Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
What you are forgetting is that it is much more difficult to pull as much fraud if you have primary in person voting. The whole concern has been over the massive mail in voting. Which is ripe for massive fraud. And you are forgetting that the left want a win at any cost here.

Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win. Are you listening?

There IS evidence of fraud and illegal activity as has been shown to you throughout this thread. Now if this is enough to stop enough if the votes from being counted and if it's enough to change the current declaration, well that remains to be seen.

All we want is to know that the illegalities and fraud has been delt with and then we can have confidence restored in our process.

This thread has not shown any fraud, it is just repeating claims of fraud without evidence. The only court case that has one is about not counting votes received after polling day but voted before. The definition of fraud is not the suspicion of it taking place but the proving of it in court.

It is like me saying I have a driving license because I have applied for one. No. I have a driving license only when the licensing authority registers and sends me one. I hope you know the difference. Another for instance, I own a property when the land registry has my name down as its owner. I may think I own it, but I have no legal claim on it. And this is the definition of truth over lies in a democracy. It is what distinguishes this from a dictatorship where authority on everything comes from the dictator. In the UK land used to be owned by the king and rented by royal decree to the Lords, who then rented it to their officials who rented it to peasants for labour.

What democrats say they will accept or not accept does not matter either. The election puts in power the candidate who has won.

I am trained to look for truth, and ignore opinion or power bases. It is what you do when you analyse data and information. Once the truth is discovered it is then up to individuals what they want to do about it. It is telling you believe the testimony given in this thread is proof of fraud. It shows how easily led by emotional conviction and not facts some are. Trump has lost. The certification of each state will seal this.

November 5 - Delaware

November 10 - Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Dakota, Vermont

November 11 - South Carolina, Wyoming

November 13 - Mississippi

November 16 - Virginia

November 17 - Florida

November 18 – Arkansas, Idaho, Massachusetts

November 20 – Georgia, North Dakota

November 23 – Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Utah

November 24 - District of Columbia, Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio

November 25 – Alabama, Alaska

November 30 – Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska

December 1 – Kansas, Nevada, Wisconsin

December 3 – Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Washington, West Virginia

December 4 – Illinois

December 7 - New York

December 8 – Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey

December 11 – California

So this could go on till Nov 30, when it will be a done deal so another 2 weeks.
With no court cases standing up, looks like it already is a done deal.

Am I listening? The above are the facts, set it stone. I am listening if you can change this outcome, but it appears no one can at present.
God bless you


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Actually, Trump is part of the "deep state." And the reason you see only some elite cult getting thrown under the bus protect and make himself and his crew seem innocent. I can't believe how many are willingly blind. Neither of these men are a good choice.
Well if he is then he is intentionally exposing himself. That makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Certainly the level of "Voter Fraud" has increased exponentially under the Obama Administration, leading to a SYSTEMATIC RIGGED ELECTION.

And it's not just YOUR "REALITY", -- it's all of ours! :)
Bobby Jo
Right on brother....that is my point I'm making...the High Court cannot turn a blind eye to the former governor of IL who went to prison for 8 years and then was pardoned by Trump, my own words....what we used to do in Chicago and Illinois, and Philly and Detroit, they now had the %&^%#@@ to pull it off on a National scale.......they won't get away with it....


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Significant fraud, -- certainly. But the MASSIVE FRAUD is though the "Dominion" electronic Vote SWITCHING (500K) and DELETION (2.5M). And when the EVIDENCE from our U.S. Special Forces raid against the SCYTL computer center in Germany comes to light, THERE WILL BE NO HIDING THE FRAUD. :eek:

Bobby Jo

Do you think if this was true Trump would be quiet about it?
Servers and their locations are a bit spurious. It is the data held on them that matters and can it be isolated.
If you have ever seen a data centre, to find one machine and which one is very difficult, because they look all the same.
And doing this on foreign soil at a moments notice is about impossible. There probably was a raid on a data centre because of a long term investigation, which has been linked to the US election, but is actually another issue entirely.

It is like everything is linked to the democrats, Sorus, Bill Gates or some other high profile illuminate person. Once you realise the circus of insanity this all is, whatever truth there is remaining is probably useless.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
There is a simple point to make. Your politics and Trumps are very similar so of course you agree with his positions and take.

If people have been through great trauma and personal loss, words matter. Yes words can be manufactured and the responses likewise, but to avoid unnecessary upset is useful. Politics has become about identifying with each subset of voter, which was developed in the 2000's.

