Putin Clearly Explains His Concerns On Ukraine, Dec 2021

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
As much as I have always hated Communist Russia, I also hate what our West is becoming.

The writing has been on the wall for years as to the Satanic workings of the Cultural Marxist and such working to undermine our Nations to make them Sick and depraved, all this filth displayed of Idolising Queers and dregs of society is proof in the pudding, it makes me feel sick.

Putin has pointed out years ago that all such depravity was created in Communist Russia from the beginning, he knows how it works, such was the same cards played, but the West was not educated on such issues especially from the 60's on, we only got indoctrination in our schools, we had Communist sympathetic to the cause in the schooling system, pushing from any angle that they could, without giving the game away, that they were in fact Communist. We knew they were Communist ! but they denied such in fact. then came the 90's and then that admitted that they were Socialist, they never did before hand for total fear of letting the cat out of the bag ! The would never of won any elections if they were openly stating they were Socialist. but by the 90's the rot had set in. They set the deception ground work out to entice idiots and trash to vote for them. but then when the trap is set the dregs will not get any oil for their squeak, they were used as porn's. the stupid uninformed dupes are looking to a utopia :rolleyes: they are off with the pixies, they never have their feet on the ground. they are simpletons working towards a childish pathetic whim. If one sets out in business with such delusional actions they fail totally.
Fact is Russia dosent have same sex marriage, homosexuality being taught in the schools to kids, or rainbow flag parades in the streets, 80% of Russians openly support the laws regarding homosexuality, hows that a bad thing?

Russia has no issues with defund the police, gender equity, transgenderism, Antifa burning down cities, it has a conservative approach in society, influenced by the orthodox church

The western world is brainwashed by the evil leftist main stream media concerning Russia, and I'm no Putin sympathizer
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The people of Crimea democratically voted to join the Russian Federation, and they still oppose Ukranian rule
Then why did NATO call it an "illegal annexation"? And why did Russia send in operatives to pretend to be Crimeans when they were not? Do you really believe that Russia has changed from the Soviet-style occupation and propaganda that used to take place?

"On 18 March 2014, Russian forces in Crimea staged a referendum to try to legitimise their permanent occupation and annexation of the peninsula to the Russian Federation. The troops had been moving into Crimea since 27 February, after so-called volunteers took control of government buildings there. Soon, Russia would instigate other incidents in Ukraine: in Odessa, Luhansk, Sloviansk, Kharkiv, and Donetsk, pro-Russian action groups – supported and organised by Russia’s military intelligence services – tried to incite further revolts against the government in Kyiv. They were supported by clandestine military operations designed to break up Ukraine.

While these events are well documented, Ukrainians’ reaction to them receives little attention in the West. The dominant narrative on the crisis is that the interim government that took over after President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country needed time to take charge of its duties – and that Ukraine’s military and law enforcement agencies, being in a dismal state, were largely unable to react to the swift Russian military intervention.

While this is true, it is only a part of the picture. By mid-March 2014, Russia had already assembled troops on the Ukrainian-Russian border. And, by mid-April, the West was speculating about the prospect of a full-scale invasion. The Russian military build-up was reinforced by the mobilisation of personnel from the Russian ‘power’ ministries – the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Emergency Situations – who would be suitable for tasks they would carry out as occupying forces. Hence, at the time, Kyiv feared the worst, and there was little that it or the West could have done to foil Russia’s plans (especially at short notice)."

Waves of ambition: Russia’s military build-up in Crimea and the Black Sea

This is not posted to support Biden's nonsense, since he wanted a war in Ukraine to distract attention from his war on America. He's been talking "Ukraine" ever since his administration has failed in every way. And Biden should really be behind bars.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Then why did NATO call it an "illegal annexation"? And why did Russia send in operatives to pretend to be Crimeans when they were not? Do you really believe that Russia has changed from the Soviet-style occupation and propaganda that used to take place?

