More of less thorough???

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New Member
Nov 12, 2007
Miami, FL
Is the coming GT (mark-of-the-beast) going to be less horrific and less thorough than the holocaust in Nazi Germany?


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Mat 24:21 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.


All for Jesus no matter the cost.
May 1, 2012
Bottom of Illinois
"Is the coming GT (mark-of-the-beast) going to be less horrific and less thorough than the holocaust in Nazi Germany?"

It will make Hitler's efforts look like a girl scout cookie sales...[ as horrible as his genocide was...] due to the mere scope , & the upfront brutality.
YOU EITHER WORSHIP ALLAH & MOHAMMED [ & the perseived reincarnation of Mohammed/Allah, the Anti-Christ/Beast..]....or you will be summarily BEHEADED!...& THAT IS IN every NATION!...Seven or Eight Billion people will be involved.

"It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over EVERY tribe, tongue, and nation. ALL who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

This man will starve people to death, prohibiting the sale of food & clothing & housing to anyone who does not worship Allah as Yahweh/Yeshua, by the BILLIONS!!!

Revelation 13:15-17
" He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

He causes ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

This man is Osama Bin Laden. I travelled to North Africa by the Word of the Lord last September, & witnessed him alive....face to face, & prophesied to him...TWICE...& I also met the witch/sorcerer called the False Prophet with him....& I saw the pillars of fire he called down, Three times; huge standing flames of white phosphorous fire, 40-50 feet high.

I first saw the flames & the sorcerer on September 26th, 2012. If the 7 year Tribulation period begins with the arrival of the Anti-Christ, & I think it may...we are in it already. I believe that he will reveal himself later...Near March 9th, 2016...1260 days after his ressurection from the death. I think that this date, [ or near it ] will also mark the fall & invasion of America...& eventually, Sharia Law will be imposed here...the unthinkable....with prisons & beheading centers set up like Walmarts for the dissenters.

This is math, not faith...
"The [2010-2019] Decade has 3 profound Total Solar Eclipses that bracket the decade’s time-span from end-to-end. The sum number of years happens to be 6.66 years (rounded off) from the beginning Total Solar Eclipse of [Nov 13, 2012] to the end Total Solar Eclipse of [July 2, 2019.]

Will the significance of this ‘666’ year count mark-off the reign of the Anti-Christ to come? Maybe. This will make the Total Solar Eclipse of [Mar 9, 2016] the center Focal Points & date of the Decade & the 3.33rd year in relation to the Eclipses. This Center Date also happens to correlate precisely with the midpoint of the Jewish year 5776. Many Biblical Researchers believe that this date corresponds to the Year of Jubilee that is to be traditionally Proclaimed on Yom Kippur the year prior in 2015.

The Tetrad that falls precisely on Jewish Feast dates seems to offset another Focal Point center of the Total Solar Eclipse [6.66 year ] pattern. The Total Solar Eclipse of [Mar 9, 2016] to the Total Solar Eclipse of [Jul 2, 2019] is the 2nd half. Each of these time-spans within the [6.66 year] timeline seems to be pointing to several key Focal Points/Dates.



New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Brothertom said:
This is math, not faith...
"The [2010-2019] Decade has 3 profound Total Solar Eclipses that bracket the decade’s time-span from end-to-end. The sum number of years happens to be 6.66 years (rounded off) from the beginning Total Solar Eclipse of [Nov 13, 2012] to the end Total Solar Eclipse of [July 2, 2019.]

Will the significance of this ‘666’ year count mark-off the reign of the Anti-Christ to come? Maybe. This will make the Total Solar Eclipse of [Mar 9, 2016] the center Focal Points & date of the Decade & the 3.33rd year in relation to the Eclipses. This Center Date also happens to correlate precisely with the midpoint of the Jewish year 5776. Many Biblical Researchers believe that this date corresponds to the Year of Jubilee that is to be traditionally Proclaimed on Yom Kippur the year prior in 2015.

The Tetrad that falls precisely on Jewish Feast dates seems to offset another Focal Point center of the Total Solar Eclipse [6.66 year ] pattern. The Total Solar Eclipse of [Mar 9, 2016] to the Total Solar Eclipse of [Jul 2, 2019] is the 2nd half. Each of these time-spans within the [6.66 year] timeline seems to be pointing to several key Focal Points/Dates.

Greetings BroTom,
Here is some good info on the "Blood moons".


Feb 9, 2013
Olam Haba
Lets say you made a little world of your own with living creatures in it whom you loved. And one day you decided you were going to enter into this little world of yours to correct some things that had really gone sour according to your standards of excellence. So you decide to send a messenger to them, to tell them how to prepare for your arrival, and how when you arrived you would be cleansing them of all the evils which had befallen them who knew of you, believed in you, and loved you as Creator of their world, (though no one had ever actually seen you). So you tell your messenger what to say to the living creatures and it goes something like this: "Look! You are every one of you a treasure in an earthen vessel, (for the man is the soul and not his body) and one great day my Priest is going to come and empty out your house that it may be cleansed-atoned! It will be the greatest affliction of all time, there shall be none greater! for I must tear your soul from out of your body, but fear not and have faith, for I will put you upon a Sea of transparency like glass having been mingled with fire while the leprosy is burned out of the walls of your house. Therefore rehearse this great day once in every year; and begin by afflicting your own souls, for great shall be the day of Jezreel!"

