My testimony

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New Member
Apr 22, 2023
United Kingdom
Hi, I just wanted to put a few of my thoughts and my testimony down here on these forums, I don't mind if others dont agree but i just want to share my point of view and what ive learned from God...I know you are already Christians here but I just wanted to share this...

God is almighty. He loves us all no matter what sins we've done in the past. Sins are acts that go against the ten commandments in the Bible.

I feel that love and understanding of others should be one of our top priorities in life, we should never judge others because we haven't lived their life, we don't understand the complexity of their minds, their experiences, their feelings, their fears and why they do the things they do. Remember that we are not our thoughts we are higher than our thoughts. Just because we think something, does not make it so. We can choose to accept or reject it. We should respect one another and not pull others down we do not agree with, we're all human no one is better than anyone else. People do things we don't agree with, all we can do is live our life and trust God's plan for ourselves. We should never compare ourselves to others, we're all special. We all have something to give to others, we're all good at something. Some are smarter in some ways than others, but we all have a speciality we should use for God.

Don't assume things about others, always find out facts before jumping to conclusions. Im very quiet and sometimes people, I feel, mistake my quietness for ignorance or that I'm hiding something sinister. I'm quiet because im shy, respectful to others and I value others opinion, I like listening to others, im humble and sometimes silence speaks more than words.

I want to help others and the first step is understanding their problems. We all have unique battles to face both in the world and within ourselves, and God helps us along the way. I feel a good first step is to remember your thoughts arnt always facts, just because a lot of people hold the same opinion they feel it adds more weight to something, however sometimes everyone is wrong...only God is right.

Things happen in our lives that we don't like. Life is grossly unfair sometimes...we have some living their best life and we have a lot of poor people suffering in silence and in poverty. God can't control our actions or the actions of others and sometimes things happen without warning. I know God watches over all of us. We're not all robots under Gods command...we wouldnt be free. He gave us all free will, he guides us all if we love one another and him, he shows us things to test us sometimes and he tries to help us become more like his son Jesus. If everything was perfect in our lives and if we lived forever here on Earth we wouldn't need to go to heaven, we'd already be there.

Life is a test of our faith, those who push themselves to the top at the expense of others will be judged unfavourably, if you love others and put God first, its like a guarantee that your life has meaning and purpose. By sinning your whole life and not listening to what God trys to tell you, its a risk, a very big risk. Its a risk we shouldn't take, no one is sure about what happens when we die, wouldn't it be wiser to inherit a place in heaven through Jesus Christ then to cast it all away and not listen to God's message of love and peace. Jesus loves us all so much that he died for our sins in the most brutal and painful way possible, he was blameless and he made the ultimate sacrifice for us all, not because of greed or selfishness but because he loves us all! And then he rose again! no man can do this only God can do this!

God forgives all sins you just have to realise this and stop sinning when you are introduced to God, if you know full well what you are doing is wrong, why do it? No one is beyond one. Everyone has the power to be strong in faith even if your body is weak. You can accomplish anything with God...if you are pure hearted and your motives are true to God. Let God strengthen you, no harm can come to your soul with God at your side, your body will wither away and die but your soul will live forever with God, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Suffering is temporary, you dont have to be scared once God is in your life, it may not seem like it, but the reward at the end is worth it, we have no idea how much love and warmth and belonging you have with God, all are welcome...he knows everything about each and every one of us, he created us all, after all, he knows our pasts, our futures, our feelings, what we choose and why... everything. He wants us all to be by his side, but he knows many will reject him but those that join him in the kingdom of heaven he will cherish forever, he knows the outcome of everything, God planned it all from the start of existence, God is perfect, God is love. Praise the almighty God and his Son Jesus Christ Hallelujah!

The devil influences people on Earth but with God nothing can harm you. Gods armour is impenetrable. Innocents suffer, why? how can God let this happen? it is not God it is the sin we let into the world. Why do we sin? to impress others? to fit in? selfishness? Its not worth it in the end, make a stand and be unlike what is in 'fashion' at this time and dont pay attention to what others are doing. These days a lot of people generally do whatever they want regardless of whether they should... life without God is chaos. People influence others. People can justify anything in their minds on issues regarding what's morally right and wrong. Remember, God is perfect, no man or woman can compare. God is always right. He should always come first in everything we do. He made us all and he's very real, not just in our minds, trust me! What is seen on Earth comes from the transient world we let sin into, what is unseen is eternal. We could never conclusively prove God exists or doesn't exist through science, God has thought of everything he is perfect.

