PRAY FOR PEACE not the Globalists - USA and NATO govts, Klaus Schwab and the Rothschilds

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Ukrainian MP — “We Are Fighting for the New World Order”

A Ukrainian member of parliament accidentally said the quiet part out loud when she told Fox News she was fighting for the New World Order.

Ukraine MP Kira Rudik used the term during a Fox segment where she admitted she and her fellow countrymen were engaged in a war to maintain the liberal global order.

Asked if she was surprised by Ukrainians’ resolve to fight Russia, Rudik replied the conflict has been ongoing, but that this time the fight is more “critical” because it threatens to disrupt the NWO.


“I’m not surprised,” Rudik responded. “We have been fighting Putin for the last eight years and we’ve had three revolutions in our country when we did not agree with what was going on with the direction of where we’re moving in; but right now it’s a critical time because we know that we not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this New World Order for the Democratic countries.”

The Ukraine MP’s choice of words were not lost on social media users, who quickly latched on to the term as an admission the globalists have tremendous stake in controlling Ukraine and keeping Russia out.



Of course when you have globalists like Satanic occultist Marina Abramovic, radical left billionaire George Soros’ son Alexander, and David de Rothschild pledging support for Ukraine, it should cue apprehension that there’s more to the conflict than meets the eye.

Russia Expert Leo Zagami Predicts Putin Is Just Getting Started


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Globalist Billionaire Bill Ackman Calls For U.S. Military Intervention in Ukraine
by Paul Joseph Watson
Globalist billionaire investor Bill Ackman has called for the United States to intervene militarily in the Russia-Ukraine war, despite the clear risk that this would lead to a global nuclear conflict.

Ackman, who exploited COVID-19 hysteria to make billions after hysterically warning “hell is coming” if the entire country was not shut down, made the comments on Twitter.

“I hope Russia stops this onslaught, but I don’t see how Putin saves face. We need to be prepared for what comes next which means we need to start thinking about intervening military,” Ackman tweeted. “Isn’t it time we set a real red line?”

“We can’t sit back and allow hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and perhaps millions to die. I don’t want to live in that world and you don’t either. @POTUS, it is in your hands. You can fix the errors of the past and protect our future. With all due respect Mr. President, the time is now,” he added.


Ackman is seemingly upset at thousands of Ukrainians dying, but his response is to call for a massive escalation that could lead to billions of people across the world dying.


Chris Menahan asserted that if Ackman was so keen to fight for Ukraine, he should take up Volodymyr Zelensky’s call for foreigners to join the Ukrainian army.

“If Ackman wants to fight in Ukraine so badly he should pick up a gun and go there himself,” he wrote. “You can take your whole family along with you as Zelensky is fine with women, children and the elderly throwing themselves against Russian tanks.”

As we highlighted earlier, chickenhawks have begun to stridently call for a no fly zone to be imposed over Ukraine, something that would almost inevitably lead to a nuclear world war.

Both the Biden White House and people like Senator Marco Rubio have explained the obvious – that shooting down Russian warplanes would spark World War III.

Meanwhile, the military-industrial complex continues to enjoy vast profits as the war drums beat louder.

Then there's this sicko comment...........

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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Headlines for March 1, 2022 -- Can Putin Trust the Promises of Thieves?
February 28, 2022

This 1hr.10 min video details how US politicians have plundered the Ukraine.
MASSIVE Ukraine Press Release Exposes Entire Biden Crime Family!

The Biden crime family and other US Democrats have stolen billions from the Ukrainian people with the complicity of the Ukrainian puppet government and oligarchs.

Essentially Putin is negotiating with people who are looting the Ukraine and planning to topple Putin so they can loot Russia as well.
Can you negotiate with thieves? This word best characterizes the Illuminati and Communism in general. They gain power by pretending to champion the people and then rob the country blind.
Zelensky found a billion dollars and a villa in Miami - ePrimefeed

Zelensky has a billion dollars and a villa in Miami

More than a billion dollars are held in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's accounts abroad. This was announced by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Opposition Platform - Party For Life Ilya Kiva.

