Please Help Me. I Am Trying To Save My Grand-Niece.

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New Member
Jun 27, 2024
American Samoa
Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hand in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. She is 19 and she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and feminine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men, along with several t-shirts and slacks. She also wears many necklaces and bracelets, some, I suspect, have Satanic symbolism within them.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care for this belief. She tells me that she 'thinks' that there is 'creator of the universe' {her words, not mine}, and that she thinks of this 'creator' as an 'it' rather than He. She is also apparently 'open to the idea of their beings a God or Gods, or nothing at all, or something entirely different and that 'none of us can be sure until we die'. It's all heresy!
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}. And along with this, she also believes that 'aliens' {aka daemons} exist on other planets that we are 'not alone'. She then goes to explain all that Big Bang B.S. and how it 'allowed millions of other planets to develop and possibly make way for life'.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring the way it is now, and she has the gaull to 'correct' me and say 'nature is not good or bad. It just is, just the way it should be so that it can allow it's creatures of all kinds to survive' More Evolutionist Propaganda. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' { again, her words, not mine} and that they are all to be 'respected' and 'considered for'. She has two nasty little parrots that squawk and talk all darn day, and she teaches them how to 'communicate' and she teaches them words and sentences. One bit me two weeks ago, and she blames ME for getting 'too close' to the thing. And although this may not have to with her salvation necessarily, I just need to say that living with her and these things has become very uncomfortable for me.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals from 'torture' and extinction, as well as preserve the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused to stop.
7. She has so many plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she ingests because she puts them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil and are very importantin the practice of Paganism.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}. She is also in the Climate-Cult and thinks that she may one day find a 'solution' to global warming that 'suits' all of us and makes things 'easier'.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind. All of her reading material emphasizes the lies of Evolutionary causes, as well as animal 'psychology', and oceans, and plants and even rocks. All of it is just Science this, science that, animals here, animals there, animals deserve rights, animals are intelligent, blah, blah, blah. It's just so Godless.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children {only according to her doctor}, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex due to something called 'M-R-K-H', look it up. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker. She can marry and adopt, but refuses.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself {if that was not clear before}.
12. Almost everyday she goes out into the heavily wooded areas near our home and she collects many things that I am sure have to with her unadmitted paganism {I tell her that she is Pagan, but she denies it every time}. She collects rocks, sticks, as well as soil and sand 'samples' in viles that she likes to compare for some reason. Most disturbing of all, she collects animal bones and skulls and sanitizes them before putting them on this awful little collection with labels and all that. She also has fossils. Her room has begin to look like Pagan Paradise!

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Please help me, I don't know where else to go and I am getting so frustrated and anxious.

Before we get started, a little bit of context: I am living with these unbelieving family members of mine and I have come to the conclusion that this is God's way of saying that I need to convert them while I work on getting a job and moving to a new place as my house was repossessed a couple months ago. However, the conversion has come to a very sour turn and is not working and I fear that Satan has a hand in all this.

I was converted 25 years ago and I can now say that I am right with God and that Jesus is the center of my life and purpose. I am very upset that the same cannot be said for my nieces daughter {who by the way is not Christian either, but she is not the priority right now}.

Ophelia {my grand-niece} is a blatant unbeliever. She is 19 and she believes and does many things that do not honor or glorify God in any way. Here is a list:

1. She does not dress like a lady. She wears shorts and pants and refuses to wear makeup and make herself look presentable. Her hair is always up in a loose ponytail and will not allow it to be normal and feminine as God intended. She also wears Button Shirts that were intended for men, along with several t-shirts and slacks. She also wears many necklaces and bracelets, some, I suspect, have Satanic symbolism within them.
2. She made up a brand new term for her unbelief: 'Agnostic Deist', she's Agnostic, she's not Atheist, and I still do not understand nor care for this belief. She tells me that she 'thinks' that there is 'creator of the universe' {her words, not mine}, and that she thinks of this 'creator' as an 'it' rather than He. She is also apparently 'open to the idea of their beings a God or Gods, or nothing at all, or something entirely different and that 'none of us can be sure until we die'. It's all heresy!
3. She believes in ghosts {daemons}. And along with this, she also believes that 'aliens' {aka daemons} exist on other planets that we are 'not alone'. She then goes to explain all that Big Bang B.S. and how it 'allowed millions of other planets to develop and possibly make way for life'.
4. She is a hard-core Naturalist and Evolutionist. She believes that we came from Monkeys and that nature was supposed to be cruel, brutal, and uncaring the way it is now, and she has the gaull to 'correct' me and say 'nature is not good or bad. It just is, just the way it should be so that it can allow it's creatures of all kinds to survive' More Evolutionist Propaganda. She practically worships animals and believes that they have 'minds and lives of their own' { again, her words, not mine} and that they are all to be 'respected' and 'considered for'. She has two nasty little parrots that squawk and talk all darn day, and she teaches them how to 'communicate' and she teaches them words and sentences. One bit me two weeks ago, and she blames ME for getting 'too close' to the thing. And although this may not have to with her salvation necessarily, I just need to say that living with her and these things has become very uncomfortable for me.
5. She is convinced that her so-called 'purpose' in life is to save animals from 'torture' and extinction, as well as preserve the environment, and help all the people so that they can live 'side-by-side' sustainably with nature. First off, everyone's purpose is to worship Jesus and Jesus alone, and no, humans cannot live with nature, but we can control it and have dominion over it as we please, for it is not equal nor worth protecting because the end is coming soon anyway.
6. She meditates. She claims that it is not for spiritual reasons and that by doing it 5 to 10 minutes once a day helps her 'relieve stress, focus on what's around her, and just 'exist''. She is a liar. I once caught her out in the backyard doing it and demanded that she stop as I could feel her opening up another dimension and letting daemons out that were directed towards me and she refused to stop.
7. She has so many plants and herbs. They are everywhere. Many of them she ingests because she puts them in her food, but herbals are witchcraft so it does not matter what the purpose, they are evil and are very importantin the practice of Paganism.
8. She is a vegetarian. She refuses to eat animal flesh and only eats eggs and drinks milk. That's all. She blatantly rejects the fact that God gave us these animals to eat. Whenever I confront her on this, she explains that she does not think that it is 'wrong' that I or others eat meat {because why would it be?} because that is every human being's 'personal choice' {no, it is a command}, and that she simply does not eat meat because it goes against her 'own personal moral compass' {she means Satan's moral compass} and she would feel like a 'hypocrite' while calling herself an 'animal lover'. She also mentions that she abstains because of 'environmental reasons' {again with the nature worship!}. She is also in the Climate-Cult and thinks that she may one day find a 'solution' to global warming that 'suits' all of us and makes things 'easier'.
9. She has tons, and I mean TONS, of Godless, meaningless, Satanic reading material. Four whole shelves full. I have used this to my advantage in the past and have snuck Bibles, tracts, notes, pamphlets and flyers in between the books, but she always discards them and pays no mind. All of her reading material emphasizes the lies of Evolutionary causes, as well as animal 'psychology', and oceans, and plants and even rocks. All of it is just Science this, science that, animals here, animals there, animals deserve rights, animals are intelligent, blah, blah, blah. It's just so Godless.
10. She is adamant about not ever getting married, having children, or having a spouse to satisfy. This is something that I have trouble with because she was born with the inability to reproduce. She has no menstrual cycle, she will never have children {only according to her doctor}, and she will never be able to have 'comfortable' sex due to something called 'M-R-K-H', look it up. However, this is not an excuse to refuse to be submissive and perform God's greatest role for women: Homemaker. She can marry and adopt, but refuses.
11. She has three jobs and is soon going to college. Her so-called 'research' and career is based around monkeys and how 'similar' they are to us, which pushes the Evolutionary agenda further into our society. She is also a militant environmentalist that puts nature before Father God Himself {if that was not clear before}.
12. Almost everyday she goes out into the heavily wooded areas near our home and she collects many things that I am sure have to with her unadmitted paganism {I tell her that she is Pagan, but she denies it every time}. She collects rocks, sticks, as well as soil and sand 'samples' in viles that she likes to compare for some reason. Most disturbing of all, she collects animal bones and skulls and sanitizes them before putting them on this awful little collection with labels and all that. She also has fossils. Her room has begin to look like Pagan Paradise!

Talk after talk, after talk, after talk! She refuses to convert and heed the word of God. She is so set in her beliefs and is on natural path to Hell.

How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

Thank you for reading, as well as your time.

There is only One who "converts."

Plant a seed with kindness. Pray to God that He then does His part. Be available in season and out of season thereafter. Keep praying, but do not force the issue. Rest and know that God is good to fulfill in her what He has intended for her. Intercede in prayer. That's enough.

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
In another thread on the same topic of salvation for your niece, I had posted this: -

In a previous post I had posted this response to your question of how to go about the Salvation of your niece form the other thread: -

It is God who convicts people to repent. You can ask God to include your grandniece Ophelia among those who He will draw to Himself as well as the names of the rest of her family.

