Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
To All,

In the History of the World as there EVER been such on onslaught against any King/President, against any Nation, and against any People? -- In the Michigan Legislative Committee hearing, a poor middle aged woman originally from India was asked by one of the Democrat Legislators what her name was, what here maiden name was, and how to spell her name, -- using WITCHCRAFT in a Blatant attempt to INTIMIDATE, HARASS, and THREATEN this woman for her Testimony. And this is only One Example in Thousands if not Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of satanic attacks across our nation JUST IN THIS ELECTION.

It seems to me that even WITHOUT Scripture to guide us, we should see the EVIDENCE in the "skies" and KNOW that we're WELL INTO the Tribulation. And although we're taught that there's seven years, that's a false "rendering" of Dan. 9; but Rev. 13:5 correctly stipulates 42 months, and so Where are the Two Witnesses from Rev. 11?!? They're SUPPOSED to be working for 42 months, so Who are they, -- unless they're right in front of our eyes.

If the "blind" can be made to see, how much more should WE see?!?
Bobby Jo

I believe everyday individual people suffer "tribulations/ hardships"

IMO- a two fold Intent...
1) Leaving a person, with no hope, but the Lord as their Last Resort.
2) Resurring a person, IN Christ, of How His Power can overcome any hardship.

Jesus' arrival ON Earth... was Expressly called "these" Last Days.

Heb 1:
[2] Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

"These last days"...were a prelude TO...
A Time of Sorrows

Mark 13:
[8] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

BY VISIBLE Observation...IMO... the Beginning of Sorrows has Occurred.
The "Sorrows" is Still Occurring.

The Famous END OF Days Tribulation...
Is Segmented...
7 Seals
7 Trumps
7 Vials

From Beginning -mid- ending of "Those" End of Days Tribulations...
•It is ...
Revealing The Lords Anger, Via His Wrath
(Rev 6:16)
•It is ...
Revealing The Devils Anger, Via his Wrath
(Rev 12:12)
•It is...
Revealing Gods Anger, Via His Wrath
(Rev 14:10)

The Scriptural Teaching is:
• The Lord IS NOT ON EARTH...
during His Wrath
during His Wrath
• Saved IN Christ, Quickened IN Christ...

I am Saved in Christ, Quickened in Christ, On Earth...experiencing Sorrows OF the Earth...and Observing Sorrows OF the People.

I do believe..."signs" of the approaching "THE" LAST Days are prevelant.

I do Trust the Lord is Faithful and His Word is True...By Promise, I am Not Appointed TO WRATH.

1Thes 5:
[9] For God hath NOT Appointed us to wrath...

I do Believe Noah was Saved, being RISEN UP ABOVE the Face of the Earth, as the Earth was destroyed By Water.

Gen 7:
[18] And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.

I do believe we are "still" in the Days of Sorrows...exponentially "heading Toward" the End Of Days Tribulation...of Great and Superpowerful Wrath.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
To All,

In the History of the World as there EVER been such on onslaught against any King/President, against any Nation, and against any People? -- In the Michigan Legislative Committee hearing, a poor middle aged woman originally from India was asked by one of the Democrat Legislators what her name was, what here maiden name was, and how to spell her name, -- using WITCHCRAFT in a Blatant attempt to INTIMIDATE, HARASS, and THREATEN this woman for her Testimony. And this is only One Example in Thousands if not Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of satanic attacks across our nation JUST IN THIS ELECTION.

It seems to me that even WITHOUT Scripture to guide us, we should see the EVIDENCE in the "skies" and KNOW that we're WELL INTO the Tribulation. And although we're taught that there's seven years, that's a false "rendering" of Dan. 9; but Rev. 13:5 correctly stipulates 42 months, and so Where are the Two Witnesses from Rev. 11?!? They're SUPPOSED to be working for 42 months, so Who are they, -- unless they're right in front of our eyes.

If the "blind" can be made to see, how much more should WE see?!?
Bobby Jo
God created Holy Days for signs.
Next is:
Chanukah– Begins sunset of Tuesday, December 11, 2020 | Ends nightfall of Wednesday, December 20, 2020 Hanukkah (Chanukah) is the Hebrew word for “dedication.” The eight-day Jewish celebration bearing that name — it is also called the Festival of Lights — remembers the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem after it had been recovered.

Which brings us back to Passover in 2021.

