Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Can we perhaps stop insulting one another…..look as a moderator I don’t see a problem with this thread as such. We are all capable of evaluating, discerning, reading, weighing things up and reaching conclusions. However as individuals we ALL should be allowed to the conclusions we reach without getting insulted as a result, and that should apply to both sides.
I don’t believe it is right to not hear both sides , that to me is censorship of the wrong kind. We are all adults after all………well I think we are, I do wonder sometimes !
This is only my personal view as a moderator………others may feel differently.
I am all for open debate

People are allowed to post things that support their view.

What I am against is all the hate that goes along with it.

When you tell people they are godless. They are fools. they are taking the mark of the beast. they are buying into the world system. They are (I can go on and on and on) then it stops being a debate and starts to be a personal attack.

thre is freedom of speech, I am all for it.

But when you take your freedom to attack a person because they happened to get a vaccine. or their loved ones did not die of Covid. and all the other stuff that has been spewed. To me that is out of line and should be moderated.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
We all tend to get emotional about things we are passionate about.
My mouth gets me in trouble...sigh!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
The threads on covid and the vaccines have always been contentious and open to people reacting, if you have a problem with any post then report it. I don’t like many of the comments because I think they are too direct. Do you think I like being called stupid and ignorant just because I had the jab, no I don’t. However I am an adult and can choose what I decide to listen and respond to…… there is truth on both sides.
As far as I was concerned you and others have chosen to bring the moderators into the equation on the thread itself, so as a moderator I responded because you were reacting just as much as everyone else. So there are failings on both sides…..and that’s the main point I was raising………

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
What exactly is the medical advice being given here by someone, amadeus? I am very curious.
Get the shot or die. Don't get the shot or die!

Confused people who understand little or nothing of what is happening are not being helped here with God's wisdom. Rather they are being asked, or even pressured, to support the supposedly educated efforts of their acquaintances here as if those acquaintances definitely always had better advice to offer than people's own personal professional physicians.

Physicians may be wrong, but why are the ones here without the MD after their names a better source of good information about what people should do to obtain the best of health care? They may not put up a shingle, but they want people to believe their medical advice and follow it... Why not stick to the Bible or to prayer or to worshipping God or to faith...?

This forum is a Christian forum, not a medical clinic or an Emergency Room. Really!

Who knows that it is dangerous for a person to get no vaccine? You may understand the why of it , but why should anyone believe you?

Who knows that it is safe for a person to get a vaccine? You may understand the why of it, but why should anyone believe you?

Do you or does anyone posting here understand why it is illegal to practice medicine without a license?

My wife has a severely compromised immune system with lung, heart and other issues which must be considered for every action or the lack thereof taken medically. Which person on this board will advise her what she should or should not do to assure that she will have the longest healthiest life possible?

Come to CB for the best available medical advice? Really?

Do you realize that some people may not get necessary medical help because of what they read here? I take care of my wife, but I am no physician. I have learned when it comes to the best advice I need to seek the professionals, don't you? I am unable, even if I had the mind for it, to go back to school and qualify as a medical expert in Covid-19 and related issues? But... I should simply jump on someone's CB bandwagon because here reside and speak the ones who know what to do and what not to do...

Is the best advice always, do not take medicine?

Is the best advice always, do take medicine?

When the best advice is somewhere in between who here is qualified to choose for me or for my wife or for my friends and family who have died in the past year and half?

Do it my way and you will live! Help us dear Lord!

All medical doctors are not quacks! All medical doctors are not controlled by the foolish political maneuvering occurring today in our societies. Many medical doctors do strive to give the best advice and care possible to their patients.

"These vaccines will kill you!"

"These vaccines will save your life!"

Why not simply trust God or even qualified physicians?

If we do not believe that God will heal us or protect us from the harmful sicknesses, real or imagined or other, and we choose to go to a doctor, should we consult with the experts on Christianity Board first to know which doctor to choose and which medical advice to follow..?

"This jab will kill you!

"This jab will keep you alive!

"We know better on CB than your physician does so listen to us!"

Help us dear Lord!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Where do you suppose God’s will factors in with regard to your statement?
Exactly! So why is not everyone simply following what they read in the scripture instead of even discussing this issue and insisting that one should do it this way or that way?
Can anyone be caused to die before God’s preordained timing?
It will be according to God's time, but how many like King Hezekiah and given notice of how much time they have left?

Why don't we all stop going to doctors and taking medications prescribed or not? Why not simply live Only by the Word of God as we are led by the Spirit of God?

