Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
My grandson is in the 2nd grade and uses an AR for the youth hunt during deer season.
View attachment 11943

Of course... gun handelers know the difference between a smooth action and a force action of JOLT reaction of the design.

Biden Preaching...hey heck ya, every delicate female should have a shot gun for intrusion defense. As you're being Surprisingly Intruded upon, run to your gun hidden location, oops, first go run to hidden key Location, then to the hidden locked gun location, (no need to be anxious)... Surprise intruder will wait, while you retrieve key, unlock gun, retrieve Ammo in "other secret locked and hidden location", load your one, maybe two cartridges..."while the intruder is patiently Waiting..." approaching, ammused, at the lack of knowledge of handling and round of ammo and unknowing the intruder is really a gang.

Biden is an idiot. The People are Idiots to be uninformed...For LIFE...Biden has multiple Expertly Armed TRAINED marksmen Protecting his family 24-7. They would Never be Surprised by an intruder while they sleep.

It is the VERY lawmakers, with expertly Armed marksmen 24-7 protecting Them...repeatedly Preaching TO Deny Citizens the Same equal protection of their own person and family.

SEE? Biden doesn't carry...pfff...but his 10 or so Taxpayer PAID (24-7) Guards Do carry.

Glory to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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I just don't think it is that time yet. Who knows?
Back in the 2000 scare I as asked about the computers and what would happen...they asked right in the middle of church service. lol
I told them nothing would happen.
People have the right to believe what they want to believe. The Apostles believed that Christ would return soon, we can only be thankful that they did not find a hole to hide in. My concern about believing the end is near is that it can cause some to do things they should not, or not do things they should...developing a defeatist attitude. Ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy.

The "scares" the "Apostals" in their day..."the End"...

The Fact is..."the End" About "the Earth".
Every "scare" through generations of "people"... wars, plagues, diseases...DO effect the People in THOSE days..."their" fears of THE END are real.. "They Die". It IS their END.

The EARTH continues to FALL bit by bit, more and more Corrupt...on its own prophetic Timeline.

The People Live, Notice Fear, Experience Fear, become (at INTERNAL Peace with Christ) as the Earth Decays..."OR" People become the "Pretend Solution"..."Saving the Earth, Drugs to Cure every Disease, Drug induced and Technologically altering of behaviors and acceptance, (of a Pseudo) "Utopia"...The Earth RESTORED...(Climate / Air Pristine, Everyone Beautiful, Intelligent, comfortable, SECURE, SAFE, AT PEACE, Happy, Disease Free, blah, blah, blah ...
And the CROWN PRINCE "man" of the WORLD
Praised, exalted, worshipped...
Just saying...every historical and present STEP by STEP, bit by a culmination (duly affecting every generation of Persons) Leading to the Big Picture of the Earth's Destruction.

Glory to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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I would propose that Scripture clarifies the difference between what we perceive/believe. And and such, I'd again propose that if anyone is interested in assessing that venue, that they consider the premise proposed by J.R. Church in the book "Hidden Prophecies In The Psalms"...

Years ago my spouse/family and I spent weeks in discussion of (may "sound" silly...)
OF Making a plan of "How to learn...How to Study".
It was a plan...nearly a year in discussion...covering every avenue for Success and Distraction.
Tv, Parties, friends, work, sports, games, fun, laundry, cooking, cleaning...ARE all distractions...all part of daily routine...all a viable excuse to PUT OFF, push to the way-side, A Study Plan ... same as a big plan for diet and exercise ...can easily be excused to be pushed to the wayside...(and giggle at CHEATING, "the plan"...oops, cheating oneself!)

The Plan... Was defined AS essential, as Sleep, Eat, Work, Play, Pray...

The Purpose...Inanutshell...The Scripturally In-SPIRIT-tied (inspired) Word of God, "KNOWLEDGE"
The Big Picture Goal...
Learning HOW TO LEARN...

Bottom line ...inanutshell
How to Study Knowledge (Gods Scriptural Word), can absolutely be methodically STEP by STEP, Bit by Bit, Studied, Connected Facts/in Context to Context.