"On 18 March 2014, Russian forces in Crimea staged a referendum to try to legitimise their permanent occupation and annexation of the peninsula to the Russian Federation. The troops had been moving into Crimea since 27 February, after so-called volunteers took control of government buildings there. Soon, Russia would instigate other incidents in Ukraine: in Odessa, Luhansk, Sloviansk, Kharkiv, and Donetsk, pro-Russian action groups – supported and organised by Russia’s military intelligence services – tried to incite further revolts against the government in Kyiv. They were supported by clandestine military operations designed to break up Ukraine.

While these events are well documented, Ukrainians’ reaction to them receives little attention in the West. The dominant narrative on the crisis is that the interim government that took over after President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country needed time to take charge of its duties – and that Ukraine’s military and law enforcement agencies, being in a dismal state, were largely unable to react to the swift Russian military intervention.

While this is true, it is only a part of the picture. By mid-March 2014, Russia had already assembled troops on the Ukrainian-Russian border. And, by mid-April, the West was speculating about the prospect of a full-scale invasion. The Russian military build-up was reinforced by the mobilisation of personnel from the Russian ‘power’ ministries – the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Emergency Situations – who would be suitable for tasks they would carry out as occupying forces. Hence, at the time, Kyiv feared the worst, and there was little that it or the West could have done to foil Russia’s plans (especially at short notice)."

Waves of ambition: Russia’s military build-up in Crimea and the Black Sea

This is not posted to support Biden's nonsense, since he wanted a war in Ukraine to distract attention from his war on America. He's been talking "Ukraine" ever since his administration has failed in every way. And Biden should really be behind bars.
Those that inhabit Crimea relish in the government of Putin over the corruption in Ukraine

NATO is the aggressor, putting Putin in a corner, the western world media and liberal governments are the enemy, with Canada's Trudeau being a prime example of tyranny against the people, having Bidens full support

It's the Liberals that stole to 2020 election, that tried to abolish the filibuster, pack the supreme court, make Puerto Rico and DC states, defund the police, supported Antifa burning and looting cities, same sex marriage and homosexuality in the streets, being pushed on elementary school kids

Yes it's the Liberals in the world that are the enemy, and Russia is a conservative state in many aspects of its society as mentioned previously

China is the world's enemy, Russia is the least of the world's problems, as the media creates diversion with smoke and mirrors propaganda
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Active Member
Jan 29, 2022
United States
Imagine American kids going into war and dying in a foreign country we have no business being in, who cares about oil prices

America needs to take care of its own border, that's seen illegals and drugs pour in without enforcement, flying illegals around the country with taxpayer dollars, criminal!
With a Democrat in highest office it's very possible we'll see our troops going to war in Ukraine. Makes no sense. We'll fight an invasion in a foreign country and let our borders be over run and even reward the runners. Which is an open invitation to others to follow suit.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
With a Democrat in highest office it's very possible we'll see our troops going to war in Ukraine. Makes no sense. We'll fight an invasion in a foreign country and let our borders be over run and even reward the runners. Which is an open invitation to others to follow suit.
Biden and the Leftist Democrats have sealed their fates for 2022 & 2024, a war in Ukraine will just dig a deeper grave
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Active Member
Jan 29, 2022
United States
Biden and the Leftist Democrats have sealed their fates for 2022 & 2024, a war in Ukraine will just dig a deeper grave
Before how many American soldier lives are put there before them? Digging a grave for votes isn't the same as bad politicians laying out a grave for soldiers who are the pawns in the game of worldly powers.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
NATO is the aggressor, putting Putin in a corner...
Putin would not be put in a corner if he were not the aggressor first.

First Russia went in Afghanistan, then into Chechnya, then into Crimea, then into Ukraine, then into Syria. Why did Putin not simply focus on putting Russia on a solid democratic and economic footing? Because all he cares about is himself. He does not care about the Russian people at all.