According to him, Zelensky has accumulated $1.2 billion in the Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica during the two and a half years of his presidency. This money was transferred to the president by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoisky. As Kiva noted, replenishment is done regularly, in tranches of $12 million to $35 million. And they go through banks like First Union Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris. According to the deputy, the movement of such funds would be impossible without the control of the authorities of Germany and France.


(These pics of Zelensky were taken in Dec. 2021 during a visit to the Donbas)
But just accounts, as Kiva pointed out, the matter was not limited. Zelensky managed to buy a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.

"In addition to the President of Ukraine at the Dresdner Bank, the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Yermak has accounts for a modest $56 million, Svyatlana Tikhanovskaya for $4.5 million, most of which she transferred in December 2020 to HSBC bank in London office. Also accounts Arseniy Yatsenyuk has one in the Miami branch of the Dresdner bank," Kiva said in her post on the Telegram channel.

"Every president and his team, after his tenure, walked away as dollar billionaires, and Zelensky, for all his inferiority, was no exception, just in his case, no one will let him just walk away," Kiva said, and added that the current head of Ukraine is waiting for a prison.

We Must Stand with Ukraine, as They Stand for Us
A broken clock is right twice a day

AOC and Bernie Sanders' 'Democratic Socialists' group blames the US for Russian invasion of Ukraine and demands NATO is scrapped: 'US must end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict'

AOC and Bernie's 'Democratic Socialists' group blames US for Russia invasion and demands end to NATO | Daily Mail Online



Russia Issues Warning to Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

Russia Issues Warning to Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN
Moscow seeks to "demilitarize and denazify" Kiev, ambassador tells the UN General Assembly

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN


Lord Jacob Rothschild Admits His Family Created Israel


Paul Joseph Watson- First Casualty of War is Truth

Jim Stone-- I hate to say it, but it really looks like Putin is the irrefutable good guy in all of this. And he's frustrated by "the empire of lies". "Empires of lies" happen when universities get infiltrated and kids are taught by the tribe that the truth is not what matters, what people believe is the truth is what matters. Imagine a news agency or politician with THAT as the moral foundation . . . . . what do you get? "An empire of lies". The KGB may not have been nice to deal with, but they did not operate on falsehood. They were blind to a lot. Putin is not going to accept "the empire of lies" very well.

PUTIN WAS KICKED OUT OF THE WEF. That's a REAL GOOD sign. If he was the enemy of all of us the way Biden is, he was not "good enough" at it. - World Class Investigative Truth


Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons



BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers

BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Western Aggression Pushed Russia Over The Edge
A Quick Overview of the Recent Lead Up to the New Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Aristotle Dongas

Feb 25
Russia has begun a “military operation” on Ukraine. If you read or watch American MSM (Main Stream Media) you’ll come across the headline “Russia’s Unprovoked, and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine” circulating right now. To the average MSM consumer, although worrisome, it probably comes as no surprise with the way Russia has been vilified over the past 60+ years. But make no mistake, this attack was provoked unjustifiably by NATO with Washington at the wheel.

Let’s make one thing clear. This is not a good guy vs. bad guy scenario. It is two super powers (US & Russia) being used to push an agenda by elite bankers for an outcome that has yet to truly reveal itself. That being said, the US has been reinvigorating, and re-escalating the tensions between the two Cold War adversaries since the 90’s.

In a meeting on March of 1991 regarding Germany’s reunification, Russia (then still the Soviet Union) was assured by foreign ministries of France, Germany, UK, and US, that NATO would not expand eastwardly in Europe. Although the promise was made, it was not actually written into policy. Just one year later America’s true aspirations for NATO were leaked to “The New York Times” in the “Wolfowitz Doctrine” that outlined the establishment of military bases throughout Europe under the pretense to thwart any possible authoritarian regimes that may rise.

