Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Seems you Completely MISSED my Point.

@Taken, -- no he didn't. Perhaps you should consider Jesus' instructions after having warned individuals so that their blood is not on your head:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
our opposites are the same, so we trigger each other to get worse and worse.
So it is an option to oppose people like Hitler?
So rather than fight, you just turn it over to the communist.

Equally some conspiracy theorists are so locked in
I like conspiracy theories around the campfire as a joke. But on the other hand I am not naive.

Now in truth there looks like there was suspect behaviour,
"Some" voter fraud and control would not help them. All that would do is risk getting caught. Widespread fraud and control would be the only plan that would has worked in past elections. It did not work for Hilary and that ticked them off so this time they pulled out all the stops, but they got caught. I am hoping that not only the fraud is documented, but I want to see people go to prison for this and the election process secured, so it does not happen again.

What they have done is obvious, there is no mystery here. They caused as much trouble as they could during President Trump's first election and caused as much trouble as they could during the last 4 years. High Treason...then changed the rules to voting just before the election, then widespread fraud and manipulation of the numbers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It looks like you inadvertently hit some type of [function] -s- which created the STRIKETHRU text.

LOL, I've tried using STRIKETHRU by inserting a WORD document but the copied text doesn't carry the STRIKETHRU into the pasted Post. So if you figure out that [function] -- LET ME KNOW! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
All I can think of, is the text I quoted had a couple links that were underlined and it just went rogue..
I have no idea.
And I don't know what the implications of those links are.
It has to do with cybersecurity and infrastructure that was put in place in 2010 to connect every state and province in the US to be umm monitered or information being passed like back channels??
The second link is the guy who ran it who just got let go, fires, resigned.. gonzo..

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) supports Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) from the 56 states and territories, by developing products and services to assist them with leveraging their relationships, professional knowledge, and experience with public safety partners involved in interoperable communications at all levels of government.
CISA is the lead coordination agency for the NCSWIC and recognizes the critical role the SWICs serve in organizing and executing the interoperability effort in all the states and territories.

The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference between NCSWIC and organizations such as, SAFECOM, First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).


Bryan S. Ware serves as the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). In this role, Ware leads CISA’s mission of protecting and strengthening the nation’s critical infrastructure against cyber threats.

Previously, Ware served as the DHS Assistant Secretary for Cyber, Infrastructure, and Resilience Policy. In this role, Ware was responsible for leading DHS policy development in support of department-wide efforts to reduce national risks with a focus on critical infrastructure cybersecurity, federal network security, countering cyber-crime, and improving the security and resilience of the global cyber ecosystem, as well as national resilience initiatives that enhance Federal, State and local government and community preparedness and response capabilities.

Ware is an entrepreneur, founding an artificial intelligence company in 1998 which he led as CEO through multiple rounds of Venture Capital investment until it was acquired in 2013 by Haystax. After serving as CTO of Haystax for several years during which he helped the company acquire leading cloud technology and cybersecurity companies, Ware took over as CEO of Haystax in 2016 until its acquisition in 2018. Ware started his professional career at leading Defense contractors working on advanced technology programs like the Star Wars program, early UAV payloads, and counterterrorism technologies.

Ware has been issued multiple patents in artificial intelligence and mobile technology. He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

I think this has something to do with either the election fraud or the reset.
Something... I dunno.
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The ridiculous to the absurd

Pennsylvania postal worker denies recanting ballot fraud claim

The President of the USA and the leader of the republicans in the senate are interested in a postal worker who claims to have been instructed to back date ballots. In reality 2 ballots were counted that should not have been counted, and the source of the allegations appears to have changed their story depending on who they are talking to.

Republican LEADER is a misrepresentation...
Elected Republicans are SERVANTS.

Now we are talking a claim of millions of ballots being fraudulent, and the president etc are interested in 2 ballots.

"You" are talking about 2 Ballots, and presuming, like democrats Everyone conducts exercising their Rights "Through" the Media.

Do you not see how desperate and a farce this is becoming?

