Judaism or Christianity?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Reggie, I find your continuous anti-semitic hatred to be intensely nauseous. Your papable hatred of Jews is transparent. You never quote Scripture to support your hate agenda. In all honesty, I believe you are faithfully following a guiding spirit; a spirit from the dark side. :-(
Clearly you do not understand what you are talking about, there is no such a thing as Anti-Semitic for a start, it's a made up word that has noting really at all to do with a subject of Judaism at all and only a fool would use such a concept. the concept is Satanic because it creates delusions and misleads people who are shallow and only because they lack depth or never bother to look into what such a word is displaying, that they are so easy led to go barking up the wrong tree in an instant, the Satanist clearly made up such a word, the word is a oxymoron. but it works a treat for shallow people who subject is only a shallow one. I get sick of hearing such a pathetic concept that is so vast and removed from anything pacific that it does not touch on anything worthy of talking about.
If you are going to talk about the subject of the Jew be pacific and pin point what you are on about as to the topic you are on about .

If you want to bring up a subject that I am on about that's fine as I am only to happy to debate such, but don't go off with the pixies ranting pathetic rubbish that you sadly can't truly back up, you are clearly content to come out from under your rock to try and slander me. but I am of the opinion of you as typical ignorant brainwashed shallow dupes that I come across all the time that just comes out to have a snipe at me but will not challenge me, because you know that I will expose you for what you are.

I don't idolise any people because I am a Christian and to idolise clearly proves that you are not a worthy Christian at all, if you idolise a people on a topic like many do, such as "The Jews are Gods people". How shallow uneducated people will make stupid claims such as "The Jews are Gods people" and the Satanist demand such deceptions. in history what % were worthy Jews ? the concept is clearly bigoted Racial Prejudice as one could ever of come across. such is sick and disgusting to try to mislead people with rubbish like such, as such a concept belongs to such morons as the Nazis or the KKK and all that sort of madness, that's what is I see clearly and directly, it jumps out at me so blatantly that such is worthy only of a ploy that Nazis dribbled on with, totally ! I can see it for what it is, I am not some ignorant goyim fool who just swallows anything peddled. I have a Jewish bloodline so I take things seriously on such a subject, not like your ilk in your shallow ignorance, what people like you are doing is fictitious that is so typical of goyim. the rudeness is astounding when I hear people talking about the Jews I am astounded as to their ignorance, I have such morons come to me claiming so much dribble about the Jews and they have a go at me, I am the person that they should be idolising :rolleyes: and I say have you ever studied the OT for yourself bro, do you have a good handle on it.
Run along boy and go back to your gurus who idolise the Talmud whore, not to mention not all Jews are the same, that's the problem with the ignorance of the Goyim, they claim that Jews are their subject solely just like the Talmud does and such as in ones ignorance will tell the Jews who they are o_O:confused:. Grow up bro you are so mislead and off track it's not funny.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Whatever! You are declaring that God is a liar. As for me, I will follow Scripture which declares that the Old Covenant is an eternal Covenant, You declare the Bible is false! Duh!

And it is under the Old Covenant, the end times Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, and the sacrificial system re-instituted. The entire Prophecy of Ezekiel is devoted to this period of time under the Old Covenant which is still valid today, tomorrow and forever!
That is clearly Satanic ! such is blighted, Jesus Christ is the only one Man shall serve, that's the Way ! The Holy Spirit is a Christians guiding Light and not Mans works, you are peddling Mans works, you think that man is the key, Oh we will make a home for God, well the fools tried that one and Jesus came and said in 3 days what he was going to do with that ? do you understand.
The only thing that one need is Jesus Christ first and foremost in ones life and anything other is nonsense, building and places are not worthy at all of God but only one who Serves our Lord Jesus Christ has Life in them. the rest are in darkness as they always were and always will be, as there is nothing outside of Christ Jesus, as such a one is only found in the kingdom of God.

You are rejecting Jesus is the Christ.

The days of Satan are hear now and they will create the monstrosity to come, for they are blighted fools lead astray.

A Christian should only be concerned about Jesus Christ, the days are here now that are tempting all away, they have rejected Jesus Christ and have delusions of another Christ to come, this will be there Idol the Devil that leads the whole world astray.
Fact is that Jesus was here in the beginning and will be to the end as the fact is that he is the Alpha and the Omega ! did you knot know that fact.

God never changes bro, but as to his People = they who truly do Serve Jesus Christ and they in the OT who truly served the God of Israel are counted as blessed in God, not to mention that they in the days of Jesus would truly know him, as Holy Moses pointed out that they would know him, if they were true Israel = Servants of God in fact. no others bro, making silly claims.

The Covenant was finished off, completed with the coming of Jesus Christ as it's he who "Is" and if one does not agree, such a one is not truly born again and lost to the temptations of Satan and this world clearly. God does not need a temple made with by the hands of man, it's a Spiritual Temple that is of God. One must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God. such is not of this world, of deceptions leading people astray.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Whatever! You are declaring that God is a liar. As for me, I will follow Scripture which declares that the Old Covenant is an eternal Covenant, You declare the Bible is false! Duh!