In 1994 during a NATO summit, an “open door policy” was implemented, and NATO reneged on their eastward European promise to Russia. In 1999, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland joined NATO, followed in 2004 by Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Russia, now encroached by NATO countries, correctly saw this as a blatant scheme by the US to establish a constant looming military threat, and push their stranglehold on European policy.

With this relatively recent history in mind, is it any wonder why Russia is so adamant about keeping Ukraine out of NATO?

The US and NATO have had Ukraine in their sight for some time. The Orange Revolution which had the C.I.A’s fingerprints all over it, (mainly in the form of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko and Neo-Nazi party Svoboda) was a coup designed to further divide the nation into more extremists on both sides (Pro Ukrainian, Pro Russian) and promote an anti-Russian sentiment.

In 2013, after Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych refused an EU financial agreement and instead turned to Russia for financial help, US backed fascist groups funded by George Soros led protests against the president.

Protests soon became violent as Ukrainian chief of staff Serhly Lyovochkin (who by the way has numerous Washington ties) ordered the police to put up the national Christmas tree in Maidan. Conveniently, a group of armed Neo-cons appeared seemingly out of nowhere and started to attack the police. This in turn led to Yanukovych seeking asylum in Russia after the protests turned violent, and a plot to assassinate him was discovered. The US (after an improper impeachment) recognized the head of Ukraines parliament as the new president.

America’s involvement in 2014 was further solidified as a leaked conversation between Victoria Nuland (US state department), and Geoffrey Pyatt (US ambassador to Ukraine) revealed what can only be described as them discussing candidates of their choosing for the newly vacant presidency.

Following the protests in Maidan, Russia issued a democratic vote for Crimea on whether to become a part of Russia again. This was primarily done to secure the strategic military base, and port over the Black Sea. Over 95% of Crimea voted to be absorbed back into Russia.

In 2020, C.I.A puppet and Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelenskyy put sanctions on Russian social media for the second time since 2017.

Early 2021, Zelenskyy begged Joe Biden to let Ukraine join NATO. This angered Putin who responded by amassing troops on the Ukrainian border.

In late January of 2022, the US sends two shipments of “lethal aid” over to Ukraine, totaling over 350,000 pounds of various weaponry and ammunition.

Feb 22nd 2022, Putin recognized the independent states of eastern Ukraine, Donetsk, and Luhansk. Putin now starts a slow military push towards Kiev. Biden, Trudeau, Johnson, followed by others, slap sanctions all over Russia.

The West just couldn’t help themselves. Already surrounding Russia with NATO military, they drew the final straw that broke the camels back, completely over stepping their bounds, and encouraging Ukraine to become part of NATO.

What is the goal here? Surely flirting with nuclear war is not worth the strategic land Ukraine has to offer. Nuclear war? Probably not. World War? Probably.

Involvement in war has been extremely beneficial for the United States for the past 105 years, both economically, and geopolitically. With the impending inflation bubble seeming to be ready for explosion, this war may be just the thing to get the US out of an economic catastrophe.

We can’t quite say yet the overall motives for everyone involved (including the “real” super powers behind the whole fiasco), so we’ll have to keep a close watch and see how this plays out.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Headlines for March 1, 2022 -- Can Putin Trust the Promises of Thieves?
February 28, 2022

This 1hr.10 min video details how US politicians have plundered the Ukraine.
MASSIVE Ukraine Press Release Exposes Entire Biden Crime Family!

The Biden crime family and other US Democrats have stolen billions from the Ukrainian people with the complicity of the Ukrainian puppet government and oligarchs.

Essentially Putin is negotiating with people who are looting the Ukraine and planning to topple Putin so they can loot Russia as well.
Can you negotiate with thieves? This word best characterizes the Illuminati and Communism in general. They gain power by pretending to champion the people and then rob the country blind.
Zelensky found a billion dollars and a villa in Miami - ePrimefeed

Zelensky has a billion dollars and a villa in Miami

More than a billion dollars are held in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's accounts abroad. This was announced by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Opposition Platform - Party For Life Ilya Kiva.