I had a friend for many years who strive to do just that. I was really probably the only friend he had other than God. He died on 3-1-2020.

Have we become so cold in our faith that we cannot exercise faith in God to protect us and heal us with basic natural remedies?
Why even those?

"They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" Mark 16:18

Why not wine without water?

"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." I Tim 5:23

These vaccines are not natural remedies. They are an abomination from godless men, period!
Do you live as physical man in a vacuum? Do you produce all of your own food, or do you buy them at some grocery store operated by men [some of them living in their carnality?] selling you properly processed goods? What is properly and according to whom? Do you consume only food directly as it comes from the vine or the stem or the branch... and so forth?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Don't be a "Chicken Little". FIRST get the FACTS, and then make the CORRECT decision:

Ephesian 4:14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.

Hint: The Main Stream Media is NOT giving us the FACTS. We MUST use alternate sources, including some of the research cited and Posted in this Forum. But what ever you do, PLEASE take your head out of your hands, and put your hands under the control of your head (brain).

Silly People.
Bobby Jo



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Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Wasn’t he your Secretary of State !?

He was appointed By, worked For and Served the US President, not me.

He was the US's Federal Government's appointed Secretary to serve and make suggestions to the sitting US President, tit for tat, deals (with American Citizens Liberties and Wealth as the bargaining chips) with Foreign nations.

Not a fan of the ante used for backroom wheeling and dealing.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Get the shot or die. Don't get the shot or die!

Confused people who understand little or nothing of what is happening are not being helped here with God's wisdom. Rather they are being asked, or even pressured, to support the supposedly educated efforts of their acquaintances here as if those acquaintances definitely always had better advice to offer than people's own personal professional physicians.

Physicians may be wrong, but why are the ones here without the MD after their names a better source of good information about what people should do to obtain the best of health care? They may not put up a shingle, but they want people to believe their medical advice and follow it... Why not stick to the Bible or to prayer or to worshipping God or to faith...?

This forum is a Christian forum, not a medical clinic or an Emergency Room. Really!

Who knows that it is dangerous for a person to get no vaccine? You may understand the why of it , but why should anyone believe you?

Who knows that it is safe for a person to get a vaccine? You may understand the why of it, but why should anyone believe you?

Do you or does anyone posting here understand why it is illegal to practice medicine without a license?

My wife has a severely compromised immune system with lung, heart and other issues which must be considered for every action or the lack thereof taken medically. Which person on this board will advise her what she should or should not do to assure that she will have the longest healthiest life possible?

Come to CB for the best available medical advice? Really?

Do you realize that some people may not get necessary medical help because of what they read here? I take care of my wife, but I am no physician. I have learned when it comes to the best advice I need to seek the professionals, don't you? I am unable, even if I had the mind for it, to go back to school and qualify as a medical expert in Covid-19 and related issues? But... I should simply jump on someone's CB bandwagon because here reside and speak the ones who know what to do and what not to do...

Is the best advice always, do not take medicine?

Is the best advice always, do take medicine?

When the best advice is somewhere in between who here is qualified to choose for me or for my wife or for my friends and family who have died in the past year and half?

Do it my way and you will live! Help us dear Lord!

All medical doctors are not quacks! All medical doctors are not controlled by the foolish political maneuvering occurring today in our societies. Many medical doctors do strive to give the best advice and care possible to their patients.

"These vaccines will kill you!"

"These vaccines will save your life!"

Why not simply trust God or even qualified physicians?

If we do not believe that God will heal us or protect us from the harmful sicknesses, real or imagined or other, and we choose to go to a doctor, should we consult with the experts on Christianity Board first to know which doctor to choose and which medical advice to follow..?

"This jab will kill you!
OH MY GOODNESS..... I had to make a statement on this post.... BECAUSE.... this is perhaps the TRUEST of perspectives that I have read in almost 18 months. THANK you @amadeus ... my oh so gentle... tender and wise one. So many Christians who have been on board this SHIP of being ever so educated have done so at the cost of making CHRISTIANS look bad... and behave worse. You just made my DAY!!!

Some are placing what they THINK they know over and above.... WHO they are supposed to be REPRESENTING... and two plus two is not adding up correctly. ( IN my humble opinion ).