Inanutshell...The "Understanding" (according TO GODS UNDERSTANDING)...CAN NOT "BE Learned" ... BY or

UNDERSTANDING (according TO Gods Understanding)... IS AN "EXCLUSIVE" Supernatural Gift From God Himself...TO an INDIVIDUAL.

Exclusive? Yes. For AND To "Some people"... NOT For and To "Some People".

Men get Excited to study and realize deeper meanings...they speak, write books, stimulate interest of others.

You see an interest in "Hidden Mysteries"... author... J.R. Church.

Basically already know...Mysteries Abounded in Ancient History... Secrets, glimpses, untold Understandings....and centuries Later more Knowledge, Secrets brought to Light, hidden things Uncovered.

It's man's excitement to share....however it's also man's Nature to unwittingly interject Philosophies, seemingly "Logical" projections into the mix.

I will agree...Psalms (NOT Biden's Book of Palms :rolleyes:)... is full of mystery, intrigue, and future ...and we are in the future observing The Foretold coming to pass ... still in Expectation of more "specifics" coming into fruition.

You suggest ... Hidden Mysteries...I hear Psalms... period.
Same as I listen to others highlight a Scripture...It sparks my interest to go to that Scripture...The before, the after, the Context, of who, what, what, where, Applicability ...

My heartset always goes to read, study, Seek, Ask, Gods He has Promised to Give.

Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your intent. I'm just a little different, in hearing the Source "PSALMS" as sufficiant ..and covering my ears, to hearing man's conclusions. No offense intended.

Glory to God,
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Aug 3, 2020
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Video of Canada supporting Great Reset.

Fox News
Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism

June 25, 2020

The economic, social and political chaos caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and Black Lives Matter protests have for months captured the attention of virtually every American — and for good reason. These are incredibly important issues worthy of significant and thoughtful debate.

But while most Americans have been preoccupied with protests and pandemics, a potentially bigger story has managed to slip beneath the radar: a growing movement among the world’s most powerful leaders to call for a “reset” of the entire global economy.


At a meeting hosted by the highly influential World Economic Forum earlier in June, powerful officials from nonprofits, government, business, academia, labor unions and activist groups announced their plan for a “Great Reset” of global capitalism. It’s a proposal they acknowledged has only been made possible because of the “opportunity” provided by the economic destruction caused by the novel coronavirus.

Supporters and attendees of the meeting included Prince Charles; António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations; Ajay Banga, CEO of MasterCard; Bernard Looney, CEO of BP; and Gina Gopinath, the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, among many others.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions

In an article published on the World Economic Forum’s website, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of WEF, wrote of the Great Reset, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”


The WEF meeting featured a powerful line-up of global leaders, all of whom seemingly agreed the Great Reset is necessary to “rebalance economies,” promote “fairness,” and create greater “equity” within societies and among nations.

The purpose of the Great Reset isn’t merely to enact policies that would lead to additional wealth redistribution, but rather to completely overhaul the world’s existing structures and institutions. Among other things, Schwab has said of the Great Reset, “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

How, exactly, are these leaders planning on convincing Americans and citizens of every other industrialized nation to abandon modern capitalism? By scaring people into believing that these changes are essential for stopping the next great “crisis” the world will face when the COVID-19 pandemic finally subsides: climate change.

At the World Economic Forum’s June meeting, one speaker after another cited climate change and environmental sustainability as the key justifications for radical economic changes that would include massive new regulations and restrictions on economic activity, wealth taxes and expansive government programs comparable to the Green New Deal.


For example, Sharan Burrow, the general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), said, “We want an end to the profit-at-all-costs mentality, because if we don’t build an economic future within a sustainable framework in which we are respectful of our planetary boundaries, and the need to change our energy and technology systems, then we will not have a living planet for human beings.”

The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call,” said U.N. Secretary-General Guterres. “We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.”

And if that weren’t enough, Al Gore, the king of climate alarmism, recently touted the “Great Reset” during an interview on NBC’s “Today” television show.