If voters liked fishing, go fishing, like sport, watch matches etc. so they feel you are like one of them. The real connection is probably only in their heads. Trump has cut through this speaking to those left behind by massive social change and tapping into their sense of being left behind.

Brexit in the UK did the same. If you live in the north, you may never have seen foriegners let alone live with different cultures. The default position of reject the outsider and stick with what you know. Whole communities voted for leaving the EU when they had personally benefited from their funding, and would literally be worse off. In many countries, they advertised openly the help the EU had provided so that this feeling would be counter acted. In the UK this was largely left silent, to avoid the backlash. But the backlash came anyway.

Trump represents the part of America that has not embraced the world. But the world is embracing America, and approves of its democracy and way of government. What is also strange about the USA is its volatility, which is often hidden from the outside world, because it is such a vast place. Like in the UK we rely on outside communities to run everything as part of the UK economy, this is happening everywhere. It is a popular idea to support our fishing industry, but it almost 100% goes to europe. They voted to leave the EU but that is their only market.

So what is really going on is about identity which has not caught up with economic reality. And I love the american risk taking approach to development with the guts to fail, and then try again. In the UK failure is failure, the end. So everything is very slow and little desire to be adventurous, and get investment, not a chance. So what I am saying is we need this risk culture without blame, but also institutional robustness.

It is why this challenge to the voting system is counter productive, but then the Trump movement is born out of dreams of long ago which have now gone. It is the power of what works which is our future, in every community and culture on earth. It is hard to believe that this is now the reality, but truly with the internet, these words can now have real meaning. God bless you

You seem to be falling into the liberal trap. Orange man bad. Yet when you look at what Trump has actually accomplished in his term ALL Americans were better off.

Liberal social change is BAD for America. It's BAD for the world. It's what actually leads to the end of the world. Because social change is often a change towards sin and away from God. It begins to raise man and lower God.

The voting challenge is NOT against the system. That is what the left does. They have been the one decrying our system since 2000. They want to get rid of our system.

Now we want to have faith in our system. Not change it. We are not challenging the system. We are challenging what has been do to and in our system, which has worked well. Now suddenly there are questions of unscrupulous people doing things TO our system in order to get the outcome they wanted. Had the system been left alone, it probably would have been just fine and we would have kept confidence. Now we are finding that changing the system has led to questions. And we will see what happens when the evidence is presented and adjudicated.

Biden is NOT the president elect. Not yet. Not until December 9.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Guys, you want to believe Trump, that is obvious.

Yes you believe there was massive fraud.
Now is there one case that is actually working, accepted by a judge that is showing this in any state?
What I read is all these cases have been thrown out.

We are outside observers relying on media of all sorts.
But take the reporting of Trump conceding to Biden. It was one tweet interpreted to imply this but equally was probably just a moan about how things appear as opposed to the fraudulent though unproven reality. Equally in this world, it is the delusion of a fraud, that is in denial of a lack of proof, while putting off the proven counted vote that officials have taken and are verifying.

Media does imply the wrong things, ie what they want to read, but then using many media you can get a fuller picture. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Significant fraud, -- certainly. But the MASSIVE FRAUD is though the "Dominion" electronic Vote SWITCHING (500K) and DELETION (2.5M). And when the EVIDENCE from our U.S. Special Forces raid against the SCYTL computer center in Germany comes to light, THERE WILL BE NO HIDING THE FRAUD. :eek:

Bobby Jo

Well again that is the question isn't it? Did it happen or didn't it. We don't know yet. We have NO evidence yet that it happened and what the outcome was. We do have suspicions and we do have evidence of the machines issues. But nothing has actually be shown to be true yet.

Color me skeptical that any of this will be enough to change the current status of things. I'm beginning to believe God wants us to suffer the consequences of our actions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
They were successful during the Obama elections.
And they thought they had it in the bag with Hilary, and were very disappointed.
This time they went over the top, they have videos of big black guys pushing white voters way from the door at voting sites and even one fighting with police to keep them from entering....while papering up the windows...what is left to prove there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
By the way I have been accused of lying, being evil, of satan, worse than a murderer by christians for sharing we need to follow Jesus's commands and love our neighbour. You could say it has made me bullet proof as to the lengths some go to to continue in their belief system. And this about Jesus and being a christian, so I have no expectations of sense or reasonableness with regard to the elections and Trump, lol. At least in politics I am not doomed to hell to be tortured for all eternity........:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Do you think if this was true Trump would be quiet about it?
Servers and their locations are a bit spurious. It is the data held on them that matters and can it be isolated.
If you have ever seen a data centre, to find one machine and which one is very difficult, because they look all the same.
And doing this on foreign soil at a moments notice is about impossible. There probably was a raid on a data centre because of a long term investigation, which has been linked to the US election, but is actually another issue entirely.