Never harm others...physically, emotionally in anyway. Put yourself in others shoes not because God tells you to in the Bible but because you could have been the other person in that position, how would you feel if roles were reversed? When you sin it affects not only youself but the other person on the recieving end...revenge, hate and anger may be on the minds of the victim this is the aftermath of sin. Learn to forgive and forget, understand when you're in that position on the recieving end of sin to turn the other cheek...God is forgiving and we should be too.

That thing you've been thriving for your whole life that is Earthly, that one thing that slips through your fingers don't need it, all you need is God's love. In heaven, that thing you wanted here on Earth can't even compare. Life is hard, it would be nice with that thing you wanted, but do you really need it? try to think that if situations were different the thing might never have been there to recieve in the first place, so dont worry that you dont get what you want on Earth. Others have lived before you without it, what makes you more privileged than them...we are all children of God.

When you are weak you are strong, when you have nothing and life has taken everything from you...God is at his closest to you. When you see no hope of a better future, God protects you...hes always there he won't let you take a burden alone. He loves us so much...we are his children, he'll NEVER leave us. Your relationship with God should be that he's the Father and we are the child, he knows better than us...he sees what we do not see, we know it is to protect us, he should be respected and feared to prevent us from sinning becuase he doesnt want us to fail and make mistakes.

I've got angered at others for their sins against me I have suffered at the hands of others, it has sometimes overwhelmed me, uve made mistakes and im far too hard on myself, i havn't been well in the last few weeks but with God at the core of my life now I have great understanding and peace. My love for my wife and our daugther and all my family members shines through, I never want to stray from God and I know I dont have to worry about anything because God is watching over me and my family at all times.

God is perfect you can't deny him, with his help I'm becoming wiser everyday, God never changes and neither should we once we've found him in our lives. I feel the world overcomplicates things, i just want to put my opinion accross to share what ive been through and shown by God in my life. He has given me so much wisdom everything I've said here God has shown me in some way or another, hes shown me some amazing things, I'm just spreading his word....I dont want wealth or fame, i dont want anything in return, I just want to help God save his children in these dark times. I hope this helps someone and makes them realise there's more than what we see here on Earth.

I just get these sort of like visions gifted to me. I don't know who I am or if I'm special to other Christians, I know im a man and I know I love God and everyone he has made regardeless of their actions, hate the sin itself not the one who did it, I pray for all who are suffering in the world at the moment and I wish everyone the best.

God bless

Happiness and love to all who read


New Member
Apr 22, 2023
United Kingdom
P.s. I feel this message of peace and love is at the core of Christian belief and although its my own words I feel this take on what Christianity is all about, I and hopefully you see as a hand that reaches out to unbelievers, I feel very strongly that the world needs a message like this right now. I ask you I beg you, please help me spread this message of peace and love to non Christians, I feel this is my purpose in this life I have posted this in a few areas around the Internet already including reddit. Alot of Kids these days especially in Western countries are taught so many ungodly things in school I fear for the future of Christianity in generations to come, theres so many people that are not introduced to God that could be. Some of these kids are so messed up, life is hard and without God we turn selfish and become our own God, narcisism is becoming the norm, as too is being dishonest and lying. If you don't agree with me thats fine, but see there's no hatred in my words to others I just want to spread a message of Gods love, does it not say in the Bible God is love. Remember that with God anything is possible. The more people believe something the more weight it carries in the world.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Hi, I just wanted to put a few of my thoughts and my testimony down here on these forums, I don't mind if others dont agree but i just want to share my point of view and what ive learned from God...I know you are already Christians here but I just wanted to share this...

God is almighty. He loves us all no matter what sins we've done in the past. Sins are acts that go against the ten commandments in the Bible.

I feel that love and understanding of others should be one of our top priorities in life, we should never judge others because we haven't lived their life, we don't understand the complexity of their minds, their experiences, their feelings, their fears and why they do the things they do. Remember that we are not our thoughts we are higher than our thoughts. Just because we think something, does not make it so. We can choose to accept or reject it. We should respect one another and not pull others down we do not agree with, we're all human no one is better than anyone else. People do things we don't agree with, all we can do is live our life and trust God's plan for ourselves. We should never compare ourselves to others, we're all special. We all have something to give to others, we're all good at something. Some are smarter in some ways than others, but we all have a speciality we should use for God.

