Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You hear Biden pick a number out of his hat last night?
They are assuming only 80 million voted against Biden.
What about those who decided not to vote?
What about those who decided to vote for someone other than the two... umm... popular candidates.
They know we are the majority but they are literally coming after the red hats LOL
This is WAR.
They are threatening people's livlihoods, their families, their education, their ability to get medical attention.
They are trying to eliminate anyone who opposes their way of life.

And those that do go along for the ride.. how long before they mandate something your not willing to partake of?
You think you are immune to this dictatorship? BWAHAHAHA..
Think Again.

I tell you what.. China don't like black people, they don't like LGBTQ people, and they don't like religious people.
If you fall into any of those catagories.. your next.
And they will fabricate some rule or mandate to take away even those rights that you think are protected.
Once they have removed the first amendment, they've removed them all.
Our Constitution is being upheld by those, count them, 80 million Patriots that will not let this country fall without a fight.
And the first defence we have is non compliance to an authoritarian government we do not consent to rule us.

I say we and us.... Because I believe in Liberty, I believe in Freedom, I believe in our God given unalienable rights.
And no man or government has a right to take them from us.

I say stop feeding them. Just get together with your friends, family, community, that stands against this tyranny and provide for each other.
Collectively people are innovative and survivors.
They need us more than we need them.
But you have to buck the system. You have to tighten your belt. You have to be willing to be spat on, humiliated, and even crucified for what you believe in. It takes courage and it takes faith.

They don't like that, it scares them. They want to control your mind. And so far they have a pretty good grip on a portion of the world that can't or won't think for themselves.

Remember, out of ALL the children that were taken into Babylon, only 4 remained faithful.
We won't eat your dainty meat, give us porrage. We won't bow down to the golden image, even if it cost us our lives.
But the rest all went along with the program. They lived in fear for their lives.

You give in now, you'll be living in fear forever.



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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Brittany Jouppi: 23-year-old Florida woman suffers nine seizures in 24 hours, severe neurological trauma, hospitalized five times in four weeks since Pfizer mRNA injection
September 8, 2021admin
September 8, 2021


Ms. Brittany Jouppi.
ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA — A 23-year-old Florida woman and avid angler is coming to terms with the fact her life will never be the same. But she’s still hesitant to identify the culprit of all of her problems.

Ms. Brittany Jouppi received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on Monday, August 9, at a local Walgreens, according to her Facebook page. She survived the “15-minute waiting period” and was sent home. But she developed dizziness and a severe headache while driving home. She also felt numbness and tingling in her extremities. But Ms. Jouppi, like many vaccinated individuals, dismissed it all as normal side effects after the injections. So we went to sleep thinking she’d wake up feeling normal. That didn’t happen.

Ms. Jouppi had fully-body numbness in addition to severe headaches, tingling sensations in her limbs, sharp pain behind her eyes, and confusion the next morning. She went to the emergency room, was tested for COVID-19, and sent home. A nurse told her, “there are too many COVID positive patients in here right now, we don’t want to potentially expose you. Come back if symptoms worsen.”

She laid down for a nap when she got home. Ms. Jouppi woke up two hours later to use the bathroom. Next thing she knew, she woke up in the hospital. Her boyfriend found her on the bathroom, unresponsive, in a pool of urine as she lost bladder control. Paramedics took her back to St. Lucie Medical Center, the same place that sent her home hours earlier.


Unable to speak
Doctors actually performed a CT scan this time. But they said everything was normal despite Ms. Jouppi’s condition being anything but. She had no idea what had happened to her or how she got to the hospital. Nurses kept coming into the room, asking her questions. But she couldn’t speak. Ms. Jouppi described it as feeling trapped in her own body. She was finally, after about an hour, able to blink to signal yes and no. Ms. Jouppi also used a writing pad and pen to communicate. She wrote the following:

“I know what I want to say, I can hear you, and understand you. Just can’t get the words to come out. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Nurses conceded Ms. Jouppi “might” be having a reaction to the mRNA injection. But they still “strongly recommended” she go home because there are a lot of COVID patients in the hospital. The next day, August 11, after realizing St. Lucie Medical Center was a worthless joke, Ms. Jouppi went to Cleveland Clinic Traditional Hospital. Doctors performed a battery of tests – MRI, X-rays, EKGs, ultrasounds, etc. It was the electroencephalogram (EEG) that revealed seizure activity. Doctors prescribed anti-seizure meds.

RELATED: Kirsty Hext: 26-year-old British woman suffers 14 anaphylactic shocks in month since second Pfizer mRNA dose, encourages others to get the shots (May 29, 2021)

Though Ms. Jouppie was discharged again, she ended up back in the ER on August 20 and August 21. She posted a video of her facial twitches on September 4. Interestingly she wrote that it feels like “something is inside my body controlling things.”


