Proverbs 30:18‭-‬19

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Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman.
Proverbs 30:18‭-‬19 NIV

What do I see here but four aspects to a relationship with God. There is much to meditate upon concerning these.

The eagle refers to those following the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is reminiscent of the verse Isaiah 40:31.

The snake on the rock is the sinner who has humbled himself and repented, one who is resting upon Jesus.

The ship in the storm is those who trust God through troubled times. This was played out literally with Jesus and his deciples.

The lovers is an intimate relationship, the first commandment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman.
Proverbs 30:18‭-‬19 NIV

What do I see here but four aspects to a relationship with God. There is much to meditate upon concerning these.

The eagle refers to those following the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is reminiscent of the verse Isaiah 40:31.

The snake on the rock is the sinner who has humbled himself and repented, one who is resting upon Jesus.

The ship in the storm is those who trust God through troubled times. This was played out literally with Jesus and his deciples.

The lovers is an intimate relationship, the first commandment.

What a lovely post. An uplifting to read it.
It is not something that we often hear preached upon.
And , as Solomon says.."There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand..."

True, when we muse on them, they are indeed "truly amazing".. Amazing Grace.
Who of us understands the 'way of the Spirit'...the Rock of our salvation, the Hidden Place in stormy times, or the love story of Christ and His Bride.

These thing humble us and put us in awe of the Fathers love.

Thank you so much....H


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
What a lovely post. An uplifting to read it.
It is not something that we often hear preached upon.
And , as Solomon says.."There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand..."

True, when we muse on them, they are indeed "truly amazing".. Amazing Grace.
Who of us understands the 'way of the Spirit'...the Rock of our salvation, the Hidden Place in stormy times, or the love story of Christ and His Bride.

These thing humble us and put us in awe of the Fathers love.

Thank you so much....H

There is much depth to these, such as interdependence of one aspect of the relationship with God upon another.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. You must believe he exists and rewards those who seek him. One can't be a snake on the rock(believer) without the ship (faith).

If you love me obey my commandments.
My sheep hear my voice.
The lovers and the eagle(lead by Spirit) are related.

In the parable, the house built upon the rock did not fall.
The snake and rock is required by the ship.

Repent and be baptised, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.
The snake on the rock is required by the eagle.

God ao loved the world...
God's love was required for the snake to find a rock to rest upon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I hope others see this thread and jump into it!! :)

( but many would rather be in the threads where they 'choke on grants and swallow a camels.' :D )


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Who of us understands the 'way of the Spirit'...the Rock of our salvation, the Hidden Place in stormy times, or the love story of Christ and His Bride.
We have the advantage of hindsight, and Jesus' teaching as well as the many prophets that were after this was written.

I was looking for confirmation of the snake metaphor. I found Micah 7
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
We have the advantage of hindsight, and Jesus' teaching as well as the many prophets that were after this was written.

I was looking for confirmation of the snake metaphor. I found Micah 7

:) ..also I think that the serpent on the rock shows us clearly that where ever the Rock ( Christ) is...we will find the serpent right there also! As in the Garden.
And, at the Cross the serpent was there...but little knowing that finally The Rock had fallen upon him, and he was 'done' finished!!

Good subject. :)

Miss Hepburn

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
United States
Well, aren't you smart! I'm gonna have read more of your posts, @lforrest.
I love clever, smart people! :)


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
Proverbs 30:18, 19 is not speaking spiritually, but rather of God's creative handiwork, which the churches have completely missed. Have you not read 1 Kings 4, that says of Solomon: "And God gave Solomon wisdom and discernment in very great measure and broadness of heart like the sand of the seashore. Solomon's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the East (ancient Babylon) and all the wisdom of Egypt (who had a fundamental misunderstanding of the body, and of which their medical texts were heavily dosed with magic and superstition, with magical spells and incantations making up a major portion of their information, that may have contributed to the ' terrible diseases of Egypt ' [Deut 7:15] such as elephantitiasis, dysentery, smallpox, bubonic plague, ophthalmia). He was wiser than any other man.....He composed 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005. He would speak about the trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows on the wall; he would speak about the animals, the birds, the creeping things (such as the arthropods or six legged and eight legged creatures that includes insects, spiders and crustaceans) People from all the nations came to hear Solomon's wisdom, including kings from all over the earth who had heard about his wisdom".(1 Kings 4:29-34)