I was working on something similar but it got lost.
Maybe I'll try again "only differently" next time.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
EVIDENCE: Video Shows Georgia Vote Counters Pull Ballots Out Of BLACK SUITCASES After Sending Everyone Home
Video evidence shows vote counters sending everyone home, then counting votes concealed under a table in black suitcases

December 3, 2020


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Bombshell video released in Georgia by the Trump legal team during today’s hearing shows a group of female vote counters sending everyone home, waiting until all observers are gone, then pulling black suitcases out from under a table and counting the ballots concealed within while there is no oversight, or clear chain of custody for where the black suitcase ballots came from.
In today’s Georgia hearing, President Trump’s legal team revealed security camera video that shows vote tabulators in Georgia sending all observer and volunteers home, then pulling a series of black suitcases from underneath a table and tabulating the ballots concealed within.

Jackie Pick, a lawyer who was volunteering for the purposes of her appearance, told the legislators in the hearing that “What you’re going to see happen, at about 11 o’clock, is once everyone is gone, coast is clear, they are going to pull ballots out from underneath a table.”

EVIDENCE: Video Shows Georgia Vote Counters Pull Ballots Out Of BLACK SUITCASES After Sending Everyone Home

She adds that her team first had to establish whether it was “normal to store suitcases of ballots under a table, under a tablecloth,” and after reviewing the previous footage, they established that “typically, you’re going to find ballots back in this corner,” she said pointing toward the entry of the room. “Then they get moved and circulated throughout the room.”

“This table, the black one, was placed there by the lady with the blond braids at about 8:22 a.m. in the morning. So she put that table there, so the same person who’s staying behind now, the same person clearing the place out under the pretense that we’re going to stop counting, is the same person who put the table there at 8:22 in the morning.”

“I saw four suitcases come out from the table.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Did you "knock", or were you waiting for the "door" to open by itself?

Perhaps PART of the solution is found in:
1. The SHORTEST Chapter in ALL Scripture
2. The MIDDLE Chapter in ALL Scripture
3. The Chapter SEVENTY YEARS after the International Recognition of the State of Israel
4. The Chapter for the YEAR which the U.S. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
5. The LONGEST Chapter in ALL Scripture

So if you did "knock", what'd you find, -- or better stated, WHERE'D you find them?
Bobby Jo

I'm sorry but you are far to cryptic for me.

I've been studying scripture in depth for about 43 years. So I know how to read, dig research and find original meanings. The scriptures you mention show absolutely nothing in reference to an election this year. Not that I am seeing in any way shape or form.

If you have some specific reasons for saying they do then state what they are. You still haven't said a thing to support your belief. You've given scripture, but that means nothing. I can give scripture too.

Trump and Pence are not the two witnesses. The evidence is found in the last book of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
EVIDENCE: Video Shows Georgia Vote Counters Pull Ballots Out Of BLACK SUITCASES After Sending Everyone Home
Video evidence shows vote counters sending everyone home, then counting votes concealed under a table in black suitcases

December 3, 2020


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Bombshell video released in Georgia by the Trump legal team during today’s hearing shows a group of female vote counters sending everyone home, waiting until all observers are gone, then pulling black suitcases out from under a table and counting the ballots concealed within while there is no oversight, or clear chain of custody for where the black suitcase ballots came from.
In today’s Georgia hearing, President Trump’s legal team revealed security camera video that shows vote tabulators in Georgia sending all observer and volunteers home, then pulling a series of black suitcases from underneath a table and tabulating the ballots concealed within.

Jackie Pick, a lawyer who was volunteering for the purposes of her appearance, told the legislators in the hearing that “What you’re going to see happen, at about 11 o’clock, is once everyone is gone, coast is clear, they are going to pull ballots out from underneath a table.”

EVIDENCE: Video Shows Georgia Vote Counters Pull Ballots Out Of BLACK SUITCASES After Sending Everyone Home

She adds that her team first had to establish whether it was “normal to store suitcases of ballots under a table, under a tablecloth,” and after reviewing the previous footage, they established that “typically, you’re going to find ballots back in this corner,” she said pointing toward the entry of the room. “Then they get moved and circulated throughout the room.”

“This table, the black one, was placed there by the lady with the blond braids at about 8:22 a.m. in the morning. So she put that table there, so the same person who’s staying behind now, the same person clearing the place out under the pretense that we’re going to stop counting, is the same person who put the table there at 8:22 in the morning.”