RELATED: Bill Gates, Microsoft file patent for dystopian “body activity data” apparatus (April 18, 2020)

Ms. Jouppie is scheduled for Electromyography (EMG), a test for nerve damage and/or malfunction. She is also scheduled for a three-day EEG from September 20 to 23 so doctors can observe her daily brain waves. Ms. Jouppi’s latest Facebook post as of publishing is from September 6 – another photo of her in the emergency room, this time with a bandage wrapped around her head. She reported having nine seizures in 24 hours.


Ms. Jouppi is also well-aware of potential social media censorship if she continues sharing her story.

She regrets getting the injection, but also says she does not know what’s causing her debilitating injuries.

“All I know is this isn’t normal, I’m not normal & this isn’t okay. This past week has been the hardest & most confusing week of my life. I don’t wish this upon anyone. If you want to get the vax, get it. If you don’t, don’t. That’s the great thing… you have a choice to make and it’s YOURS to make! It isn’t about being anti-vax, it’s a CHOICE that matters. Don’t let our choices get taken from us”

Here are a few more screenshots from Facebook for more context as to Ms. Jouppi’s life and condition.





A Give In Kind fundraiser is collecting funds to help Ms. Jouppie with mounting medical bills.

Stay away from injections and hospitals
It is established fact. You are on your own once the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections maim you. Ms. Jouppi got the complete runaround at St. Lucie Medical Center. She lucked into the Cleveland Clinic Traditional Hospital, which appears to be a legitimate hospital. But most people aren’t that lucky.

Australia is the COVID dystopian capital of the globe. Thus it’s no surprise that the most egregious case of hospital deliberate indifference and de-facto murder comes from there. The state-run Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia literally watched Mr. Clive Haddon die from the AstraZeneca injection without helping him. Mr. Fred Pye was told by Canadian state-paid paramedics not to mention his Moderna injection if he wished to get treatment. Same thing happened to Mrs. Bonnie Keefe in Canada.

This blogger is not trying to be the bearer of bad news. But the damage done from these mRNA and viral vector DNA injections is permanent. We regularly follow up on adverse reaction stories to see how the individuals are doing. Many report improvements after unorthodox interventions, only to return to their debilitating states days or weeks later. Ms. Tabatha McDonald, who survived post Johnson & Johnson seizures and brain aneurysms, is literally the only one who’s seemingly semi-normal again. Of course, social media is fantasy land. So we really don’t know her true status.

There are many good medical doctors still – Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, etc. But 95% of doctors cannot be trusted in 2021 and forward. Protect yourself. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Joe Biden is now trying to catch up to Australia's level of tyranny...

If the vaccine was effective then we would have no masks, lockdowns, testing, quarantining and covid wouldn't be an issue...

If the vaccine was safe then it wouldn't be killing and maiming people...

But they are liars... They know you can still catch it and spread it...

And if it's the unvaxed that's getting sick then what are they worrying about... Let the unvaxed deal with their fate... You look after your health and ill look after mine thank you very much

Their trying to remove a situation where you can compare the health status of the vaxed vs the unvaxed
Yeah, he's catching up to catch something alright and it won't be a made-up lab virus. If he keeps this up he may well get something accidentally, or most probably on purpose from the fire he had now lit. He is messing with fire and we know the risk of being burnt is very high indeed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Yeah, he's catching up to catch something alright and it won't be a made-up lab virus. If he keeps this up he may well get something accidentally, or most probably on purpose from the fire he had now lit. He is messing with fire and we know the risk of being burnt is very high indeed.
The word Nuremburg comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Bobby Jo, that is an overreaction. And as for the edit, I don't want to see anyone phrase the word "kill" like you did, as someone will see that as a threat, even though you are using sarcasm or speaking in 3rd person.

As for quarantine.

This is what Australia is doing to simply protect our borders from Covid, because other countries have Covid way worse at the moment, if we let people in with no quarantine, that's going to allow more variants to come into Australia, and we don't want to fill the hospitals and ICU wards to the brim with covid patients, it would also put other patients at risk, there aren't that many ICU beds in Australia compared to other nations, so of course they aren't going to risk it and there's still not enough vaccinated to open up international borders anyway.

It's not a concentration camp, no one is going to shoot anyone there, no one is going to use people as slaves there.

Josho, you remind me so, so much of the main character in the Trueman Show. He eventually finally found reality by accident, and woke up to the real world. He found out his friends and family were fake and props for his benefit and the viewing audience, an illusion of reality, living in a bubble, a grand experiment of how someone reacts and lives in an artificial world.