The money that Putin has wasted on military adventures could have made Russia into a very stable and peaceful nation, since no one is interested in invading Russia. But no. He put down every effort to have a democracy, manipulated the elections, made himself Tsar of Russia against the wishes of his people, and now he is playing head games with the Americans and the Ukrainians, while assassinating his opponents.

NATO has never gone into other countries claiming their territories, so how can NATO be "the aggressor"? It is meant for defense not offense, and even then has done an extremely poor job.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
First Russia went in Afghanistan, then into Chechnya, then into Crimea, then into Ukraine, then into Syria. Why did Putin not simply focus on putting Russia on a solid democratic and economic footing? Because all he cares about is himself. He does not care about the Russian people at all.

Some might say the same about the US and it's politicians sending soldiers to places overseas.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Some might say the same about the US and it's politicians sending soldiers to places overseas.
True. The only difference is that the US troops never went to annex any territory. But Putin would love to take back absolutely all the countries which were within the Soviet Union. He is a megalomaniac*.

*1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
I am not here to defend Putin or glorify his actions.
All I am saying the western nations are not much better with their international actions.
As far as I can remember Iraq is still in a mess and so are most other countries, such as Afghanastan.
The only war claiming victory was in Kuweit. Anyhow.....it's a mess all over and it will not change till Christ returns.
The Book of Revelations is where you find the future.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Putin would not be put in a corner if he were not the aggressor first.

First Russia went in Afghanistan, then into Chechnya, then into Crimea, then into Ukraine, then into Syria. Why did Putin not simply focus on putting Russia on a solid democratic and economic footing? Because all he cares about is himself. He does not care about the Russian people at all.

The money that Putin has wasted on military adventures could have made Russia into a very stable and peaceful nation, since no one is interested in invading Russia. But no. He put down every effort to have a democracy, manipulated the elections, made himself Tsar of Russia against the wishes of his people, and now he is playing head games with the Americans and the Ukrainians, while assassinating his opponents.

NATO has never gone into other countries claiming their territories, so how can NATO be "the aggressor"? It is meant for defense not offense, and even then has done an extremely poor job.
NATO, EU, and the West are the aggressors, and I'm 100% American bleeding ,red, white, and blue!

Ukraine and its government is everything you accuse Putin of beyond corrupt, I could post untold surveys and polls "Corrupt"!

Crimeans in the vast majority 80%+ enjoy their return to the Russian Federation, that has benefited their lives in a positive direction

The Forbes article showing the "Gallup Poll" taken 7 years ago says it all, it's the "Aggressive West" at the core of the problem, Crimeans want to be left alone!

One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev
Mar 20, 2015

The U.S and European Union may want to save Crimeans from themselves. But the Crimeans are happy right where they are.

One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that the locals there — be they Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars are mostly all in agreement: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.

Little has changed over the last 12 months. Despite huge efforts on the part of Kiev, Brussels, Washington and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the bulk of humanity living on the Black Sea peninsula believe the referendum to secede from Ukraine was legit. At some point, the West will have to recognize Crimea’s right to self rule. Unless we are all to believe that the locals polled by Gallup and GfK were done so with FSB bogey men standing by with guns in their hands.

In June 2014, a Gallup poll with the Broadcasting Board of Governors asked Crimeans if the results in the March 16, 2014 referendum to secede reflected the views of the people. A total of 82.8% of Crimeans said yes. When broken down by ethnicity, 93.6% of ethnic Russians said they believed the vote to secede was legitimate, while 68.4% of Ukrainians felt so. Moreover, when asked if joining Russia will ultimately make life better for them and their family, 73.9% said yes while 5.5% said no.

In February 2015, a poll by German polling firm GfK revealed that attitudes have not changed. When asked “Do you endorse Russia’s annexation of Crimea?”, a total of 82% of the respondents answered “yes, definitely,” and another 11% answered “yes, for the most part.” Only 2% said they didn’t know, and another 2% said no. Three percent did not specify their position.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
True. The only difference is that the US troops never went to annex any territory. But Putin would love to take back absolutely all the countries which were within the Soviet Union. He is a megalomaniac*.