What you would do with those who ignored Moses your messenger?
What would you do with those who also ignored all the other messengers you sent after Moses?
What would you do with those who then also ignored your only Son who with his own blood confirmed Moses?
I suppose if I were gracious, longsuffering, not willing any should perish, I would just let them run out their time allotment. :)
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Eric E Stahl

New Member
May 28, 2013
Isaiah 4
(((kingdom age)))
2In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

(((only believing Jews will live through the time of Jacob's trouble)))
3And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:

(((Because God will cause the antichrist to judge the unbeliving Jews)))
4When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
Tampa Bay, Florida
United States
Shalom, daq.

daq said:
Lets say you made a little world of your own with living creatures in it whom you loved. And one day you decided you were going to enter into this little world of yours to correct some things that had really gone sour according to your standards of excellence. So you decide to send a messenger to them, to tell them how to prepare for your arrival, and how when you arrived you would be cleansing them of all the evils which had befallen them who knew of you, believed in you, and loved you as Creator of their world, (though no one had ever actually seen you). So you tell your messenger what to say to the living creatures and it goes something like this: "Look! You are every one of you a treasure in an earthen vessel, (for the man is the soul and not his body) and one great day my Priest is going to come and empty out your house that it may be cleansed-atoned! It will be the greatest affliction of all time, there shall be none greater! for I must tear your soul from out of your body, but fear not and have faith, for I will put you upon a Sea of transparency like glass having been mingled with fire while the leprosy is burned out of the walls of your house. Therefore rehearse this great day once in every year; and begin by afflicting your own souls, for great shall be the day of Jezreel!"

What you would do with those who ignored Moses your messenger?
What would you do with those who also ignored all the other messengers you sent after Moses?
What would you do with those who then also ignored your only Son who with his own blood confirmed Moses?
I suppose if I were gracious, longsuffering, not willing any should perish, I would just let them run out their time allotment. :)
An interesting "parable." Since you live MUCH longer than any of the creatures that you have made, why wouldn't you just try again with a later generation?


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Thus says The Lord God: I AM COME! And I shall push at you! Yes, even I shall tear you down, for I am come as the whirlwind! I shall blow as the tempest and rage as the seas, flooding the rivers and bursting the inlets; behold, I shall overflow! Rolling thunder shall be the sound of My voice, and fire shall be its sting! The earth shall quake and heave at My presence, the world shall be turned upside down in My fury!... Scorching firmament, boiling of the seas! For I shall strike the earth and all shall tremble, men’s hearts shall fail them for fear; and with great perplexity shall they consider that which is coming to pass before their eyes.
Behold, The Mighty One of Jacob has come! And He shall be glorified above the hills, set over all mountains! He shall sit high above the heavens and judge the earth! Behold, the whole earth shall bow down and give Him glory, even every inhabitant! The face of the whole world shall be consumed in His glory; the brightness of His coming shall engulf every corner, piercing even unto the darkest depths!

Yet you, O arrogant and proud peoples, evil and deceived generation,
Shall rebel and raise your fists against Me and persecute My body!...

Therefore, come! Come out, and beat upon your chests!
Open your mouths in blasphemies and push at The King!
Come forward in your arrogance, stand up and make yourselves known!

Shout with a proud voice, even in concert, in all wickedness, that I may strike you down! Behold, you shall be brought very low!... For I can not be moved; I remain ever steadfast in My purpose, sighing.
Yet lay a hand upon My beloved, even a single finger in malice, and watch, even in utter amazement, how quickly I stretch out My hand against you in My anger! For that kindled, though it be only in part, shall bring down all your tall towers, uproot all your trees, even to the slaying of all these giants who stood so tall and unmoving! FOR YOU HAVE FORSAKEN THE POOR, AND HAVE HELD BACK YOUR HAND FROM THE NEEDY! YOU HAVE OPPRESSED AND STOLEN FROM THOSE WHO CALLED OUT IN FEAR!

Excerpt from:
Judgement and Harvest


Feb 9, 2013
Olam Haba
Retrobyter said:
Shalom, daq.

An interesting "parable." Since you live MUCH longer than any of the creatures that you have made, why wouldn't you just try again with a later generation?
Hahaha :lol: even the Pharisees and Sadducs knew when the parables concerned themselves: What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you are purchased with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. Or do you suppose that you will leave your temple for some "later generation" to let them deal with the cleansing of your carcass? If I told you once and you did not believe then how is it likely you will believe a thousand times more? The kingdom of God is within you and the entire Gospel of Yeshua is personal, and individual, to each in his or her own appointed times, and none shall be alone in his appointed times; O thou whole Pelesheth of the flesh. :)


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
Daq if we are living in the kingdom of God right now, it appears to be a failure. Because evil permeates everything I see around us, this world now is more evil than it was 2000 years ago. Instead of getting better, it's getting worse with every generation.


Feb 9, 2013
Olam Haba
ENOCH2010 said:
Daq if we are living in the kingdom of God right now, it appears to be a failure. Because evil permeates everything I see around us, this world now is more evil than it was 2000 years ago. Instead of getting better, it's getting worse with every generation.
You speak for yourself and the first age of the man:

14 Abib-Nisan 30AD ~ "Yeshua said unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Apo arti shall be seen the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his garments, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy! what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now you have heard the blasphemy: what think ye? They answered and said, He is worthy of death."

Original Strong's Ref. #737
Romanized arti
Pronounced ar'-tee
adverb from a derivative of GSN0142 (compare GSN0740) through the idea of suspension; just now:
KJV--this day (hour), hence[-forth], here[-after], hither[-to], (even) now, (this) present.


Feb 9, 2013
Olam Haba
ENOCH2010 said:
and we still wait to see him coming on the clouds to start his kindom on Earth
Each in his or her own appointed times:

Galatians 4:1-2 KJV
1. Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
2. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

And another son is born into the Kingdom . . . :)