Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Interesting perspective. -- If I show you Scripture, you PRE-DISCOUNT IT.

I "prophesied" you're: better served sheltering in your "comfort zone" (Pg. 157, Post #3126); and now you've proven me CORRECT.

Let me know if you ever mature enough to accept GOD'S WORD, -- but at the age of 51 it may be too late to expect too much.
Bobby Jo

PS to: @lforrest, -- see? I am a "prophet". ;)

Hmm... So you can't show me scriptures that predict Trump winning the 2020 American presidential election. I didn't think so.

And there is no comfort zone. Prophecy is by its nature "uncomfortable". Jesus is the prime example. No one knew Jesus was the prophesied messiah until he started fulfilling the prophecies. No one was able to say, "at this date and time a man named Jesus will appear in Bethlehem and be your Messiah." It wasn't until the events happened and Jesus started to fulfill the prophecies that we knew he was the one.

The only specific man the Bible speaks of regarding the end of days and the end times is the Anti-Christ. In regards to leading government. It doesn't speak if particular people leading governments in particular countries.

I am never comfortable with prophecy and the end times. There have been far too many people saying this or that and have been proven wrong by events for me to be so comfortable with my interpretation of prophecy for me to claim I am correct.

You apparently are comfortable with your belief in your interpretation.

I certainly would be interested in hearing the scriptural basis for you believing the bible predicts Trump's win in America in 2020.

How does that fit in with the rest of the elections. In other countries and other years. Does the Bible predict all the elections or just this one?

What are the biblically predicted events that are occurring right now that indicate a Trump victory? And where are these events predicted?

I would really like to know.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Interesting perspective. -- If I show you Scripture, you PRE-DISCOUNT IT.

I "prophesied" you're: better served sheltering in your "comfort zone" (Pg. 157, Post #3126); and now you've proven me CORRECT.

Let me know if you ever mature enough to accept GOD'S WORD, -- but at the age of 51 it may be too late to expect too much.
Bobby Jo

PS to: @lforrest, -- see? I am a "prophet". ;)

Your last sentence is kind of interesting. Probably just a joke. But it really isn't prophetic to predict someone may be skeptical about a prophetical claim. To require evidence should be the expected norm. So, to expect the norm really isn't prophetic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
I guess that might be 'old' news.....

You mean cause it's the same old stuff or you accidentally gave the link for the hearing last week? I'm sort of busy right now that I didn't have time to check yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
I like Rudy's propositions that there are truck loads of fake ballots mixed in with the legitimate ones.
This kind of question could be solved easily, as well as how good are the signature checking.
Locked rooms where counting was going on, with some missing 70,000 ballots again seems unusual.

The question is though the hearings are going on in a hotel, it does not have legal weight, so it needs to produce action or it will end up as a stunt. And the problem is if it can just be ignored, where is the confidence in answering difficult questions.

I am sure without a point of law being isolated it is just blowing in the wind.
Rudys answer to the problem was reduce the number of votes down to the number of mailed out ballots compared to those returned.
The difficulty is which figures are accurate and who legally can make such an undemocratic call.

As the ballots are none personal, you have the question of numbers and records. Even worse the majority of workers were honest, so the few who may not have been will take time to work through.

The trouble with statistical sampling, the investigators can accuse the other side of picking an ok sample, so you repeat the loop until all are checked etc. And equally the numbers involved need to be identified.

For me the question is why mail in ballots counting was so obscured when a legitimate operation would not work like this. The testimonies should be enough for people to investigate. It will take federal judges to get involved.

The down side is Rudy's extreme remedy as if overturning a fair election is like a small thing.

Veracity is an important point, but I suspect Trump is too divisive for the desire to be there.

If Trump wants or needs the media to do it's job when it is called fake news, been attacked and destroyed from the beginning, nothing will be done.

Ironic. There maybe an emotional conspiracy about respect and fair dealing. Who are Trumps friends?

Presidents know this and would play the truth game, here's the truth, this is my take. Trump says things like "you liars", "fake news", what is the most extreme conspiracy view, that's the truth. Insane, literally.

It's nice to see you starting to see out points regarding this election.

You are perfectly allowed to dislike Trump. I think people have a right to expect more decorum from a president. BUT that is not the reason people wanted him removed. They wanted him removed because he was a SUCCESSFUL president that moved forward the conservative ideology. And it was working.

The deep state didn't like him and wanted him out because they couldn't control him. He wouldn't play their games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Actually I was thinking of Amos...
Am 8 (NKJV)
¹¹ "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.
¹² They shall wander from sea to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, But shall not find it.

This is so powerful. What I am finding today though isn't people trying to hear the words of the Lord. They are utterly REJECTING the words of the Lord. I'm hearing a lot more, "Did God really say?" And we remember that comes from a certain beast in the garden. The other one I hear is "God didn't really mean.."

These are coming from the "free" countries. We are turning our freedom to worship into freedom to reject God's word if we disagree with it.