And it is under the Old Covenant, the end times Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, and the sacrificial system re-instituted. The entire Prophecy of Ezekiel is devoted to this period of time under the Old Covenant which is still valid today, tomorrow and forever!

I'm not calling God a liar, it is YOU that is telling a lie.

The Promise God gave to Abraham, which Abraham believed, and God counted it to him as righteousness, is The New Covenant which is by Faith, and NOT of the law. The old covenant, the law, is dead for those in Christ Jesus. To seek to be justified by the law means death.

Heb 13:20
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,


Jesus Christ is... that "everlasting covenant".

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I say that the Law has not been done away with, but that under Grace we see the Law is under Grace now, so we see that Jesus gave us two more Commandments and under them we can see the Law in another way, it's not done away with at all, it's changed. like the water was to wine.
The old Law was set for reasons but lacking Grace that Jesus gave us because Jesus finishes off the work, just like the stone that the builders rejected, well they needed that stone but because they were carnal they could not comprehend why it was needed, that's the problem with the Jews, they are only carnal. mans works and only the true Israelites can make that grade, like Holy Moses points out that they will see Jesus for who he truly is.

Now other people are claiming that everyone must toss out the Law, well that is totally Satanic, because they are rejecting God claiming that he made a mistake ?
Now Jesus never said one thing against the Law, but he was seen as or charged with such by cunning Satanist back in the days, the poor fools were mislead as to the intention, Jesus was not destroying the Law but capping it off under Grace, this makes the Law live, it does not kill the Law. but the Law now is changed as it's under Grace that the Law is seen to work for the people, not only to condemn them now but lead them to Grace, for Grace is the king over the Law or it's aim or goal.
The Jews live under darkness and Jesus came and put on the lights.

All who are not under Jesus are lovers of the darkness and that's a fact, they are possessed by works of Satan in fact and I am not surprised when I am talking to anyone who is not truly born again to see that they are possessed and happy to abide in evil, because they are of this world. they know no better and their ego drives them, it's all about them and what they want of this world, such is like a pig pen and we have the ones who see others to take advantage of and that makes their day, it's called winning to them. Winning in the septic tank !

The old Law was above all and a dead work set only to lead the Jews to the time to come when Jesus gives the Law light as it only condemned as their was no Grace. because you broke the Law and their in no excuse under the OT and such does not care as to why, you drove over the speed limit by 1 mph and if the Law says you are to be put to death for such then their is nothing you can do about it as you are not going to be asked as to why at all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I say that the Law has not been done away with, but that under Grace we see the Law is under Grace now, so we see that Jesus gave us two more Commandments and under them we can see the Law in another way, it's not done away with at all, it's changed. like the water was to wine.

Kind of.

What Jesus nailed to His cross involved the old covenant and ordinances in the law; things like ceremonial ritual, blood ordinances, various washings, food offerings, etc. He did not do away with God's law against murder, rape, perjury, theft, etc., nor His health law. The difference under Christ is that we... ourselves... are dead to the law IF... we walk by The Spirit (Gal.5). If we instead walk by our flesh, then we place ourselves back under God's law. The tribe of Judah specifically is given care of God's law all the way up to Christ's 2nd coming. That should show how important God's laws still are today, as it is what helps govern God's people and deal with the unrighteous (see 1 Timothy 1 where Paul said the law was not made for the righteous, but for the unrighteous and ungodly). Apostle Paul showed in Gal.5 that simply if we walk by The Spirit, then we won't be doing anything against God's laws, because God's law is not against righteousness.
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Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
Netchaplain said:
Pretty much what I believe! Such is the permanent union of God and His people among the Israelites that believe in Him.

Nazi !
With that attitude you would be just like the Nazis at the death camps, oh you are a Jew ? so regardless of if this Jew was truly a Christian and even born again, your attitude would be the same, oh he is a Jew regardless !
Hi Reggi. Just wanted you to know that the purpose of my above reply was only to show the permanency of the Jewish believer's place in God only because they believed in Him. None of the Jews who were in unbelief were ever in God. Presently I'm contemplating the concept weather or not one can believe in God without believing in His Son, as the Lord Jesus claimed there were those who believed in His Father, and stated they should also believe in Him (Jn 14:1).

I also liked you pointing out that one's ethnicity has no determination as to being in Christ, which of course is scriptural, and wanted you to know that the issue of the OP is to claim that there will possibly be two groups of people in God: Jews believing only in God, and all who believe in the Lord Jesus; and that the Jews who believe only in God at Christ's appearing will not inherit son-ship in Christ (New Earth) as the Jews (and Gentiles) who do believe in Christ have (New Heaven).

Thus the purposed concept (which is unessential to salvation of course) is that the prior will remain a "people of God" apart from being in the son-ship of God. A purposed thought is that these are not as blessed as those who will be in Christ (Jn 20:29).

It's understandable if anyone finds this concept ridiculous because the concept is more unfamiliar with most, but common for some time now with others (esp. among the Plymouth Brethren for the last few centuries).

God's blessings to your Family, and God be blessed!
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