“So, I think this is a time for a ‘Great Reset,’” Gore said. “We’ve got to fix a lot of these problems that have been allowed to fester for way too long. And the climate crisis is an opportunity to create tens of millions of new jobs, clean up the air, and reduce the death rate from pandemics, by the way, because the air pollution from burning fossil fuels heightens the death rates from coronavirus. So, this is a time for a reset to fix a bunch of challenges, first among them the climate crisis.”

If these quotes don’t terrify you, they should. Here we have some of the world’s most influential people calling for the destruction of global capitalism, all while American cities burn, statues of founding fathers are torn down and the world economy struggles to recover from its worst collapse in a century.

Revolutionary changes are always more likely to occur in the midst of chaos.

Back in the day they use to call it the Trilateral Commission. Now it is the Great Reset. Most of the time I take conspiracy theories as entertaining. But we are living in a period of conspiracies. Beyond all the evidence of election fraud and criminal activity, there is a pattern...a specialty of mine. The people behind this Great Reset know that for it to work the United States has to be converted to communism / socialism, whatever that fine line is, and its economics destroyed. So they studied our election system looking for its weaknesses so as to exploit them. They did not have to worry about being caught because the United States does not prosecute election fraud as a whole, so because of that they could be bold. The pattern is every where, the miscount of ballots, the lost ballots, the surprise ballots, vote shifting by Dominion, the dead people voting, Illegal votes, stacks of ballots ran through the counter multiple times, the postal service frauds, tractor trailer loads of ballots being shipped out of state, voting practices that are in violation of the states own laws.

It all could happen and be general fraud, but this occurred through great effort and planning to benefit Biden. You are not hearing the cases were any of this happening and it benefits President Trump. For that to happen there has to be a plan.

I've been following this for a bit. Unsurprisingly the main stream media would like to call out concern over this a "conspiracy theory". Once again they are lying to the American people. Why is it the Democrats get away with lying so much?

It's because the media and so many of the Democratic leaders are evil. They are wicked evil people. And too many of the people in the US are dupes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
RJS, I'd propose that it's not Scripture being "too cryptic", but rather too simple:

2Kings 5:10 And Eli′sha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” 11 But Na′aman was angry, and went away, saying, “Behold, I thought that he would surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and cure the leper. 12 Are not Aba′na and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them, and be clean?” So he turned and went away in a rage. 13 But his servants came near and said to him, “My father, if the prophet had commanded you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much rather, then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?”

Your choice!
Bobby Jo

My dear friend, it's not scripture I was referring to. It was your comments that are far to cryptic. Most all of scripture is fairly simple. It means what is says and says what it means.

Naaman thought the prophet would tell him to have to do something great in order to be clean. He was a king after all and kings were only worthy of great deeds. How dare Elisha tell him to do something so common as wash in a river. That was too easy or too simple. God knew Naaman's heart and his pride. God was telling Naaman to humble himself and obey. If he did so, he would be clean. Because it would be due to God's deeds and not Naaman's.

This scripture has nothing to do with your comments being too cryptic and has nothing to do with interpreting Psalms as a prophetic word as to who will win an election in 2020.

Unfortunately you still have not shown how Psalms is prophetic to this election.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
What if all the judges are cowards?
By Patricia McCarthy

Despite the glaring evidence of astronomical vote fraud, the local election officials who participated in the fraud or witnessed it have naturally been stubborn in their refusal to admit the cheating.

The state judges before whom some of the lawsuits have come have likewise refused to admit there is cause for taking these incidents on.

Now that the crisis has reached a fever pitch, hundreds of whistleblowers have come forward and sworn affidavits as to what they saw. There have been public hearings in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona so far. They have gone on for hours as person after person has testified to the ballot malfeasance they observed.