Do you Not comprehend, exercising of Rights?
Do you not comprehend, Privacy and NONYA?

Let us set the appropriate scene. Investigators follow leads, uncover evidence, lawyers are called, court cases started and the election seems to be in question. The president who is 100% willing to abide by the will of the people, begins to look into this perilous situation and suggests the next steps to take.

What rather has played out is the president from the beginning and before it, claiming fowl, and then looking personally for evidence, as if his presence defines the reality of evidence. This is all inappropriate and bias, guilt assumed before innocence, and the ease with which easily influenced people will blurt out ideas their paranoid mind invents and exaggerates. It is why investigators investigate and try to not disturb the situations until it is clear. And normal investigative groups upon which society relies are called corrupt and incapable to drawing honest and conclusive conclusions.

Trump claims now he has more complete court submissions in the works that will prove the point. Lol :):):)

Cause and Effect.
There are no coincidences.
There are no innocent.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
It can't standing alone. But when coupled on top of the existing "International Emergency Economic Powers Act" it's fully empowered.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act - Wikipedia
The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), Title II of Pub.L. 95–223, 91 Stat. 1626, enacted October 28, 1977, is a United States federal law authorizing the president to regulate international commerce after declaring a national emergency in response to any unusual and extraordinary threat to the United States which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States.[1]

The H.R. 7738 legislation was signed by President Jimmy Carter on December 28, 1977.[2]

So with existing Congressional Legislation, Trump's Executive Order dictates:

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election | The White House
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

And given the location of the servers, -- significantly in Frankfurt, Germany, and apparently one other foreign country (Serbia has been mentioned*) --, the FULL AUTHORITY of Trump's declaration is in effect.

BREAKING!!! Serbian Server Implicated in Dominion 2020 Election Fraud. Shows Foreign Meddling in U.S. Election.

November 12, 2020
By Paul Preston, AENN

HOWEVER, it appears that The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) falls under the provisions of the National Emergencies Act (NEA), which means that an emergency declared under the act must be renewed annually to remain in effect. (Per USSA article referenced above).

BUT, according to Wikipedia there are some 35 National Emergency Declarations which ARE renewed annually by the president, including the above cited Election Interference Executive Order.

So STAND BACK, it looks like a "HAMMER" is about to fall. -- Yeah Baby :)
Bobby Jo

So then,.. what does all of this mean?

It is interesting how Trump has a record of claiming voter fraud and failing.

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -

How is it the same claims are being made again as if they are now true but were false in 2016?
This proves a person who lies, people forget, assume they know something more than everyone else when actually it is just slander and lying.

I suppose this is politics after all, :):p

Here's a fact check for you. You still haven't explained why some hermit who sat inside their basement for practically the whole entire time (and barely had anybody show up for the few rallies he did have) managed to have thousands of votes discovered while we were all still sleeping when the whole dang country was red the night before.

If you have a little time I can explain. Free grace says you are sealed eternally in Christ the moment you come to Christ no matter what you do after.
The enemy of free grace says there is a dependency on fruit or service or anything which is a lie of works salvation, a gospel of satan.
So you identify those of the enemy by their expression of fruit of faith, in their terms earning salvation, which then makes you evil.
A load of trigger phrases or positions is condemned to identify wolves in sheeps clothing among the flock.
So I wander in sharing love is the heart of God and His desire for us, so I must be part of the works salvation crowd and evil.

I dug a little deeper and often these folk were strict baptists who followed the law to be part of a group and condemned those outside this group as lost. In later life they fell away and came back to faith, or a version of faith that saw their past as heresy and evil. Unfortunately these folk often were also quite right wing, and saw love connected to communism and socialism, so also another reason why I must be evil.

The Jonestown massacre was brought up and I was Jones. Jones was actually a marxist pretending to be a man of faith, and led his group into insane idealism and community dominated by him as an abusing cult leader, he slept with a large number of women in his group.