It is like everything is linked to the democrats, Sorus, Bill Gates or some other high profile illuminate person. Once you realise the circus of insanity this all is, whatever truth there is remaining is probably useless.

You are not really ignorant of the power Soros yields are you? And look what Gates is doing and has done with Google. His ability to manipulate algorithms is pretty well know at this time. Big tech really is a player now. Don't be ignorant.

George Soros contributes record $50M to back 2020 Democratic efforts

That is just a small taste of what he has done. There is much more if you care to look.

Google executive admits search engine suppresses “right-wing” advertising

Google Admits It Wants to 'Prevent The Next Trump Situation'

So, don't just by the left wing media. There is a lot going on here that you won't get from a media that is so supportive of the left and Democrats.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The above are the facts, set it stone. ...
?Steve? Is this Steve Schiff? Congressman Steven Schiff?

Welcome to the Forum, and thanks for exposing Trump's Collusion, and also guaranteeing Trump's Impeachment. If it weren't for your PERSONAL ASSERTIONS, I'm not sure I could tolerate the man this Nation elected to be President, and all of his decisions (FRUITS).

Yep, you were right to tell us how bad he is, even though by all appearances he has done nothing but GOOD for our nation. And I've always said "appearances can be deceiving", and so too good "fruits" sometimes have too much fructose to be healthy.

Thanks for joining us!
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Tactic of Trump court submissions. Put in so much examples of data, it would take too long to review so ties up the court longer than the deadlines over which they would judge. The simple answer to this is to dismiss it all a equally failed, unless a single convincing example can be brought forward.

I think the story of sharpies in voting is a keep things in court as long as possible to create the impression of cases while having none.
It is discriminatory to give sharpies to electorates which cannot be read by the machines. It was false, the machines can read the sharpies marks.
Legal submission changed to it being a problem the sharpies marks bled through, but this was previously identified as not a problem.

But if cases can be in court, then you can say more time is needed so delay certification.
This is all absurd, because it demonstrates there is no real evidence, just opinion. And it will fail.
But Trump believes he won. Straight jacket and men in white coats will appear.
God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
?Steve? Is this Steve Schiff? Congressman Steven Schiff?

Welcome to the Forum, and thanks for exposing Trump's Collusion, and also guaranteeing Trump's Impeachment. If it weren't for your PERSONAL ASSERTIONS, I'm not sure I could tolerate the man this Nation elected to be President, and all of his decisions (FRUITS).

Yep, you were right to tell us how bad he is, even though by all appearances he has done nothing but GOOD for our nation. And I've always said "appearances can be deceiving", and so too good "fruits" sometimes have too much fructose to be healthy.

Thanks for joining us!
Bobby Jo

You recognised me, I am flattered. Except I would have to be a ghost to be Steven Schiff who died in 1998.
I think you must be thinking of someone else alive in 2019. God bless you


Dear Rita,

It's no different than the "news" that Kushner and (make up a bunch of names) are encouraging Trump to CONCEDE. -- satan does his best to infiltrate and disrupt every entity including our governments, the church, and even "Sky News". :rolleyes: So when we hear these false assertions, all we can do is recognize that infiltration, -- then shrug --, and then be encouraged that GOD has brought these men, Trump & Pence, at this time for this purpose. And their ministry WILL be fulfilled, up to that completion:

Rev. 11:7 And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer them and kill them ...

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo :)
It was from a tweet from Trump himself, but then later he posted another tweet stating that he wasn’t conceding x

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... I think you must be thinking of someone else alive in 2019. ..

?Adam? Adam Schiff? Congressman Adam Schiff?

Yeah, I finally got the right guy. Adam "Shifty" Schiff. -- The guy who make a LOT of claims which turn out to be FALSE!

You be him?
Bobby Jo

PS STEVE SCHIFF was our ESTEEMED, WELL RESPECTED, and WELL ACKNOWLEDGED representative for the Southern half of New Mexico, -- so it was an easy oversight given his HONORABLE publicity, verses Adam Schiff whose only publicity was due to his DISHONORABLE conduct! :p
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