The mainstream media have of course ignored all of this. Whatever they deign to report is characterized by numerous negative modifiers meant to deceive the public –- "baseless," "unwarranted," "desperate," "unproven," "unsubstantiated," etc. — as if the president has mounted this crusade against vote fraud for fun. Bottom line? There is, as Sidney Powell has said, a tsunami of evidence of long planned, unconstitutional, illegal election-rigging for Democrat gains. And they did it in so many deceitful ways.

At this moment in time, there is no doubt that the president won the election in greater numbers than the cheaters had imagined possible. As he was gaining on Election Night beyond their expectations, they called a halt to vote counting for hours in order to catch up with hundreds of thousands of phony ballots from anywhere they could find or manufacture them.

The chicanery was thankfully detected by the many witnesses who have now come forward but are being thoroughly disregarded by the propagandists at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC. These outlets are not one bit dedicated to disseminating actual information to the public; their job is to propagandize, to control the prescribed narrative, and to hide the news. Any threat to that narrative will be shut down, derisively mocked as though it were as fantastical as a comic book. That is how the American media operates.

Sadly, even Fox News has joined their "we will tell you what is true" liars club. So much for Fox News; it's over for the millions of viewers who have supported the cable news outlet for decades. It turns out all those "conservative" anchors and hosts either were faking it then or are doing the Murdoch sons' bidding now. Either way, not one of them is trustworthy, not even Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham. Only their yappy but truly loyal Sean Hannity is true to his word.

But as the tales of vote fraud are legion, those charged with dispensing the law have so far been shockingly cowardly. As we hear about the whistleblowers receiving death threats, several even having been beaten, one has to wonder — are even our judges afraid to render a verdict that could endanger their lives, or their families' lives?

Throughout the year, as city after city was looted, burned, and utterly destroyed, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had not a single disparaging word about all the violence and destruction meted out by BLM and Antifa. They could not or would not; the members and adherents of both of those gangs of thugs are whom they counted on to vote for them.
Kamala was busy raising funds to bail out the rioters, looters, and arsonists.

Even more frightening for judges, some have been targeted. Could it be that the left has so terrorized any and all Trump-supporters, those of us who value our once-civilized society and our law enforcement personnel, that even those elected or appointed to uphold our Constitution are afraid to do what they know what is right and lawful?

Jonathan Turley wrote the other day that he has received death threats for his writing on the law that favors Trump. He is not a Trump-supporter; he is a constitutional scholar who has been threatened for words on the law the left abhors. If the SCOTUS declines to accept the vote fraud cases that will be presented to it, it may well be that the justices, too, fear the violent left.

How else could we explain their refusal to take on the most monstrous and obvious, the most documented vote fraud in U.S. history? If they take any one of the cases that might come before them, do they fear a resurgence of the rioting, looting, arson, and murder that plagued so many cities over this past year? Do they fear for themselves? If they do decline to take up a case and rule against those who have so clearly rigged the election with the certainty that Biden would be declared the winner, what does that mean for America as founded?

It means the nation as founded is over and done, that those elected or appointed to uphold the Constitution have become weak, frightened men and women who fear upsetting the worst among us, those who delight in violence and destruction.

"To see the right and not to do it is cowardice." —Confucius

May our appointed justices gird their loins and shut down the left's habitual vote fraud and set this nation on a righteous course.

This is so good! And really does a great job of articulating what I am seeing so far. The judges are too afraid to get involved. And when that happens our Democratic republic is doomed. For when politics and threats overcome justice there is no justice and evil will prevail. That is what is happening right now. And I don't see it stopping any time soon.

We have one hope, which is God will allow Republicans to hold the Senate and prevent utter destruction. If God allows the Democrats to win the Senate then he has judged this country of being unworthy of his protection. Our sin will have been judged for leaving his ways and r moving him from our hearts and minds.

God is granting us a very small chance. Will we take it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
A commonly repeated slogan of those advocating and pushing this "Great Reset" is "Build Back Better". It is emblazoned on the backboards of Bidens speeches.
Another phrase that came up from a couple of different sources was "You will own nothing, and you will be happy". Socialist utopia.
For those who cannot see the coming of the Lord looming in these times...
1 Thess. 5:1 ¶ But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 ¶ Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Matt. 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

The times are too boisterous at the moment to think Jesus is coming tomorrow, but we can clearly see conditions beginning to come together whereby the cries of "peace and safety" and a seeming normalcy return to everyday living (marrying etc) when we need to beware.