“I saw four suitcases come out from the table.”

Holy Cow! Man, just how much more do we need? How can we deny fraud with stuff like this?

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
“This table, the black one, was placed there by the lady with the blond braids at about 8:22 a.m. in the morning. So she put that table there, so the same person who’s staying behind now, the same person clearing the place out under the pretense that we’re going to stop counting, is the same person who put the table there at 8:22 in the morning.”

“I saw four suitcases come out from the table.”

There is clearly no fraud going on here:



Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
If you believe...there can be miracles!...lets start believing! Now you got to listen to them and be blessed!
This young teenage choir did an outstanding job singing this song...and in 3 languages!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I don't think Trump and Pence are the two witnesses in Revelation - but I like other things that Bobbi Jo posts.

I don't follow other modern "prophecies" about the election either - Word of Faith/Ken Copeland and all of that - I gave up on "newspaper eschatology" long ago.

One thing I know - this election was fraudulent - and the media is blatantly trying to suppress/deny the evidence of that.

I am not looking for 666 and Gog of Magog to be be coming round the mountain.
Revelation was NOT a "sealed book" like Daniel - things that would make no sense to an original first-century audience in the 7 churches of Asia cannot be put forth and exalted as End Times dogma.

Is it possible to SEPARATE what is going on about the fraudulent election from eschatological beliefs? Come on.

Hooey about "Revived Roman Empire" - One world order - and insisted literal fulfillment of a highly symbolic book of Revelation CANNOT be forced into the present truth of a fraudulent election.

I am looking at voter fraud in several states; and the punishment for those responsible should be swift and terrible.

It is NOT the punishment of a wrathful deity - but will be punishment meted out by informed citizens - if it comes about at all.

Watergate was NOTHING compared to this - and it resulted in the disposal of a recently re-elected President Nixon; resigning rather than facing impeachment. Watergate was a break-in in one location. What we are looking at is multiple instances of fraud in several states,



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I was in college during Watergate. A break-in by Republicans of a Democratic headquarters at a hotel ultimately led to Nixon's resignation, remember he WON a second term, was inaugurated, but resigned fairly early in the term he had just been re-elected to.

Trump is far from perfect - but nothing done by the breakers-in at Watergate or anything Trump ever did comes close in any way to the dire crimes of election fraud that we see right in front of us.

It's unbelievable, but true.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Video of Canada supporting Great Reset.

Fox News
Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism

June 25, 2020

The economic, social and political chaos caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and Black Lives Matter protests have for months captured the attention of virtually every American — and for good reason. These are incredibly important issues worthy of significant and thoughtful debate.

But while most Americans have been preoccupied with protests and pandemics, a potentially bigger story has managed to slip beneath the radar: a growing movement among the world’s most powerful leaders to call for a “reset” of the entire global economy.


At a meeting hosted by the highly influential World Economic Forum earlier in June, powerful officials from nonprofits, government, business, academia, labor unions and activist groups announced their plan for a “Great Reset” of global capitalism. It’s a proposal they acknowledged has only been made possible because of the “opportunity” provided by the economic destruction caused by the novel coronavirus.

Supporters and attendees of the meeting included Prince Charles; António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations; Ajay Banga, CEO of MasterCard; Bernard Looney, CEO of BP; and Gina Gopinath, the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, among many others.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions

In an article published on the World Economic Forum’s website, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of WEF, wrote of the Great Reset, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”


The WEF meeting featured a powerful line-up of global leaders, all of whom seemingly agreed the Great Reset is necessary to “rebalance economies,” promote “fairness,” and create greater “equity” within societies and among nations.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions. Among other things, Schwab has said of the Great Reset, “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

How, exactly, are these leaders planning on convincing Americans and citizens of every other industrialized nation to abandon modern capitalism? By scaring people into believing that these changes are essential for stopping the next great “crisis” the world will face when the COVID-19 pandemic finally subsides: climate change.

At the World Economic Forum’s June meeting, one speaker after another cited climate change and environmental sustainability as the key justifications for radical economic changes that would include massive new regulations and restrictions on economic activity, wealth taxes and expansive government programs comparable to the Green New Deal.