I can promise you in the countries where people have no freedom or are poor and oppressed they are trusting and believing in what God says in His word. They do not have the luxury of saying 'God didn't really say" or "God didn't really mean.."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
View attachment 11768

Roberts is still the wild card/one....

Roberts had proven himself to be nothing but a coward. He will NOT vote to overturn an election and have the court decide to send it to the house for a decision. He has shown himself to be a coward when it comes to the tough decisions. He is all about NOT wanting to upset the applecart.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
So Biden is deep state but Trump is not. 99% of the civil service are the same in both situations. Direction and policy vary 5%, but you think one is good the other evil. That is what propoganda does. 95% of all law change is business driven, nothing to do with citizens.

Power for what? It is an emotional story of belonging not reality, connection to singing about a flag, ideals, goals..... It matters but is not about who is president.

Well that pretty obvious right? The deep state has been after Trump for four years. It's pretty difficult to claim he is part of the deep state.

And Biden has gotten away with everything Trump has been attacked for. And more. With actual evidence of wrong doing. Yet here he is still being elected president. Yup obviously part of the deep state. How late ng has been in government? 40 years.

Trump 4, Biden 40. The state has been trying to get rid of Trump his entire 4 years. How many years has the state been trying to get rid Biden?

The political agendas differ so widely it can't be denied.

Trump wanted more restricted borders. Biden want more open borders.

Trump wanted tax cuts. Biden want tax increases.

Trump wants energy independence. Biden wants to return to dependence.

Trump wants Obamacare gone. Biden wants Obamacare expanded.

Trump wants to provide an economy where ALL people have access to opportunity. Biden wants to maintain status quo where minorities remain dependant on government.

I don't need to go on. But you get the point.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Bobby Jo said:
Interesting perspective. -- If I show you Scripture, you PRE-DISCOUNT IT.

Hmm... So you can't show me scriptures that predict Trump winning the 2020 American presidential election. ...

What Scriptures? Scripture and History you'll consider?!? You've already REFUSED TO LISTEN to what SCRIPTURE SAYS. So although I'm prohibited from using the word "stupidity", let me simply ask if you're suffering from "dementia"?

And yeah, I can present more Scripture and History than you can digest, -- if you'll remove your hands from your eyes and ears, unlike two of the three monkeys you mimic; -- but equally, PLEASE follow the example of the THIRD.

Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I "prophesied" you're: better served sheltering in your "comfort zone" (Pg. 157, Post #3126); and now you've proven me CORRECT.

Let me know if you ever mature enough to accept GOD'S WORD, -- but at the age of 51 it may be too late to expect too much.

Your last sentence is kind of interesting. Probably just a joke. But it really isn't prophetic to predict someone may be skeptical about a prophetical claim. To require evidence should be the expected norm. So, to expect the norm really isn't prophetic.

Your personal details say you're a 51 year of male, and maybe THAT's the "joke". Maybe you're actually an 11 year old girl, -- but that wouldn't take a "prophet" to discern.

Silly people call themselves religious.
Bobby Jo

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
MUSHROOM theology . I know this man sounds off his rocker to most .
But what IF mushroom theology is true .
How does a mushroom thrive and grow one may ask . Feed it lots of bull , as in dung and keep it in the dark .
All of this dung they feed us
all of this its about your own good
they dont care for us , they never have . They do as they have done . Pander to the emotions of the cattle
and the cattle will serve your agenda . Feed them and they will serve you .


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States

Dumbing Down children ...
then GIVING Them a "title" of "honored and excellent" along with "accolades" (recognition, ribbons, pins, trophies)...
Is straight out of the Marxist Playbook.
Yes it is. And that playbook has very slowly been incorporated into the American culture over time. Now, we have Leftist politicians, like Bernie Sanders who tries to offset the fact he's a Socialist by claiming he's a Democratic Socialist. A Socialist United States Senator elected into this Constitutional Democratic Republic! Sound like a conflict of interest? You bet.
And his airhead disciple? Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Who has two degrees she bragged about when she was first elected into office unopposed. One in Economics. The other in International Studies.
Shortly after she was elected she was called on for interviews network after network. Because she was female and the youngest person elected to Congress her first time out.
Turns out those who interviewed her knew more about Economics than she did.

These two people are what make promises to the young voters of America that they won't have to work, they'll get a paycheck. Their "green new deal", plagiarized from a different Senator and reworded to hide that fact, plans to retrofit EVERY HOME IN AMERICA! To be environmentally friendly. Imagine that expense in itself. What? In the trillions?

Also what Sanders supporters don't realize is when he's talking about Socialism and his plans for America, he's talking about what we'll have to suffer through. US!
Not him! Not his peers! US!
That's why as he talks we're the working class hoping to stay employed during this Pandemic, and he's still a millionaire guaranteed job security for the rest of his life as an elected official empowered over us.