Well right now we are not living in a time of peace and safety. So we are not quite there yet. But if the Democrats win we will enter a period of massive change for which they will declair that we are now living in a time of peace and safety, for we have instituted policies to make Americans safe and secure. They have brought peace to our cities and our country for the riots and protests end.

The people are now safe and secure from the virus.

The planet is now safe because we have instituted green policies and will protect it from climate change.

Watchout when they say all they are doing is for the safety and security of the people.

When all this is happening, watch out. The day is at hand.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
They KNOW!!
It is the umpteen "Millions" of Carefully Crafted TWISTED "Unconstitutional" Laws ...
that give way to a Circle Jerk, of "pretending" Justice "prevails"... when a couple of "patsy's" are Locked up...while the Corrupt "Organization" remains and continues and a KRAKEN.

FYI- a KRAKEN is an old Norse "mythical sea creature"... with far reaching tentacles.

Get it? A myth...unseen...but magically has the power to TO reach and Cause Disturbance and Harm to an unsuspecting community and individuals...and "they", the community and individuals are Bewildered, as to What Happened...

The KRAKEN...IS the Unseen "POWER", that "HIDES" in the Shadows, Shoving "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY" through the Cracks..."TO" Any and Every Individual...who "IS WILLING".. TO "relent" TO the Power (and desires, control, laws, policies, force)....FOR the Exchange, Prize, Reward...

The KRACKEN "POWER" infecting the US IS FOREIGN.
The KRACKEN "tenacles" infecting the US ARE "DOMESTIC"..."recipients" of the MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.
^ They inturn...PREACH "to their minions" wealth is Terrible to "only" be In the hands of Few....They Promise their minions to implement LAWS to "Take from the Wealthy" and Distribute it to ALL...and "they" also will be Equal to the Wealthy....yippie!!!

It fails. The "tentacles" Remain Wealthy, unnoticed by the "minions"... The minions Receive SCRAPS, and are told they are Thrilled. The Slums Flourish. The "Tenacles" Point their Fingers TO Wealthy individuals, "Culprits who ARE KEEPING" "the minions" in Poverty and Slums.

Meanwhile...the KRAKEN Power remains, (luxury, comfort, Control)...
The "Tenacles" remain, (taking Money through the cracks, luxury, comfort, ...positioning themselves with "control" of A Write and Secure UNCONSTITUTIONAL "Theft" legislation...
While the "Tenacles" smooth their "minions"....By waging their Tongue 24-7, Pointing their Finger 24-7 (brainwashing 101),
•••Every WOE of the "minions"...IS "Caused BY and Should be Blamed on" EVERY Wealthy, Working, Earner...taking care of "THEMSELVES"....and TO NOT Gleefully ASSUME the Responsiblity of A LIFELONG Generational Burden.

Inanutshell...the whole Big Picture is Nothing is has been effected Historically over and over...and the "minions"...HA...void of History, TOLD they ARE Exceptionally Intelligent, Accept bumpers stickers, trophies, ribbons, pins as proof they rank highly...(are something NEW!!!) ARE but a brood of drug induced, manipulated pawns, serving a small purpose and are expendable, as the The aborted, The elderly, The "predetermined" stingy, the Standing Patriots...and any other that Is "Against" the Kraken...or has "Fulfilled" its little Useful Role in Exalting the Kraken...
All are "ultimately" on the Burden chopping Block that Does NOT Provide a Service TO the Kraken. Service Fulfilled... servant now a Burden... Historical factual result.

