Putins Approval Rating In Russia Soars At 85%, Dont Believe The MSM Propaganda Claiming Otherwise

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
My source is Hamburg Germany based (Statista) Putin is presently polling at 85% approval

The question is, do you really believe the western world MSM propaganda claiming otherwise?

Wikipedia: Statista is a German online platform that specializes in data gathering and visualization. In addition to publicly available third-party data, Statista also provides exclusive data via the platform, which is collected through its team's surveys and analysis.

Vladimir Putin's approval rating in Russia monthly 1999-2023​

Published by Statista Research Department, Jan 10, 2024

In December 2023, over eight out of ten percent of Russians approved of the activities of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The popularity level was six percentage points higher than in September 2022, when the figure declined following the announcement of a partial mobilization in the country. After Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February 2022, the approval rating increased. During the COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, the figure declined.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
My source is Hamburg Germany based (Statista) Putin is presently polling at 85% approval

The question is, do you really believe the western world MSM propaganda claiming otherwise?

Wikipedia: Statista is a German online platform that specializes in data gathering and visualization. In addition to publicly available third-party data, Statista also provides exclusive data via the platform, which is collected through its team's surveys and analysis.

Vladimir Putin's approval rating in Russia monthly 1999-2023​

Published by Statista Research Department, Jan 10, 2024

In December 2023, over eight out of ten percent of Russians approved of the activities of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The popularity level was six percentage points higher than in September 2022, when the figure declined following the announcement of a partial mobilization in the country. After Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February 2022, the approval rating increased. During the COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, the figure declined.
It would be good if we could listen and see everything what goes on in Russia political from as well as the peoples view point as well openly.
But the West does not let such openness to be seen !
Maybe The West may wake up to see that we are being taken for fools by our Governments and MSM ?

A War is being waged on everyone ! and such has been going on for years ! it's to try and undermine the people Period !
As a disgusting revolting filthy world overlord demands it's way to controlling all under Satan in fact !

The real War is not in regards with Russia at all ! That's not the problem in fact !

The problem is with deception and delusions ! that's what we have to call out ! that's the real issue in fact ! and we are loosing that big time !

Joe Biden has worked to create the Wars in Israel and Ukraine in fact ! it's all his baby ! Socialist gods that's the real agenda !
Biden is working to undermine the right wing in Israel and have Socialism dominate over Israel in fact ! and that means the end of Israel ! or any hope of such becoming worthy of such down the track.

Joe Biden is truly working to undermine Israel !

How can their be a 2 State solution, such in this case will only lead to becoming more toxic down the track and anyone who thinks it's the answer to peace, just does not understand the real issues faced everyday.

Sure Ukraine Zelensky says that Ukraine will become Big Israel !
So Biden wants Ukraine to become the new Israel State as well ? for they know that it will not work out well for the Jews where they are now ? So it looks like small Israel may be able to be in the Area but not as a People living in the Area ?

The whole World is against Israel as it stands ? why is that ! why the 180 degree turnaround ? in a blink of an eye, by the MSM and Governments ?
Why the total hatred spewed out by Political around the world dictating over the State of Israel ? but that's by their definition of an Anti-Semitic ! For they are discriminating against the Jews ! you are not allowed to do one thing against the Jews regardless of you are dubbed an Anti-Semite ? so is it ok for them in Government to do such but not you all ? is that it ? I thought that the Jews could never do wrong regardless and to say a peep regardless was no allowed true or not ? who peddled that ? well the same ilk that claims that the Truth is of no value everything is subjective ? Socialism 101 of Lunacy ! for they reject Truth ! =Satanic in fact !

Sure the NWO wants only Socialist States and their is no room for anything other !

So the Socialist Jews in Israel have worked to undermined the Israel State in fact ! That's their War ! they brought it on ! let it happen ! world wide Socialism is a huge force demanding domination over the whole world !

Russia does not want to go back under Socialism again and the Polish people etc do not want that blight on them again !

Every one who truly understands Socialism and has lived under such does not want it at all, unless you are a sadist who takes pleasure out of dominating over others 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2024
United States
You really care about this issue having the exact same thread on two forums...

Are you Russian? Or is this issue somehow personal for you?

I'm just curious...

(Palestinian Israel issues are personal for me even though I don't live there, so I was just wondering.)

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You really care about this issue having the exact same thread on two forums...

Are you Russian? Or is this issue somehow personal for you?

I'm just curious...

(Palestinian Israel issues are personal for me even though I don't live there, so I was just wondering.)
Who are you talking to ?

If it's me, No i am not Russian at all and i hate Russians because of Communism i grew up hating Russians because of Communism.