Don't assume things about others, always find out facts before jumping to conclusions. Im very quiet and sometimes people, I feel, mistake my quietness for ignorance or that I'm hiding something sinister. I'm quiet because im shy, respectful to others and I value others opinion, I like listening to others, im humble and sometimes silence speaks more than words.

I want to help others and the first step is understanding their problems. We all have unique battles to face both in the world and within ourselves, and God helps us along the way. I feel a good first step is to remember your thoughts arnt always facts, just because a lot of people hold the same opinion they feel it adds more weight to something, however sometimes everyone is wrong...only God is right.

Things happen in our lives that we don't like. Life is grossly unfair sometimes...we have some living their best life and we have a lot of poor people suffering in silence and in poverty. God can't control our actions or the actions of others and sometimes things happen without warning. I know God watches over all of us. We're not all robots under Gods command...we wouldnt be free. He gave us all free will, he guides us all if we love one another and him, he shows us things to test us sometimes and he tries to help us become more like his son Jesus. If everything was perfect in our lives and if we lived forever here on Earth we wouldn't need to go to heaven, we'd already be there.

Life is a test of our faith, those who push themselves to the top at the expense of others will be judged unfavourably, if you love others and put God first, its like a guarantee that your life has meaning and purpose. By sinning your whole life and not listening to what God trys to tell you, its a risk, a very big risk. Its a risk we shouldn't take, no one is sure about what happens when we die, wouldn't it be wiser to inherit a place in heaven through Jesus Christ then to cast it all away and not listen to God's message of love and peace. Jesus loves us all so much that he died for our sins in the most brutal and painful way possible, he was blameless and he made the ultimate sacrifice for us all, not because of greed or selfishness but because he loves us all! And then he rose again! no man can do this only God can do this!

God forgives all sins you just have to realise this and stop sinning when you are introduced to God, if you know full well what you are doing is wrong, why do it? No one is beyond one. Everyone has the power to be strong in faith even if your body is weak. You can accomplish anything with God...if you are pure hearted and your motives are true to God. Let God strengthen you, no harm can come to your soul with God at your side, your body will wither away and die but your soul will live forever with God, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Suffering is temporary, you dont have to be scared once God is in your life, it may not seem like it, but the reward at the end is worth it, we have no idea how much love and warmth and belonging you have with God, all are welcome...he knows everything about each and every one of us, he created us all, after all, he knows our pasts, our futures, our feelings, what we choose and why... everything. He wants us all to be by his side, but he knows many will reject him but those that join him in the kingdom of heaven he will cherish forever, he knows the outcome of everything, God planned it all from the start of existence, God is perfect, God is love. Praise the almighty God and his Son Jesus Christ Hallelujah!

The devil influences people on Earth but with God nothing can harm you. Gods armour is impenetrable. Innocents suffer, why? how can God let this happen? it is not God it is the sin we let into the world. Why do we sin? to impress others? to fit in? selfishness? Its not worth it in the end, make a stand and be unlike what is in 'fashion' at this time and dont pay attention to what others are doing. These days a lot of people generally do whatever they want regardless of whether they should... life without God is chaos. People influence others. People can justify anything in their minds on issues regarding what's morally right and wrong. Remember, God is perfect, no man or woman can compare. God is always right. He should always come first in everything we do. He made us all and he's very real, not just in our minds, trust me! What is seen on Earth comes from the transient world we let sin into, what is unseen is eternal. We could never conclusively prove God exists or doesn't exist through science, God has thought of everything he is perfect.

Never harm others...physically, emotionally in anyway. Put yourself in others shoes not because God tells you to in the Bible but because you could have been the other person in that position, how would you feel if roles were reversed? When you sin it affects not only youself but the other person on the recieving end...revenge, hate and anger may be on the minds of the victim this is the aftermath of sin. Learn to forgive and forget, understand when you're in that position on the recieving end of sin to turn the other cheek...God is forgiving and we should be too.

That thing you've been thriving for your whole life that is Earthly, that one thing that slips through your fingers don't need it, all you need is God's love. In heaven, that thing you wanted here on Earth can't even compare. Life is hard, it would be nice with that thing you wanted, but do you really need it? try to think that if situations were different the thing might never have been there to recieve in the first place, so dont worry that you dont get what you want on Earth. Others have lived before you without it, what makes you more privileged than them...we are all children of God.