At Psalms 104, the psalmist wrote: "How many your works are, O Jehovah ! You have made all of them in wisdom. The earth is full of what you have made".(Ps 104:24) When all of our senses, sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste, are employed to carefully examine Jehovah's creative handiwork, we are astounded at how critically precise they function.

For example, the eagle's eyesight is so keen, being some 4 to 8 times stronger than a human's, that it can spot a rabbit half-hidden in the grass from about 1.9 miles or 3.2 kilometers.(source: Eagles by Rebecca Grambo, pub in 1999)

If we had the same capable eyesight as an eagle's, we could see an ant crawling on the ground from the roof of a 10-story building. Objects in our line of sight would appear magnified, and everything would be brilliantly colored, rendered in an inconceivable array of shades.(source: Live Science, Feb 24, 2012, article: What If Humans Had Eagle Vision)

According to William Hodos, a professor emeritus at the University of Maryland who has studied the visual acuity of birds for over 40 years noted that eagle's retinas are more densely coated with light-detecting cells called cones than human retinas (about 5 times more), enhancing their power to resolve fine details just as a higher pixel density reveals details that otherwise would remain hidden.

And eagles have a much deeper fovea, a cone-rich structure in the back of the eyes of both humans and eagles, that detects light from the center of our visual field. William Hodos states: "Our fovea is a little shell or bowl, while in a hawk or eagle it's a convex pit. Some investigators think this fovea allows the eyes to act like a telephoto lens, giving them extra magnification in the center of their field of view". Eagles have a 340 degrees of view in comparison to our 180 degrees of view, allowing them to see almost everywhere at once with a little twisting of the head.

On top of the sharp focus and central magnifier, eagles also have superior color vision. They see colors more vivid than we do, can discriminate between more subtle shades, and can see ultraviolet light - an ability that helps them detect the UV-reflecting urine trails of small prey, such as mice, rabbits, rats, etc.

Or of serpents or snakes, of which there are some 3,000 different species, they are amazingly capable of climbing trees without any limbs, move at a fast speeds (such as the black mumba reaching 12 mph or the sidewinder that travels up to 18 mph - source: Smithsonian Channel) and are able to swallow prey larger than the size of their mouths, due to unhinging their jaws. One reticulated python swallowed a full grown antelope, horns and all, over a period of several hours, causing its mid-section to be severely distended, as well as a woman in Jakarta, Indonesia recently.

At Isaiah 14:29 and 30:6, it speaks of the "flying fiery snake". This snake is found in the jungles of south and southeast Asia, whereby it climbs to a high point from which to launch itself (such as a tree), and while in the air, flattens its body so that it can travel a distance of some 300 feet or about the length of a football field, hoping to catch its prey unaware.

They smell their prey with their forked tongue, that signals to them to either go left or right for its prey. They have been given exceptional camouflaged by Jehovah God, such as the diamond-backed rattler of Arizona, U.S.A. desert, that a person or prey cannot easily see because it is so well camouflaged. Or the sidewinder, a venomous pit viper, that buries itself in the sand so that only its eyes are visible, waiting for passing prey, located in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

How true what Nehemiah said in prayer to Jehovah: "You alone are Jehovah; you made the heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens and all their army, the earth and all that is in it, the seas and all that is in them. And you preserve all of them alive, and the army of the heavens (both the angels and celestial bodies) are bowing down to you".(Neh 9:6; see also Rev 4:11)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Proverbs 30:18, 19 is not speaking spiritually, but rather of God's creative handiwork, which the churches have completely missed.

Most probably you don't intend to sound arrogant or rude, but I found it so.
Anything that is a creative handiwork ( which is most all things) has also a deeper spiritual meaning.