Glory to God,
The beast that rises up from the sea? Hmmm
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
media would like to call out concern over this a "conspiracy theory".
The term conspiracy theory has developed a negative reputation. Still it is what it is. An initial medical diagnosis is a theory until proven. Any group that plans and initiates clandestine activities that are unlawful is a conspiracy. From there you have to prove it. As it is it can be assumed that all elections have some fraud, the question here is how much. At this point with all the evidence and witnesses the theory element is no longer part of attempted coup...wide spread election fraud. Departments of the government siding with communism. The right thing to do? Investigate, arrest, prosecute, maximum prison the election process so we can be confident in or next the meantime Martial Law. Disband-fire the supervisory element of the FBI and CIA and but them under the authority of Homeland Security...which part of that has already been done.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... hearing the Source "PSALMS" as sufficiant ..and covering my ears, to hearing man's conclusions. ...

Excellently spoken, so long as we follow 1 Cor. 14:26, where we LISTEN to the "prophets" and then JUDGE. After all, GOD sent Prophets & Teachers so we MUST LISTEN to them, but NOT BELIEVE them, -- we need to Try The Spirits!

So I'd advise anyone interested in considering the respective Chapters of "Palms" :)rolleyes:) 48; 44; 91; etc. to see if they align with Modern Jewish History; and then consider the statistical significance of the Shortest, Middle, Longest, & other proposed aspects of Scripture! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Unfortunately you still have not shown how Psalms is prophetic to this election.

I'd propose that UNFORTUNATELY you didn't do your homework. It seems that you want me to spoon feed you milk, when you should be eating meat.

Matt. 11: 12 From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force.

Stand up, and take it. It's YOURS for the taking if you simply make the effort, -- and be VIOLENT about it.
Bobby Jo


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The beast that rises up from the sea? Hmmm

Funny ... word parallels...Said over and over, can be in you face, then a hummm.

Beasts in Revelations...Applies to several "intertwining"...

In Brief...

Out of the Sea...1St Beast
Government- man- Atheist- Money Power- Money Control- Money influenced/ subdues-

(Sidekick "religious figure Head" to appease influence, encourage the "religious" resisters.)

Fallen Spirit- 2nd Beast- Satan- Spiritual Power from God- Gives Power to 1st Beast-

Peace & safety Platform...everything Saved, healthy, beautiful, serene.

1st, Mortally (deadly) wound ... awwww the World sees (the Videos)...surely Dead...awwwww sad...the 2nd beast (Spirit) assumes his body...awwwww Miracle!!! Yippie.

He is """"god""""!!!!
Savior....separating...believers IN HIM from Unbelievers IN HIM...

The Believers IN GOD...being eliminated.

It's a mock and mimicking (like always Satan does) of Gods Scriptural playbook.

Currently I believe we are in the times of Sorrows...prepping and heading for the...
Atheist, man, money, Power 1st Beast...
World Government.

I believe, the 2nd Beast becomes "unleashed" when The Lord Begins Opening the (7) Seals, one by one.

InDepth...multiple things shall be happening at the same time....
Christ addressing the Saved, rejected, the last minute accepters.
Satan addressing the Marked unto him, the rejectors.
God stepping in... separating, His Wrath, His Vengeance...
Good / Evil Spirits...Christ's Kingdom... remnant...1,000 yr reign, mortals & glory raised...raising damned & Earth

It's all Prophecy ... Foretold and being Fulfilled since the beginning, bit by bit, increasing, "on steroids" exponentially increasing as the End of Days approach.

For any THAT have not...
Choose you this day,
Whom you will Serve.
In Christ...No worries, no fears.

Glory to God,
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
The term conspiracy theory has developed a negative reputation. Still it is what it is. An initial medical diagnosis is a theory until proven. Any group that plans and initiates clandestine activities that are unlawful is a conspiracy. From there you have to prove it. As it is it can be assumed that all elections have some fraud, the question here is how much. At this point with all the evidence and witnesses the theory element is no longer part of attempted coup...wide spread election fraud. Departments of the government siding with communism. The right thing to do? Investigate, arrest, prosecute, maximum prison the election process so we can be confident in or next the meantime Martial Law. Disband-fire the supervisory element of the FBI and CIA and but them under the authority of Homeland Security...which part of that has already been done.