*1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.
Western Warmongers And The Main Stream Media Are The Megalomaniac's

Your claim is in ignorance of historical facts

The US has taken part in overthrowing whole countries, Libya is a prime example

Obama sat off the coast of Libya and sent in 112 tomahawk missiles on day one, in starting the overthrowing of Gaddafi, and turning the country over to the "Muslim Brotherhood" beyond "Evil", leaving the country in shambles!

U.S. Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Hit Targets in Libya

Pentagon: 112 Missiles Fired at More Than 20 Targets Inside Libya

March 19, 2011
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Putin would not be put in a corner if he were not the aggressor first.

First Russia went in Afghanistan, then into Chechnya, then into Crimea, then into Ukraine, then into Syria. Why did Putin not simply focus on putting Russia on a solid democratic and economic footing? Because all he cares about is himself. He does not care about the Russian people at all.

The money that Putin has wasted on military adventures could have made Russia into a very stable and peaceful nation, since no one is interested in invading Russia. But no. He put down every effort to have a democracy, manipulated the elections, made himself Tsar of Russia against the wishes of his people, and now he is playing head games with the Americans and the Ukrainians, while assassinating his opponents.

NATO has never gone into other countries claiming their territories, so how can NATO be "the aggressor"? It is meant for defense not offense, and even then has done an extremely poor job.
Yes Putin moved to Stamp Out Terrorism, Just As The US Did After 911

The Atlantic
Understanding Chechen Terrorism

Is there a connection to Islamic extremism?

By Max Fisher
MARCH 29, 2010

Following this morning's brutal suicide bombings in the Moscow subway, the world's attention is once again turning to Chechnya. Since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, the small Russian province in the outer reaches of the Caucasus mountains has been torn apart by cycles of warfare between the Russian military and separatist rebels. Though in 2009 Russia declared the war officially over, a low-level guerrilla resistance still plagues the province, and Chechen terrorists have launched several high-profile strikes in Russia.

Monday's attack, the most violent in years, is generating global attention in part because most Chechens are Sunni Muslim, raising concerns that they would link up with Muslim terrorists in groups like al-Qaeda. Substantial connections between Chechen separatists and al-Qaeda have been difficult to prove, however, and the Chechen goal of independence would mesh poorly with al-Qaeda's aim of global Muslim rule. Here's what observers are able to piece together:

  • The Security of Authoritarianism The New York Times' Ellen Barry says most Russians have "lost the jittery reflexes of a decade when Russians refused to board airplanes beside a veiled woman, or waited for the last train car because they assumed suicide bombers would get on at the front. That fear reshaped the Russian state at the beginning of this decade." Could it be resurfacing? Barry reports onlookers at the attack are already calling for "a crackdown" and pining for the days of Josef Stalin, with whose leadership, says one Russian, "none of this would be going on."
  • Who Are The Black Widows? The U.K. Telegraph's Andrew Osborn surveys the violence wrought by Chechen female suicide attackers, like those who struck the Moscow subway. The name, Black Widows, is a creation of the press for any female Chechen terrorist. "[2004] was a bloody year for Russia. Black widows blew up two passenger planes that took off from Moscow airport, bombed the Moscow metro twice, and took part in the infamous siege of Beslan's School Number One. Hundreds of innocent civilians, including children, lost their lives in the carnage."
  • Similar Tactics to Al-Qaeda No connection yet, but conservative blogger Ed Morrissey worries it could happen. "AQ has been known to use women in their attacks, mainly in Iraq. AQ has also used burqas as a ruse to hide men. While the Chechnyan conflict started off as a political rebellion, it has been an Islamist affair for most of the last several years."
  • More Islamic Terrorists Than Separatist Rebels Conservative blogger Rusty Shackleford suspects the attackers are coming to emphasize religious extremism over sectarian concerns. "This isn't a 'Chechen' problem. This is an 'Islamic Emirate in the Caucuses' problem." He says a website that serves as the rebels' mouthpiece, the Kavkaz Center, "openly supports terrorism and raises funds for Islamist terrorists in Russia."
In the spring of 2009, Doku Umarov, the current leader of the al Qaeda-linked Caucasus Emirate, reignited the Chechen insurgency by launching a wave of suicide attacks in the Caucasus and broadening the battle beyond the Chechen border. In April 2009, Umarov revived the Riyad-us-Saliheen martyr brigade, which has spearheaded the assault.