Romans 1:20
" For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.."

"First the natural then the spiritual."

Let him which has ears to hear, hear....


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
Most probably you don't intend to sound arrogant or rude, but I found it so.
Anything that is a creative handiwork ( which is most all things) has also a deeper spiritual meaning.

Romans 1:20
" For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.."

"First the natural then the spiritual."

Let him which has ears to hear, hear....

All that we see, when studied intently, should cause us to gain a deeper appreciation of the Creator, Jehovah God. When Job was having some doubts, as one "who is obscuring my counsel and speaking without knowledge" (Job 38:2), what did God do ?

He proceeded to challenge Job's understanding of the physical universe, telling him: "Brace yourself. please, like man; I will question you, and you inform me (not spiritually but how things function on a physical level). Where were you when I founded the earth ? Tell me, if you think you understand......Into what were it socket pedestals sunk ?.....Have you gone to the sources of the sea or explored the deep waters ?.....Have you understood the vast expanse of the earth ? Tell me, if you know all of this.....In which direction does light reside ? And where is the place of darkness, that you should take it to its territory and understand the paths to its home ?.....From what direction is light dispersed, and from where does the east wind blow on the earth ?.....Do you know the laws governing the heavens ?"(Job 38:3, 4, 16, 18-20, 24, 33)

So, those who want to gain a heartfelt understanding of Jehovah God takes the times to dig into the physical realm, as well as looking at spiritual aspects. At Psalms 111, the Psalmist wrote: "The works of Jehovah (or physical universe) are great; They are studied (Hebrew darash meaning "to seek or ask") by all those finding pleasure in them".(Ps 111:2) And at Psalms 143, David wrote: "I meditate on all your activity; I eagerly ponder (Hebrew hagah meaning "to ponder") over the work of your hands".(Ps 143:5) Hence, we are strongly encouraged to "study" and then "ponder" over God's creative handiworks.

And at Psalms 19, David wrote: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; the skies above proclaim the work of his hands".(Ps 19:1) Thus, David and all the other loyal servants of Jehovah are deeply interested in what he has created, from the smallest to the largest, from the structure of the atom (called quantum mechanics) to photosynthesis to how a star produces light and heat to the immense organization of the universe.

Otherwise, a person limits their knowing Jehovah God intimately (effectively stumping their spiritual growth), for by grasping his creative handiwork, we deepen our appreciation for him as God Almighty, causing us to become "wowed" or "awe-struck" !

Have you not read Revelation 4:11, whereby "the 24 elders" (those who make up God's Kingdom) threw their crowns towards Jehovah's throne, saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah, our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created".

David was deeply interested in God's creative handiwork, and so are those who wants Jehovah's friendship. So, at Proverbs 30:18, 19, it was encouraging us to look intently into "the way of an eagle....the way of a serpent.....the way of a ship in the open sea......the way of a young man with a young woman", grasping physical details(or law of physics) that should enhance our love for Jehovah.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
( but many would rather be in the threads where they 'choke on grants and swallow a camels.'
There is no one who would mind choking on grants. Especially if they are ultra generous! Of course, you meant straining at gnats, which is something else.

While the OP has made some good points, I would bring a different perspective to this passage (without taking away anything which has already been shared). But I prefer the wording of the KJB:

There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not [things which cannot really be fathomed with the human mind]:

The way of an eagle in the air -- Christ is the Lord from Heaven who sees all things on earth

the way of a serpent upon a rock -- Satan is always slithering around on earth, seeking whom he may devour

the way of a ship in the midst of the sea -- the little rudder ("the tongue is a little member") controls the massive ship ("setteth on fire the course of nature")

and the way of a man with a maid -- love overcomes all obstacles.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
There is no one who would mind choking on grants. Especially if they are ultra generous! Of course, you meant straining at gnats, which is something else.

:D :) Oh that is so good! Ha!
That’s what I get when I type on my iPad LOL
Thank you, I didn’t even notice that......well spotted.

Good post too.