LIfe When Does It Begin?

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New Member
Apr 14, 2009
What strikes me strange is that if scientist were able to show that microbes or such were currently living on another planet, the headlines would be "Life Found on Other Planet."But here on earth, until it travels down the birth canal, there are many who do not consider it life.
Absolutely right, and thank you for just one more piece of proof that life exists before conception as well as afterwards. I haven't heard that before, and with your permission I will use all the time and add it to my arsenal. I have no selfish interest in advocating on behalf of the weakest and most vulnerable among us, and I have absolutely no shame in putting myself out there and take the heat in that cause. These little Christian, best and brightest, babies are being killed by Contraception, like it was going out of style. Why people who shed all kinds of tears over dogs, cats and frogs have not a tear left for these little ones who are being contracepted to death every day of the week by, otherwise, good families. The only thing I can figure is it must be massive unrepented guilt that causes so many to spit in God's face while they daily kill his children with poisons, and other infernal devices and methods on a truly massive scale, while at the same time this slaughter is undermining national security, AND our economy. Let's make these hard-hearted people listen, and learn, and repent, and at least change their witness, if not their conduct. The Dugger Family have 18 natural children by the same mother and father, and the mother is so healthy she looks 25. We have been lied to about childbearing being hard on women. Of course it is challenging, but so is life generally. Any of us may die or be killed this week. Life is uncertain at best, but children are forever. You can see the whole Dugger story on www.TLC.Com/duggers


New Member
May 29, 2009
Hopefully the following scriptures should help spread some light on things:Mark 10:6 "but from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female"Luke 1:41 "When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit"


New Member
Apr 10, 2009
"Absolutely right, and thank you for just one more piece of proof that life exists before conception as well as afterwards. I haven't heard that before, and with your permission I will use all the time and add it to my arsenal." -- Founder-- Be my guest. As far as people shedding tears for dogs and cats but not for the unborn, it reminds me of the story of Nazi concentration camp officers who could spend their whole day imparting pain and suffering on their fellow man without a second thought, but that night they would go to the opera and cry their eyes out.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
"Absolutely right, and thank you for just one more piece of proof that life exists before conception as well as afterwards. I haven't heard that before, and with your permission I will use all the time and add it to my arsenal." -- Founder-- Be my guest. As far as people shedding tears for dogs and cats but not for the unborn, it reminds me of the story of Nazi concentration camp officers who could spend their whole day imparting pain and suffering on their fellow man without a second thought, but that night they would go to the opera and cry their eyes out.
The ability of humans to compartmentalize is amazing, mass murders do it all the time. Basically, speaking biologically, it comes from their thinking with the lower, or animal part of their brains and not subjecting it to the scrutiny, and conscience of the upper part of the brain. "If it feels good, do it" is the standard such people employ to govern their lives. We see the results all around us, in repetitive divorce, abortion, birth control, sports, pop culture, drugs, alcohol and mindless churchianity. Most Christian have reverted back to heathenism today. They play, dance and sing to rap "christian" music, and their religious life is all emotion, with no actual mind at all. Pastors think it is cute to crack jokes from the pulpit to curry favor with their mindless parishioners.There are no jokes in the Bible and for good reason. There is nothing funny about God.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
Get a copy of "Demographic Winter" a video put out by FRC Family Research Council, and Heritage Foundation.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
[quote name='Founder;68772][quote name='Wiseman' date='19 May 2009 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1242708478' post='73727'] For the raising of children Costs steadily rise. Have a child or eat? One is often not wise. However' date=' abortion, It's a taking of life. By machine, it's the same As wielding a knife. Contraception, I ponder, As it prevents planted seeds. Not quite a life made, No growth and no needs. Perhaps it is best People don't procreate If they can't raise the child In a proper state. Of course the world now groans Under huge populations. Perhaps shrinking the masses Will ease it's tribulations? It's just a loose thought, And I am just a man. I've no deeper insight Into His master plan. [/QUOTE'] Thanks for the poem, but I have to take issue with some of what it says. It can be argued that the world in some ways may be over-populated, though the opposite can also be argued, but in any case, even if it were true, my point is that the world has too few of the right sort of people, and perhaps too many of the wrong sort. Now reducing our best numbers because we have too many who are more of a problem than a help, does nothing to help us. If we do need to reduce numbers, and I'm not saying that we do, then at least we need to prune from the bottom of the socio-economic scale, and not from the top, as we are now doing. I'm not advocating, in any way, irresponsible reproduction, just complaining that there is not enough responsible reproduction. There is much evidence in the Bible that God does not consider all life to be equally good, and to me the bible is the final word on everything. "He loved Jacob and hated Esau, while they were yet in their mother's womb." This is just one quote, and there are many others along those lines. But, nonetheless, welcome to the Forum. I am new here too, and am here to learn, and teach what little I know.[/QUOTE] Founder...Your post seems to lean towards euthanasia the same thing that Obama is being accused of, after all us old folks [I'm 84] are no longer socially productive, we dont pay into FICA and we are slowly depleating S.S. and Medicare so why not delete Grandpa and Grandma. After all if we claim to be Christians wouldn't we be better off after death than we are now?