When you are weak you are strong, when you have nothing and life has taken everything from you...God is at his closest to you. When you see no hope of a better future, God protects you...hes always there he won't let you take a burden alone. He loves us so much...we are his children, he'll NEVER leave us. Your relationship with God should be that he's the Father and we are the child, he knows better than us...he sees what we do not see, we know it is to protect us, he should be respected and feared to prevent us from sinning becuase he doesnt want us to fail and make mistakes.

I've got angered at others for their sins against me I have suffered at the hands of others, it has sometimes overwhelmed me, uve made mistakes and im far too hard on myself, i havn't been well in the last few weeks but with God at the core of my life now I have great understanding and peace. My love for my wife and our daugther and all my family members shines through, I never want to stray from God and I know I dont have to worry about anything because God is watching over me and my family at all times.

God is perfect you can't deny him, with his help I'm becoming wiser everyday, God never changes and neither should we once we've found him in our lives. I feel the world overcomplicates things, i just want to put my opinion accross to share what ive been through and shown by God in my life. He has given me so much wisdom everything I've said here God has shown me in some way or another, hes shown me some amazing things, I'm just spreading his word....I dont want wealth or fame, i dont want anything in return, I just want to help God save his children in these dark times. I hope this helps someone and makes them realise there's more than what we see here on Earth.

I just get these sort of like visions gifted to me. I don't know who I am or if I'm special to other Christians, I know im a man and I know I love God and everyone he has made regardeless of their actions, hate the sin itself not the one who did it, I pray for all who are suffering in the world at the moment and I wish everyone the best.

God bless

Happiness and love to all who read

Welcome James.
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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
Hi, I just wanted to put a few of my thoughts and my testimony down here on these forums...Thankyou glad to be here and alive!

Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome to the Board.
Thanks for sharing, and:

Please Be Very RICHLY Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, And Edified In
The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly
Divided! (+ I and II!) * ← PG rated "Approved" *

Grace, Peace, And JOY!…

* PG = Perfect God / Parental Guidance:

Study to Be APPROVED Open Bible.png

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The Lord's asked me to come to this thread, so I did. And I have to say that I generally like the OP and following post.

So when I read them, I turned away thinking, that's great, but the Lord asked me to come back to this thread. I know why He did that, but I am not sure I wanted to. Maybe - because it is things like the above that really bother me personally when I go to church. In fact it was exactly the type of thing I heard at the first Christian Church I went to, and it was the worst Christian Church I went to, but that would be judging, right? So was it the worst? How would you know?

Jesus said He did not judge, but as He heard He judged! So He judged, but according to what He heard, just not by leaning on His own understanding!

The problem I personally ran into at the church was that they rare sought the Lord for His words to them, but leaned on their understanding, even as what the loving thing to do was. Therefore they said "love, love, love" and God is love, but in practice they leaned on their own understanding. They judged themselves to be like the church of Philadelphia - and indeed when I went to talk to the Lord about that judgement they made about themselves, He told me that was true. They are like that church. Yet He also pointed out a bit more about it - His judgement, which they had missed about themselves, just like the church of Philadelphia had also missed about themselves.

That church preached the Philadelphia church did not get reproved from the Lord and was the only of the seven churches that didn't. They were wrong, as the Lord pointed out to me. The first problem was that the Lord had put before them and open door! The "had" meant that it had already been there and He had to point it out them by John writing to them! Why didn't they just listen to the Lord and go through that door? Why did it have to be pointed out to them.

And that brings us to the second issue, and that was that they had little power! They too would say, "all things are possible with God", along with that God is love, but you didn't really see miracles of healing and such there. In the scriptures we find where the Lord said if you hear His voice to do what He commands you, and also keep His statues He will heal our land. So there were two parts to it, both hearing His voice to do what is right and also keep the statues we find in the Bible.

Exo 15:26 and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

It is not enough to just say we keep the commands that are statues in the Bible, we also need to go through that door that He has in order to keep the commands that He has to speak to us. Which bring us to the last verse written to the church at Philadelphia.

Rev 3: 6 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” 

Thus that church, that seemed so loving, was not loving to me!! Because they were leaning on their own understanding and not letting those who had an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit has to say.

And that was the big problem I had with them. I was not a young man, because the Lord really came into my life when I was just over 40, but when He did come into my life Him and I started talking back and forth. When I told them about what I was hearing from Him, You felt the judgement coming from inside them, like watching their heads shaking "no, no, God doesn't speak to us today" Their judgement didn't usually come out their lips, but you could feel it if you actually talked about hearing our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would much rather have had heard from an honest man honestly telling me what he thought of me, than that!! The fact is that we all make judgement, because none of us our Jesus Christ, yet some hide that inside them and become hypocrites. Paul said He took all thoughts captive to Jesus Christ. So Paul sought the Lord and listened to what He said to them. Therefore Paul tried not to go by his thoughts of other, but took those thought to Jesus Christ and listened to Him, via that open door with Jesus that we have with Him.