I have worked with Russians for many years as a Contractor i got about a lot so i came across such people and, did i like them ? No ! but hey i talked to them and argued a lot with them ! but sure we got along fine ! as i am not a dude who runs away or can not handle such issues. I stand my ground and i try to listen to their side of the argument, so as to speak freely ! A lot of Aussies can not handle talking to Russians because they get scared ? or are to gutless to deal with them.
So Many Aussies may get the wrong idea because the Russians do not respect them at all, in regards to being a real Man ?

When the Russian Communist Walls came down ! I wanted to welcome them into our world and so that we would end the conflict ! And all was going smoothly on the right track ! and sure i knew that their would be issues along the way in fact, But Putin did a fantastic Job in bringing Russia out of the hell of Communism, no one could of done that so well in fact, Putin has the brain power to deliver ! Now lets look to the rest of the worlds leadership ? not one person in any Government leadership could hold a candle to Putin in fact, they do not come even close in fact.
Now the Russian people do not think like the West ? so one has to try and understand them ? and not just be a total goose about them and dismiss everything about them with total disregard. That's what the West MSM do, with total absolute full on racial prejudice rat bag antics, so the Cancel Culture rears it's monster head and it's all about undermining the Russian 24/7

So anything that is not New age Satanic Politically Correct is the Enemy ! and we see this insanity peddled on the President of the USA Trump 24/7 outright attacks full on 24/7 like a total degenerate brat kid ! It's sickening depraved what they peddle on Trump, such is way out of control !
What the Socialist do to Trump is what they will do to the Public in fact ! if they can do what they do to Trump, it will be easy to do the same to you all, Hitler did the same to the Germans and Stalin did the same to all of the East in fact and they as a Government got away with all such in fact ! And that's what i oppose Governments who are corrupt has hell lording it over the People like a mongrel dog !

You know we do not have to like other people, but if one has Grace then one can get along well with others, that's the key !
For if one has not Grace you are not worthy of God in fact, but are a Slave to the working of Satan in fact, lead astray by the delusion and deceptions of the Anti-Christ ! Such is so disgusting that Bible points that such a one would be better to hand a mill stone around such a one neck and toss it into the sea. Why well because when such a one dies their Sole is Lost and fallen short of the Glory of why we were created in fact. for such is a Curse to themselves and all around them, they bring hell on earth Wars and everything that is Godless.

I for one will open my arms to all for their sake and that's why Russia was to me a hope for the future ?
But Joe Biden has stabbed all that and put us back years for any true trust to eventuate ! it's the stupidest thing that Biden has ever done !
It's bad for the People of the USA as it is for the rest of the world ! down the track in fact !
Biden is setting the USA up to fall on every angle that one could think of in fact, undermining morality ! for he has no morality at all in fact ! He is pure Evil ! You know that the Devil comes across as a real nice dude, he will give you everything ? He told Jesus that he would give him everything, but Jesus turned around and exposed the Devil.

We have to learn how to deal with people like that ! i have come across many like so in my contracting days, they were the overly nice people at first, but i learnt the hard way, but i learned how to sniff them out and keep them out of my way best as i could for i knew their traits.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
As for Palestinian and Israel issues. They are Not under Grace in fact !
So it's the old Eye for an Eye degenerates, no one can save them, not even God ! for they are truly Godless in fact !

Regards the worthy Jews ? if they truly with Holy Moses their is hope for them ! for they could come to Christ Jesus in fact !

Look i am from a Jewish blood line and have a Jewish sirname, but if one is not truly born again then one is not worthy of God in fact. but one could have hope and is seeking the road to such ? as i was not truly born again until i was 33 yo but i was seeking God and devout on the mission ! but i was of this world ? that being as Jesus pointed out, is Full of Deceptions and Delusions, the Priest of the Church's that i went to were all about their own denomination first and foremost, sadly ! So i came out from them and to Christ Jesus.

Jesus said that people will reap what they sow ! it's true and many get hurt in the crossfire because of Godless people.

I support the Jews in the State because they were attacked like that ! and they are always under attacks from such trash and that's why they had to build the Wall etc etc. so it can never be a 2 State solution when one side is being like savage's !
Sure the Jews are not nice in the State, but what do you expect from a people who have no Grace.

One day they both may wake up to themselves and see where the true problem lies, within themselves in fact ! This is why they need Christ Jesus in fact, for outside of Christ Jesus one is a enslaved by that monster in fact ! it's an abomination in fact !

The real Israelite are born again Christians in fact ! As the Worthy Jews were the first Christians in fact !

Jesus says that you must be born again ! it's a fact.