For example, Sharan Burrow, the general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), said, “We want an end to the profit-at-all-costs mentality, because if we don’t build an economic future within a sustainable framework in which we are respectful of our planetary boundaries, and the need to change our energy and technology systems, then we will not have a living planet for human beings.”

The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call,” said U.N. Secretary-General Guterres. “We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.”

And if that weren’t enough, Al Gore, the king of climate alarmism, recently touted the “Great Reset” during an interview on NBC’s “Today” television show.

“So, I think this is a time for a ‘Great Reset,’” Gore said. “We’ve got to fix a lot of these problems that have been allowed to fester for way too long. And the climate crisis is an opportunity to create tens of millions of new jobs, clean up the air, and reduce the death rate from pandemics, by the way, because the air pollution from burning fossil fuels heightens the death rates from coronavirus. So, this is a time for a reset to fix a bunch of challenges, first among them the climate crisis.”

If these quotes don’t terrify you, they should. Here we have some of the world’s most influential people calling for the destruction of global capitalism, all while American cities burn, statues of founding fathers are torn down and the world economy struggles to recover from its worst collapse in a century.

Revolutionary changes are always more likely to occur in the midst of chaos.

Back in the day they use to call it the Trilateral Commission. Now it is the Great Reset. Most of the time I take conspiracy theories as entertaining. But we are living in a period of conspiracies. Beyond all the evidence of election fraud and criminal activity, there is a pattern...a specialty of mine. The people behind this Great Reset know that for it to work the United States has to be converted to communism / socialism, whatever that fine line is, and its economics destroyed. So they studied our election system looking for its weaknesses so as to exploit them. They did not have to worry about being caught because the United States does not prosecute election fraud as a whole, so because of that they could be bold. The pattern is every where, the miscount of ballots, the lost ballots, the surprise ballots, vote shifting by Dominion, the dead people voting, Illegal votes, stacks of ballots ran through the counter multiple times, the postal service frauds, tractor trailer loads of ballots being shipped out of state, voting practices that are in violation of the states own laws.

It all could happen and be general fraud, but this occurred through great effort and planning to benefit Biden. You are not hearing the cases were any of this happening and it benefits President Trump. For that to happen there has to be a plan.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I was in college during Watergate. A break-in by Republicans of a Democratic headquarters at a hotel ultimately led to Nixon's resignation, remember he WON a second term, was inaugurated, but resigned fairly early in the term he had just been re-elected to.

Trump is far from perfect - but nothing done by the breakers-in at Watergate or anything Trump ever did comes close in any way to the dire crimes of election fraud that we see right in front of us.

It's unbelievable, but true.

Whatever this election was it was patchy, with different groups in different areas taking advantage, bad organisation, and some fraud.
One poll watcher described how she helped poll workers reset the machines when they got jammed, while other did not know how to properly and ended up double counting votes.

The problem with this election is Trump and his idea of fraud no matter what. He wants his case so badly he will make enemies of friends. It is this that is losing him traction. He did not trust the media so prepared an address to be distributed through social media. And then you have the civil war nutcases. Nobody wants war, but they do want Covid 19 to be tackled and the vaccines to be rolled out. I think the weight of opinion is going to go bury it, and move on, because it is leading somewhere bad.

Georgia and the senate race. They have dominion and the process. No time for anything else.

Fraud and the elections will come out, because data never lies, and it stays on the backups forever. I suppose the divide now is between Trump and everything else. If you love Trump above the principles, it will be hard. The rest of the world, US, will not agree with dismantelling the institutions which has always been the sub plot.

The funny thing about ballot images, is you can process them 1000's a second because it is just memory not physically scrolling.
So you could do a recount based on the images very quickly. You could also create a deduplication analysis for double entry images. Once you wrote the programs they could easily be an audit run of the process for the future, which again does not lie. If the politics was not so hot, what a great project to take on. But the result would mean so much, no one wants to open that box. Killing the messenger is a reality, and historically always happens, because you should know how they will feel.

God bless you

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Video of Canada supporting Great Reset.

Fox News
Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism

June 25, 2020

The economic, social and political chaos caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and Black Lives Matter protests have for months captured the attention of virtually every American — and for good reason. These are incredibly important issues worthy of significant and thoughtful debate.

But while most Americans have been preoccupied with protests and pandemics, a potentially bigger story has managed to slip beneath the radar: a growing movement among the world’s most powerful leaders to call for a “reset” of the entire global economy.


