Original Sin - hard to believe

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New Member
Oct 17, 2008
Amen. I've used that Scripture in Romans 8:20 to show the sovereignty of God and most still cannot see it. I think I saw that within a year after I got saved 26 years ago. All the glory to God for opening my eyes.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2008
It is extremely important for us to recognize that no man is born with a "sinful soul" or a "sin nature." In Romans 5:12 Paul explains this principle very clearly, though many church theologians have missed it:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because [eph' ho, "on which"] all sinned-Paul says here that sin first entered the world through Adam's sin. But what did "all men" inherit from Adam? Was it Adam's SIN that was passed down into all men? NO. It was death, the liability for Adam's sin.In other words, man did not inherit a sin nature from Adam. He merely inherited the liability for Adam's sin. The reason we are mortal is because we are liable for a sin that Adam committed. And so we die, not as a result of our own sins, but as a result of Adam's original sin. Sinful souls are not passed down from generation to generation by procreation. The only thing passed down is MORTALITY, or Death.We are not mortal because we sin. We sin because we are mortal. Which is the cause, and which is the result? Paul says at the end of Romans 5:12 that "DEATH spread to all men," ON WHICH we ourselves sin. Death is the cause; our personal sins are committed as the result of death in us.Logabe


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
Amen. I've used that Scripture in Romans 8:20 to show the sovereignty of God and most still cannot see it. I think I saw that within a year after I got saved 26 years ago. All the glory to God for opening my eyes.
Amen. I use Romans 9 and 11:32 a lot, including in this thread. But most people don't believe it because they have exchanged the truth of the bible for the myth that man does the planning, not God. Proverbs 16:9, " In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
Hello - I am new here.I was bought up in a Methodist manse and attended church regularly - until a couple of years ago.I am still a Christian, but I am finding it increasingly hard to accept the concept of Original Sin. I cannot accept that we are all born impregnated with guilt which arises from some primitive myth in the Garden of Eden. As a grandfather I look at my newborn grandchildren and cannot believe any God would be so cruel as to burden them with sin for nothing they have done. So if they die they are damned? I am now in my old age and facing illness. I have tried to live a good life and cannot believe I have performed any mortal sin. If I accept that Jesus died to redeem mankind of original sin - then why hasn't that redemption been applied?I yearn to believe but find this concept of Original Sin an impossible block to faith. In my darker moments I even wonder if it the concept is a man made device to instil fear and guilt to gain power over us.Please help.
Babies and children are innocent until they come to the age of accountability. This age is not the same for every child. It happens the moment they knowingly sin. They understand the difference of good and evil, this however is not the same as right and wrong. It was wrong for me to disrespect my mom but my best friend disrespected her mom all the time straight to her face. Right and wrong changes from household to household, from country to country; even from 50 years ago until now it has changed and so on and so forth. Good and evil however remain the same at all times. Once a child learns it is evil to rebel against their parents and they make the decision to do it anyway they die spiritually, just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. Therefore they are now in need of a savior, they need to repent and as Jesus Christ to the be Lord of their lives. Behold old things are past away and all things become new. They need to be a new creation, to be born again. This is why it is common to see a huge change in kids. It seems like it came from nowhere and caught you off guard. You begin to wonder what you did wrong or what happened to them to make them change so much over night. Their eyes have been opened to the knowledge of good and evil. They are now in need of salvation.