So it is with good reason I am aware a few words can mean something far different than what I intend to the listeners.
It took me some time to get over this accusation and research the background to see the dangers of such ideas.
So as I said I am not surprised at what I am called or why, but I do appreciate working the issues through because often there is real pain and trouble at the bottom of it that does need to be addressed. God bless you

Sorry, but I don't have a clue what you're talking about. :/
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
So then,.. what does all of this mean?
Here's a fact check for you. You still haven't explained why some hermit who sat inside their basement for practically the whole entire time (and barely had anybody show up for the few rallies he did have) managed to have thousands of votes discovered while we were all still sleeping when the whole dang country was red the night before.

I do not know who voted or why, or claim to understand motivations etc.
I do know the system of counting votes is time consuming and laborious.

What you need to recognise the difference in time from storing ballots and reading ballots means delays etc happen.
The idea that real time numbers are reported as they happen is interesting.

In the UK they declare only when the total is found at the end of each area in the voting group.
It means there is no see saw effect, or disputes on how the total was arrived at, because you just see the total.
The argument against this very process of partial counts being declared is why many avoid doing it.

What is also interesting is the idea in person voting is more reliable than postal voting.
It is all based around electronic reading of a ballot or a screen imprint and the passing of the totals to another machine.
If the audit trail is good, you can reconstruct the numbers and verify its validity.

If the serious numbers counting of the mail in ballot happened through the night and the next day, obviously a Trump lead would diminish over night, as the ballots were processed. The idea this proves rigging is absurd. What proves rigging is false ballots and numbers in the audit that do not add up. So Georgia manual recount will show the correctness of the actual counts.
To check the machines again, the machine count can be rerun. No one wants fraud, because it distorts the social discussion and power of the decisions made.

And votes do not change society, people do and their focus. A lot of conservatives agree with Trumps policies but not his style, and his style unfortunately can overturn the content. It is a political problem. How can a conviction politician ever get power when to get their means they must abandon convictions.

If you love Trump, and his choices, in 4 years he can return. This is the power of democracy. Why Trump wants to be president for another 4 years beats me, unless he thinks of it like a holiday, lol :)

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

Bryan S. Ware serves as the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). In this role, Ware leads CISA’s mission of protecting and strengthening the nation’s critical infrastructure against cyber threats.


I think this has something to do with either the election fraud or the reset.
Something... I dunno.

I haven't hear his name being "dropped" but it seems that if it's his job to protect us from computer intrusion into our Nation, including our Election, -- he's probably working against us and needs to be fully investigated and prosecuted..

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
So then,.. what does all of this mean?

Dear AR,

It means:

1. There aren't enough jail cells for all these people.
2. These people may have to assassinate Trump & Pence to save their own skin. (Rev. 11)​

And when #2, just remember that GOD has a PLAN! :)

Also, remember, satan has his infiltrators who you might try to "correct", but they're not here to listen. They're only here to disrupt, disturb, and distort. So you might consider heeding what Jesus advised:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I haven't hear his name being "dropped" but it seems that if it's his job to protect us from computer intrusion into our Nation, including our Election, -- he's probably working against us and needs to be fully investigated and prosecuted..

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
He resigned 4 days ago

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
He resigned 4 days ago
LOL, -- and yep, I'm actually laughing out loud.

Well it seems he might want to either "visit" a country with no U.S. extradition agreement; or quickly strike an agreement with Prosecutors to turn State's-Evidence.

... as my grandchildren's book is titled: GO DOG GO! :)
Bobby J


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
If you love Trump, and his choices, in 4 years he can return. This is the power of democracy. Why Trump wants to be president for another 4 years beats me, unless he thinks of it like a holiday, lol :)

And once again somebody who isn't even American or part of the media thinks that they can just decide our president for us. Sad. Very sad.

