling such places, the devil is, who comes but to steal, kill and destroy.

The Lord is Head of His Body, not men and their organizations and rules. And His Body should just function in the simplicity of Christ and not be so easily drawn away from that simplicity by wolves in sheep's clothing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
He didn't ask please .....Contradicting yourself? I thought he was a pacifist .......Not arguing .....making a point .
You are the one using that label, not me. I just take God at His word and He isn't using a label. Jesus certainly wasn't killing anyone, just exercising some discipline.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Still doesn't say Christians are Israel.
Christians belong to the "Israel of God" not "Israel after the flesh" (unless one happens to be Jewish). We have become members of the "commonwealth of Israel". AKA spiritual Israel which is the kingdom of God. Not natural Israel over in the middle east.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Christians belong to the "Israel of God" not "Israel after the flesh" (unless one happens to be Jewish). We have become members of the "commonwealth of Israel". AKA spiritual Israel which is the kingdom of God. Not natural Israel over in the middle east.
Guess where Jesus will return. Hint: Not Canada or the USA! It's called Israel on the map, the Land of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Do you think I believe you?

Which one?

Yahweh God the Father….

Yeshua God the Son……

God the Holy Spirit….
Wow you think I'm lying. Jesus is God come in the flesh. No man comes to the Father but by Him. He sent His Spirit to lead us into all truth, to show us things to come and as Comforter, Counsellor and Paraclete, after ascending to the Father. The risen Christ dwells in the born again believer by His Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Guess where Jesus will return. Hint: Not Canada or the USA! It's called Israel on the map, the Land of the Bible.
We've already covered this ground. And every eye will see can every eye see Him if He comes to a specific physical location? Scripture says not to believe lo here or lo there because He will come as lightning that lights up the sky from east to west........seen from everywhere in other words. Revealed in all His glory. Consuming fire. Who will be able to stand?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
We've already covered this ground. And every eye will see can every eye see Him if He comes to a specific physical location? Scripture says not to believe lo here or lo there because He will come as lightning that lights up the sky from east to west........seen from everywhere in other words. Revealed in all His glory. Consuming fire. Who will be able to stand?
A VERY "specific location" indeed!

Zechariah 14:1-13
1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, ...
2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; ...
3 Then the LORD will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle.
4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. ...

And the fate of the Israel wannabees:

12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Wow you think I'm lying. Jesus is God come in the flesh. No man comes to the Father but by Him. He sent His Spirit to lead us into all truth, to show us things to come and as Comforter, Counsellor and Paraclete, after ascending to the Father. The risen Christ dwells in the born again believer by His Spirit.

If that is true why didn’t you speak up until now? Still not convinced.

A common misconception is that the Trinity is actually a dual. They called the third member, the Deity the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost like the Deity is only the Spirit of Yahweh or Yeshua or both. They did not disclose the name of the Deity, probably for a good reason, but it has caused a lot of confusion. The Holy Spirit is a full-fledged God. Probably the most interactive with Christians of the three.

Names of the Deities have been, I will say confused. God the Father name Yahweh or YHWH was in the Old Testament about 6,800 times, a lot of effort was used to remove them all and replace them with the words God or Lord or both. And God the Son’s name Yeshua was never in the New Testament. And then they never disclosed the name of the Holy Spirit.

And just so you know there is no “Js” in the scriptures….No person, place, or thing that starts with a J, they are all “Ys”


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
If that is true why didn’t you speak up until now? Still not convinced.

A common misconception is that the Trinity is actually a dual. They called the third member, the Deity the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost like the Deity is only the Spirit of Yahweh or Yeshua or both. They did not disclose the name of the Deity, probably for a good reason, but it has caused a lot of confusion. The Holy Spirit is a full-fledged God. Probably the most interactive with Christians of the three.

Names of the Deities have been, I will say confused. God the Father name Yahweh or YHWH was in the Old Testament about 6,800 times, a lot of effort was used to remove them all and replace them with the words God or Lord or both. And God the Son’s name Yeshua was never in the New Testament. And then they never disclosed the name of the Holy Spirit.

And just so you know there is no “Js” in the scriptures….No person, place, or thing that starts with a J, they are all “Ys”
I don't know a whole lot about the Jehovahs Witnesses, other than that they don't believe in the deity of Christ if memory serves. I'm quite sure it is not the faith that Jesus gave us.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I don't know a whole lot about the Jehovahs Witnesses, other than that they don't believe in the deity of Christ if memory serves. I'm quite sure it is not the faith that Jesus gave us.

I just explained to you what the Jehovah's believe.