At a meeting hosted by the highly influential World Economic Forum earlier in June, powerful officials from nonprofits, government, business, academia, labor unions and activist groups announced their plan for a “Great Reset” of global capitalism. It’s a proposal they acknowledged has only been made possible because of the “opportunity” provided by the economic destruction caused by the novel coronavirus.

Supporters and attendees of the meeting included Prince Charles; António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations; Ajay Banga, CEO of MasterCard; Bernard Looney, CEO of BP; and Gina Gopinath, the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, among many others.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions

In an article published on the World Economic Forum’s website, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of WEF, wrote of the Great Reset, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”


The WEF meeting featured a powerful line-up of global leaders, all of whom seemingly agreed the Great Reset is necessary to “rebalance economies,” promote “fairness,” and create greater “equity” within societies and among nations.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions. Among other things, Schwab has said of the Great Reset, “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

How, exactly, are these leaders planning on convincing Americans and citizens of every other industrialized nation to abandon modern capitalism? By scaring people into believing that these changes are essential for stopping the next great “crisis” the world will face when the COVID-19 pandemic finally subsides: climate change.

At the World Economic Forum’s June meeting, one speaker after another cited climate change and environmental sustainability as the key justifications for radical economic changes that would include massive new regulations and restrictions on economic activity, wealth taxes and expansive government programs comparable to the Green New Deal.


For example, Sharan Burrow, the general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), said, “We want an end to the profit-at-all-costs mentality, because if we don’t build an economic future within a sustainable framework in which we are respectful of our planetary boundaries, and the need to change our energy and technology systems, then we will not have a living planet for human beings.”

The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call,” said U.N. Secretary-General Guterres. “We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.”

And if that weren’t enough, Al Gore, the king of climate alarmism, recently touted the “Great Reset” during an interview on NBC’s “Today” television show.

“So, I think this is a time for a ‘Great Reset,’” Gore said. “We’ve got to fix a lot of these problems that have been allowed to fester for way too long. And the climate crisis is an opportunity to create tens of millions of new jobs, clean up the air, and reduce the death rate from pandemics, by the way, because the air pollution from burning fossil fuels heightens the death rates from coronavirus. So, this is a time for a reset to fix a bunch of challenges, first among them the climate crisis.”

If these quotes don’t terrify you, they should. Here we have some of the world’s most influential people calling for the destruction of global capitalism, all while American cities burn, statues of founding fathers are torn down and the world economy struggles to recover from its worst collapse in a century.

Revolutionary changes are always more likely to occur in the midst of chaos.

Back in the day they use to call it the Trilateral Commission. Now it is the Great Reset. Most of the time I take conspiracy theories as entertaining. But we are living in period of conspiracies. Beyond all the evidence of election fraud and criminal activity, there is a pattern...a specialty of mine. The people behind this Great Reset know that for it to work the United States has to be converted to communism / socialism, whatever that fine line is, and its economics destroyed. So they studied our election system looking for its weaknesses so as to exploit them. They did not have to worry about being caught because the United States does not prosecute election fraud as a whole, so because of that they could be bold. The pattern is every where, the miscount of ballots, the lost ballots, the surprise ballots, vote shifting by Dominion, the dead people voting, Illegal votes, stacks of ballots ran through the counter multiple times, the postal service frauds, tractor trailer loads of ballots being shipped out of state, voting practices that are in violation of the states own laws.

It all could happen and be general fraud, but this occurred through great effort and planning to benefit Biden. You are not hearing the cases were any of this happening and it benefits President Trump. For that to happen there has to be a plan.

In the video Trudeau said, "This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
That's like saying the San Andreas Fault is a little crack in the ground.
A state ordered an audit of the machines they used and it came up clean.

Georgia says voting machine audit found no evidence of fraud or tampering

The problem with personal experience is it can give you a window into a situation locally. It does not mean this is a widespread problem or one that undermines everything. To start by saying everything has been undermined is not the way to go, unless you want a coup.

If you call everything a fraud, the opposition crooks, the FBI and CIA incompetent, that republicans are working against you, it begins to look like this is more about being a nutcase than seeing the compromises and winners and losers of a race.

Take this thread as an example. Civil war, rise up and flood washington with armed people. What history teaches is civil wars just kill people, until both sides decide to stop the killing and to talk. Maybe the splitting has come to an end, and the talking needs to begin.