The Riyad-us-Saliheen martyr brigade's most recent successful operation was the wounding of the president of the Republic of Ingushetia in June of 2009.

A cell associated with Sayeed Buryatsky, the slain ideologue of Caucasus Emirate, may have carried out today's attack. On March 2, Russian security forces killed Buryatsky and five other terrorists during a raid in Ingushetia. Buryatsky was the mufti for the Caucasus Emirate.

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Putin would not be put in a corner if he were not the aggressor first.

First Russia went in Afghanistan, then into Chechnya, then into Crimea, then into Ukraine, then into Syria. Why did Putin not simply focus on putting Russia on a solid democratic and economic footing? Because all he cares about is himself. He does not care about the Russian people at all.

The money that Putin has wasted on military adventures could have made Russia into a very stable and peaceful nation, since no one is interested in invading Russia. But no. He put down every effort to have a democracy, manipulated the elections, made himself Tsar of Russia against the wishes of his people, and now he is playing head games with the Americans and the Ukrainians, while assassinating his opponents.

NATO has never gone into other countries claiming their territories, so how can NATO be "the aggressor"? It is meant for defense not offense, and even then has done an extremely poor job.
I would say that Putin has done a extremely good job in Russia, one of the main problems is the USA all along in regards to Putin.

The USA has not let Putin get to do putting Russia on the path that we all thought should of happened when the Wall came down.

Now that act in bring Russia out from under Communist rule is a bloody hard task ! That's for sure because one has to remember how Russians think and their culture, but we see our MSM just poo poo such with no regard at all, because MSM are idiots or depraved or just pathetic morons who have no regards for such in depth understandings. as They just blurt out simplistic nonsense all the time with no regards to the reality of peoples cultures.

The USA politicly has been shocking to the Russian people, in not trying to embrace them from when the Wall fell, so they have instilled so much deist trust of the USA ! forever I would now say.
They will never trust or look up to what the USA has become nowadays as well. So what hope do we have.

Well I have listened to many Russians who came here and I have worked with such people from the East, I know how they think, they are not like us Haha ! Oh boy. But getting on there Goat is not a wise thing to do, if they do not like you they will shut such people out directly! you have to come to understand them, even if we do not see eye to eye.

When I was contracting I would be dealing with all sorts of Nationality's and some Aussies would say, Why do you talk to that bastard.
The typical Aussie would just lock horns with such people and would never try to understand them. but I will and have agued with them till the cows come home but we get along fine, the East like honesty and people who will stand up for themselves, they do not fall apart and go off to sook like a spoilt brat. but they can be bloody funny bastards as well. Australian word for bastard in this way is not what USA or UK may think is.
I have been in tears laughing at what they have said or done or what they were on about, even years after bringing such up with one who was their.

Jo Biden is a monumental idiot, just look at how he deals with things, coming the tough guy, a wimp playing the big man ! when he does not understand the real human side of issues, such is all black and white on paper.
I have came across people like that pen pushes who lack touch with human interaction.
not to mention a lot of Socialist are like that.
D J Trump on the other hand has a great understanding on human interaction but the lefty's can not fathom such intelligent mastery because they are mute on that level, simple minded dolts ! they can not communicate with relevance on that level. they think such is stupid, only because they can not fathom such and such people could not run their own business themselves because they are ignorant on so many levels, that it's not funny and if they do they are monumental pigs who only get by due to standing over people, making threats and dictating such that people live in fear of them. not to mention such as they love to do that.