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
You are saying these things, not me. I am way less concerned about pulling the plug on grandma than I am about getting granddaughter and grandson best and brightest Conservative Believer Republicans to have a lot more children. I have a very single minded interest here, and choose not to be drawn into all kinds of other debates peripheral to my point. I am focusing like a laser on our very, very low reproduction rate and don't want to be distracted into a bunch of other issues worthy though they may be.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
[quote name='Founder;71594]You are saying these things' date=' not me. I am way less concerned about pulling the plug on grandma than I am about getting granddaughter and grandson best and brightest Conservative Believer Republicans to have a lot more children. I have a very single minded interest here, and choose not to be drawn into all kinds of other debates peripheral to my point. I am focusing like a laser on our very, very low reproduction rate and don't want to be distracted into a bunch of other issues worthy though they may be.[/QUOTE'] Oh well perhaps you will broaden your focus when and if you are blessed with your 3 score and 10 plus years, than again perhaps not, I recall that when I was a teen ager and my friends dad was in his late 40s (WW1 vet) that I figured he was so old he would probably die any day, funny how things change as you grow older.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
Don't make assumptions as to people's age that you have no knowledge of at all, and don't make assumptions about how people think at certain ages either. You sound like someone who discriminates against people based on their age. Not a nice, or intelligent, thing at all. And when you answer someone's post it helps to address what they are talking about instead of drifting off into your own introspective reveries that are irrelevant to the subject at hand. Doing all this is often a symptom of approaching senility.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Founder;71768]Don said:
It's not approaching Founder it has arrived, but you see I still have enough of a brain left to realize that my wife needs me as a caretaker until such time as God decides to take her out of her wheelchair and off of dialysis when that happens I too plan to leave this world to those of you who see me as a used up drain on society, so just be patient a little longer, according to the Govt. us old worn out WW2 vets are dying off at a rate of 17,000 a day so when my wife passes I promise you there will be two less old people for you to worry about , but for now God seems to have picked me to caretake my wife and 61 years ago I promised Him I would so I plan to honor my commitment.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
Funny how you post out of your own mindless ruminations and mental preoccupations instead of answering anything that anyone writes. No wonder you are deteriorating so fast. If you would intellectually actually engage, you would last longer and be of more use. I didn't say, or imply anything you claim I did. Why don't you deal with what I actually wrote instead of what you IMAGINE I wrote.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Founder;71841]Funny how you post out of your own mindless ruminations and mental preoccupations instead of answering anything that anyone writes. No wonder you are deteriorating so fast. If you would intellectually actually engage said:
My! you do have a short fuse, I now realize that I lack the intellect to engage in a meaningfull conversation with you, some how I get the feeling that you and I would'nt enjoy fishing togather very much, but than God Bless anyhow.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
I don't suffer fools gladly, and I don't think Jesus did either. I hate trivial minded people who fish for sport, and follow sports. They are the curse of the earth. I follow the Bible and there are no jokes or humor in it for good reason. There is nothing funny, or casual about God or the Bible. It is all deadly serious. Of course I am always of good cheer, but that it different than what I have described here as simple-mindedness. I always have a smile on my face and a cheerful word where I can. After all we are to be a good Ambassador for Christ, but not a fool who gives away the store, or betrays his king.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2009
United States
We became a human person at conception. This is evident by the fact that at conception we were a separate living entity with human life and a distinct human genetic make-up. The humanness of our life is evident by the fact that the life we have today, is the continuation of the life we had then. Furthermore, our life then encompassed our entire personhood. This is evident by the fact that it had the framework for our entire life; and it set into motion a process of growth, organization and development that transformed us from a single cell embryo to a full grown human being. To destroy human life at any stage of its development, therefore, is to destroy a human person.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
Your generalized platitudes are correct, but you are TOTALLY WRONG, about life beginning at Conception. Read the rest of this topic to understand why I say this.