It is ironic while Covid is killing 3,000 a day, people want to talk about fraud and issues of voting problems, which have no been conclusive yet, rather than pull together and deal with the menace that Covid is, and that finally with the vaccine there maybe a real solution to. But then the same folk who decry the election, decry Covid, until in puts them in a grave or a hospital bed. This demonstrates the old world and the new world, one uninformed and paranoid the other striving for solutions and looking optimistically to a better future.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
I don't think Trump and Pence are the two witnesses in Revelation - but I like other things that Bobbi Jo posts.

I don't follow other modern "prophecies" about the election either - Word of Faith/Ken Copeland and all of that - I gave up on "newspaper eschatology" long ago.

One thing I know - this election was fraudulent - and the media is blatantly trying to suppress/deny the evidence of that.

I am not looking for 666 and Gog of Magog to be be coming round the mountain.
Revelation was NOT a "sealed book" like Daniel - things that would make no sense to an original first-century audience in the 7 churches of Asia cannot be put forth and exalted as End Times dogma.

Is it possible to SEPARATE what is going on about the fraudulent election from eschatological beliefs? Come on.

Hooey about "Revived Roman Empire" - One world order - and insisted literal fulfillment of a highly symbolic book of Revelation CANNOT be forced into the present truth of a fraudulent election.

I am looking at voter fraud in several states; and the punishment for those responsible should be swift and terrible.

It is NOT the punishment of a wrathful deity - but will be punishment meted out by informed citizens - if it comes about at all.

Watergate was NOTHING compared to this - and it resulted in the disposal of a recently re-elected President Nixon; resigning rather than facing impeachment. Watergate was a break-in in one location. What we are looking at is multiple instances of fraud in several states,


There are a lot of great things on this board and a lot of great people. We are all entitled to our own beliefs on some topics. Including eschatology. Eschatology is just not open to exact reading until the event has unfolded.

Certainly there can be some very specific things involved in prophecy. Just take a look at all the prophecies Christ fulfilled. Most were not very clear until he fulfilled them, then it was "aha! That's what that meant ". Then there were others that were specific and obvious even before hand.

End times prophecy is the same way. Some things are pretty obvious and clear, while others are not.

And yes there is a lot of evidence of fraud now. It cannot be denied. But will it matter? Will the election still be certified for Biden?

There is not a lot of time left. We are running out of it. And will SCOTUS be willing to rule on this? Will other courts find evidence presented to order a stay and toss out certain ballots and certain votes on the voting machines. I'm just not confident they will.

I may be a pessimist on this, but I don't see this turning in Trump's favor. Not matter how obvious to us.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
BREAKING: Republican lawmakers ask Supreme Court to stop Pennsylvania from certifying election results

December 4, 2020
Updated: 9 seconds ago



Republican lawmakers, lead by Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania, has petitioned the Supreme Court to stop Pennsylvania from certifying their election results:

This is the case we’ve been reporting on regarding the Pennsylvania legislature writing an unconstitutional 2019 law expanding mail-in balloting, and the one that Ted Cruz asked the high court to take up.

Justice Alito, who is responsible for Pennsylvania, did not just dismiss the lawsuit. Rather he asked Pennsylvania officials to respond by next Wednesday:


But Mazie, who reported this a few minutes ago, says the “safe-harbor deadline (by which states must confirm results to make them “conclusive”) is Dec. 8” and that the “electoral college votes on Dec. 14.” In other words, he says that “by the time Kelly files final brief on Dec. 10 or so, the challenge will be moot.”

I reached out to Ed Morrissey, who knows a lot more about this than I do, and he says that he agrees with Mazie’s analysis. So I guess we’ll wait to see if something different happens other than expected.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
What history teaches is civil wars just kill people, until both sides decide to stop the killing and to talk.

Uh - we had one civil war here in the US
It went on til one side GOT WHIPPED - and they surrendered

so I question what has been alleged that "history teaches"

Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant - who was known as "Unconditional Surrender" Grant - but at this time Grant allowed the Confederate soldiers to keep their horses for spring plowing coming up

I don't think rjs330 is a pessimist - I feel the same way - that in spite of the evidence; those people who have been in power behind this fraud up to now will probably not get rooted out of power until the Biden-thing is inaugurated

But remember, Nixon was inaugurated for a second term but did not complete it
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