So much damage is being done in the name of being RIGHT and HEARD.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Medical advice?
Do you mean that by discussing some of the things we see happening that concern us, someone might not get the jab and then die? To discuss things we see that concern us is not giving medical advice.
People certainly should not take it all to heart and make their life or death decisions base on what people here advise, but some of them do. Foolish, of course, but people are often foolish and ignorant, both those who take such advice and those who give it. What is good for me is not necessarily good for you. Perhaps this is why Jesus spoke these words:

"But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Matt 5:34-37

So then is not Jesus telling us what to say? Jesus was at times silent even though he certainly did have an answer to the questions people asked him. Why was he silent?

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
...a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:1,7

"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" Jerem 10:23

So then who do you suppose it is that should be directing our steps and telling when to speak and what to say when we do? From where do things that are more than "yea" or "nay" come?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
He was appointed By, worked For and Served the US President, not me.

He was the US's Federal Government's appointed Secretary to serve and make suggestions to the sitting US President, tit for tat, deals (with American Citizens Liberties and Wealth as the bargaining chips) with Foreign nations.

Not a fan of the ante used for backroom wheeling and dealing.
I knew he wasn’t your personal secretary. I thought, in your previous post, that you were saying you didn’t know who he was…hence my post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
It’s interesting to see the direction of the world at large enter here, where people want to silence certain conversations. I’m thankful they haven’t been silenced. I believe if all keeps going in the direction it has been going in the world, this site will be wiped, and not by the owner of the site but by the government dictating what cannot be spoken of. History shows it, over and over again.

I think if you feel someone has broken forum rules in their post, you should report it. But if someone has not broken a rule, then I think you need to let them have their thoughts and opinions and not be offended by thoughts and opinions. I recently left a thread that offended me deep down. I just don’t go in there. I didn’t demand they stop talking about what they believe, I just left it. They are entitled to their thoughts and opinions. They really just see it differently than me.

It will be interesting to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
OH MY GOODNESS..... I had to make a statement on this post.... BECAUSE.... this is perhaps the TRUEST of perspectives that I have read in almost 18 months. THANK you @amadeus ... my oh so gentle... tender and wise one. So many Christians who have been on board this SHIP of being ever so educated have done so at the cost of making CHRISTIANS look bad... and behave worse. You just made my DAY!!!

Some are placing what they THINK they know over and above.... WHO they are supposed to be REPRESENTING... and two plus two is not adding up correctly. ( IN my humble opinion ).

So much damage is being done in the name of being RIGHT and HEARD.
Trust always in God alone my friend!

I am not against medical doctors or the many experts in many fields on which all of us in some measure believe and depend. The experts can be wrong, but God is never wrong. People pursuing so strongly such agendas are often, I believe, working more on the left hand than on the right hand of God. Of course, some will disagree with me on that as well.

Give God the glory!

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
NOW, -- onto the NEWS:

It appears that the Deep State has RETREATED.

Starting On November 28th, US Navy Guidance Will Discharge All Sailors Who Refuse To Receive The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Without Exemption

Starting On November 28th, US Navy Guidance Will Discharge All Sailors Who Refuse To Receive The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Without Exemption
Did you see this? -- This WAS supposed to be effective as of Oct. 15th, but NOW it's the end of November. And it's ONLY because our Citizen Soldiers REFUSED to play the Deep State MASS EXTERMINATION game.

And we can't leave this solely in the hands of OTHERS, but we must be CO-PARTICIPANTS in FACING and CHALLENGING this ATTACK on HUMANITY. So although we fight against "Restrictions", "Requirements", and possibly "Job Termination", our TRUE enemy is satan himself. And so we fight in the FLESH and SPIRIT both, -- using WORKS along with our FAITH!

Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
the whole truth

Not that Powell was vaccinated and was killed by the vaccine. as has been stated here.

18 Oct 2021
Associated Press | By Robert Burns
WASHIINGTON — "Colin Powell... has died of COVID-19 complications."
"...the family said Powell had been fully vaccinated."

Are you ok with this person stating something that is not factually true?

I'd be okay with you factually proving the Vac had nothing to do with his death...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
People certainly should not take it all to heart and make their life or death decisions base on what people here advise, but some of them do. Foolish, of course, but people are often foolish and ignorant, both those who take such advice and those who give it. What is good for me is not necessarily good for you. Perhaps this is why Jesus spoke these words:

"But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Matt 5:34-37

So then is not Jesus telling us what to say? Jesus was at times silent even though he certainly did have an answer to the questions people asked him. Why was he silent?

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
...a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:1,7

"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" Jerem 10:23

So then who do you suppose it is that should be directing our steps and telling when to speak and what to say when we do? From where do things that are more than "yea" or "nay" come?