This prayer only needs to be asked once. Then by faith begin to praise God for having heard your prayer for God to drawn Ophelia and any of her family members, and for His drawing of them to Himself. You can repeat this pray as often as you like offering up praise and Glory to God for what he is doing in their respective lives as well as your own.

By faith you are trusting God to accomplish what you have not been successfully able to do. It does not mean that God will not use you in His Drawing of these family members to Himself, but you have to wait for the prompting of God and the words that he would have you to give before you speak to them in response to God's prompting.

Lord, please include Margaret's Ophelia among the people whom You are drawing to Yourself so that your Glory can be seen, and that Margaret's faith is increase so that She can sing her Praises to You and give Glory to You for achieving what she herself could not DO.


I cannot pray Ophelia into God's Kingdom. I too have to hand this drawing of Ophelia into God's Everlasting Kingdom for God to achieve her salvation and with Faith and trust give glory to Him for having heard my prayer and that He is already working on my prayer request.

I think that my post in the other thread became lost in the number of responses that you had received since I live in a time zone that is anywhere between 15 to 18 hours in front of your time zone, I have copied my previous post here so that you may have time to consider what my advice is.

Shalom, May God's peace rest with you now and forever more.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
There is only One who "converts."

Plant a seed with kindness. Pray to God that He then does His part. Be available in season and out of season thereafter. Keep praying, but do not force the issue. Rest and know that God is good to fulfill in her what He has intended for her. Intercede in prayer. That's enough.


In another thread on the same topic of salvation for your niece, I had posted this: -

In a previous post I had posted this response to your question of how to go about the Salvation of your niece form the other thread: -

I think that my post in the other thread became lost in the number of responses that you had received since I live in a time zone that is anywhere between 15 to 18 hours in front of your time zone, I have copied my previous post here so that you may have time to consider what my advice is.

Shalom, May God's peace rest with you now and forever more.

I agree with Scott and Jay. You must learn to let the Holy Spirit work in her heart.

If you are constantly criticizing everything about her, you will only turn her against Christianity.

Don't argue with her. Sincerely love her and try to help her when she needs and wants help.

My grandma and my mother never forced religion onto me. However, I saw their lives....they were loving, praying, reading the Bible to receive help. So from a child up I loved Jesus and eventually realized about Christ being my personal Savior when I was 22. I'm now just turning 74.
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Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
How do I get through to her?

What is the intention of 6our conversations with your niece?
To turn her into a ' Lady ', or to get her to examine her beliefs against Christianity?

What is more important how she dresses or what she believes?

Please don't lecture her, please ask her for the evidence for her believes, for the reasons for her beliefs.
Example. Her reason in life is to rescue animals.
What does she base that on? Why are animals so important?
What is her view on abortion, she won't eat meat because its cruel, how then can she support the crulty of killing an unborn baby?
What is her view of Jesus, reasons and evidence for those views.

Can you rationaly explain, defend Christianity, without resorting to emotional language.
Have you got Lee Strobels The Case for Christ.

Your case is you can believe what you like, so long as you have a rational, evidence based case for it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Dear Margaret

I think the first thing you should do is take a step back and relax (not easy, I know).

Your grand-niece sounds like a fairly normal unbeliever, and not especially sinful.

A lot of the things you comment on are not even anti-Christian. Many devout Christian women have short hair, and wear trousers and shorts. Many Christians are vegetarian (for all kinds of reasons), many use herbal remedies (they're not necessarily pagan). And - dare I say it - many Christians do not interpret the early chapters of Genesis literally, and accept evolution as God's method of creation.

Stop railing against the non-essentials. Why shouldn't she be fascinated by fossils? What does it matter if she doesn't want to get married at the moment? She's only 19! Concentrate on her relationship (or rather the lack of it) with God. If she becomes a Christian in due course, God will sort all these other things out afterwards.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Nothing wrong with her as wearing clothes.
Helping animals is helping the poor. Proverbs, the Just regard the life of animal.

Helping poor is to honor God.

Shes heterosexual, so clothes are irrelevant.

James chapter 1. Be doers of the word. Not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Christian people study the bible for spirtual growth. To plant seeds for God. Being biblically illiterate is of no use to God.

It's like car with no gasoline. You cant go anywhere.

Knowledge and wisdom of God's word is essential for producing fruit for God.

Body of christ is to produce fruit for Jesus.

Revelation chapter 14. Everyone will be judged by their Works.

No excuse for Christians to be biblically illiterate. Not producing fruit for God.

We understand this.

I recommend shepherds chapel on YouTube. Pastor dennis murray teaches sound doctrine.

No excuse to be stagnant. We are to have spirtual growth. To increase in knowledge and wisdom of God's word.