Dear AR,

It means:

1. There aren't enough jail cells for all these people.
2. These people may have to assassinate Trump & Pence to save their own skin. (Rev. 11)​

And when #2, just remember that GOD has a PLAN! :)

Also, remember, satan has his infiltrators who you might try to "correct", but they're not here to listen. They're only here to disrupt, disturb, and distort. So you might consider heeding what Jesus advised:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo

I meant with the emergency thing that you were talking about and I know,.. but they should at least be able to explain themselves for why they think and feel the way they do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Have patience, there has been nothing established or presented yet, let along judgment being passed. Stay away for MSM,..they will get you down every time... they lie to you....quit drinking the koolaide....:)

I know better than listen to those guys.

Right now we just don't know what evidence we have and what we don't. This will be fought in the courts, period.

This is a legal issue and not an opinion issue and not a media issue. We need to make sure that everything that took place in the election followed the laws of those states. Any ballot or any procedure that did not follow the law should be tossed out on its ear.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
If you have a little time I can explain. Free grace says you are sealed eternally in Christ the moment you come to Christ no matter what you do after.
The enemy of free grace says there is a dependency on fruit or service or anything which is a lie of works salvation, a gospel of satan.
So you identify those of the enemy by their expression of fruit of faith, in their terms earning salvation, which then makes you evil.
A load of trigger phrases or positions is condemned to identify wolves in sheeps clothing among the flock.
So I wander in sharing love is the heart of God and His desire for us, so I must be part of the works salvation crowd and evil.

I dug a little deeper and often these folk were strict baptists who followed the law to be part of a group and condemned those outside this group as lost. In later life they fell away and came back to faith, or a version of faith that saw their past as heresy and evil. Unfortunately these folk often were also quite right wing, and saw love connected to communism and socialism, so also another reason why I must be evil.

The Jonestown massacre was brought up and I was Jones. Jones was actually a marxist pretending to be a man of faith, and led his group into insane idealism and community dominated by him as an abusing cult leader, he slept with a large number of women in his group.

So it is with good reason I am aware a few words can mean something far different than what I intend to the listeners.
It took me some time to get over this accusation and research the background to see the dangers of such ideas.
So as I said I am not surprised at what I am called or why, but I do appreciate working the issues through because often there is real pain and trouble at the bottom of it that does need to be addressed. God bless you

Interesting, thanks for sharing. Some people struggle with the balance between the two. Scripture is pretty clear on the idea that works are simply evidence of your commitment to Christ and his salvation. Jesus himself told us we would know who the believers are based upon their fruit which is tied to their works.

However too many people equate works with perfection. There is no room for grace and the power of Christ to transform. Corinthians is such an obvious example of this. A church of saints that had a lot of serious issues. It's pretty clear from the letters of Paul to them that their actions needed to be fixed. Yet he still called them saints. It really all come to a HUGE misunderstanding of the difference between sinf behavior and continual sinful behavior.

I John is a pretty clear thesis on this.

We all sin and fail in our works. This does NOT negate our salvation.

However continual ongoing persistent sinful behavior puts us is great danger and can cause others to view us with a skeptical eye as to our salvation.

But no matter what NONE of us get to make that assessment where it comes to believers. We as believers CAN and should judge each other for our action. And in doing so we can help restore relationship. We can also use church discipline when we see sinful acts.

But none of this applies to politics. If you are a socialist you are no more evil or wicked than a non-socialist. The Bible is not about which form of government is better. It does not extoll the virtues of a democracy or republic or socialist form. And believing in one or the other is irrelevant to ones salvation or their commitment to Christ.

I don't want a European style of government. Other believers do. Either way does not make one less of a Christian and the other more of a Christian.

Those are my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
I spent 4 years talking to muslims so I know their emotional, political and ethical view point and how the Koran supports it, or rather fails to support it, as it is so vague you can get it to mean what you want.

Jesus called us to love our enemy and he was 100% right, because often our enemy is really ourselves in the mirror. It is always hard to admit what we get worked up about, our opposites are the same, so we trigger each other to get worse and worse. Once you love and see your enemy as they actually are, you also know the answer to the issues, which is always forgiveness, love and giving a kind act or word. One guy on a forum was setting up to condemn me, so I started sharing about my life and how I got to where I am and it turned out we were the same, though our words varied, we actually agreed.