I don’t know what to say to this. We discuss many things in this forum. If we are told we should always say only yes or no and nothing else, discussion would cease. I do grasp that a few people would like this particular conversation to cease. I’m not for that. I see some really hinky things going on and so do some others. I will discuss them as long as I am allowed to do so.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I knew he wasn’t your personal secretary. I thought, in your previous post, that you were saying you didn’t know who he was…hence my post.

I have never met the guy.
I knew what you meant, Just saying, I don't give "high kudos" to people, merely because they sit in high positions. I have met politicians face to face in political venues and privately. In political venues they are typically just as phony as on TV. A Facade. Privately they speak, act, cuss, drink, gossip, do drugs, BS no different than many people who live behind gates or in the ghetto.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
This topic of this thread is a Christian topic because of the potential tie of the vaccine to the mark of the beast. Notice that I did not say it was the mark of the beast.
I did a little honest and open-minded thinking about this possibility, not having my mind clouded by emotion, and it didn't take me long to formulate a very plausible theory that yes, there is a distinct possibility that there is a connection between the two.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Scripturally speaking...
Jesus IS the Truth.
Jesus IS the Light.
Little by Little Knowledge of Gods Truth is introduced.
Understanding of Gods Knowledge comes from God, to those who Freely Choose to be WITH God, and Freely Choose to seek His Understanding.
God KEEPS alive, WITH HIM, they WHO, Agree WITH Him.
God "KILLS", them WHO ARE...WITH and WITHOUT Him.

Secularly speaking...
EVIL (spirits) and WICKED (men) mimic Gods "WAY".
Declare "THEIR" Truth.
Introduce "THEIR" Truth little by little.
Advocate PEACE and SAFETY is IN "THEIR" Truth.
Dictate "THEIR" Understanding.
KEEP alive, with "THEM", they WHO agree with "THEM".


History has REPEATEDLY revealed; the Goals, the Intent, the Means, the Measures, the Ways OF EVIL spirits and WICKED men...

IF, you have elected to ... FOLLOW MEN...
*Mask your Mouth,
*Quarantine yourself,
*Distance yourself,
* Receive a "preached freebie" man lab concocted VIRUS injection into yourself,
* Stand WITH the men you follow....
* People who disagree with you, IS disagreeing with you. Disagreeing is not attacking you, it is disagreeing with you.

In the BIG PICTURE, that is a good thing, FOR THOSE Who DO NOT STAND "with you", TO KNOW "your STANDING".

THOSE, who DO NOT "stand with you"; have FREELY "chosen", "Their Standing."

Jesus Taught...Open your mouth.
Jesus Taught...Gather together.
Jesus Taught...Speak, Spread His Word.
Jesus Taught...Know His Truth.
Jesus Taught...BEWARE of Opposition.
Jesus Taught...BEWARE of Corrupters.
Jesus Taught...STAND FAST "with" Him.

BY your comments and standing, I do not suppose you have NOTICED...
The STARK contrast of Jesus' Teaching...
AND the World's Teaching...

You can call it 'Arrogant', "closed minded", "attacking you" or whatever...To not agree or stand with you...
No one cares. Your accusations DO NOT define an others Standing.

There is this glaring verse in Scripture...
1 Cor 1:
[22] For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

A sign ...
Seek wisdom ...

Both, are things a person is "waiting for", "looking for"...
On it's face, sounds reasonable to a "logical mind"...

1 Cor 1:
[23] But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

People have an Expectation of Scripture to BE FULFILLED.... wondering "IF", is not the SAME, as declaring something "IS".
People are fully aware of the "MARK" of the Beast, IS the "MARK" of a mans World System, and Caused to be received by the World's population.

[16] And "he causeth all", both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, "to receive a mark" in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Little by little, bit by attention HOW and WHO has been for decades introducing worldly promoted and "required"...identifier "MARKS ASSIGNED" to people...
History has already PROVED..."Assigned and Authority Controlled" ... numbers, cards, tats, tags, eye scans, embedded chips, technological devices (in use)...for Watching, listening, recording, photographing, Every word, Every movement, Every purchase, Every selling, a person makes...
and NOT to dismiss...
Proved History of worldly human "devices" used as a means to "TARGET" and "oppress" and or "eliminate".
see this is what I am talking about

If I follow him, I follow God

If I disagree with him, I disagree with God.

This is nonsense. and it has stopped being a debate on what we think of the vaccine and has turned into an attack on people who disagree with him.
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