People buy their spiel because they've been led not to exercise critical thinking.
Like, Bernie Sanders, who boasts he honeymooned in Russia and their subway's were pristine and had chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Oh, fun. What about all the people the Russian government executed to make Russia look like its economy was working and before the Sanders arrived for their honeymoon? Any thoughts about that Bernie? *crickets*
Bernie! A Socialist, owns three homes and nets over 1 million dollars per year! When as a Senator he's paid in the low hundreds of thousands. Something like 170,000$.
But he makes a million?

No wonder when AOC pushed for a "cost of living pay raise" for the Congress Nancy Pelosi, forgetting she was on hot mic, tried to calm AOC down from that pursuit. AOC was the only member of Congress, Democrats or Republican, who was for that CoLPR. What did Nancy get caught saying to the clueless freshman? "That's not how we make our money!"

Now we know how Bernie and the rest net over 1 million per year.
Invest in Politics! Buy a Senator. Buy A Congressman. Buy a state Representative.

Remember when Trump was first running for the office? I loved his honesty. He said, as a private developer he donated huge money to both sides, Dem's and Republicans. They all know me. And when I need something to get done I pick up the phone and it gets done.

They hate Trump because he knows how they work.
I want to see a political cartoon featuring every member of Congress. In front is a cardboard sign like we see the poor unfortunate homeless holding. "WILL SELL OUT AMERICA FOR BIG CASH!INQUIRE WITHIN!"

That's the other reason they hate Trump. He can't be bought. He can't be intimidated. And he loves his country.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Legislature to Seek to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors: Pennsylvania State Sen. Mastriano
By Kristinn Taylor
Published November 27, 2020 at 11:56am

Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33) said Friday the Republican controlled legislature will seek to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College. Mastriano made his comments in an interview with former Trump administration official Steve Bannon on the War Room podcast, stating the move could take place as early as today.


Mastriano, a retired U.S. Army Colonel, said he has been working with Pennsylvania House and Senate members on a joint resolution to “grab back” their constitutional authority from the secretary of state that was ceded in 1938.

Mastriano said momentum for the resolution stemmed from the explosive hearing on Wednesday by Senate Republicans in Gettysburg that featured evidence indicating massive fraud that tipped the election for Democrat nominee Joe Biden over President Trump.

Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis appeared in person at the hearing. Trump addressed the hearing for about ten minutes via Ellis’ cellphone. Several witnesses presented allegations and evidence of fraud.

TRENDING: "Don't Talk to Me That Way - DON'T EVER Talk to the President That Way!" - President Trump SLAPS DOWN Media Hack - Sets the Record Straight on Sham Election (VIDEO)

Mastriano told Bannon he believes two of the four GOP leaders of the House and Senate already support the move to reclaim the power to appoint electors, as do over half of GOP legislators.

Video of War Room podcast cued to Mastriano:

Article will be updated.

Transcript excerpts:

Mastriano: “…So, we’re gonna do a resolution between the House and Senate, hopefully today. I’ve spent two hours online trying to coordinate this with my colleagues. And there’s a lot of good people working this here. Saying, that the resolution saying we’re going to take our power back. We’re gonna seat the electors. Now obviously we’re gonna need the support of the leadership of the House and Senate, we’re getting there on that. But we need to act like…”

Bannon: “Hold it, hold it, hold it. I think we got some breaking news here. You’re saying you’re going to get a joint resolution to actually go forward and, the Republicans control the House and Senate, to go forward to basically take the power back from the secretary of state and put it in the state legislature to put forward the electors?”

Mastriano: “That is exactly what we’re gonna do. And so, look, it’s gonna obviously be a struggle. We’re gonna hear the palpitations and you know the outcries of our Governor Wolf and Secretary Boockvar, whose resignation should have happened months ago and she shouldn’t have ever been confirmed. But you know what we have that power and we’re gonna take that power back because there’s so much evidence of shenanigans and fraud, we can’t stand aside and just watch this unfold around us. You know, it’s not about disenfranchising anybody, it’s making sure that every legal vote counted. And if there’s extensive shenanigans out there it’s up to the General Assembly to step in. So we have a fight on our hands and we’re gonna fight. We’re gonna take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to.”

Mastriano: “…But, yes, I am seeing a shift. Now there, there’s several, there’s four leaders, two in the House, two in the Senate and I’m seeing a shift among a couple of ’em. So, I think the momentum’s on our side. Look, if, there’s fifty voices in the Senate, twenty-nine Republican or independent caucus with us, all we need are, you know, sixteen in the Senate to really influence the leadership and I think we’re pretty darn close to having, you know, sixteen, seventeen senators and I think there’s at least half of the House as well on the Republican side moving forward, so yes they are getting motivated. And sometimes it feels like we’re pushing from behind, but, you know, doing the right thing eventually catches on.”
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
What if this is the real idea behind all of this . What if they purposefully are doing this to create a dumber society .
One that just heeds and does what it is told to do .
Sounds about right. Ever watch the John Carpenter film, "They Live" ?

The whole thing was a metaphor for the evolution even then of big government and the behind the mask operators working the controls society is unable to see.
Masterpiece of a film. IMO.
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