What has worried me severely is this idea information is dangerous or fake. All information is biased, you just filter it to find the facts and truth, and then use that as you see fit. I often hate the way the left talk about victimisation, but some are truly victimised and need recognition. Often their analysis of why is wrong or the solutions, but it helps to see why their structure works in their mind. Sadly you can create a world with no exists, which one guy did on the free grace theology, where God cannot ask him to repent or walk in His ways, because he cannot and does not need to.
Some leftists are so locked in to exploiters and corrupt groups, no argument could reach them.

Equally some conspiracy theorists are so locked in I must be part of the illuminati for them to stay in their idiology. And there are conspiracies. One such conspiracy is to say there is fraud and there is proof, when there is no evidence or proof, but by repeating the claim it must be true. That is called a conspiracy because it is based on a known lie, which everyone knows is a lie. To align with such a lie is to become a liar, and liar are not inheritors of the Kingdom or part of the way of Jesus.

Now in truth there looks like there was suspect behaviour, but why and of what is an open question. Proof of fraud is lacking, testimony of words spoken or cars seen is just that. It is called hearsay, not evidence. And I love evidence, it is what distinguishes truth from hypothesis, and is how we progress to action with meaning.

God bless you

Well remember, this is a legal issue. There is evidence being presented that indicates there were laws and regulations that were broken in Pennsylvania. There IS evidence of that. Whether or not the evidence is strong enough remains to be seen. There is video and certified testimony of that. Continuing to say there is no evidence is simply closing your eyes and covering your ears.

But it IS a legal issue. Did ballots come in after the deadline or not? Evidence says they did. Were ballots not postmarked as required. Evidence says they were not. What the courts decide to do with that is up for grabs. Will the laws of the state be upheld or not? We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
This is the point.
You use the word when, I use the word if. A president who claims so much based on supposition and not fact is not unique. WMD was another supposition that was wrong.

The power of a conviction does not make it right. The truth is for the courts. If the fraud is vast, outragous, obvious, it would be shown by now.
Proof is key. It is no joke a president claiming victory when the official figures show defeat.

This is a challenge to the foundations of democracy, which is a problem. You cannot be the voice of the people while ignoring it.
The antagonist spirit shall ever be blind to the evidentiary truth. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Saying there is no evidence does not make the evidence that exists disappear.
You have my deepest sympathy that is sent all the way to where you are in ENGLAND!

(edited to correct typo)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
There is no hatred here. We are debating what are the facts. You claim the facts are hidden and will be shown.

I am saying hidden facts are supposition only, and slander if delusion. Abuse of the legal system to present delusion has consequences for all. Like WMD going to war on just supposition will not work again.

It also makes the right look worse. Can you trust them if they have power to relinquish it. Dangerous times.
A non-sequitur over a decade old. Really?
BTW, there were WMD's. Satellite photo's showed that SH trucked them away from their store houses prior to our arrival. Which was broadcast so as to forewarn him.

And you demonstrate that you actually mean to say your purpose is casting aspersions upon the facts.

The delusion is not among those who recognize the evidence. It festers in those who antagonize and slander the truth and as direct consequence make those resorting to such methods as culpable as those who invested in stealing this election. Propaganda against the truth is always transparent and weak.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
To All,

If anyone wants to read one of the most insightful analyses available on the 2020 Election Fraud, you should read this:

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"

By healthranger // 2020-11-13

It's a clear indictment of these conspirators and well as their Legal jeopardy, which includes analysis of Trump's Sept. 2018 Executive Order, under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act:

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
Foreign Policy
Issued on: September 12, 2018​

This isn't just a few "sparks' flying, this is Rome (the Deep State) burning ...

