Parables I got from the Lord speaking to me:

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States

There was a man that lived in a box, and his whole life he lived in that box. People would come to the door and try to talk to him about the world outside the box, but he loved it inside the box. In the box he could always have things just the way he wanted it, and so it was in his box. He put everything in its place according to his own desires.

Now the problem came at the end of his life. He found out that all boxes get burned, and if you are inside of them at that time, you too will get burned. So it was that the box got put inside the oven, the door shut, and the flames pierced the box.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

The meaning behind this parable is that we live in a box called our body - and Jesus stands at the door trying to talk to us. The problem is that we love it in our fleshy box because we love doing what we want to do. Yet Jesus said about the believer that He is the door and that to a place where we can go in and out and find pasture. We have to get out of our box and get to through that other door (Jesus) to find the place we need to go, That does not happen until we first let Jesus into our lives to explain this to us.

Next is this little group of sayings He told me:

“If you push water up, it flows back to you”.

“If you push water higher, it comes back as fresh water.”

“If you let it go, it will flow away to a salty sea.”

“If you spread it over a field things will grow.”

“So it is with the Word of God.”

The meaning with this is that Jesus Christ as the Word of God talks to us if we are willing to listen, and His words are like living water to us.

If you take the words He told you and present them to someone else who also hears Him better than you (like angels or Christain who know Him better than you, they will share what He told them, which is to say: “If you push water up, it flows back to you”.

And if you hear Him and then take what you hear back to Him, He will talk to you about it and you will get more words from Him which is to say: “If you push water higher, it comes back as fresh water.”

Now if you hear Him but just let what He told you go, it flows away from you and you don't remember it and even your attitude about hearing Him becomes salty which is to say, "“If you let it go, it will flow away to a salty sea.”

Yet if you spread the words God gives you over a field, it will cause some other people to grow, which is to say, “If you spread it over a field things will grow. And of course is why posting these parable, like He told me to do, is important.


Walking and Talking:

Three blind men were walking down the road and talking to each other as they went. As they were walking and talking a Lion grabbed one. The others didn’t notice. They just thought he had decided to stop talking, so they just kept on walking and talking. A little further down the road a crocodile grabbed the other one. Well the last one keep on walking and talking because he just thought the others had just decided to stop talking. As he kept on walking and talking the road turned because it came next a cliff over the sea. Well the man didn't notice because he was just walking and talking and walked right off the cliff and fell into the sea.

When the Lion of Judea, and the Serpent are grabbing people all around you, are you just going to keep on walking and talking?

The meaning hear of course is that we all start of life walking and talking. And as we go through life the Lion of Judea (Jesus Christ) grabs people we know, but many don't pay attention when their friends become Christians and say how they know Jesus Christ. And also as we go through our life that serpent of old, Satan, grabs people around us and we don't pay attention to what happens to them either because that is not happening to us. So we just keep going until the end and that is when the fall really comes and we suddenly wind up dead and in the lost part of humanity. So we need to pay attention and stop being blind to what goes on the spiritual realm around us.

Anyway - that is enough for now, I hope you like them.