Check it out....The Truman Show - Wikipedia

It's a psych-comedy movie. This subject we are presented with today though is nothing about humour. It is a deadly serious subject of psychology and the mind for sure, that can threaten at least one's physical life if not more, if we do not wake up in time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Josho, you remind me so, so much of the main character in the Trueman Show. He eventually finally found reality by accident, and woke up to the real world. He found out his friends and family were fake and props for his benefit and the viewing audience, an illusion of reality, living in a bubble, a grand experiment of how someone reacts and lives in an artificial world.

Check it out....The Truman Show - Wikipedia

It's a psych-comedy movie. This subject we are presented with today though is nothing about humour. It is a deadly serious subject of psychology and the mind for sure, that can threaten at least one's physical life if not more, if we do not wake up in time.
My name is Truman and I approve of this post! Lol
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Rosette Kyarikunda: Uganda fifth-year medical student says “this vaccine wants to take my life,” dead 14 days after AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection
September 8, 2021admin
September 8, 2021


Ms. Rosette Kyarikunda.
KAMPALA, UGANDA — A Busitema University medical student, in her final year of studies, is dead because her university required experimental injections.

Ms. Rosette Kyarikunda received her first AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection on August 17, according to the Daily Monitor. She immediately felt intense headaches, general malaise and weakness. She took pain killers later that night to attempt mitigate the headaches. But no relief came.

Ms. Kyarikunda posted a message on WhatsApp on or around August 20. She knew something was seriously wrong and that she was unlikely to survive.

“This Corona vaccine wants to take my life surely. I have never experienced this kind of headache and chest pain for the years I have spent on earth planet. May God have mercy.”


She posted a similar message on Facebook, which has since been deleted.

This headache and chest pain that I am having after the COVID-19 shot I have never felt such kind of pain in my life.

Her condition rapidly deteriorated. She was admitted to Mbale regional hospital on August 25. Doctors transferred her to Kiruddu General Hospital in Kampala that same day. A CT scan revealed “multi-organ failure” and cerebral edema. The latter is brain swelling caused by fluid build-up. The condition increases pressure inside the skull.

Mr. Boniface Osodi, President of Federation of Uganda Medical Students’ Association, said Ms. Kyarikunda fell into a coma on August 26. She was placed on dialysis and administered serum albumin, the most abundant blood protein in all mammals. Low serum albumin means important nutrients and minerals are not being adequately dispersed throughout the body.

The medical interventions, however, were no match for the experimental viral vector DNA. Ms. Kyarikunda passed away on August 31.

Blaming malaria?
This is one of the most ridiculous defenses of the lethal injections this blog has covered. Dr. Ruth Grace Babirye Kakoba suggested to the Africa Press that Ms. Kyarikunda died of malaria and COVID-19. But Mr. Osodi confirmed that Ms. Kyarikunda tested negative for malaria at Mbale hospital. He also made clear that malaria cannot cause multiple organ failure, particularly in a matter of two weeks in a healthy young woman.

Ms. Kyarikunda’s family is now faced with over UGX 6 million ($1,710) in hospital bills. The average doctor makes about UGX 6.2 million per month in Uganda. The average salary across the country for all occupations is about UGX 2.6 million. Needless to say, they will have an extremely difficult time paying this off. Abiaz Rwamwiri, a spokesperson for the Uganda National Drug Authority (NDA), said that Ugandans should “continue with the vaccination exercise.”

Ms. Kyarikunda worked for Reproductive Health Uganda when she as not in school. She was also an event planner with her own small business. Ms. Kyarikunda would have earned her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), which is a medical degree in Uganda, the U.K., New Zealand, and many other countries. She is survived by her two-year-old daughter.----

---another '3rd world' death due to the jab---------


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
"COVID Zero" New Zealand Has Completed Its Transformation Into A Full-Blown Police State

WEDNESDAY, SEP 08, 2021 - 11:00 PM

Authored by Jordan Schachtel via 'The Dossier' substack,

New Zealand, the last of the dedicated “COVID Zero” nations on earth, has completed its transformation into a full-blown tyrannical regime, and shockingly, it has come with the consent of the vast majority of Kiwis.

Kiwis back Covid elimination strategy: poll

Once hailed as the media and “public health experts’” favorite COVID-19 managerial “success story,” the puff pieces have been increasingly hard to find, as Wellington has spawned a dystopian concoction of insane, despotic government edicts, claimed as an absolutely necessary part of their everlasting fight against a disease with a 99.8% recovery rate.