Bobby Jo
Those invested in stealing this election did not read President Trump's EO. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi and her crew overlooked it because this was a legal document they didn't have to pass to find out what was in it. ;)
I love my president! His detractors, those suffering TDS, satisfy themselves insisting Trump is an idiot. The accusation makes me laugh every time because an idiot doesn't earn billions using his intellect.
Trump said in his book, can't recall the title at the moment, "it's great to be underestimated."
The 2018 EO drafted because he and his allies foresaw what would likely happen in this past election bears testament to the fact Trump was counting on his domestic and foreign enemies doing just that. And they did.

God bless you and yours President Trump. FOUR MORE YEARS! That was my vote and everyone I know as well.
God bless you Vice President Pence. Keep up the good fight.
See, we know the outcome of this demonic effort pushed forth by the enemies of this nation and their leader. You lose!
Eternity in Hell shall reiterate that. Until then, I would be wholly satisfied if those enemies spent the rest of their life in the Hell that is an earthly penitentiary. And, ideally, in general population.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Well remember, this is a legal issue. There is evidence being presented that indicates there were laws and regulations that were broken in Pennsylvania. There IS evidence of that. Whether or not the evidence is strong enough remains to be seen. There is video and certified testimony of that. Continuing to say there is no evidence is simply closing your eyes and covering your ears.

But it IS a legal issue. Did ballots come in after the deadline or not? Evidence says they did. Were ballots not postmarked as required. Evidence says they were not. What the courts decide to do with that is up for grabs. Will the laws of the state be upheld or not? We shall see.
Nicely put. :)

Yes, there is evidence.

There again one may wish to recall the idiom, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Consider those who insist the earth is flat as an example.
Consider the affidavit that was sworn and signed by a postal employee who witnessed election fraud in PA.
Said whistle blower was taken into custody afterward and put in an interrogation room with a single anti-Trump , as it turned out, agent.
Said agent late claimed the postal worker recanted their assertion of election fraud. Is this a credible person offering this information?
Because of their bias against Trump and in point of fact their efforts in that interrogation is a felony. Intimidating a witness, witness tampering, is of course illegal. The agent imagined their being an FBI employee makes them exempt from being held accountable. It does not. And prayerfully shall not as in the very near future they should be arrested for their misconduct.
That however can wait.

The important matter at hand is in compiling all the evidence in order to present a Prima Facie case when it comes time to take this matter before SCOTUS. (Supreme Court of The United States)
FYI: Dominion voting machine manufacturer is the 2nd largest in the world. Who is #1? Election Systems and Software in Omaha.

Sidney Powell: ‘Staggering’ evidence of vote fraud, Dominion machines engineered by China, Venezuela, Cuba
by Guest Post
November 15, 2020
Sidney Powell:
“President Trump won this election in a landslide,” she says, adding, “there needs to be a massive criminal investigation [about the fraud], and it’s going to affect millions of voters and elections.”

She also reveals the bombshell that Dominion Voting Systems was founded for the purpose of stealing votes in countries all around the world:

These are federal felonies. Altering a vote, or changing a ballot, is a federal felony. People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion voting systems because that’s what it was created to do. It was its sole original purpose; it has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
A non-sequitur over a decade old. Really?
BTW, there were WMD's. Satellite photo's showed that SH trucked them away from their store houses prior to our arrival. Which was broadcast so as to forewarn him.

And you demonstrate that you actually mean to say your purpose is casting aspersions upon the facts.

The delusion is not among those who recognize the evidence. It festers in those who antagonize and slander the truth and as direct consequence make those resorting to such methods as culpable as those who invested in stealing this election. Propaganda against the truth is always transparent and weak.

I am a victim of information. None is mine, it is all from the internet. Something can only be stolen if it exists. Until the vote is in the outcome is undecided. The counted votes show Biden has won.

To invalidate this you have to convince the authorities who administer the vote. I am just stating the actual process. To date no case stands up to have its day in court.

Yes the vote could be distorted, but until proven it will stand as undistorted.
If you hate the result any way out seems a blessing, unless it is a lie.

Fraud is an accusation not a fact. You obviously believe it is a fact with legal standing. In the real world it seems like no standing. God bless you
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