Good Advice. Unfortunately the last President who attempted to "clean house" ended up ASSASSINATED, -- Kennedy!

And to repeat myself, -- to PREVENT the loss of all his minions, satan will perform up to Rev. 11. :)
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Could someone help translate please?!

Thank You.. (I have no idea what this woman is saying)

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Sep 15, 2020
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Excellently spoken, so long as we follow 1 Cor. 14:26, where we LISTEN to the "prophets" and then JUDGE. After all, GOD sent Prophets & Teachers so we MUST LISTEN to them, but NOT BELIEVE them, -- we need to Try The Spirits!

So I'd advise anyone interested in considering the respective Chapters of "Palms" :)rolleyes:) 48; 44; 91; etc. to see if they align with Modern Jewish History; and then consider the statistical significance of the Shortest, Middle, Longest, & other proposed aspects of Scripture! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo

History Repeats...nothing new under the sun.
Prophets Wisdom, Source God (i.e. testing) most advantages, benefit to us.
Jesus' Utterly Awesome "insider Information network"...offered. (Modern parallel)

The somewhat surprising thing, (KIND of)... the Arrogance, Boldness of Ego...the Corrupt, Wicked, upfront "Atheists", Openly waving they are the "money" source ( sneakedly as sounding awesome ..."Philanthropy" ).
"Demon"-crats...lining up for the handouts.
The "Money Bags"...orchestrating The Plan.
"Trump"...sounding the Signal...
The "Converted"...responding...
The "Demon"-crats... twisted, lashing out.

God Bless,

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Rev. 13:1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads.
13:3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder.

@Taken said:
1st, Mortally (deadly) wound ...

Makes a GREAT SPEECH, but lacks any authenticity. :(

Dan. Chapts. 2 & 7:
1. Gold, Babylon
2. Silver, Medo/Persia
3. Bronze, Greece
4. Iron, Rome
-- Clay, "Divided"
-- 5. Lion/Eagle, U.K./U.S.
-- 6. Bear, Russia
-- 7. Leopard (actually a TIGER), China
-- 8. Dreadful, United Nations
and when combined with Rev. 17 we get:

1. Gold, Babylon -- 1 of 5 has fallen
2. Silver, Medo/Persia-- 2 of 5 has fallen
3. Bronze, Greece-- 3 of 5 has fallen
4. Iron, Rome-- 4 of 5 has fallen
-- Clay, "Divided"
-- 5. Lion/Eagle, U.K./U.S.-- 5 of 5 has fallen from pre-eminence
-- 6. Bear, Russia -- one "is" when it attacks Israel
-- 7. Leopard (actually a TIGER), China -- is "yet to come" when it spanks Russia
-- 8. Dreadful, United Nations -- "was and is not" because it has NO Populous, NO Geography, NO Army, - it's a Paper Entitiy
As such the Mortal Wound is when China spanks Russia; but the U.N. will "heal" Russia so that they can contribute to the Global Thermonuclear War. And then Jesus Returns.

Deut. 18:22 says that if whatever prophecies physically come to pass, that they're of GOD, -- and so we must combine what we see with what we read. :)
Bobby Jo

... and now we return to our Regular Programming ...
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Makes a GREAT SPEECH, but lacks any authenticity. :(

Bobby Jo

It is a very indepth study.
Spent over a year, long hours, shortening sleep time, forgone extra activities, crumbs from sandwiches sticking in the creases of our Bibles.
It's brief, with a broad concept, enough specific points anyone could spend weeks and weeks verifying in Scripture.

I have no intentions of going over one verse at a time spending time to connect all the revelent verses one to another FOR Another. That is called Study. In essence, if anything I say, sparks an Others interest, okay...I can not study or understand For them.
If whatever I say does not spark an others interest...I have lost nothing.

If you desire to know the source...the authenticity. It's Scripture.

Told Beforehand.
Shall come to pass.
Converted excepted from Wrath.

Word search and study every occurance.
Scripture is not Billetted point by point, for each individual.

Glory to God,
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