I had a Builder mate say, your a big bloke, why don't you stand over people ? Well fact is that's one thing that I absolutely totally despise in anyone.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I never thought that when the Wall came down that it would come to this.
I was happy as when the Wall came down, looking to a good future for all to mend and get along.
Good riddance to Communism I said ! such was Hell.
But the bastards fed the Bastard system building up Communist China and cause only trouble with Russia and gladly stirring up trouble on so many levels.
They fed North Korea Communism with USA tax payers money to prop the bastard up, so it would not fail.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I would say that Putin has done a extremely good job in Russia, one of the main problems is the USA all along in regards to Putin.

The USA has not let Putin get to do putting Russia on the path that we all thought should of happened when the Wall came down.

Now that act in bring Russia out from under Communist rule is a bloody hard task ! That's for sure because one has to remember how Russians think and their culture, but we see our MSM just poo poo such with no regard at all, because MSM are idiots or depraved or just pathetic morons who have no regards for such in depth understandings. as They just blurt out simplistic nonsense all the time with no regards to the reality of peoples cultures.

The USA politicly has been shocking to the Russian people, in not trying to embrace them from when the Wall fell, so they have instilled so much deist trust of the USA ! forever I would now say.
They will never trust or look up to what the USA has become nowadays as well. So what hope do we have.

Well I have listened to many Russians who came here and I have worked with such people from the East, I know how they think, they are not like us Haha ! Oh boy. But getting on there Goat is not a wise thing to do, if they do not like you they will shut such people out directly! you have to come to understand them, even if we do not see eye to eye.

When I was contracting I would be dealing with all sorts of Nationality's and some Aussies would say, Why do you talk to that bastard.
The typical Aussie would just lock horns with such people and would never try to understand them. but I will and have agued with them till the cows come home but we get along fine, the East like honesty and people who will stand up for themselves, they do not fall apart and go off to sook like a spoilt brat. but they can be bloody funny bastards as well. Australian word for bastard in this way is not what USA or UK may think is.
I have been in tears laughing at what they have said or done or what they were on about, even years after bringing such up with one who was their.

Jo Biden is a monumental idiot, just look at how he deals with things, coming the tough guy, a wimp playing the big man ! when he does not understand the real human side of issues, such is all black and white on paper.
I have came across people like that pen pushes who lack touch with human interaction.
not to mention a lot of Socialist are like that.
D J Trump on the other hand has a great understanding on human interaction but the lefty's can not fathom such intelligent mastery because they are mute on that level, simple minded dolts ! they can not communicate with relevance on that level. they think such is stupid, only because they can not fathom such and such people could not run their own business themselves because they are ignorant on so many levels, that it's not funny and if they do they are monumental pigs who only get by due to standing over people, making threats and dictating such that people live in fear of them. not to mention such as they love to do that.

I had a Builder mate say, your a big bloke, why don't you stand over people ? Well fact is that's one thing that I absolutely totally despise in anyone.
I Agree Reggie, the iron curtain fell and the western world has shut Putin out

Putin is delivering Gas at 1/3 the price of the competetion, and the countries are benefiting in lower electrical and heating costs

The same warmonger haters that complain about Putin, are doing so on a Chinese computer or phone, as they watch a big screen TV from dictators Xi Jinping's communist China

I fully agree the eastern block countries are a different breed, I have known many Romanians, Hungarians, Russians, who haven't been corrupted by a western society

I talked to a Romanian contractor two nights ago, he said he never saw homosexuality in the news or in the streets until he came to America, let alone same sex marriage, same applies to Russians

Putin is 100% in the right, as NATO, USA, EU, and the western world are the Aggressors

Yes the liberal evil west wants to infiltrate and destroy the conservative society in the eastern block, it isn't going to happen

Love the Hungarian President recently standing firm against the UN and world, concerning homosexuality and Immigration, a christian man unwavering!

We are a Christian country!

Jesus Is The Lord
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