Just observe what has happened in the Five Eyes partner nation during this week alone:

1) Virtually the entire country is once again under an indefinite lockdown, after a few COVID-19 cases were reported throughout the nation. A single case necessitates a “snap lockdown,” in which all rights of millions of citizens are immediately restricted and indefinitely subject to the containment of a seasonal respiratory disease. The current lockdown has been extended over Auckland until at least mid September, with many predicting a much lengthier sentence. According to past precedent, Kiwis will not receive their freedom back until — this is the truly insane part of Zero COVID — there is zero community spread of COVID-19.

And the second another case pops up on the radar, the entire country goes back to square one of the Zero COVID protocol.

Covid 19 coronavirus Delta outbreak: Auckland lockdown could last 'three to four weeks', expert says - NZ Herald


2) A man is being shamed by his countrymen for having the audacity to “escape” from a government-sanctioned COVID internment camp. The camps have been described in a more positive, but false light by the press and government officials as “quarantine hotels,” but it is most certainly an internment facility, as leaving is not allowed, and it carries a fine and lengthy prison sentence.

The Hill reported: “The person was charged with failing to comply with New Zealand’s coronavirus health order. Under a new law passed last year, he could face a fine or up to six months in jail if convicted.”

3) The country’s police and military services are installing security checkpoints throughout New Zealand in an effort to make sure citizens are not traveling during the lockdown. Freely traveling during the lockdown now carries a massive fine and/or prison sentence as punishment.

New Zealand is now the only country in the world left that is dedicated to COVID Zero, the pursuit of the total elimination of a virus from their nation, which has been under a government-sanctioned self-siege since the beginning of 2020. All of the other nations that attempted to pursue the pseudoscience behind COVID Zero have failed in catastrophic fashion. New Zealand has transformed from a highly-touted COVID “success story” to a full-fledged house of horrors, and sadly, there is no end in sight to the ongoing madness.
And I once lived there, the land of the long white cloud, not anymore. It's the land of the long black dark cloud . I'm glad I'm not there today else who knows, I might be in a quarantine camp indefinitely, as a political and religious prisoner for sure.

Or just maybe on a pirate radio station Island off the coast with my mate @Cristo Rei transmitting waves of reality and common sense to the people on the Islands...might even reach Tassie and
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
This needs Re-Posting:


@Josho, you remind me so, so much of the main character in the Truman Show. He eventually finally found reality by accident, and woke up to the real world. He found out his friends and family were fake and props for his benefit and the viewing audience, an illusion of reality, living in a bubble, a grand experiment of how someone reacts and lives in an artificial world.

Check it out....The Truman Show - Wikipedia

It's a psych-comedy movie. This subject we are presented with today though is nothing about humour. It is a deadly serious subject of psychology and the mind for sure, that can threaten at least one's physical life if not more, if we do not wake up in time.

Hsea 4:6 warns us that if we don't discover the TRUTH of a matter, we'll PERISH. And MANY are perishing having believed the "covid" FALSE NARRATIVE, with MANY MORE expected to perish (MURDERED) under GOVERNMENT PERSECUTION of those that REFUSE.

This has NEVER been about MEDICINE, -- it's simply satan's means to attack humanity (STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY).

Bobby Jo

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
This needs Re-Posting:


@Josho, you remind me so, so much of the main character in the Truman Show. He eventually finally found reality by accident, and woke up to the real world. He found out his friends and family were fake and props for his benefit and the viewing audience, an illusion of reality, living in a bubble, a grand experiment of how someone reacts and lives in an artificial world.

Check it out....The Truman Show - Wikipedia

It's a psych-comedy movie. This subject we are presented with today though is nothing about humour. It is a deadly serious subject of psychology and the mind for sure, that can threaten at least one's physical life if not more, if we do not wake up in time.

Hsea 4:6 warns us that if we don't discover the TRUTH of a matter, we'll PERISH. And MANY are perishing having believed the "covid" FALSE NARRATIVE, with MANY MORE expected to perish (MURDERED) under GOVERNMENT PERSECUTION of those that REFUSE.

This has NEVER been about MEDICINE, -- it's simply satan's means to attack humanity (STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY).

Bobby Jo

The Hosea intro part is an appropriate scripture..we suffer for the lack of knowledge indeed
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Depopulation: Globalists See Humanity as "Cannon Fodder"
September 8, 2021

Listen to this video! speaks to what I already heard and knew by the mid 80's.....many will be was compiled in the late 80s and 90s..about the NWO..and how those behind it even manufactured the so-called Holocaust and planned and executed both World wars

It may be an older video (36 mins long) although the facts clearly stated and not sugar coated as today..

Our national leaders are nothing but errand boys for the Rothschilds.
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