So what about the author of the OP? I don't know! I am not making a judgment on the author of the OP. What I do know is that the Lord asked me to come to this thread to read and post. I read and told Him that the OP sounded great, but I realized that was thinking that it reminded me of that church, still I actually went away from this thread because I didn't want to think about how it reminded me of that church. Yet I testify that the Lord told me to go back and post!! And will give a real testimony after this:

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I testify, based on my belief, that it is not enough to say God is love, but you have to listen to Him if you say that. don't you??

Where is the testimony in the OP about actually listening to Him? Where indeed it the real testimony? It seem to be just saying how God is love and how all things are possible with God. I like reading the testimony section, because I like hearing about the things God does, but too often there is no real testimony in the testimony.

As for that church, and I am not judging the author of the OP, but I am testifying about a church that said they were such a wonderfully loving church how believed that all thing were possible with God, thought you didn't see it much there. Let me give an honest testimony about them!

The Lord had me working with the kids, about 5 and sixth graders. I was a manager at ToysUs at the time. So I would even spend my money to bring things in that might be helpful to the topic being discussed. I remember putting in the time to make items out of clay to help present the story we were told to teach on. I put in so much effort, but when the Lord asked me to give a very positive comment to one of the children, who happened to be a child of one of the pastor's children and explained that the Lord had told me, they promptly kick me out of the children's ministry. There was certainly not a thing bad of what I said, so the problem was that they would not let those with an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit had to say to the church!!!!!

They had me take a membership class where they would "figure out my spiritual gifts" and put me in a place where I might be the most good. So I ask the Lord to help me with the questions, and according to their test was strong in the prophetic, and evangelism. They wound up having fix chairs in the main sanctuary. I did that, but I have never been the handy man type. That was after the head of the spiritual gift class commented on my test 'that she didn't believe prophecy was for today'. I hadn't said a thing to her, she just didn't like the results which came from the test I marked according to what the Lord told me. But I am sure she wasn't judging me. She was a loving person; just ask her.

And finally, they rejected me from becoming a member of that church because I spoke in tongues. I was in a Bible study at the church and the person leading the Bible study that those members making the decision as for who could me members, did not allow anyone who said they spoke in tongue to be a member. Well, I had told them that, and I seemed to be the only one in the class not to be accepted as a member!

I don't know what the Lord asked me to post, but He did. Maybe it is just to point out that not every Christian saying that God is love and all things are possible with God actually have enough faith in that to actually seek Him for the loving thing to do, and to ask Him by faith to do one of those 'possible thing'!

After that church the Lord told me to go to a church my mom attended. They were not perfect either, but when I told them "the Lord told me" you could see their heads shaking 'yes, yes, the Lord speaks to us'. At that church miracles and power were a regular thing! Yeah, they said God was love and all things were possible, but they did not make it so much about saying that, but about showing that.

They were a small church who had to meet in a basement of building, so you would hardly know they were there. Yet signs wonders and incredible things happened. They had a little food ministry, once a week, to help the homeless and needy in the area. Whereas the other church was in a rich area with their own modern buildings, even a two-story building with numerous classrooms to go along with the church office building along with the large sanctuary which probably held at least five hundred people. The small miracle church was in a poor area, underground in a basement, with a few rooms, one of which was the office, and the sanctuary in the basement could not even hold 100 people.

Still, I enjoyed that church. They accepted me, understood about my hearing from the Lord personally, and their was a lot of the power of God given to them! One of the people I knew there had a large growth in his stomach, about the size of a tennis ball. He didn't have money and did know what to do about it, when the pastor's wife got a word from the Lord saying that He our Lord was going to heal someone in the room who had a growth in their stomach. That friend of mine says he reached down to his stomach but that growth in his stomach was just gone. Before he could check on it God had removed it!

I could give you many more of my own, even similar miracles! The points is that if we do listen, we do see miracles that we can and should testify to. This forum should be full of testimonies!

I have seen legs grow out. Growths go away. Wheel chairs and walkers put aside, and well over 500 miracles with just my own eyes. And they are came down to hearing from the Lord and doing what He asks! So yes, God is love and all things are possible with Him - so don't we testify to that?