According to him, Zelensky has accumulated $1.2 billion in the Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica during the two and a half years of his presidency. This money was transferred to the president by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoisky. As Kiva noted, replenishment is done regularly, in tranches of $12 million to $35 million. And they go through banks like First Union Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris. According to the deputy, the movement of such funds would be impossible without the control of the authorities of Germany and France.


(These pics of Zelensky were taken in Dec. 2021 during a visit to the Donbas)
But just accounts, as Kiva pointed out, the matter was not limited. Zelensky managed to buy a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.

"In addition to the President of Ukraine at the Dresdner Bank, the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Yermak has accounts for a modest $56 million, Svyatlana Tikhanovskaya for $4.5 million, most of which she transferred in December 2020 to HSBC bank in London office. Also accounts Arseniy Yatsenyuk has one in the Miami branch of the Dresdner bank," Kiva said in her post on the Telegram channel.

"Every president and his team, after his tenure, walked away as dollar billionaires, and Zelensky, for all his inferiority, was no exception, just in his case, no one will let him just walk away," Kiva said, and added that the current head of Ukraine is waiting for a prison.

We Must Stand with Ukraine, as They Stand for Us
A broken clock is right twice a day

AOC and Bernie Sanders' 'Democratic Socialists' group blames the US for Russian invasion of Ukraine and demands NATO is scrapped: 'US must end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict'

AOC and Bernie's 'Democratic Socialists' group blames US for Russia invasion and demands end to NATO | Daily Mail Online



Russia Issues Warning to Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

Russia Issues Warning to Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN
Moscow seeks to "demilitarize and denazify" Kiev, ambassador tells the UN General Assembly

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN


Lord Jacob Rothschild Admits His Family Created Israel


Paul Joseph Watson- First Casualty of War is Truth

Jim Stone-- I hate to say it, but it really looks like Putin is the irrefutable good guy in all of this. And he's frustrated by "the empire of lies". "Empires of lies" happen when universities get infiltrated and kids are taught by the tribe that the truth is not what matters, what people believe is the truth is what matters. Imagine a news agency or politician with THAT as the moral foundation . . . . . what do you get? "An empire of lies". The KGB may not have been nice to deal with, but they did not operate on falsehood. They were blind to a lot. Putin is not going to accept "the empire of lies" very well.

PUTIN WAS KICKED OUT OF THE WEF. That's a REAL GOOD sign. If he was the enemy of all of us the way Biden is, he was not "good enough" at it. - World Class Investigative Truth


Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons



BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers

BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers
Good old Rothschild's hey ? backing a Godless State. What do Rothschild's do for Christianity ? Not interested in such ? why ? do they believe in Jesus Christ ? or are they all about this world ? Deceptions and creating delusions.

Sure the Jew's are fantastic business people for sure, but from what I have seen of them, who are very wealthy is that they have no human compassion at all and will set out to destroy anyone regardless, if they can by some point of Law.
They have their own personal lawyers full time working just for them full on, so when you work for such as them, they will just toss everything at their dog Lawyers to go scrounge through to see it you did not cross a T or dot an I, and get off the hook of paying anyone or toss something in the works to undermine workers, in order to play the game to get off from paying, so they get everything for free hopefully ?

I have seen this sub human game play carried out many a time, you can not have any faith in such a person to stand up and be a real man, they will say anything but when it comes to paying they change totally regardless, not because they are Jews but because they are in fact Satanist ! Godless trash that loves so called Judaism because in such they are not condemned, because they know not of Jesus Christ and that's why such as they, as we see in the Golden Calf and the Vineyard story etc is Them.
They are not worthy of Moses they are not worthy of True Judaism or Israel at all but a Monster that claims to be Zionist but they lie.
A worldly Zion, devoid of Christ Jesus.

That's how Satanist play their games, peoples lives do not matter at all, maybe that is why we see advertise Black lives matter ? maybe they believe that the majority are just like them stuck up greed driven toffs and do not have any regards at all just like them, for the Black people ?

Like who does not have any regards for Black people or anyone for that matter ! but for the toffs that you see that attitude regardless White or etc in fact.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Good old Rothschild's hey ? backing a Godless State. What do Rothschild's do for Christianity ? Not interested in such ? why ? do they believe in Jesus Christ ? or are they all about this world ? Deceptions and creating delusions.

Sure the Jew's are fantastic business people for sure, but from what I have seen of them, who are very wealthy is that they have no human compassion at all and will set out to destroy anyone regardless, if they can by some point of Law.
They have their own personal lawyers full time working just for them full on, so when you work for such as them, they will just toss everything at their dog Lawyers to go scrounge through to see it you did not cross a T or dot an I, and get off the hook of paying anyone or toss something in the works to undermine workers, in order to play the game to get off from paying, so they get everything for free hopefully ?

I have seen this sub human game play carried out many a time, you can not have any faith in such a person to stand up and be a real man, they will say anything but when it comes to paying they change totally regardless, not because they are Jews but because they are in fact Satanist ! Godless trash that loves so called Judaism because in such they are not condemned, because they know not of Jesus Christ and that's why such as they, as we see in the Golden Calf and the Vineyard story etc is Them.
They are not worthy of Moses they are not worthy of True Judaism or Israel at all but a Monster that claims to be Zionist but they lie.
A worldly Zion, devoid of Christ Jesus.

That's how Satanist play their games, peoples lives do not matter at all, maybe that is why we see advertise Black lives matter ? maybe they believe that the majority are just like them stuck up greed driven toffs and do not have any regards at all just like them, for the Black people ?

Like who does not have any regards for Black people or anyone for that matter ! but for the toffs that you see that attitude regardless White or etc in fact.
This statement of yours is huge: '....They are not worthy of Moses they are not worthy of True Judaism or Israel at all but a Monster that claims to be Zionist but they lie. A worldly Zion, devoid of Christ Jesus...'

And most people of all faiths and religious Christians will fall for this lie when then make their world god as the Messiah..
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

March 1, 2022


Go to 54 minutes & watch this Ukrainian Jewish Comedian President doing an obscene "Gay dance" in high heels.


This is the man the Cabalist liars are comparing to Winston Churchill. Is Putin trying to protect Russia from this scourge? BTW, two other gay Jews -- Winston Churchill & Adolf Hitler started WW2. With the Rothschilds backing...

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

March 1, 2022

View attachment 20895

Go to 54 minutes & watch this Ukrainian Jewish Comedian President doing an obscene "Gay dance" in high heels.


This is the man the Cabalist liars are comparing to Winston Churchill. Is Putin trying to protect Russia from this scourge? BTW, two other gay Jews -- Winston Churchill & Adolf Hitler started WW2. With the Rothschilds backing...
Depravity !
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
'Russia did not launch a war, it is ending it,' Zakharova stressed. 'Throughout these years, the Russian side was urging the global community to stand against the consistent annihilation of the Donbass population. 'These are millions of people, who were losing their loved ones every day, living in basements to flee the shelling,' she added.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Russian PEOPLE and Ukrainian PEOPLE have gotten along, communicated, done business one with the other, inner married, for eons....

Same old story, when GOVERNMENTS conflict, raise armies of young men who do not want to fight, be killed, be maimed, typically over “RESOURCES”...or EGO prompted nonsense....and the BEGGING for ANYONE in the World to Help FUND their whims.... And the FALSE, FAKE, STAGED, “so called NEWS” reporting is the catalyst to KEEP the “hokey pokey” transfer of wealth in operation.